        public static async Task <SingleKeyRelationship> ToData(CdmE2ERelationship instance, ResolveOptions resOpt, CopyOptions options)
            var fromAttribute = new AttributeReference
                EntityName    = GetEntityName(instance.FromEntity),
                AttributeName = instance.FromEntityAttribute

            var toAttribute = new AttributeReference
                EntityName    = GetEntityName(instance.ToEntity),
                AttributeName = instance.ToEntityAttribute

            var result = new SingleKeyRelationship
                Type          = "SingleKeyRelationship",
                Description   = instance.Explanation,
                Name          = instance.Name,
                FromAttribute = fromAttribute,
                ToAttribute   = toAttribute

            Utils.ProcessTraitsAndAnnotationsToData(instance.Ctx, result, instance.ExhibitsTraits);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of <see cref="Model"/> with huge content.
        /// This is used to test the serializer performance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dimension">The dimension of the desired class. This actually controls the number of elements in the lists of the <see cref="Model"/></param>
        /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="Model"/> that contains many <see cref="SingleKeyRelationship"/> and <see cref="ReferenceModel"/>.</returns>
        private Model CreateHugeModel(int dimension)
            var ret = new Model();

            ret.Description = "The description of the Entity";
            ret.LastChildFileModifiedTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            ret.LastFileStatusCheckTime   = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            ret.Name            = "The name of the entity";
            ret.ReferenceModels = new List <ReferenceModel>();
            for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                var referenceModel = new ReferenceModel()
                    Id       = "ReferenceModel Id no " + i,
                    Location = "Location no" + i
            ret.Relationships = new List <SingleKeyRelationship>();
            for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                var extensionFields = new JObject();
                for (int j = 1; j < 3; j++)
                    extensionFields.TryAdd("extension " + j, "value of extension " + j + " for relationship " + i);

                var relationship = new SingleKeyRelationship()
                    FromAttribute = new AttributeReference()
                        EntityName    = "FromAttribute.EntityName no " + i,
                        AttributeName = "FromAttribute.AttributeName no" + i
                    ToAttribute = new AttributeReference()
                        EntityName    = "ToAttribute.EntityName no" + i,
                        AttributeName = "ToAttribute.AttributeName" + i
                    Type            = "Type of Realtionship no " + i,
                    Name            = "Name of Realtionship no " + i,
                    Description     = "Description of Relatioship no " + i,
                    ExtensionFields = extensionFields
        public static async Task <CdmE2ERelationship> FromData(CdmCorpusContext ctx, SingleKeyRelationship obj, Dictionary <string, string> entitySchemaByName)
            // TODO: re-add this once Dan's serializer is merged.
            // The type attribute is not being set by the default serializer because of the Order property.
            // Since we just have one type for now this should be okay.

            /*if (obj.Type != "SingleKeyRelationship")
             * {
             *  // We don't have any other type of a relationship yet!
             *  return null;
             * }*/

            if (!entitySchemaByName.ContainsKey(obj.FromAttribute.EntityName))
                Logger.Warning(ctx, Tag, nameof(FromData), null, CdmLogCode.WarnPersistRelUndefinedSourceEntity, obj.FromAttribute.EntityName);


            if (!entitySchemaByName.ContainsKey(obj.ToAttribute.EntityName))
                Logger.Warning(ctx, Tag, nameof(FromData), null, CdmLogCode.WarnPersistRelUndefinedTargetEntity);


            var relationship = ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmE2ERelationship>(CdmObjectType.E2ERelationshipDef, obj.Name);

            await Utils.ProcessAnnotationsFromData(ctx, obj, relationship.ExhibitsTraits);

            relationship.Explanation         = obj.Description;
            relationship.FromEntity          = entitySchemaByName[obj.FromAttribute.EntityName];
            relationship.ToEntity            = entitySchemaByName[obj.ToAttribute.EntityName];
            relationship.FromEntityAttribute = obj.FromAttribute.AttributeName;
            relationship.ToEntityAttribute   = obj.ToAttribute.AttributeName;
