static Building_GrowerBase_WorkTable() { cleanlinessCurve.Add(-5.0f, 5.00f); cleanlinessCurve.Add(-2.0f, 1.75f); cleanlinessCurve.Add(0.0f, 1.0f); cleanlinessCurve.Add(0.4f, 0.35f); cleanlinessCurve.Add(2.0f, 0.1f); }
public ConcreteManager(World world) : base(world) { concreteThingList = new Dictionary <Thing, int>(); daysToHydrate = Concrete.SettingInt["daysToHydrate"].Value; hydrateCurve.Add(new CurvePoint(0, 0)); hydrateCurve.Add(new CurvePoint(daysToHydrate / 0.25f, 0.5f)); hydrateCurve.Add(new CurvePoint(daysToHydrate, 1f)); }
public static void DoCurveEditor(Rect screenRect, SimpleCurve curve, int decimalPlaces = 0, int displayMult = 100, string valueSuffix = "%", Action onChange = null) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(screenRect); SimpleCurveDrawer.DrawCurve(screenRect, curve, null, null, default(Rect)); Vector2 mousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition - screenRect.position; Vector2 mouseCurveCoords = SimpleCurveDrawer.ScreenToCurveCoords(screenRect, curve.View.rect, mousePosition); if (Mouse.IsOver(screenRect)) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0) { var clampedCoords = mouseCurveCoords; clampedCoords.x = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Round(clampedCoords.x), 0, 20); clampedCoords.y = Mathf.Clamp((float)Math.Round(clampedCoords.y, 2), 0, 1); List <FloatMenuOption> list2 = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); if (!curve.Any(point => point.x == clampedCoords.x)) { list2.Add(new FloatMenuOption($"Add point at [{clampedCoords.x:F0} - {(clampedCoords.y * displayMult).ToString($"F{decimalPlaces}")}{valueSuffix}]", () => { curve.Add(new CurvePoint(clampedCoords), true); onChange?.Invoke(); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0)); } else { var existingPoint = curve.First(point => point.x == clampedCoords.x); list2.Add(new FloatMenuOption($"Move point at [{existingPoint.x:F0} - {(existingPoint.y * displayMult).ToString($"F{decimalPlaces}")}{valueSuffix}] to [{clampedCoords.x:F0} - {(clampedCoords.y * displayMult).ToString($"F{decimalPlaces}")}{valueSuffix}]", () => { curve.RemovePointNear(existingPoint); curve.Add(new CurvePoint(clampedCoords), true); onChange?.Invoke(); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0)); if (Mathf.RoundToInt(existingPoint.x) != 0 && Mathf.RoundToInt(existingPoint.x) != 20) { list2.Add(new FloatMenuOption($"Remove point at [{existingPoint.x:F0} - {(existingPoint.y * displayMult).ToString($"F{decimalPlaces}")}{valueSuffix}]", () => { curve.RemovePointNear(existingPoint); onChange?.Invoke(); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null, true, 0)); } } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list2)); Event.current.Use(); } } }
private static void UpdateCurve(PawnKeyframe key, float?curvePoint, SimpleCurve simpleCurve, float frameAt) { if (curvePoint.HasValue) { simpleCurve.Add(frameAt, curvePoint.Value); } else { // No value at 0 => add points to prevent the curve from bugging out if (key.KeyIndex == 0) { simpleCurve.Add(0, 0); simpleCurve.Add(1, 0); } } }
public static SimpleCurve CreateCurveFrom(List <Vector2> curvePoints) { SimpleCurve curve = new SimpleCurve(); for (int i = 0; i < curvePoints.Count(); i++) { curve.Add(new CurvePoint(curvePoints[i])); } return(curve); }
private SimpleCurve ListToSimpleCurve(List <CurvePoint> list) { var curves = new SimpleCurve(); foreach (var curvePoint in list) { curves.Add(curvePoint); } return(curves); }
public override void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect inRect) { int ransomRaidDelay = Mathf.RoundToInt(this.settings.ransomRaidDelay / (float)GenDate.TicksPerHour); int ransomFailCooldown = Mathf.RoundToInt(this.settings.ransomFailCooldown / (float)GenDate.TicksPerHour); Rect sliderSection = inRect.TopPart(0.7f); this.settings.ransomFactor = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect: sliderSection.TopHalf().TopHalf().BottomHalf(), value: this.settings.ransomFactor, leftValue: 1f, rightValue: 5f, middleAlignment: true, label: "SettingsRansomFactor".Translate(this.settings.ransomFactor), leftAlignedLabel: "1", rightAlignedLabel: "5"); ransomRaidDelay = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect: sliderSection.TopHalf().BottomHalf().TopHalf(), value: ransomRaidDelay, leftValue: 1f, rightValue: 168f, middleAlignment: true, label: "SettingsRansomRaidDelay".Translate(this.settings.ransomRaidDelay.ToStringTicksToPeriod()), leftAlignedLabel: "1", rightAlignedLabel: "168"); ransomFailCooldown = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect: sliderSection.BottomHalf().TopHalf().TopHalf(), value: ransomFailCooldown, leftValue: ransomRaidDelay, rightValue: 336f, middleAlignment: true, label: "SettingsRansomFailCooldown".Translate(this.settings.ransomFailCooldown.ToStringTicksToPeriod()), leftAlignedLabel: ransomRaidDelay.ToString(), rightAlignedLabel: "336"); this.settings.adjustment = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect: sliderSection.BottomHalf().BottomHalf().TopHalf(), value: this.settings.adjustment, leftValue: 40f, rightValue: 95f, middleAlignment: true, label: "SettingsRansomAdjustment".Translate(this.settings.adjustment), leftAlignedLabel: "40", rightAlignedLabel: "95"); this.settings.ransomRaidDelay = ransomRaidDelay * GenDate.TicksPerHour; this.settings.ransomFailCooldown = ransomFailCooldown * GenDate.TicksPerHour; SimpleCurve curve = new SimpleCurve(); for (int i = -50; i <= 50; i++) { curve.Add(i, RansomSettings.RansomChanceRaw(-75, 10, i) * 100); } SimpleCurveDrawInfo drawInfo = new SimpleCurveDrawInfo() { curve = curve, color = Color.cyan, label = "LABEL", labelY = "Prob" }; SimpleCurveDrawer.DrawCurve(inRect.BottomPart(0.3f), drawInfo, new SimpleCurveDrawerStyle { DrawBackground = false, DrawBackgroundLines = false, DrawCurveMousePoint = true, DrawLegend = true, DrawMeasures = true, DrawPoints = false, FixedScale = new Vector2(0, 100), FixedSection = new FloatRange(-50, 50), LabelX = "Adj", MeasureLabelsXCount = 10, MeasureLabelsYCount = 10, OnlyPositiveValues = false, PointsRemoveOptimization = false, UseAntiAliasedLines = true, UseFixedScale = true, UseFixedSection = true, XIntegersOnly = true, YIntegersOnly = true }); }
static CE_Utility() { lightingCurve.Add(05.00f, 0.05f); lightingCurve.Add(10.00f, 0.15f); lightingCurve.Add(22.00f, 0.475f); lightingCurve.Add(35.00f, 1.00f); lightingCurve.Add(60.00f, 1.20f); lightingCurve.Add(90.00f, 2.00f); }
private void SetupRainfallNoise() { float freqMultiplier = WorldGenStep_Terrain.FreqMultiplier; ModuleBase input = new Perlin(0.014999999664723873 * freqMultiplier, 2.0, 0.5, 6, Rand.Range(0, 2147483647), QualityMode.High); input = new ScaleBias(0.5, 0.5, input); NoiseDebugUI.StorePlanetNoise(input, "basePerlin"); SimpleCurve simpleCurve = new SimpleCurve(); simpleCurve.Add(0f, 1.12f, true); simpleCurve.Add(25f, 0.94f, true); simpleCurve.Add(45f, 0.7f, true); simpleCurve.Add(70f, 0.3f, true); simpleCurve.Add(80f, 0.05f, true); simpleCurve.Add(90f, 0.05f, true); ModuleBase moduleBase = new AbsLatitudeCurve(simpleCurve, 100f); NoiseDebugUI.StorePlanetNoise(moduleBase, "latCurve"); this.noiseRainfall = new Multiply(input, moduleBase); float num = 0.000222222225f; float num2 = (float)(-500.0 * num); ModuleBase input2 = new ScaleBias((double)num, (double)num2, this.noiseElevation); input2 = new ScaleBias(-1.0, 1.0, input2); input2 = new Clamp(0.0, 1.0, input2); NoiseDebugUI.StorePlanetNoise(input2, "elevationRainfallEffect"); this.noiseRainfall = new Multiply(this.noiseRainfall, input2); Func <double, double> processor = delegate(double val) { if (val < 0.0) { val = 0.0; } if (val < 0.12) { val = (val + 0.12) / 2.0; if (val < 0.03) { val = (val + 0.03) / 2.0; } } return(val); }; this.noiseRainfall = new Arbitrary(this.noiseRainfall, processor); this.noiseRainfall = new Power(this.noiseRainfall, new Const(1.5)); this.noiseRainfall = new Clamp(0.0, 999.0, this.noiseRainfall); NoiseDebugUI.StorePlanetNoise(this.noiseRainfall, "noiseRainfall before mm"); this.noiseRainfall = new ScaleBias(4000.0, 0.0, this.noiseRainfall); SimpleCurve rainfallCurve =; if (rainfallCurve != null) { this.noiseRainfall = new CurveSimple(this.noiseRainfall, rainfallCurve); } }
static StatWorker_Flammability() { HumidityCurve.Add(0, 2); HumidityCurve.Add(0.5f, 1); HumidityCurve.Add(1, 0.625f); }
private void SimpleCurveEditor(Listing_Standard listing_Standard, ref SimpleCurve curve) { float lastx = 0; for (var num = 0; num < curve.PointsCount; num++) { var point = curve.Points[num]; var rect1 = listing_Standard.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); rect1.width = (rect1.width - 55) / 2; var rect2 = new Rect(rect1) { x = rect1.xMax + 5 }; var rect3 = new Rect(rect1) { width = 20, x = rect2.xMax + 5 }; var rect4 = new Rect(rect3) { x = rect3.xMax + 5 }; var x = point.x; if (x <= lastx) { x = lastx + 1f; } //string buffer2 = x.ToString(); x = Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect1, x, 0, 5000f, false, "DaysDescription".Translate() + ": " + x, null, null, 1); //listing_Standard.Label("DaysDescription".Translate() + ": " + x); //listing_Standard.Slider(x, 0, 10000f); //Widgets.TextFieldNumeric<float>(rect2, ref y, ref buffer2, min, max); var y = point.y; var ypercent = y * 100; //string buffer1 = y.ToString(); ypercent = Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect2, ypercent, 0, 10000f, false, "PercentDescription".Translate() + ": " + ypercent + "%", null, null, 1); //listing_Standard.Label("PercentDescription".Translate() + ": " + ypercent + "%"); //listing_Standard.Slider(ypercent, 0, 1000f); y = ypercent / 100; //Widgets.TextFieldNumeric<float>(rect1, ref x, ref buffer1, min, max); if (x != point.x || y != point.y) { curve.Points[num] = new CurvePoint(x, y); curve.View.SetViewRectAround(curve); } if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect3, "+")) { curve.Add(new CurvePoint(point)); curve.View.SetViewRectAround(curve); } if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect4, "-")) { //curves.RemovePointNear(point); curve.Points.RemoveAt(num); if (curve.PointsCount == 0) { curve.Add(0, 1); } curve.View.SetViewRectAround(curve); } listing_Standard.Gap(listing_Standard.verticalSpacing); lastx = x; } }
public SoundParameterMapping() { curve = new SimpleCurve(); curve.Add(new CurvePoint(0f, 0f)); curve.Add(new CurvePoint(1f, 1f)); }
static StatWorker_Flammability() { HumidityCurve.Add(0, FireSpread.values.flammabilityHumidityMin); HumidityCurve.Add(0.5f, FireSpread.values.flammabilityHumidityHalf); HumidityCurve.Add(1, FireSpread.values.flammabilityHumidityMax); }
void DrawUI(Rect rect) { const float PADDING = 5f; draggableIndex = 0; float topHeight = rect.height * VerticalSplit; Rect topArea = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, topHeight); float bottomHeight = rect.height - topHeight; Rect bottomArea = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y + topHeight, rect.width, bottomHeight); // Net power. float netWatts = 123.5f; string netPowerTxt = PowerConvert.GetPrettyPower(netWatts); Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; var txtSize = Text.CalcSize(netPowerTxt); Widgets.Label(new Rect(rect.xMax - txtSize.x - PADDING, rect.y + PADDING, txtSize.x, txtSize.y), netPowerTxt); // Vertical slide. float vertSize = Mathf.Clamp(Draggable(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y + topHeight), rect.width, 0) - rect.y, MinVerticalSize, rect.height - MinVerticalSize); VerticalSplit = vertSize / rect.height; // First section slide. float maxSecAWidth = rect.width - SectionCWidth() - MinSectionWidth; SectionAWidth = Mathf.Clamp(Draggable(new Vector2(rect.x + SectionAWidth, rect.y + topHeight), 0f, bottomHeight, () => { sectionBStart = SectionBWidth; sectionAStart = SectionAWidth; }) - rect.x, MinSectionWidth, maxSecAWidth); if (IsDragging()) { float deltaA = SectionAWidth - sectionAStart; float adjustedB = sectionBStart - deltaA; SectionBWidth = adjustedB; } // Second section slide. float cWidth = rect.xMax - Draggable(new Vector2(rect.x + SectionAWidth + SectionBWidth, rect.y + topHeight), 0f, bottomHeight); float bWidth = rect.width - cWidth - SectionAWidth; SectionBWidth = Mathf.Clamp(bWidth, MinSectionWidth, rect.width - SectionAWidth - MinSectionWidth); Rect sectionA = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y + topHeight, SectionAWidth, bottomHeight); Rect sectionB = new Rect(rect.x + SectionAWidth, rect.y + topHeight, SectionBWidth, bottomHeight); Rect sectionC = new Rect(rect.x + SectionAWidth + SectionBWidth, rect.y + topHeight, SectionCWidth(), bottomHeight); List <SimpleCurveDrawInfo> curves = new List <SimpleCurveDrawInfo>(); var curve = new SimpleCurve(); var curve2 = new SimpleCurve(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { float x = i; float y = x * x; float y2 = x * 80; curve.Add(new CurvePoint(x, y)); curve2.Add(new CurvePoint(x, y2)); } var drawInfo = new SimpleCurveDrawInfo(); drawInfo.curve = curve; drawInfo.color = Color.cyan; drawInfo.label = "Power Production"; curves.Add(drawInfo); var drawInfo2 = new SimpleCurveDrawInfo(); drawInfo2.curve = curve2; drawInfo2.color =; drawInfo2.label = "Power Consumption"; curves.Add(drawInfo2); var style = new SimpleCurveDrawerStyle(); //style.UseFixedScale = true; style.DrawBackground = true; style.DrawLegend = true; style.DrawMeasures = true; style.DrawPoints = false; style.DrawCurveMousePoint = true; style.UseAntiAliasedLines = true; SimpleCurveDrawer.DrawCurves(topArea, curves, style); //GUI.Box(rect, ""); GUI.Box(topArea, ""); GUI.Box(sectionA, ""); GUI.Box(sectionB, ""); GUI.Box(sectionC, ""); float SectionCWidth() { return(rect.width - SectionAWidth - SectionBWidth); } }
public override void ExposeData() { base.ExposeData(); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.Saving) { if (CustomCurve != null) { values = new List <SimpleCurveValues>(CustomCurve.PointsCount); foreach (CurvePoint p in CustomCurve) { values.Add( new SimpleCurveValues() { StartLevel = p.x, ExpNeeded = p.y }); } } } Scribe_Values.Look <bool>(ref AllowSkillLoss, "ChangeSkillLevel.AllowSkillLoss", true, true); Scribe_Values.Look <bool>(ref AdjustSkillLossCaps, "ChangeSkillLevel.AdjustSkillLossCaps", false, true); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref SkillLossCaps, "ChangeSkillLevel.SkillLossCaps", LookMode.Value, new object[0]); Scribe_Values.Look <bool>(ref CanLoseLevel, "ChangeSkillLevel.CanLoseLevel", false, true); Scribe_Values.Look <bool>(ref HasCustomCurve, "ChangeSkillLevel.HasCustomCurve", false, true); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref this.values, "ChangeSkillLevel.CurvePoints", LookMode.Deep, new object[0]); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.PostLoadInit) { if (HasCustomCurve) { if (this.values == null || this.values.Count == 0) { HasCustomCurve = false; } else { CustomCurve = new SimpleCurve(); foreach (SimpleCurveValues v in this.values) { CustomCurve.Add(new CurvePoint(v.StartLevel, v.ExpNeeded)); } } } } if ((Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.PostLoadInit || Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.Saving) && this.values != null) { this.values.Clear(); this.values = null; } if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.PostLoadInit) { if (SkillLossCaps == null) { RepopulateSkillLossCaps(); } } }
private static void FertChangeTbf(List <TBF> listTbf) { MapDesignerSettings settings = MapDesignerMod.mod.settings; List <TerrainThreshold> newTbf = new List <TerrainThreshold>(); float rangeSize = maxMapFert - minMapFert; List <TerrainThreshold> oldTbf = oldTerrain.terrainsByFertility; // the actual adjustments listTbf.Sort((x, y) => x.thresh.terrain.fertility.CompareTo(y.thresh.terrain.fertility)); float minFert = -1; float maxFert = -1; if (listTbf.Any(t => !t.thresh.terrain.IsWater)) { if (listTbf.Where(t => !t.thresh.terrain.IsWater).Max(t => t.thresh.terrain.fertility) != listTbf.Where(t => !t.thresh.terrain.IsWater).Min(t => t.thresh.terrain.fertility)) { minFert = listTbf.Where(t => !t.thresh.terrain.IsWater).Min(t => t.thresh.terrain.fertility); maxFert = listTbf.Where(t => !t.thresh.terrain.IsWater).Max(t => t.thresh.terrain.fertility); } } for (int i = 0; i < listTbf.Count(); i++) { //if(listTbf[i].thresh.terrain.IsWater) //{ // Log.Message(String.Format("{0} is water", listTbf[i].thresh.terrain.defName)); //} //else //{ // Log.Message(String.Format("----------{0} is NOT water", listTbf[i].thresh.terrain.defName)); //} //fert if (listTbf[i].thresh.terrain.fertility == maxFert && !listTbf[i].thresh.terrain.IsWater) { listTbf[i].size *= settings.terrainFert; //Log.Message(String.Format("stretching {0}", listTbf[i].thresh.terrain.defName)); } else if (listTbf[i].thresh.terrain.fertility == minFert && !listTbf[i].thresh.terrain.IsWater) { listTbf[i].size /= settings.terrainFert; //Log.Message(String.Format("---- SHRINKING {0}", listTbf[i].thresh.terrain.defName)); } //water if (listTbf[i].thresh.terrain.IsWater) { listTbf[i].size *= settings.terrainWater; } else if (settings.flagTerrainWater && !listTbf[i].thresh.terrain.affordances.Contains(TerrainAffordanceDefOf.Heavy)) { listTbf[i].size *= settings.terrainWater; } } listTbf = listTbf.OrderBy(t => t.thresh.min).ToList(); newTbf = SquishTerrain(listTbf, minMapFert, maxMapFert); // adjust patchmaker min max newTbf.Sort((x, y) => x.min.CompareTo(y.min)); oldTbf.Sort((x, y) => x.min.CompareTo(y.min)); SimpleCurve curve = new SimpleCurve(); for (int i = 0; i < oldTbf.Count(); i++) { curve.Add(new CurvePoint(oldTbf[i].min, newTbf[i].min)); } curve.Add(new CurvePoint(oldTbf.Last().max, newTbf.Last().max)); foreach (TerrainPatchMaker patchMaker in newTerrain.terrainPatchMakers) { patchMaker.minFertility = curve.Evaluate(patchMaker.minFertility); patchMaker.maxFertility = curve.Evaluate(patchMaker.maxFertility); } newTerrain.terrainsByFertility = newTbf; }