    void Start()
        // Gather a list of weapons and their type names pulled from the weapontype table
        List <Weapon> weapons = dbManager.Query <Weapon>(
            "SELECT " +
            "W.WeaponID, " +
            "W.WeaponName, " +
            "W.Damage, " +
            "W.Cost, " +
            "W.Weight, " +
            "W.WeaponTypeID, " +
            "T.Description AS WeaponTypeDescription " +
            "FROM " +
            "Weapon W " +
            "JOIN WeaponType T " +
            "ON W.WeaponTypeID = T.WeaponTypeID " +
            "ORDER BY " +
            "W.WeaponID "

        // output the list of weapons
        outputText.text = "Weapons\n\n";
        foreach (Weapon weapon in weapons)
            outputText.text += "Name: '" + weapon.WeaponName + "' " +
                               "Damage:" + weapon.Damage.ToString() + " " +
                               "Cost:" + weapon.Cost.ToString() + " " +
                               "Weight:" + weapon.Weight.ToString() + " " +
                               "Type:" + weapon.WeaponTypeDescription + "\n";
    //Display All Records From User_Table
    public void Display_Data_UnlockedCharacterTable()
        //Display User Data
        string            sql2 = "SELECT * FROM User_Table";
        List <User_Table> usr  = dbManager.Query <User_Table> (sql2);

        int rowCounter = 0;

        foreach (User_Table row in usr)
            print("Record No : " + rowCounter + " >> Character No : " + row.UNLOCKED_CHAR_ID + " >> Character Name : " + row.UNLOCKED_CHAR_NAME);
        void Start()
            outputText.text = "";

            // get the final path in the working directory by combining the persistentDataPath with the new file name
            var attachDatabaseFilePath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, attachDatabaseNewFileName);

            // extract the attach database file from the Unity project into the working directory
            if (!ExtractDatabase(attachDatabaseFilePath))
                // failed, exit

            // attach to the scifi database
            dbManager.Execute("ATTACH DATABASE '" + attachDatabaseFilePath + "' AS SciFi");

            // query the players from the newly attached database and output them to the screen
            outputText.text += "Players:\n";
            var players = dbManager.Query <PlayerStats>("SELECT * FROM PlayerStats");

            foreach (var player in players)
                outputText.text += player.PlayerName + "\n";

            outputText.text += "\n\n";

            // query the weapons from the original datbase and output them to the screen
            outputText.text += "Weapons:\n";
            var weapons = dbManager.Query <Weapon>("SELECT * FROM Weapon");

            foreach (var weapon in weapons)
                outputText.text += weapon.WeaponName + "\n";
    void Start()
        // alternate way of populating an entire table without using a SQL statement. This uses Linq.
        // You could also use "SELECT * FROM Location" with a Query function without Linq.
        List <Location> startingLocationList = new List <Location> (from loc in dbManager.Table <Location> () select loc);

        // set up a sql query that we will reuse,
        // binding the parameter denoted by ? with the location id
        string sql = "SELECT " +
                     "CASE " +
                     "WHEN L.LocationID = M.LocationID1 THEN ML2.LocationName " +
                     "WHEN L.LocationID = M.LocationID2 THEN ML1.LocationName " +
                     "END AS LocationName " +
                     "FROM " +
                     "Location L " +
                     "JOIN LocationMapping M " +
                     "ON L.LocationID = M.LocationID1 " +
                     "OR L.LocationID = M.LocationID2 " +
                     "LEFT JOIN Location ML1 " +
                     "ON M.LocationID1 = ML1.LocationID " +
                     "LEFT JOIN Location ML2 " +
                     "ON M.LocationID2 = ML2.LocationID " +
                     "WHERE " +
                     "L.LocationID = ?";

        // loop through each starting location and gather the list of adjacent location based on our mapping table
        // using the premade query above.
        foreach (Location startingLocation in startingLocationList)
            startingLocation.AdjacentLocations = dbManager.Query <Location>(sql, startingLocation.LocationID);

        // output our list of starting locations along with their corresponding adjacent locations
        outputText.text = "Map adjacent locations:\n\n";
        foreach (Location startingLocationRecord in startingLocationList)
            outputText.text += "<color=#1abc9c>" + startingLocationRecord.LocationName + "</color> is next to:  <color=#34495e>";
            foreach (Location adjacentLocation in startingLocationRecord.AdjacentLocations)
                outputText.text += adjacentLocation.LocationName + ", ";
            // trim off last comma
            outputText.text  = outputText.text.Substring(0, outputText.text.Length - 2);
            outputText.text += "</color>\n";
    void Start()
        // Gather a list of weapons and their type names pulled from the weapontype table
        List <Weapon> weaponList = dbManager.Query <Weapon>(
            "SELECT " +
            "W.WeaponID, " +
            "W.WeaponName, " +
            "W.Damage, " +
            "W.Cost, " +
            "W.Weight, " +
            "W.WeaponTypeID, " +
            "T.Description AS WeaponTypeDescription " +
            "FROM " +
            "Weapon W " +
            "JOIN WeaponType T " +
            "ON W.WeaponTypeID = T.WeaponTypeID " +
            "ORDER BY " +
            "W.WeaponID "

        // output the list of weapons
        outputText.text = "Weapons\n\n";
        foreach (Weapon weaponRecord in weaponList)
            outputText.text += "<color=#1abc9c>Name</color>: '" + weaponRecord.WeaponName + "' " +
                               "<color=#1abc9c>Damage</color>:" + weaponRecord.Damage.ToString() + " " +
                               "<color=#1abc9c>Cost</color>:" + weaponRecord.Cost.ToString() + " " +
                               "<color=#1abc9c>Weight</color>:" + weaponRecord.Weight.ToString() + " " +
                               "<color=#1abc9c>Type</color>:" + weaponRecord.WeaponTypeDescription + "\n";

        // get the first weapon record that has a WeaponID > 4
        outputText.text += "\nFirst weapon record where the WeaponID > 4: ";
        bool   recordExists;
        Weapon firstWeaponRecord = dbManager.QueryFirstRecord <Weapon>(out recordExists, "SELECT WeaponName FROM Weapon WHERE WeaponID > 4");

        if (recordExists)
            outputText.text += firstWeaponRecord.WeaponName + "\n";
            outputText.text += "No record found\n";
    void Start()
        // Gather a list of weapons and their type names pulled from the weapontype table
        List <Stuff> weapons = dbManager.Query <Stuff>(
            "SELECT " +
            "W.displayText, " +
            "W.imageLocation " +
            "FROM " +
            "memoryBank W "

        // output the list of weapons
        outputText.text = "Memories...\n\n";
        foreach (Stuff weapon in weapons)
            outputText.text += "Display Name:   " + weapon.WeaponName.ToString() + "\n" +
                               "Image Location: " + weapon.Damage.ToString() + "\n\n";
        void Start()
            dbManager.Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS posts");

            dbManager.Execute("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE posts"
                              + " USING FTS5 ("
                              + "title"
                              + ",body"
                              + ")"

            dbManager.Execute("INSERT INTO posts "
                              + "("
                              + "title"
                              + ",body"
                              + ")"
                              + " VALUES ("
                              + "'Learn SQlite FTS5'"
                              + ",'This tutorial teaches you how to perform full-text search in SQLite using FTS5'"
                              + ")"
                              + ",("
                              + "'Advanced SQlite Full-text Search'"
                              + ",'Show you some advanced techniques in SQLite full-text searching'"
                              + ")"
                              + ",("
                              + "'SQLite Tutorial'"
                              + ",'Help you learn SQLite quickly and effectively'"
                              + ")"

            var matchResults = dbManager.Query <Post>("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE posts MATCH 'learn NOT text'");

            outputText.text = "Posts matching 'learn NOT text'\n\n";
            foreach (var result in matchResults)
                outputText.text += "<color=#1abc9c>Title</color>: '" + result.title + "' " +
                                   "<color=#1abc9c>Body</color>: '" + result.body + "'\n";
    public void HideSelectMonsterPopup()
        string sql = "SELECT " +
                     "MQ.ID, " +
                     "MQ.Image, " +
                     "MQ.PosX, " +
                     "MQ.PosY, " +
                     "MQ.Atk, " +
                     "MQ.Def, " +
                     "MQ.Hp, " +
                     "E.Apply, " +
                     "E.Value, " +
                     "E.Turn, " +
                     "ET.Type " +
                     "FROM MonsterEquip MQ " +
                     "JOIN Effects E " +
                     "ON MQ.EffectID = E.EffectID " +
                     "JOIN EffectType ET " +
                     "ON E.EffectTypeID = ET.EffectTypeID ";

        mqList = dbManager.Query <MonsterEquipRaw>(sql);

        foreach (string key in hashtable.Keys)

        //for (int i = 0; i < visualMonsterEquipped.Length; i++)
        //    visualMonsterEquipped[i].sprite = Resources.Load("Sprites/" + visualMonsterNameList[i], typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
        //    for (int j = 0; j < jsonMonsters["monsters"].Count; j++)
        //    {
        //        if (jsonMonsters["monsters"][j]["image"].ToString() == visualMonsterNameList[i])
        //        {
        //            MonsterEquip mq = visualMonsterEquipped[i].gameObject.AddComponent<MonsterEquip>();
        //            mq.ID = jsonMonsters["monsters"][j]["id"].ToString();
        //            mq.Image = jsonMonsters["monsters"][j]["image"].ToString();
        //            mq.PosX = float.Parse(jsonMonsters["monsters"][j]["posx"].ToString());
        //            mq.PosY = float.Parse(jsonMonsters["monsters"][j]["posy"].ToString());
        //            mq.AddValue("atk", jsonMonsters["monsters"][j]["bonus"][0]["atk"].ToString());
        //            mq.AddValue("def", jsonMonsters["monsters"][j]["bonus"][0]["def"].ToString());
        //            mq.AddValue("hp", jsonMonsters["monsters"][j]["bonus"][0]["hp"].ToString());
        //            mq.EffectProperty.Turn = int.Parse(jsonMonsters["monsters"][j]["effect"][0]["turn"].ToString());
        //            mq.EffectProperty.Apply = jsonMonsters["monsters"][j]["effect"][0]["apply"].ToString();
        //            mq.EffectProperty.Value = int.Parse(jsonMonsters["monsters"][j]["effect"][0]["value"].ToString());
        //            mq.EffectProperty.Type = jsonMonsters["monsters"][j]["effect"][0]["type"].ToString();
        //        }

        //    }

        //    Debug.Log(visualMonsterNameList[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < visualMonsterEquipped.Length; i++)
            visualMonsterEquipped[i].sprite = Resources.Load("Sprites/" + visualMonsterNameList[i], typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
            for (int j = 0; j < mqList.Count; j++)
                if (mqList[j].Image == visualMonsterNameList[i])
                    MonsterEquip mq = visualMonsterEquipped[i].gameObject.AddComponent <MonsterEquip>();
                    mq.ID    = mqList[j].ID.ToString();
                    mq.Image = mqList[j].Image;
                    mq.PosX  = float.Parse(mqList[j].PosX.ToString());
                    mq.PosY  = float.Parse(mqList[j].PosY.ToString());
                    mq.AddValue("atk", mqList[j].Atk.ToString());
                    mq.AddValue("def", mqList[j].Def.ToString());
                    mq.AddValue("hp", mqList[j].Hp.ToString());
                    mq.EffectProperty.Turn  = mqList[j].Turn;
                    mq.EffectProperty.Apply = mqList[j].Apply;
                    mq.EffectProperty.Value = mqList[j].Value;
                    mq.EffectProperty.Type  = mqList[j].Type;


        onCD = false;
 public List <DrawDotData> GetDrawDots(int stageID)
     return(dbManager.Query <DrawDotData>($"SELECT * FROM DrawDotData WHERE stage_id={stageID}"));