public void Reset(TimeSpan totalGameTime, HelicopterScenario scenario, NavigationMap heightmap)
            Console.WriteLine(@"Resetting helicopter.");

            _scenario = scenario;

            // TODO We would rather want to do Autopilot.Reset() than this fugly code
            Autopilot.IsAtDestination = false;
            Autopilot      = Autopilot.Clone();
            Autopilot.Task = scenario.Task.Clone();
            Autopilot.Map  = heightmap;

            Vector3    startPosition     = scenario.StartPosition;
            Vector3    startVelocity     = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3    startAcceleration = Vector3.Zero;
            Quaternion startOrientation  = Quaternion.Identity;

            if (Task.HoldHeightAboveGround > 0)
                startPosition.Y = Autopilot.Map.GetAltitude(VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(startPosition)) + Task.HoldHeightAboveGround;

            var startPhysicalState = new PhysicalHeliState(
                startOrientation, startPosition, startVelocity, startAcceleration);
            var initialState = new SimulationStepResults(startPhysicalState, totalGameTime);

            _physicalState = startPhysicalState;

            // Re-create the state provider when resetting because some sensors will have to re-initialize.
            _physics = new HeliPhysics(_collision, UseTerrainCollision);
            _sensors = new SensorModel(_sensorSpecifications, Autopilot.Map, startPosition, startOrientation);
            _perfectStateProvider   = new PerfectState();
            _estimatedStateProvider = new SensorEstimatedState(_sensors, startPhysicalState);

            // Wait for state to become stable.
//            while (!_perfectStateProvider.Ready)
//            {
            // TODO GPS will require N seconds of startup time
//                _perfectStateProvider.Update(initialState, 0, 0, new JoystickOutput());
//                Sensors.Update(initialState, new JoystickOutput());
            //                Thread.Sleep(100);
//            }

            // When resetting, use perfect state as starting point.
            // TODO It should not be necessary to create this waypoint since it should never be used for navigation! Delete if safe.
            // Use start position and start orientation instead.
            const float defaultWaypointRadius = 5;
            var         startWaypoint         = new Waypoint(startPosition, 0, WaypointType.Intermediate, defaultWaypointRadius);

            _trueState      = StateHelper.ToHeliState(startPhysicalState, GetHeightAboveGround(startPhysicalState.Position), startWaypoint, new JoystickOutput());
            _estimatedState = _trueState;

        private void UpdatePhysicalState(GameTime gameTime, JoystickOutput output, out PhysicalHeliState trueState)
            _simulationState = _physics.PerformTimestep(_physicalState, output, gameTime.ElapsedGameTime,

            TimestepResult final = _simulationState.Result;

            // We need to use the second last simulation substep to obtain the current acceleration used
            // because the entire substep has constant acceleration and it makes no sense
            // to use the acceleration calculated for the state after the timestep because no animation will occur after it.
            // TODO Support substeps
            Vector3 currentAcceleration = _simulationState.StartingCondition.Acceleration;

            trueState = new PhysicalHeliState(final.Orientation, final.Position, final.Velocity, currentAcceleration);
        private void UpdateStateEstimators(SimulationStepResults simulationState, GameTime gameTime, JoystickOutput output,
                                           out PhysicalHeliState estimatedState,
                                           out PhysicalHeliState blindEstimatedState,
                                           out PhysicalHeliState observedState)
            var dtMillis    = (long)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
            var totalMillis = (long)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;

            //            TimeSpan totalSimulationTime = gameTime.TotalGameTime;

            // Update sensors prior to using the state provider,
            // because they are typically dependent on the state of the sensors.
            Sensors.Update(_simulationState, output);

            // Update states
            ((SensorEstimatedState)_estimatedStateProvider).CheatingTrueState = simulationState; // TODO Temp cheating
            _estimatedStateProvider.Update(simulationState, dtMillis, totalMillis, output);

            // TODO Separate physical and navigational states
            _estimatedStateProvider.GetState(out estimatedState, out observedState, out blindEstimatedState);
        public void Update(SimulationStepResults step, JoystickOutput output)
            // TODO Use substeps in physics simulation when sensors require higher frequency than the main-loop runs at
            // Currently we simply use the state at the start of the timestep to feed into the sensors, so they read the state
            // that was before any motion took place in that timestep.
            // Later we may need to update sensors multiple times for each timestep.
            TimestepStartingCondition start = step.StartingCondition;
            TimestepResult            end   = step.Result;

            var startPhysicalState = new PhysicalHeliState(start.Orientation, start.Position, start.Velocity,

            var endPhysicalState = new PhysicalHeliState(end.Orientation, end.Position, end.Velocity,
                                                         new Vector3(float.NaN));

            // Update all sensors
            foreach (ISensor sensor in _sensors)
                sensor.Update(startPhysicalState, endPhysicalState, output, step.StartTime, step.EndTime);
 public void Update(SimulationStepResults trueState, long elapsedMillis, long totalElapsedMillis,
                    JoystickOutput currentOutput)
     _currentState = trueState;
        public void Update(SimulationStepResults trueState, long elapsedMillis, long totalElapsedMillis,
                           JoystickOutput currentOutput)
#if XBOX
            // TODO Xbox equivalent or fix the GPSINSFilter dependency on Iridium Math.Net
            _isInitialized = true;
            // TODO If sensors are not ready we cannot produce an estimated state
            // However, currently the helicopter starts mid-air so we have no time to wait for it to initialize.. so this is cheating.
            // When the helicopter starts on the ground we can properly implement this process.
            if (!_isInitialized)
                if (!_sensors.Ready)

                _estimated.Position     = _initialState.Position;
                _estimated.Velocity     = _initialState.Velocity;
                _estimated.Acceleration = _initialState.Acceleration;
                _estimated.Orientation  = _initialState.Orientation;
                _prevGPSPos             = _sensors.GPS.Output.Position;

                _gpsins = new GPSINSFilter(
                    TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(totalElapsedMillis - elapsedMillis),

                _isInitialized = true;

            TimeSpan totalTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(totalElapsedMillis);

            // Setup observations
            var observations = new GPSINSObservation();
            observations.Time = totalTime;
            observations.RangeFinderHeightOverGround = _sensors.GroundRangeFinder.FlatGroundHeight; // TODO Update frequency? Noise?

            if (_sensors.GPS.IsUpdated)
                observations.GotGPSUpdate = true;
                observations.GPSPosition  = _sensors.GPS.Output.Position;
                observations.GPSHVelocity = _sensors.GPS.Output.Velocity;

            // Setup input to filter's internal model
            var input = new GPSINSInput
                AccelerationWorld = _sensors.IMU.AccelerationWorld,
                Orientation       = _sensors.IMU.AccumulatedOrientation,
//                                PitchDelta = _sensors.IMU.AngularDeltaBody.Radians.Pitch,
//                                RollDelta = _sensors.IMU.AngularDeltaBody.Radians.Roll,
//                                YawDelta = _sensors.IMU.AngularDeltaBody.Radians.Yaw,
//                                PitchRate = _sensors.IMU.Output.AngularRate.Radians.Pitch,
//                                RollRate = _sensors.IMU.Output.AngularRate.Radians.Roll,
//                                YawRate = _sensors.IMU.Output.AngularRate.Radians.Yaw,

            // Estimate
            StepOutput <GPSINSOutput> gpsinsEstimate = _gpsins.Filter(observations, input);

//            Vector3 deltaPosition = gpsinsEstimate.PostX.Position - _currentEstimate.Position;
//            if (deltaPosition.Length() > 40)
//                deltaPosition = deltaPosition;

//            var trueState = CheatingTrueState.Result;
            GPSINSOutput observed       = gpsinsEstimate.Z;
            GPSINSOutput estimated      = gpsinsEstimate.PostX;
            GPSINSOutput blindEstimated = gpsinsEstimate.X;

            _currentEstimate = new PhysicalHeliState(estimated.Orientation, estimated.Position, estimated.Velocity,

            _currentBlindEstimate = new PhysicalHeliState(blindEstimated.Orientation, blindEstimated.Position, blindEstimated.Velocity,

            _currentObservation = new PhysicalHeliState(observed.Orientation, observed.Position, observed.Velocity,