private void renderTemplate() { SimpleTemplate t1 = TemplateFactory.GetTemplate <SimpleTemplate>("controller1"); tp_controller1.Text = args["modelName"] + "Controller"; src_c1.Text = t1.Render(args); SimpleTemplate t2 = TemplateFactory.GetTemplate <SimpleTemplate>("controller2"); tp_controller2.Text = args["modelName"] + "QueryController"; src_c2.Text = t2.Render(args); SimpleTemplate t3 = TemplateFactory.GetTemplate <SimpleTemplate>("service"); tp_service1.Text = args["modelName"] + "Service"; src_s1.Text = t2.Render(args); SimpleTemplate t4 = TemplateFactory.GetTemplate <SimpleTemplate>("query"); tp_service2.Text = args["modelName"] + "Query"; src_s2.Text = t2.Render(args); LoopTemplate lt = TemplateFactory.GetTemplate <LoopTemplate>("domain"); tp_domain.Text = args["modelName"] + ""; src_do.Text = lt.Render(args); }
public void Start(HttpServer server, SimpleJsonListener json, SimpleTemplate templateDemo) { _ws = server; _json = json; _templateDemo = templateDemo; _ws.AddPath("/demoLED.html", ProcessDemoLED); _LEDControl.LoadString(_ws.HttpRootManager.ReadToByte(_privatePath + "/templateLED.html")); _LEDControl["ledOn"] = new TemplateAction() { Pattern = "LEDON" }; _LEDControl["ledOff"] = new TemplateAction() { Pattern = "LEDOFF" }; _templateDemo["maualLed"] = new TemplateAction() { Pattern = "MANUALLED", Data = "Off" }; _ws.HttpRootManager.AddExtensionTemplateData("shtml", "manualLed", new TemplateAction() { Pattern = "MANUALLED", Data = "Off" }); _json.AddData("MaualLed", "Off"); //_ports._debug = true; }
/// <summary> /// Binds the template. /// </summary> /// <param name="grid">The grid.</param> /// <param name="module">The module.</param> /// <param name="column">The column.</param> private void BindTemplate(Grid grid, ModuleConfig module, ViewColumn column) { if (column.Template == null) { return; } // Remove any template with the same name //foreach (GridServerTemplate existingTemplate in grid.ServerTemplates) for (int index = 0; index < grid.ServerTemplates.Count; index++) { if (String.Compare(grid.ServerTemplates[index].ID, column.Template.TemplateId, true) == 0) { grid.ServerTemplates.RemoveAt(index); } } string url = String.Empty; ITemplate template = new SimpleTemplate((UserControl)grid.Parent, module.Name, column.Template); // Add server template to grid ComponentArt.Web.UI.GridServerTemplate gst = new ComponentArt.Web.UI.GridServerTemplate(); gst.Template = (ITemplate)template; gst.ID = column.Template.TemplateId; BindColumnTemplateProperties(gst.Template, column.Template); grid.ServerTemplates.Add(gst); grid.Controls.Add(gst); }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] Configuration config) { var template = new SimpleTemplate(config.Body, config.HttpCode); _router.AddTemplate(config.Path, config.Method, template, config.SequenceSuccessor); return(Ok()); }
protected SimpleTemplate GetTemplate(string content, string className) { var conventions = Options.Do.Conventions; var template = new SimpleTemplate(content); template["opt"] = Options.Do; template["classname"] = className; template["classname_2"] = conventions.Pluralize(className); return(template); }
public void Start(HttpServer server, SimpleTemplate template) { _ws = server; _templateDemo = template; _ws.AddPath("/template.html", VrniTemplate); _templateDemo.LoadString(_ws.HttpRootManager.ReadToByte(_privatePath + "/templateDemo.html")); _templateDemo["userName"] = new TemplateAction() { Pattern = "USERNAME" }; }
public TemplateListPage() { this.Title = "Workout Creator"; _viewModel = new SimpleTemplate (); //Sync templates with the server Manager.Instance.WorkoutTemplate.LoadTemplates (App.WorkoutCreatorContext.StaffMember.GymID); var templatesTask = _viewModel.GetSimpleTemplateGroups (App.WorkoutCreatorContext.StaffMember.GymID); ListView listView = new ListView { ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(CustomViewCellTwoTextTwoButton)), VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, RowHeight = 110, HasUnevenRows = true }; Action<Task> action = (actionResult) => Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (() => { listView.ItemsSource = _viewModel.SimpleTemplateGroups; }); templatesTask.ContinueWith (action); listView.ItemTemplate.SetBinding(CustomViewCellTwoTextTwoButton.SimpleTemplateProperty, "."); listView.IsGroupingEnabled = true; listView.GroupDisplayBinding = new Binding ("Key"); listView.GroupShortNameBinding = new Binding("Key"); listView.GroupHeaderTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(HeaderCell)); listView.ItemSelected += (sender, args) => { if (args.SelectedItem != null) { listView.SelectedItem = null; SimpleTemplate template = (SimpleTemplate)args.SelectedItem; this.Navigation.PushModalAsync(new ModalAssignMemberWorkoutPage(template)); } }; this.Content = listView; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult result = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { String file = openFileDialog1.FileName; textBox1.Text = file; SimpleTemplate template = new SimpleTemplate(file, Encoding.UTF8); Dictionary <String, Object> args = new Dictionary <String, Object>(); args.Add("variname", "ab"); scintilla1.Text = template.Render(args); } }
public void Run() { var types = GetTypes(); using (var project = Options.Do.Model.Project) { foreach (var type in types) { var template = new SimpleTemplate(Templates.AutoService); template["interface"] = "I" + type.Type.GetRealClassName(); template["service"] = type; template["opt"] = Options.Do; project.AddNewCompile(FilePath(type.Type.GetRealClassName()), template.ToString()); } } }
public void Run() { var types = GetTypes(); using (var project = Options.Do.Model.Project) { foreach (var type in types) { var entity = type.Type.GetTypeArgumentsFor(typeof(IEntityService <>)).FirstOrDefault(); var template = new SimpleTemplate(Templates.AutoDomain); template["entity"] = entity; template["service"] = type; template["opt"] = Options.Do; project.AddNewCompile(FilePath(entity.Name), template.ToString()); } } }
public void Start(HttpServer server, SimpleJsonListener json, SimpleTemplate templateDemo) { _ws = server; _json = json; _templateDemo = templateDemo; _ws.AddPath("/demoTimer.html", ProcessTimer); _timerControl.LoadString(_ws.HttpRootManager.ReadToByte(_privatePath + "/templateTimer.html")); _timerControl["timerOn"] = new TemplateAction() { Pattern = "TIMERON" }; _timerControl["timerOff"] = new TemplateAction() { Pattern = "TIMEROFF" }; _templateDemo["led"] = new TemplateAction() { Pattern = "LED", Data = "Off" }; _templateDemo["timer"] = new TemplateAction() { Pattern = "TIMER", Data = "Off" }; _json.AddData("Timer", "Off"); _json.AddData("Led", "Off"); _ws.HttpRootManager.AddExtensionTemplateData("shtml", "led", new TemplateAction() { Pattern = "LED", Data = "Off" }); _ws.HttpRootManager.AddExtensionTemplateData("shtml", "timer", new TemplateAction() { Pattern = "TIMER", Data = "Off" }); _ws.AddTimer("TestTimer", 10000, TimerEvent); //_ports._debug = true; }
public void Execute() { var timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); var filename = string.Format("{0}_{1}.cs", timestamp, Name ?? "Untitled"); var template = new SimpleTemplate(Templates.NewMigration); template["timestamp"] = timestamp; template["opt"] = Options.Do; using (var project = Options.Do.Database.Project) { project.AddNewCompile(filename, template.ToString()); if (OpenIt) { Process.Start(project.GetFullPath(filename)); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="response"></param> public void Listen(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) { try { // Ali je pot v registriranem listenerju in kliči listener ter return ; if (IsRegisteredExtension(request.RequestPath.ToLower())) { string[] _tmp = request.RequestPath.ToLower().Split(new char[] { '.' }); if (_tmp.Length > 0) { ProcessExtensionListener(request, response, _tmp[_tmp.Length - 1]); return; } else { throw new InvalidDataException("Cannot determine extension from " + request.RequestPath); } } if (request.RequestPath.EndsWith("/")) { // Preverimo, ali je v folderju index file. foreach (string file in _serverRootFile) { if (Containes(_serverRootFolder + request.RequestPath + file)) { response.Write(ReadToByte(_serverRootFolder + request.RequestPath + file), _server.GetMimeType.GetMimeFromFile(request.RequestPath + file)); return; } } // Ni index fajla, izpišemo folder. /* * 1) Skopiramo vse poti v začasno datoteko * 2) vse poti, ki ustrezajo ustrezni mapi, skopiramo in pripravimo za izpis * 3) če ne najdemo, je treba izpisat 404. */ List <string> _ustreznePoti = new List <string>(); foreach (string _pot in GetNames()) { if (_pot.ToLower().Contains((_serverRootFolder + request.RequestPath).ToLower().Replace('/', '.'))) { // Dodamo samo pravilne url-je za trenutno mapo, brez polne poti in v pravilni obliki. int cut = _pot.ToLower().Split(new string[] { _serverRootFolder.ToLower() + request.RequestPath.ToLower().Replace('/', '.') }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Length; string _tmpPath = _pot.Replace('.', '/'); int Place = _tmpPath.LastIndexOf("/"); _tmpPath = _tmpPath.Remove(Place, 1).Insert(Place, "."); if (!_tmpPath.Substring(_tmpPath.Length - cut).Contains("/")) { _ustreznePoti.Add(_tmpPath.Substring(_tmpPath.Length - cut)); } } } if (_ustreznePoti.Count > 0) { SimpleTemplate _template = new SimpleTemplate(); _template.LoadString(ReadToByte("SystemHtml/templateFolderListing.html")); _template.SafeMode = false; StringBuilder rezultat = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string _pot in _ustreznePoti) { rezultat.Append("<a href=\"" + _pot + "\">" + _pot + "</a><br>\n"); } _template["path"] = new TemplateAction() { Pattern = "PATH", Data = request.RequestPath }; _template["content"] = new TemplateAction() { Pattern = "CONTENT", Data = rezultat.ToString() }; _template.ProcessAction(); response.Write(_template.GetByte(), "text/html"); return; } else { ReturnErrorMessage(request, response, "404"); return; } } else { /* * Ni folder, izpišemo zahtevano datoteko. */ if (Containes(_serverRootFolder + request.RequestPath)) { response.Write(ReadToByte(_serverRootFolder + request.RequestPath), _server.GetMimeType.GetMimeFromFile(request.RequestPath)); return; } else { ReturnErrorMessage(request, response, "404"); return; } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); response.Write(e); } }
public ModalAssignMemberWorkoutPage(SimpleTemplate template) { this.template = template; Label textLabel = new Label { Text = template.TemplateName, FontSize = 45 }; Label editorLabel = new Label { Text = template.TemplateDescription, FontSize = 35 }; Label addMemberLabel = new Label { Text = "Add Member" }; addMemberEntry = new CustomEntry { Placeholder = "Search Member", HeightRequest = 35, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; StackLayout addMemberEntryLayout = new StackLayout { Children = { addMemberEntry }, }; ListView listView = new ListView { ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(CustomViewThreeTextCell)), IsVisible = false }; listView.ItemSelected += listView_ItemSelected; submitButton = new Button { Image = "assign_green_button.png", HeightRequest = 35, WidthRequest = 100 }; cancel2Button = new Button { Image = "cancel_button.png", HeightRequest = 35, WidthRequest = 100 }; activityIndicator = new ActivityIndicator { IsRunning = false, Color = Color.Red }; cancel2Button.Clicked += async (sender2, args2) => { submitButton.IsEnabled = true; activityIndicator.IsRunning = false; await Navigation.PopModalAsync(); }; submitButton.Clicked += async (sender2, args2) => { if ((addMemberEntry.Text != null && addMemberEntry.Text != "") && selectedUser == null) { await this.DisplayAlert("Validation", "Select another member. This member is not recognized.", "OK"); } else { if (selectedUser != null) { String[] nameArray = addMemberEntry.Text.Split(' '); if (nameArray.Count() > 0) { if (!(selectedUser.FirstName == nameArray[0] && selectedUser.LastName == nameArray[1])) { await this.DisplayAlert("Validation", "Select another member or delete the member entirely.", "OK"); } else { await WriteToRepository(); } } } else { await this.DisplayAlert("Validation", "Select another member. This member is not recognized.", "OK"); } } }; StackLayout buttonStack = new StackLayout { Children = { submitButton, cancel2Button }, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand, Padding = new Thickness(20) }; StackLayout modalStack = new StackLayout { Children = { // pageTitle, textLabel, editorLabel, addMemberLabel, addMemberEntryLayout, listView, buttonStack }, Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand, Padding = new Thickness(20) }; addMemberEntry.TextChanged += async (sender, args) => { var searchResults = await Manager.Instance.User.UserSeach(addMemberEntry.Text, App.WorkoutCreatorContext.StaffMember.GymID); listView.ItemsSource = searchResults; var rowHeight = 40; listView.RowHeight = rowHeight; listView.HeightRequest = (rowHeight * searchResults.Count()); modalStack.WidthRequest = this.Width * .7; listView.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand; listView.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand; listView.IsVisible = true; }; //this.BackgroundColor = Color.FromRgb(135, 206, 250); this.Content = modalStack; }