 /// <summary>Runs all public benchmark methods (static and nonstatic) in the
 /// specified object ('set') and prints results to the console. Each method
 /// is run the number of times indicated by the Trials attribute of
 /// BenchmarkAttribute (if provided) or DefaultNumTrials.</summary>
 public void RunPublicBenchmarksInConsole(object subject, bool randomOrder, string prefix = null, bool clearOldResults = true)
                 #if CompactFramework
     // Console cursor cannot be controlled in the Compact Framework
     var t = new SimpleTimer();
     RunPublicBenchmarks(subject, randomOrder, () => {
         // Also, console printing is slow; avoid spending too much time on it
         if (t.ClearAfter(10000) != 0)
             PrintResults(Console.Out); t.Restart();
     }, prefix, clearOldResults);
     int end = Console.CursorTop;
     RunPublicBenchmarks(subject, randomOrder, () =>
         int start = Console.CursorTop;
         end = Console.CursorTop;
         Console.CursorTop = start;
                         prefix, clearOldResults);
     Console.CursorTop = end;