protected void AddBrokenNode(ref NodeMapping nm, Address addr, int broken_port, bool nctunnel) { nm.Node = new StructuredNode(addr as AHAddress, BrunetNamespace); TAAuthorizer auth = new IDTAAuthorizer(broken_port); nm.Node.AddEdgeListener(new SimulationEdgeListener(nm.ID, 0, auth, true)); IRelayOverlap ito = null; if (NCEnable) { nm.NCService = new NCService(nm.Node, new Point()); // Until we figure out what's going on with VivaldiTargetSelector its not quite useful for these purposes // (nm.Node as StructuredNode).Sco.TargetSelector = new VivaldiTargetSelector(nm.Node, ncservice); } if (nctunnel && NCEnable) { ito = new NCRelayOverlap(nm.NCService); } else { ito = new SimpleRelayOverlap(); } nm.Node.AddEdgeListener(new Relay.RelayEdgeListener(nm.Node, ito)); nm.Node.RemoteTAs = GetRemoteTAs(); nm.Node.Connect(); CurrentNetworkSize++; }
protected virtual StructuredNode PrepareNode(int id, AHAddress address) { if (TakenIDs.ContainsKey(id)) { throw new Exception("ID already taken"); } StructuredNode node = new StructuredNode(address, BrunetNamespace); NodeMapping nm = new NodeMapping(); nm.ID = id; TakenIDs[id] = nm; nm.Node = node; Nodes.Add((Address)address, nm); EdgeListener el = CreateEdgeListener(nm.ID); if (_secure_edges || _secure_senders) { byte[] blob = _se_key.ExportCspBlob(true); RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa_copy = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); rsa_copy.ImportCspBlob(blob); string username = address.ToString().Replace('=', '0'); CertificateMaker cm = new CertificateMaker("United States", "UFL", "ACIS", username, "*****@*****.**", rsa_copy, address.ToString()); Certificate cert = cm.Sign(_ca_cert, _se_key); CertificateHandler ch = null; if (_dtls) { ch = new OpenSslCertificateHandler(); } else { ch = new CertificateHandler(); } ch.AddCACertificate(_ca_cert.X509); ch.AddSignedCertificate(cert.X509); if (_dtls) { nm.SO = new DtlsOverlord(rsa_copy, ch, PeerSecOverlord.Security); } else { nm.Sso = new SymphonySecurityOverlord(node, rsa_copy, ch, node.Rrm); nm.SO = nm.Sso; } var brh = new BroadcastRevocationHandler(_ca_cert, nm.SO); node.GetTypeSource(BroadcastRevocationHandler.PType).Subscribe(brh, null); ch.AddCertificateVerification(brh); nm.SO.Subscribe(node, null); node.GetTypeSource(PeerSecOverlord.Security).Subscribe(nm.SO, null); } if (_pathing) { nm.PathEM = new PathELManager(el, nm.Node); nm.PathEM.Start(); el = nm.PathEM.CreatePath(); PType path_p = PType.Protocol.Pathing; nm.Node.DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(path_p).Subscribe(nm.PathEM, path_p); } if (_secure_edges) { node.EdgeVerifyMethod = EdgeVerify.AddressInSubjectAltName; el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, nm.SO); } node.AddEdgeListener(el); if (!_start) { node.RemoteTAs = GetRemoteTAs(); } IRelayOverlap ito = null; if (NCEnable) { nm.NCService = new NCService(node, new Point()); // My evaluations show that when this is enabled the system sucks // (node as StructuredNode).Sco.TargetSelector = new VivaldiTargetSelector(node, ncservice); ito = new NCRelayOverlap(nm.NCService); } else { ito = new SimpleRelayOverlap(); } if (_broken != 0) { el = new Relay.RelayEdgeListener(node, ito); if (_secure_edges) { el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, nm.SO); } node.AddEdgeListener(el); } BroadcastHandler bhandler = new BroadcastHandler(node as StructuredNode); node.DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(BroadcastSender.PType).Subscribe(bhandler, null); node.DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(SimBroadcastPType).Subscribe(SimBroadcastHandler, null); // Enables Dht data store new TableServer(node); nm.Dht = new Dht(node, 3, 20); nm.DhtProxy = new RpcDhtProxy(nm.Dht, node); return(node); }
public void Test() { Address addr_x = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); byte[] addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (Address.Full / 2)); Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class); Address addr_y = new AHAddress(addrbuff); List <Connection> connections = new List <Connection>(); ConnectionTable ct_x = new ConnectionTable(); ConnectionTable ct_y = new ConnectionTable(); ConnectionTable ct_empty = new ConnectionTable(); NCService ncservice = new NCService(); Connection fast_con = null; for (int i = 1; i <= 11; i++) { addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (i * Address.Full / 16)); Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class); Address addr = new AHAddress(addrbuff); Connection con = null; TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); Edge fe = new FakeEdge(ta, ta, TransportAddress.TAType.Tcp); if (i <= 10) { con = new Connection(fe, addr, "structured", null, null); ct_x.Add(con); if (i % 2 == 0) { ncservice.ProcessSample(DateTime.UtcNow, String.Empty, addr, new Point(new double[] { 0, 0 }, 0), 0, i * 10); } } else { fast_con = new Connection(fe, addr, "structured", null, null); ncservice.ProcessSample(DateTime.UtcNow, String.Empty, addr, new Point(new double[] { 0, 0 }, 0), 0, 5); } if (i == 10) { ct_y.Add(con); } connections.Add(con); } IRelayOverlap sto = new SimpleRelayOverlap(); IRelayOverlap nto = new NCRelayOverlap(ncservice); ConnectionType con_type = ConnectionType.Structured; List <Connection> pre_cons = new List <Connection>(); pre_cons.Add(connections[9]); IDictionary id = nto.GetSyncMessage(pre_cons, addr_x, ct_x.GetConnections(con_type)); // We do have some pre-existing overlap Assert.AreEqual(nto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0], connections[9], "NC: Have an overlap!"); Assert.AreEqual(sto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0], connections[9], "Simple: Have an overlap!"); // We have no overlap with an empty connection table Assert.AreEqual(nto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_empty.GetConnections(con_type), id).Count, 0, "No overlap!"); Assert.AreEqual(sto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_empty.GetConnections(con_type), id).Count, 0, "No overlap!"); // latency[0] == -1 Assert.AreEqual(connections[1].Address.Equals(nto.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true, "NC: EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns expected!"); Assert.AreEqual(ct_x.Contains(con_type, sto.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true, "Simple: EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns valid!"); ct_y.Add(fast_con); ct_x.Add(fast_con); id = nto.GetSyncMessage(pre_cons, addr_x, ct_x.GetConnections(con_type)); Assert.AreEqual(fast_con.Address.Equals(nto.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true, "NC: EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns expected!"); Assert.AreEqual(nto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0], fast_con, "NC: Have better overlap!"); }
/// <summary>Creates an ApplicationNode and prepares it for connection to /// the overlay. For historical reasons it is linked to _node, _dht, /// _rpc_dht, and _bso.</summary> public virtual ApplicationNode CreateNode(NodeConfig node_config) { // Get a Node ID for the new Node AHAddress address = null; try { address = (AHAddress)AddressParser.Parse(node_config.NodeAddress); } catch { address = Utils.GenerateAHAddress(); } // Create the Node state StructuredNode node = new StructuredNode(address, node_config.BrunetNamespace); _shutdown.OnExit += node.Disconnect; IEnumerable addresses = IPAddresses.GetIPAddresses(node_config.DevicesToBind); SecurityOverlord so = null; // Enable Security if requested if (node_config.Security.Enabled) { if (node_config.Security.SelfSignedCertificates) { SecurityPolicy.SetDefaultSecurityPolicy(SecurityPolicy.DefaultEncryptor, SecurityPolicy.DefaultAuthenticator, true); } byte[] blob = null; using (FileStream fs = File.Open(node_config.Security.KeyPath, FileMode.Open)) { blob = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(blob, 0, blob.Length); } RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa_private = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); rsa_private.ImportCspBlob(blob); CertificateHandler ch = null; if (node_config.Security.Dtls) { ch = new OpenSslCertificateHandler(node_config.Security.CertificatePath, address.ToString()); } else { ch = new CertificateHandler(node_config.Security.CertificatePath, address.ToString()); } if (node_config.Security.SecureEdges) { node.EdgeVerifyMethod = EdgeVerify.AddressInSubjectAltName; } // A hack to enable a test for security that doesn't require each peer // to exchange certificates if (node_config.Security.TestEnable) { blob = rsa_private.ExportCspBlob(false); RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa_pub = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); rsa_pub.ImportCspBlob(blob); CertificateMaker cm = new CertificateMaker("United States", "UFL", "ACIS", "David Wolinsky", "*****@*****.**", rsa_pub, "brunet:node:abcdefghijklmnopqrs"); Certificate cacert = cm.Sign(cm, rsa_private); cm = new CertificateMaker("United States", "UFL", "ACIS", "David Wolinsky", "*****@*****.**", rsa_pub, address.ToString()); Certificate cert = cm.Sign(cacert, rsa_private); ch.AddCACertificate(cacert.X509); ch.AddSignedCertificate(cert.X509); } if (node_config.Security.Dtls) { OpenSslCertificateHandler ssl_ch = ch as OpenSslCertificateHandler; so = new DtlsOverlord(rsa_private, ssl_ch, new PType(20)); node.GetTypeSource(new PType(20)).Subscribe(so, null); } else { so = new SymphonySecurityOverlord(node, rsa_private, ch, node.Rrm); node.GetTypeSource(PeerSecOverlord.Security).Subscribe(so, null); } so.Subscribe(node, null); } // Add Dht new TableServer(node); IDht dht = new Dht(node, 3, 20); RpcDhtProxy dht_proxy = new RpcDhtProxy(dht, node); // Setup Vivaldi if requested IRelayOverlap ito = null; NCService ncservice = null; if (node_config.NCService.Enabled) { ncservice = new NCService(node, node_config.NCService.Checkpoint); if (node_config.NCService.OptimizeShortcuts) { node.Ssco.TargetSelector = new VivaldiTargetSelector(node, ncservice); } ito = new NCRelayOverlap(ncservice); } else { ito = new SimpleRelayOverlap(); } // Create the ApplicationNode ApplicationNode app_node = new ApplicationNode(node, dht, dht_proxy, ncservice, so); // Add Edge listeners EdgeListener el = null; foreach (NodeConfig.EdgeListener item in node_config.EdgeListeners) { el = CreateEdgeListener(item, app_node, addresses); if (node_config.Security.SecureEdgesEnabled) { el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, so); } node.AddEdgeListener(el); } // Create the tunnel and potentially wrap it in a SecureEL el = new Relay.RelayEdgeListener(node, ito); if (node_config.Security.SecureEdgesEnabled) { el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, so); } node.AddEdgeListener(el); List <TransportAddress> RemoteTAs = null; if (node_config.RemoteTAs != null) { RemoteTAs = new List <TransportAddress>(); foreach (String ta in node_config.RemoteTAs) { RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(ta)); } node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTAs; } // Add XmlRpc if (node_config.XmlRpcManager.Enabled) { if (_xrm == null) { _xrm = new XmlRpcManagerServer(node_config.XmlRpcManager.Port); } _xrm.Add(node, GetXmlRpcUri(app_node)); new RpcDht(dht, node); } if (node_config.PrivateNodeConfig != null && node_config.PrivateNodeConfig.Enabled) { CreatePrivateNode(app_node, NodeConfig.GetPrivateNodeConfig(node_config)); } return(app_node); }