        public async Task LogsInformationToILogger()
            // Arrange
            var memoryStorage     = new MemoryStorage();
            var conversationState = new ConversationState(memoryStorage);
            var userState         = new UserState(memoryStorage);

            var mockRootDialog = SimpleMockFactory.CreateMockDialog <Dialog>(null, "mockRootDialog");
            var mockLogger     = new Mock <ILogger <DialogBot <Dialog> > >();

            mockLogger.Setup(x =>
                             x.Log(It.IsAny <LogLevel>(), It.IsAny <EventId>(), It.IsAny <object>(), null, It.IsAny <Func <object, Exception, string> >()));

            // Run the bot
            var sut         = new DialogBot <Dialog>(conversationState, userState, mockRootDialog.Object, mockLogger.Object);
            var testAdapter = new TestAdapter();
            var testFlow    = new TestFlow(testAdapter, sut);
            await testFlow.Send("Hi").StartTestAsync();

            // Assert that log was changed with the expected parameters
                x => x.Log(
                    It.IsAny <EventId>(),
                    It.Is <object>(o => o.ToString() == "Running dialog with Message Activity."),
                    It.IsAny <Func <object, Exception, string> >()),
        public async Task SavesTurnStateUsingMockWithVirtualSaveChangesAsync()
            // Note: this test requires that SaveChangesAsync is made virtual in order to be able to create a mock.
            var memoryStorage         = new MemoryStorage();
            var mockConversationState = new Mock <ConversationState>(memoryStorage)
                CallBase = true,

            var mockUserState = new Mock <UserState>(memoryStorage)
                CallBase = true,

            var mockRootDialog = SimpleMockFactory.CreateMockDialog <Dialog>(null, "mockRootDialog");
            var mockLogger     = new Mock <ILogger <DialogBot <Dialog> > >();

            // Act
            var sut         = new DialogBot <Dialog>(mockConversationState.Object, mockUserState.Object, mockRootDialog.Object, mockLogger.Object);
            var testAdapter = new TestAdapter();
            var testFlow    = new TestFlow(testAdapter, sut);
            await testFlow.Send("Hi").StartTestAsync();

            // Assert that SaveChangesAsync was called
            mockConversationState.Verify(x => x.SaveChangesAsync(It.IsAny <TurnContext>(), It.IsAny <bool>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()), Times.Once);
            mockUserState.Verify(x => x.SaveChangesAsync(It.IsAny <TurnContext>(), It.IsAny <bool>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()), Times.Once);
        public async Task DialogFlowUseCases(TestDataObject testData)
            // Arrange
            var bookingTestData          = testData.GetObject <BookingDialogTestCase>();
            var mockFlightBookingService = new Mock <IFlightBookingService>();

            .Setup(x => x.BookFlight(It.IsAny <BookingDetails>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))

            var mockGetBookingDetailsDialog = SimpleMockFactory.CreateMockDialog <GetBookingDetailsDialog>(bookingTestData.GetBookingDetailsDialogResult).Object;

            var sut        = new BookingDialog(mockGetBookingDetailsDialog, mockFlightBookingService.Object);
            var testClient = new DialogTestClient(Channels.Test, sut, middlewares: _middlewares);

            // Act/Assert
            Output.WriteLine($"Test Case: {bookingTestData.Name}");
            for (var i = 0; i < bookingTestData.UtterancesAndReplies.GetLength(0); i++)
                var utterance = bookingTestData.UtterancesAndReplies[i, 0];

                // Send the activity and receive the first reply or just pull the next
                // activity from the queue if there's nothing to send
                var reply = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(utterance)
                    ? await testClient.SendActivityAsync <IMessageActivity>(utterance)
                    : testClient.GetNextReply <IMessageActivity>();

                Assert.Equal(bookingTestData.UtterancesAndReplies[i, 1], reply.Text);

            Assert.Equal(bookingTestData.ExpectedDialogResult.Status, testClient.DialogTurnResult.Status);
        public async Task ReturnsWelcomeCardOnConversationUpdate()
            // Arrange
            var mockRootDialog = SimpleMockFactory.CreateMockDialog <Dialog>(null, "mockRootDialog");

            // TODO: do we need state here?
            var memoryStorage = new MemoryStorage();
            var sut           = new DialogAndWelcomeBot <Dialog>(new ConversationState(memoryStorage), new UserState(memoryStorage), mockRootDialog.Object, null);
            var conversationUpdateActivity = new Activity
                Type         = ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate,
                MembersAdded = new List <ChannelAccount>
                    new ChannelAccount {
                        Id = "theUser"
                Recipient = new ChannelAccount {
                    Id = "theBot"
            var testAdapter = new TestAdapter(Channels.Test);

            // Act
            // Note: it is kind of obscure that we need to use OnTurnAsync to trigger OnMembersAdded so we get the card
            await testAdapter.ProcessActivityAsync(conversationUpdateActivity, sut.OnTurnAsync, CancellationToken.None);

            var reply = testAdapter.GetNextReply();

            // Assert
            var m = (IMessageActivity)reply;

            Assert.Equal(1, m.Attachments.Count);
            Assert.Equal("application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive", m.Attachments.FirstOrDefault()?.ContentType);
        public async Task WholeEnchilada()
            var mockFlightBookingService = new Mock <IFlightBookingService>();

            mockFlightBookingService.Setup(x => x.BookFlight(It.IsAny <BookingDetails>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            var mockBookingDialog = SimpleMockFactory.CreateMockDialog <BookingDialog>(null, mockFlightBookingService.Object).Object;
            var mockLogger        = new Mock <ILogger <MainDialog> >();
            var sut = new MainDialog(mockLogger.Object, null, mockBookingDialog);

            var testFlow = BuildTestFlow(sut);

            await testFlow.Send("hi")
            .AssertReply("What can I help you with today?")
            .AssertReply("Where would you like to travel to?")
            .AssertReply("Where are you traveling from?")
            .Send("New York")
            .AssertReply("When would you like to travel?")
            .Send("tomorrow at 5 PM")
            .AssertReply(activity =>
                // TODO: I had to add the Yes No for the channelId = test, the emulator displays suggested actions instead.
                var message = (IMessageActivity)activity;
                    "Please confirm, I have you traveling to: Bahamas from: New York on: 2019-04-18T17 (1) Yes or (2) No",
            .AssertReply("I have you booked to Bahamas from New York on tomorrow 5PM")
        public MainDialogTests(ITestOutputHelper output)
            : base(output)
            _mockLogger = new Mock <ILogger <MainDialog> >();

            var mockFlightBookingService = new Mock <IFlightBookingService>();

            .Setup(x => x.BookFlight(It.IsAny <BookingDetails>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            _mockBookingDialog = SimpleMockFactory.CreateMockDialog <BookingDialog>(null, new Mock <GetBookingDetailsDialog>().Object, mockFlightBookingService.Object).Object;
        public MainDialogTests(ITestOutputHelper output)
            : base(output)
            _mockLogger = new Mock <ILogger <MainDialog> >();
            var expectedBookingDialogResult = new BookingDetails()
                Destination = "Seattle",
                Origin      = "New York",
                TravelDate  = $"{DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1):yyyy-MM-dd}"

            _mockBookingDialog = SimpleMockFactory.CreateMockDialog <BookingDialog>(expectedBookingDialogResult).Object;
        public async Task ReturnsWelcomeCardOnConversationUpdate()
            // Arrange
            var mockRootDialog = SimpleMockFactory.CreateMockDialog <Dialog>(null, "mockRootDialog");
            var memoryStorage  = new MemoryStorage();
            var sut            = new DialogAndWelcomeBot <Dialog>(new ConversationState(memoryStorage), new UserState(memoryStorage), mockRootDialog.Object, null);

            // Create conversationUpdate activity
            var conversationUpdateActivity = new Activity
                Type         = ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate,
                MembersAdded = new List <ChannelAccount>
                    new ChannelAccount {
                        Id = "theUser"
                Recipient = new ChannelAccount {
                    Id = "theBot"
            var testAdapter = new TestAdapter(Channels.Test);

            // Act
            // Send the conversation update activity to the bot.
            await testAdapter.ProcessActivityAsync(conversationUpdateActivity, sut.OnTurnAsync, CancellationToken.None);

            // Assert we got the welcome card
            var reply = (IMessageActivity)testAdapter.GetNextReply();

            Assert.Equal(1, reply.Attachments.Count);
            Assert.Equal("application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive", reply.Attachments.FirstOrDefault()?.ContentType);

            // Assert that we started the main dialog.
            reply = (IMessageActivity)testAdapter.GetNextReply();
            Assert.Equal("Dialog mock invoked", reply.Text);