private SimplePaymentComponent TranslatePayment(SimplePaymentInfo paymentInfo)
     return(new SimplePaymentComponent()
         Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
         PaymentMethod = new EntityReference {
             EntityTarget = paymentInfo.PaymentMethodID
         Amount = Money.CreateMoney(paymentInfo.Amount)
        public ActionResult Index()
            var loadCartRequest = new LoadCartRequest("CommerceEngineDefaultStorefront", "Default", "1234");
            var loadCartResult  = _cartServiceProvider.LoadCart(loadCartRequest);

            var cart = loadCartResult.Cart as CommerceCart;

            var lines    = new List <CartLine>();
            var cartLine = new CommerceCartLine("Habitat_Master", "6042567", "56042567", 1.0M);


            var addLinesRequest = new AddCartLinesRequest(cart, lines);
            var addLinesResult  = _cartServiceProvider.AddCartLines(addLinesRequest);

            // Add a shipping address
            CommerceParty shippingAddress = new CommerceParty();

            shippingAddress.ExternalId    = "Shipping";
            shippingAddress.PartyId       = shippingAddress.ExternalId;
            shippingAddress.Name          = "Shipping";
            shippingAddress.Address1      = "Barbara Strozzilaan 201";
            shippingAddress.Company       = "Sitecore";
            shippingAddress.Country       = "Canada";
            shippingAddress.State         = "ON"; // State is checked by commerce engine: you can configure it in Commerce
            shippingAddress.CountryCode   = "CA"; // Country is checked by commerce engine
            shippingAddress.LastName      = "Werkman";
            shippingAddress.FirstName     = "Erwin";
            shippingAddress.City          = "Amsterdam";
            shippingAddress.ZipPostalCode = "1030AC";

            var cartParties = cart.Parties.ToList();

            cart.Parties = cartParties;

            ShippingOptionType shippingOptionType = ShippingOptionType.ShipToAddress;

            ICollection <CommerceShippingInfo> shippingInfoList = new List <CommerceShippingInfo>();

            var commerceShippingInfo = new CommerceShippingInfo();

            commerceShippingInfo.ShippingOptionType = ShippingOptionType.ShipToAddress;
            commerceShippingInfo.PartyID            = shippingAddress.ExternalId;
            commerceShippingInfo.ShippingMethodID   = "B146622D-DC86-48A3-B72A-05EE8FFD187A"; // Ship Items > Ground
            commerceShippingInfo.ShippingMethodName =
                "Ground";                                                                     // Method id and name have to match what is configured in Sitecore Commerce Control Panel


            var csShippingInfoList = new List <ShippingInfo>();

            foreach (var shippingInfo in shippingInfoList)

            // Add a shipping address and shipping method
            var addShippingInfoRequest =
                new Sitecore.Commerce.Engine.Connect.Services.Carts.AddShippingInfoRequest(cart, csShippingInfoList,
            var result = _cartServiceProvider.AddShippingInfo(addShippingInfoRequest);

            cart = result.Cart as CommerceCart;

            // Add billing address
            CommerceParty billingAddress = new CommerceParty();

            billingAddress.ExternalId =
                "Billing"; // This should correspond to the PartyId you are setting for the payment info
            billingAddress.PartyId       = billingAddress.ExternalId;
            billingAddress.Name          = "Billing";
            billingAddress.Address1      = "Dorpsstraat 50";
            billingAddress.Company       = "Sitecore";
            billingAddress.Country       = "Canada";
            billingAddress.State         = "ON"; // State is checked: you can configure it in Commerce
            billingAddress.CountryCode   = "CA";
            billingAddress.LastName      = "Werkman";
            billingAddress.FirstName     = "Erwin";
            billingAddress.City          = "Amsterdam";
            billingAddress.ZipPostalCode = "1234AK";


            // Add a payment address and payment method
            var payments = new List <PaymentInfo>();

            var simplePaymentInfo = new SimplePaymentInfo();

            simplePaymentInfo.PaymentMethodID = "9B110CC3-C7C8-4492-8FCF-0CDE5D3E0EB0";
            simplePaymentInfo.Amount          = cart.Total.Amount;


             * var giftCardPaymentInfo = new GiftCardPaymentInfo();
             * giftCardPaymentInfo.PaymentMethodID = "B5E5464E-C851-4C3C-8086-A4A874DD2DB0"; // GiftCard
             * giftCardPaymentInfo.Amount = cart.Total.Amount;
             * giftCardPaymentInfo.ExternalId = "GC1000000"; // This is the number of the giftcard
             * giftCardPaymentInfo.PartyID = billingAddress.ExternalId;    // For a gift card this is not really necessary and not recorded
             * payments.Add(giftCardPaymentInfo);

            var addPaymentInfoRequest = new AddPaymentInfoRequest(cart, payments);
            var addPaymentInfoResult  = _cartServiceProvider.AddPaymentInfo(addPaymentInfoRequest);

            return(View("Cart", addPaymentInfoResult));