         * Creates a basic {@link Network} with 1 {@link Region} and 1 {@link PALayer}. However
         * this basic network contains all algorithmic components.
         * @return  a basic Network
        internal Network.Network CreateBasicNetwork()
            Parameters p = NetworkDemoHarness.GetParameters();

            p = p.Union(NetworkDemoHarness.GetNetworkDemoTestEncoderParams());

            // This is how easy it is to create a full running Network!
            var sineData = SineGenerator.GenerateSineWave(100, 100 * 20, 10, 1)
                           .Select(s => s.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));

            string[] header = new[]

            object[]     n     = { "sine", header.Union(sineData).ToObservable() };
            SensorParams parms = SensorParams.Create(SensorParams.Keys.Obs, n);
            Sensor <ObservableSensor <string[]> > sensor = Sensor <ObservableSensor <string[]> > .Create(ObservableSensor <string[]> .Create, parms);

            return(Network.Network.Create("Network API Demo", p)
                   .Add(Network.Network.CreateRegion("Region 1")
                        .Add(Network.Network.CreateLayer("Layer 2/3", p)
                             .AlterParameter(Parameters.KEY.AUTO_CLASSIFY, true)
                             .Add(new TemporalMemory())
                             .Add(new Algorithms.SpatialPooler())
        public override List <SignalSample> GetSamples()
            SineGenerator sine    = new SineGenerator(0.2d, 2d, 1d, 90d);
            SignalSampler sampler = new SignalSampler(sine);

            return(sampler.GetSamples(20d, 0.1d));
 public void TestSampling()
     foreach (double sample in SineGenerator.GenerateSineWave(100, 100, 10, 1))
         Assert.AreEqual(0, sample, 10.0);
        public void CanCreateWaveOutDevice()
            WaveOut waveOut = new WaveOut();
            var     source  = new SineGenerator().ToWaveSource(16);

        public void ApplyTest()
            int n          = 16384;
            int sampleRate = 1000;

            double f1 = 22;
            double f2 = 300;

            Signal cosine = new CosineGenerator(f1, 1, sampleRate).Generate(n);
            Signal sine   = new SineGenerator(f2, 1, sampleRate).Generate(n);

            var merge = new AddFilter(cosine);

            merge.Normalize = true;
            Signal original = merge.Apply(sine);

            var of1 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, original, f1);
            var of2 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, original, f2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2.1919473889115457E-05, of1, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(2.9269612275882952E-05, of2, 1e-8);

            Signal lowFiltered1 = new LowPassFilter(f1, sampleRate).Apply(original);
            Signal lowFiltered2 = new LowPassFilter(f2, sampleRate).Apply(original);

            Signal highFiltered1 = new HighPassFilter(f1, sampleRate).Apply(original);
            Signal highFiltered2 = new HighPassFilter(f2, sampleRate).Apply(original);

            var lf11 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, lowFiltered1, f1);
            var lf12 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, lowFiltered1, f2);

            Assert.AreEqual(1.5008301894378632E-05, lf11, 1e-8); // should be higher
            Assert.AreEqual(2.33561994410787E-06, lf12, 1e-8);
            Assert.IsTrue(lf11 > lf12);

            var lf21 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, lowFiltered2, f1);
            var lf22 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, lowFiltered2, f2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2.1754311480113727E-05, lf21, 1e-8); // should not have much difference
            Assert.AreEqual(1.6551627449395776E-05, lf22, 1e-8);

            var hf11 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, highFiltered1, f1);
            var hf12 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, highFiltered1, f2);

            Assert.AreEqual(1.4979563644182712E-05, hf11, 1e-8);  // should not have much difference
            Assert.AreEqual(2.7342436340623498E-05, hf12, 1e-8);

            var hf21 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, highFiltered2, f1);
            var hf22 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, highFiltered2, f2);

            Assert.AreEqual(1.5938293048394034E-06, hf21, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.420896515288728E-05, hf22, 1e-8); // should be higher
            Assert.IsTrue(hf22 > hf21);

            Assert.AreEqual(16384, cosine.Duration.TotalMilliseconds);
            Assert.AreEqual(16384, sine.Duration.TotalMilliseconds);
            Assert.AreEqual(16384, original.Duration.TotalMilliseconds);
        public void ApplyTest()
            int n          = 16384;
            int sampleRate = 1000;

            double f1 = 22;
            double f2 = 300;

            Signal cosine = new CosineGenerator(f1, 1, sampleRate).Generate(n);
            Signal sine   = new SineGenerator(f2, 1, sampleRate).Generate(n);

            var merge = new AddFilter(cosine);

            merge.Normalize = true;
            Signal original = merge.Apply(sine);

            var of1 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, original, f1);
            var of2 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, original, f2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.359128660199268, of1, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.47955332752802149, of2, 1e-8);

            Signal lowFiltered1 = new LowPassFilter(f1, sampleRate).Apply(original);
            Signal lowFiltered2 = new LowPassFilter(f2, sampleRate).Apply(original);

            Signal highFiltered1 = new HighPassFilter(f1, sampleRate).Apply(original);
            Signal highFiltered2 = new HighPassFilter(f2, sampleRate).Apply(original);

            var lf11 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, lowFiltered1, f1);
            var lf12 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, lowFiltered1, f2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.24589601823749971, lf11, 1e-8); // should be higher
            Assert.AreEqual(0.038266797164259778, lf12, 1e-8);
            Assert.IsTrue(lf11 > lf12);

            var lf21 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, lowFiltered2, f1);
            var lf22 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, lowFiltered2, f2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.35642263929018364, lf21, 1e-8); // should not have much difference
            Assert.AreEqual(0.271181864130875, lf22, 1e-8);

            var hf11 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, highFiltered1, f1);
            var hf12 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, highFiltered1, f2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.24542517074628975, hf11, 1e-8);  // should not have much difference
            Assert.AreEqual(0.44797847700473359, hf12, 1e-8);

            var hf21 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, highFiltered2, f1);
            var hf22 = FindFrequencyCount(sampleRate, highFiltered2, f2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.026113299330488803, hf21, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.23279968506488344, hf22, 1e-8); // should be higher
            Assert.IsTrue(hf22 > hf21);

            Assert.AreEqual(16384, cosine.Duration.TotalMilliseconds);
            Assert.AreEqual(16384, sine.Duration.TotalMilliseconds);
            Assert.AreEqual(16384, original.Duration.TotalMilliseconds);
        static void TestFFMPEG()
            var videoWriter = new VideoFileWriter();

            int    width        = 800;
            int    height       = 600;
            int    framerate    = 24;
            string path         = Path.GetFullPath("output.webm");
            int    videoBitRate = 1200 * 1000;

            int         audioFrameSize  = 44100;
            int         audioBitRate    = 128000;
            int         audioSampleRate = 44100;
            AudioLayout audioChannels   = AudioLayout.Mono;

            videoWriter.Width       = width;
            videoWriter.Height      = height;
            videoWriter.FrameRate   = framerate;
            videoWriter.VideoCodec  = VideoCodec.Vp8;
            videoWriter.BitRate     = videoBitRate;
            videoWriter.PixelFormat = AVPixelFormat.FormatYuv420P;

            //, audioFrameSize, audioChannels, audioSampleRate, AudioCodec.Vorbis, audioBitRate);

            var a = new Accord.DirectSound.AudioDeviceCollection(DirectSound.AudioDeviceCategory.Capture);

            // Generate 1 second of audio
            SineGenerator gen = new SineGenerator()
                SamplingRate = audioSampleRate,
                Channels     = 1,
                Format       = SampleFormat.Format16Bit,
                Frequency    = 10,
                Amplitude    = 1000.9f,

            Signal s = gen.Generate(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(255));

            var    m2i = new MatrixToImage();
            Bitmap frame;

            for (byte i = 0; i < 255; i++)
                byte[,] matrix = Matrix.Create(height, width, i);
                m2i.Convert(matrix, out frame);
                videoWriter.WriteVideoFrame(frame, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

                //// Generate 1 second of audio
                //s = gen.Generate(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

        public void GetSignal_ChangeTime_ReturnsSignalLevel(
            double amplitude, double frequency, double phase, double time, double expectedSignalLevel)
            var sineGenerator = new SineGenerator(amplitude, frequency, phase);

            var result = sineGenerator.GetSignal(time);

            result = Math.Round(result, 10);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedSignalLevel, result);
        public IWaveSource CreateASineSource()
            double frequency = 1200;
            double amplitude = 0.6;
            double phase     = 0.0;

            //Create a ISampleSource
            SG = new SineGenerator(frequency, amplitude, phase);

            //Convert the ISampleSource into a IWaveSource
        public void DmoResamplerTest()
            var source = new SineGenerator().ToWaveSource(16);

            using (DmoResampler resampler = new DmoResampler(source, 11500))
                byte[] buffer = new byte[source.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / 2];
                if (resampler.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) != buffer.Length)
                    throw new Exception("Could not fill the whole buffer");
        public void TestGeneratesASineInEmptyBuffer()
            ISampleProvider generator = new SineGenerator(
                new OutputFormat(new SampleRate(44100), 1),
                new ConstantSampleSource(440.0f),
                new ConstantSampleSource(1.0f)
            var buffer = new float[22050];
            var acb    = AudioChannelBuffer.CreateFromRawBuffer(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);


            var actual   = ToReadableString(buffer);
            var expected = File.ReadAllText(GetTestFileName());

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void startPlaying()
            foreach (double freq in frequencies)
                SineGenerator generator = new SineGenerator(freq, 1.0, 0);
                VolumeSource  vol;

                    .AppendSource(x => new DmoChannelResampler(x, monoToStereoChannelMatrix, sampleRate))
                    .AppendSource(x => new VolumeSource(x.ToSampleSource()), out vol)

        public static float[] CreateTable(int size, WaveformEnum type)
            Generator generator;

            if (type == WaveformEnum.Sine)
                generator = new SineGenerator(new GeneratorDescriptor());
            else if (type == WaveformEnum.Square)
                generator = new SquareGenerator(new GeneratorDescriptor());
            else if (type == WaveformEnum.Triangle)
                generator = new TriangleGenerator(new GeneratorDescriptor());
            else if (type == WaveformEnum.Saw)
                generator = new SawGenerator(new GeneratorDescriptor());
            else if (type == WaveformEnum.WhiteNoise)
                generator = new WhiteNoiseGenerator(new GeneratorDescriptor());
            float[] table = new float[size];
            double  phase, increment;

            phase     = generator.StartPhase;
            increment = generator.Period / size;
            for (int x = 0; x < table.Length; x++)
                table[x] = generator.GetValue(phase);
                phase   += increment;
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var midiIn = new MidiIn(0);
            var output = new WaveOut();

            var frequencySampleSource = new MidiDataSampleSource(midiIn);
            var sampleRate            = new SampleRate(44100);
            var outputFormat          = new OutputFormat(sampleRate, 1);
            var amplitudeSampleSource = new ConstantSampleSource(0.5f);
            var sampleSource          = new SineGenerator(outputFormat, frequencySampleSource, amplitudeSampleSource);
            var nAudioSampleProvider  = new NAudioSampleProvider(sampleSource, outputFormat);


            while (true)
        public void write_video_new_api()
            string basePath = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory;

            #region doc_new_api
            // Let's say we would like to save file using a .mp4 media
            // container, a H.265 video codec for the video stream, and
            // AAC for the audio stream, into the file:
            string outputPath = Path.Combine(basePath, "output_audio.avi");

            // First, we create a new VideoFileWriter:
            var videoWriter = new VideoFileWriter()
                // Our video will have the following characteristics:
                Width        = 800,
                Height       = 600,
                FrameRate    = 24,
                BitRate      = 1200 * 1000,
                VideoCodec   = VideoCodec.H265,
                AudioCodec   = AudioCodec.Aac,
                AudioBitRate = 44100,
                AudioLayout  = AudioLayout.Stereo,
                FrameSize    = 44100,
                PixelFormat  = AVPixelFormat.FormatYuv420P

            // We can open for it writing:

            // At this point, we can check the console of our application for useful
            // information regarding the media streams created by FFMPEG. We can also
            // check those properties using the class itself, specially for properties
            // that we didn't set beforehand but that have been filled by FFMPEG:

            int         width         = videoWriter.Width;
            int         height        = videoWriter.Height;
            int         frameRate     = videoWriter.FrameRate.Numerator;
            int         bitRate       = videoWriter.BitRate;
            VideoCodec  videoCodec    = videoWriter.VideoCodec;
            AudioCodec  audioCodec    = videoWriter.AudioCodec;
            AudioLayout audioLayout   = videoWriter.AudioLayout;
            int         audioChannels = videoWriter.NumberOfChannels;

            // We haven't set those properties, but FFMPEG has filled them for us:
            int audioSampleRate = videoWriter.SampleRate;
            int audioSampleSize = videoWriter.FrameSize;

            // Now, let's say we would like to save dummy images of
            // changing color, with a sine wave as the audio stream:

            var g = new SineGenerator()
                Channels     = 1, // we will generate only one channel, and the file writer will convert on-the-fly
                Format       = SampleFormat.Format32BitIeeeFloat,
                Frequency    = 10f,
                Amplitude    = 0.9f,
                SamplingRate = 44100

            var    m2i = new MatrixToImage();
            Bitmap frame;

            for (byte i = 0; i < 255; i++)
                // Create bitmap matrix from a matrix of RGB values:
                byte[,] matrix = Matrix.Create(height, width, i);
                m2i.Convert(matrix, out frame);

                // Write the frame to the stream. We can optionally specify
                // the moment when this frame should remain in the stream:
                videoWriter.WriteVideoFrame(frame, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i));

                // We can also write the audio samples if we need to:
                Signal signal = g.Generate(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); // generate 1 second of audio
                videoWriter.WriteAudioFrame(signal);                 // save it to the stream

            // We can get how long our written video is:
            TimeSpan duration = videoWriter.Duration;

            // Close the stream

            Assert.AreEqual(2540000000, duration.Ticks);

            Assert.AreEqual(800, width);
            Assert.AreEqual(600, height);
            Assert.AreEqual(24, frameRate);
            Assert.AreEqual(1200000, bitRate);
            Assert.AreEqual(VideoCodec.H265, videoCodec);

            Assert.AreEqual(AudioCodec.Aac, audioCodec);
            Assert.AreEqual(44100, audioSampleRate);
            Assert.AreEqual(AudioLayout.Stereo, audioLayout);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, audioChannels);