        public static PaletteType ProcessImage(VisionImage image)
            // Initialize the IVA_Data structure to pass results and coordinate systems.
            IVA_Data ivaData = new IVA_Data(2, 0);

            // Creates a new, empty region of interest.
            Roi roi = new Roi();

            // 建一條巡邊線Star(229,40) End(229,300)
            PointContour vaStartPoint = new PointContour(229, 40);
            PointContour vaEndPoint   = new PointContour(229, 300);
            LineContour  vaLine       = new LineContour(vaStartPoint, vaEndPoint);


            // 邊緣偵測;採用簡單邊緣偵測方式
            SimpleEdgeOptions vaSimpleEdgeOptions = new SimpleEdgeOptions();

            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Process    = EdgeProcess.All;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Type       = LevelType.Absolute;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Threshold  = 128;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Hysteresis = 2;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.SubPixel   = true;
            simpleEdges = IVA_SimpleEdge(image, roi, vaSimpleEdgeOptions, ivaData, 0);

            // Caliper
            // Delete all the results of this step (from a previous iteration)
            Functions.IVA_DisposeStepResults(ivaData, 1);

            // Computes the vaDistance between two points.
            Collection <double> vaDistance = IVA_GetDistance(image, ivaData, 1, 0, 3, 0, 5);

            caliperDistance = vaDistance[0];

            // Dispose the IVA_Data structure.

            MessageBox.Show("座標點1" + simpleEdges[2].ToString() + "\r\n" +
                            "座標點2" + simpleEdges[0].ToString() + "\r\n" +
                            "座標點3" + simpleEdges[1].ToString() + "\r\n" + "\r\n" +
                            "間距量測" + caliperDistance.ToString());

            //Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(FileName)
            //g.DrawLine(0, 0, 100, 100);

            // Return the palette type of the final image.
        private static Collection <PointContour> IVA_SimpleEdge(VisionImage image,
                                                                Roi roi,
                                                                SimpleEdgeOptions simpleEdgeOptions,
                                                                IVA_Data ivaData,
                                                                int stepIndex)
            // Calculates the profile of the pixels along the edge of each contour in the region of interest.
            using (VisionImage monoImage = new VisionImage(ImageType.U8, 7))
                if (image.Type == ImageType.Rgb32 || image.Type == ImageType.Hsl32)
                    Algorithms.ExtractColorPlanes(image, ColorMode.Hsl, null, null, monoImage);
                    Algorithms.Copy(image, monoImage);

                RoiProfileReport roiProfile = Algorithms.RoiProfile(monoImage, roi);

                // Finds prominent edges along the array of pixel coordinates.
                Collection <PointContour> edges = Algorithms.SimpleEdge(monoImage, roiProfile.Pixels, simpleEdgeOptions);

                // Store the results in the data structure.

                // First, delete all the results of this step (from a previous iteration)
                Functions.IVA_DisposeStepResults(ivaData, stepIndex);

                ivaData.stepResults[stepIndex].results.Add(new IVA_Result("# of Edges", edges.Count));

                for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; ++i)
                    ivaData.stepResults[stepIndex].results.Add(new IVA_Result(String.Format("Edge {0}.X Position (Pix.)", i + 1), edges[i].X));
                    ivaData.stepResults[stepIndex].results.Add(new IVA_Result(String.Format("Edge {0}.Y Position (Pix.)", i + 1), edges[i].Y));

                    // If the image is calibrated, convert the pixel values to real world coordinates.
                    if ((image.InfoTypes & InfoTypes.Calibration) != 0)
                        PointContour      edgeLocation      = new PointContour(edges[i].X, edges[i].Y);
                        CoordinatesReport realWorldPosition = Algorithms.ConvertPixelToRealWorldCoordinates(image, new Collection <PointContour>(new PointContour[] { edgeLocation }));

                        ivaData.stepResults[stepIndex].results.Add(new IVA_Result(String.Format("Edge {0}.X Position (World)", i + 1), realWorldPosition.Points[0].X));
                        ivaData.stepResults[stepIndex].results.Add(new IVA_Result(String.Format("Edge {0}.Y Position (World)", i + 1), realWorldPosition.Points[0].Y));
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Do not delete new lines that the user places.
            imageViewer1.AutoDelete = false;

            // Limit the number of regions to 5.
            imageViewer1.Roi.MaximumContours = 5;

            // Set up the edge options.
            simpleEdgeOptions           = new SimpleEdgeOptions();
            simpleEdgeOptions.Threshold = 200;

            // Display the first image.
        public static PaletteType ProcessImage(VisionImage image)
            // Initialize the IVA_Data structure to pass results and coordinate systems.
            IVA_Data ivaData = new IVA_Data(2, 0);

            // Creates a new, empty region of interest.
            Roi roi = new Roi();
            // Creates a new LineContour using the given values.
            PointContour vaStartPoint = new PointContour(229, 42);
            PointContour vaEndPoint   = new PointContour(229, 298);
            LineContour  vaLine       = new LineContour(vaStartPoint, vaEndPoint);

            // Edge Detector - Simple Edge
            SimpleEdgeOptions vaSimpleEdgeOptions = new SimpleEdgeOptions();

            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Process    = EdgeProcess.All;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Type       = LevelType.Absolute;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Threshold  = 128;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.Hysteresis = 2;
            vaSimpleEdgeOptions.SubPixel   = true;
            simpleEdges = IVA_SimpleEdge(image, roi, vaSimpleEdgeOptions, ivaData, 0);

            // Caliper
            // Delete all the results of this step (from a previous iteration)
            Functions.IVA_DisposeStepResults(ivaData, 1);

            // Computes the vaDistance between two points.
            Collection <double> vaDistance = IVA_GetDistance(image, ivaData, 1, 0, 3, 0, 5);

            caliperDistance = vaDistance[0];

            // Dispose the IVA_Data structure.

            // Return the palette type of the final image.