 public NamedDataTypeExtractor(IEnumerable <DeclSpec> specs, SymbolTable converter)
     this.specs             = specs;
     this.symbolTable       = converter;
     this.callingConvention = CTokenType.None;
     this.eval       = new CConstantEvaluator(converter.Constants);
     this.simpleSize = SimpleSize.None;
     foreach (var declspec in specs)
         dt = declspec.Accept(this);
            private void resize(SimpleSize size)
                int dimensions = size == SimpleSize.Large ? dimensionsLarge : dimensionsSmall, factor = buttons.Length;

                foreach (Button button in buttons)
                    int horizontalMovement = factor-- *dimensionsDiff;
                    button.Location = new Point(size == SimpleSize.Large ? button.Location.X - horizontalMovement : button.Location.X + horizontalMovement, button.Location.Y);
                    button.Size     = new Size(dimensions, dimensions);

                this.size = size;
            private void resize(SimpleSize size)
                int dimensions = size == SimpleSize.Large ? dimensionsLarge : dimensionsSmall, factor = buttons.Length;

                foreach(Button button in buttons)
                    int horizontalMovement = factor-- * dimensionsDiff;
                    button.Location = new Point(size == SimpleSize.Large ? button.Location.X - horizontalMovement : button.Location.X + horizontalMovement, button.Location.Y);
                    button.Size = new Size(dimensions, dimensions);

                this.size = size;
        public SerializedType VisitSimpleType(SimpleTypeSpec simpleType)
            switch (simpleType.Type)
                throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("{0}", simpleType.Type));

            case CTokenType.Void:
                if (domain != Domain.None)
                    throw new FormatException(string.Format("Can't have 'void' after '{0}'.", domain));
                return(new VoidType_v1());

            case CTokenType.__W64:
                return(dt);      // Used by Microsoft compilers for 32->64 bit transition, deprecated.

            case CTokenType.Signed:
                if (domain != Domain.None)
                    throw new FormatException(string.Format("Can't have 'signed' after '{0}'.", domain));
                domain   = Domain.SignedInt;
                byteSize = 4;                   // 'unsigned' == 'unsigned int'
                //$TODO: bitsize is platform-dependent. For instance, a 'long' is 32-bits on Windows x86-64 but 64-bits on 64-bit Unix

            case CTokenType.Unsigned:
                if (domain != Domain.None)
                    throw new FormatException(string.Format("Can't have 'unsigned' after '{0}'.", domain));
                domain   = Domain.UnsignedInt;
                byteSize = 4;                   // 'unsigned' == 'unsigned int'
                //$TODO: bitsize is platform-dependent. For instance, a 'long' is 32-bits on Windows x86-64 but 64-bits on 64-bit Unix

            case CTokenType.Char:
                if (domain == Domain.None)
                    domain = Domain.Character;
                else if (domain != Domain.SignedInt && domain != Domain.UnsignedInt)
                    throw new FormatException(string.Format("Unexpected domain {0}.", domain));
                simpleSize = SimpleSize.Char;

            case CTokenType.Wchar_t:
                if (domain == Domain.None)
                    domain = Domain.Character;
                else if (domain != Domain.SignedInt && domain != Domain.UnsignedInt)
                    throw new FormatException(string.Format("Unexpected domain {0}", domain));
                simpleSize = SimpleSize.WChar_t;

            case CTokenType.Short:
                if (domain != Domain.None && domain != Domain.SignedInt && domain != Domain.UnsignedInt)
                    throw new FormatException(string.Format("Unexpected domain {0}", domain));
                simpleSize = SimpleSize.Short;

            case CTokenType.Int:
                if (domain == Domain.None)
                    domain = Domain.SignedInt;
                else if (domain != Domain.SignedInt && domain != Domain.UnsignedInt)
                    throw new FormatException(string.Format("Unexpected domain {0}", domain));
                if (simpleSize == SimpleSize.None)
                    simpleSize = SimpleSize.Int;

            //$TODO: bitsize is platform-dependent. For instance, an 'int' is 32-bits on Windows x86-64 but 16-bits on MS-DOS
            case CTokenType.Long:
                if (simpleSize == SimpleSize.None)
                    simpleSize = SimpleSize.Long;
                else if (simpleSize == SimpleSize.Long)
                    simpleSize = SimpleSize.LongLong;

            //$TODO: bitsize is platform-dependent. For instance, a 'long' is 32-bits on Windows x86-64 but 64-bits on 64-bit Unix
            case CTokenType.__Int64:
                if (domain == Domain.None)
                    domain = Domain.SignedInt;
                else if (domain != Domain.SignedInt && domain != Domain.UnsignedInt)
                    throw new FormatException(string.Format("Unexpected domain {0}", domain));
                simpleSize = SimpleSize.Int64;

            case CTokenType.Float:
                if (domain != Domain.None)
                    throw new FormatException(string.Format("Unexpected domain {0} before float.", domain));
                domain     = Domain.Real;
                simpleSize = SimpleSize.Float;

            case CTokenType.Double:
                if (domain != Domain.None && domain != Domain.SignedInt)  //$REVIEW: short double? long double? long long double?
                    throw new FormatException(string.Format("Unexpected domain {0} before float.", domain));
                domain = Domain.Real;
                if (simpleSize == SimpleSize.None)
                    simpleSize = SimpleSize.Double;
                else if (simpleSize == SimpleSize.Long)
                    simpleSize = SimpleSize.LongDouble;