        public void SimpleFileSystemProvider_BuildPathGivenValidArguments_ShouldBuildCombinedFilePath()
            SimpleFileSystemProvider sfs = new SimpleFileSystemProvider();
            string directory             = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory;
            string combinedResult        = string.Empty;

            combinedResult = sfs.BuildPath(directory, TestFileName);

            Assert.AreEqual(this._targetFileName, combinedResult, "The combined path wasn't built correctly.");
        } // end test
        public void SimpleFileSystemProvider_Exists_GivenInvalidFile_ShouldReturnFalse()
            if (SkipTests)
                Assert.Inconclusive("Problems with one-time setup prevented the test from running.");
                SimpleFileSystemProvider sfs = new SimpleFileSystemProvider();

                bool exists = sfs.Exists(FileSystemType.File, this._targetFileName + "test");

                Assert.False(exists, "The file should not have existed and the method should have returned false.");
        } // end test
        public void SimpleFileSystemProvider_FindDirectory_WithInvalidDirectory_ShouldNotReturnDirectoryInfo()
            if (SkipTests)
                Assert.Inconclusive("Problems with one-time setup prevented the test from running.");
                SimpleFileSystemProvider sfs  = new SimpleFileSystemProvider();
                DirectoryInfo            info = null;

                info = sfs.FindDirectory("Empty");

                Assert.Null(info, "Directory information should have been returned.");
        } // end test
        public void SimpleFileSystemProvider_OpenRead_WithNoFile_ShouldSwallowExceptionAndReturnNullStream()
            if (SkipTests)
                Assert.Inconclusive("Problems with one-time setup prevented the test from running.");
                SimpleFileSystemProvider sfs = new SimpleFileSystemProvider();
                Stream fileStream            = null;

                fileStream = sfs.OpenRead(string.Empty);

                Assert.IsNull(fileStream, "No stream should have been returned for a file that doesn't exist.");
        } // end test
        public void SimpleFileSystemProvider_Exists_GivenInvalidDirectory_ShouldReturnFalse()
            if (SkipTests)
                Assert.Inconclusive("Problems with one-time setup prevented the test from running.");
                SimpleFileSystemProvider sfs = new SimpleFileSystemProvider();
                string directory             = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "123";

                bool exists = sfs.Exists(FileSystemType.Directory, directory);

                Assert.False(exists, "The directory should not have been found and the method should have returned false.");
        } // end test
        public void SimpleFileSystemProvider_FindDirectory_WithValidDirectory_ShouldReturnDirectoryInfo()
            if (SkipTests)
                Assert.Inconclusive("Problems with one-time setup prevented the test from running.");
                SimpleFileSystemProvider sfs  = new SimpleFileSystemProvider();
                DirectoryInfo            info = null;

                info = sfs.FindDirectory(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory);

                Assert.NotNull(info, "Directory information should have been returned.");
                Assert.AreEqual(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, info.ToString(), "The directory was not the same as the one requested.");
        } // end test
        public void SimpleFileSystemProvider_OpenRead_WithValidFile_ShouldReturnFileContentsAsStream()
            if (SkipTests)
                Assert.Inconclusive("Problems with one-time setup prevented the test from running.");
                SimpleFileSystemProvider sfs = new SimpleFileSystemProvider();
                Stream fileStream            = null;
                string expectedContents      = string.Concat("Line 1", Environment.NewLine, "Line 2", Environment.NewLine, "Line 3", Environment.NewLine);
                string actualContents        = string.Empty;
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileStream = sfs.OpenRead(this._targetFileName))) {
                    actualContents = reader.ReadToEnd();

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedContents, actualContents, "The method did not open or read the file correctly.");
        } // end test
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // This section serves as the composition root.
            // In Dependency Injection or Inversion of Control, the composition root is the "entry" point of the application.
            // For web-applications it is the App_Start or AppStart, for windows services it is the OnStart method.
            // For console applications, it is the main method.
            // Only executables have a REAL composition root.  Class libraries are by definition a library of types to be used by
            // calling code to accomplish a goal.  The class library cannot (and should not) make any assumptions beyond it's own behavior
            // regarding how it will be used.

            // Take note of the difference between the IConfigurationProvider and the AppConfigProvider.
            // The interface is defined in the class library, while the implementation is defined in the console application project.
            // This setup allows the console application to be able to "read" configuration, without having to know how that particular configuration
            // should be accessed.  You COULD provide a default provider in the class library for configuration (as we did with the FileSystem)
            // but this gives us maximum flexibility.  This same class library used in a web.application would load config from a web.config
            // file instead of an app.config.  Or it could be a SQLConfigurationProvider as long as they implement the class library interface.
            IConfigurationProvider provider   = new AppConfigProvider();
            IDataProcessor         processor  = new TextFileProcessor();
            IFileSystemProvider    fileSystem = new SimpleFileSystemProvider();

            // Notice the .Out property of the static Console class being passed as an argument.
            // The constructor dependency for the ConsoleReportViewer requires a TextWriter instance (which the .Out property happens to be).
            // We could really pass in ANY TextWriter instance, so you COULD rename the ConsoleReportViewer to TextReportViewer to be more specific.
            // It is this injected dependency that allows us to
            // A) Actually test the output in tests
            // B) De-couple the ConsoleReportViewer from NEEDING to run in a place where it has access to the actual Console.
            // In this case, we don't have to worry about disposing of the TextWriter (like you would normally) because it's lifetime is managed
            // by the Console Application
            IReportViewer viewer = new ConsoleReportViewer(Console.Out);

            // Because we have modified the constructor to take interface arguments, and moved the primary logic from the actual viewer
            // to a new "layer" called an engine, our code-base has become larger, but also more loosely coupled.
            ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine(provider, processor, fileSystem, viewer);
