        public static void Sample(object caller, float scale, string year, int gender,
                                  IList <double> source, IList <double> weights, string title, string xlabel = "age", string ylabel = "population", [CallerMemberName] string callerName = "")
            var env            = new SimSharp.ThreadSafeSimulation(42);
            var length         = source.Count;
            var total          = 0;
            var simulatedTotal = 0;
            var cbsPoints      = new List <DataPoint>(length);

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                total          += (int)weights[i];
                simulatedTotal += (int)(weights[i] * scale);
                cbsPoints.Add(new DataPoint(i, (int)(weights[i] * scale)));
            int[] data = new int[length];

            // Sample some probability data, based on scale of total.
            for (var s = 0; s < total * scale; s++)
            var points = new List <DataPoint>(length);

            for (int j = 0; j < data.Length; j++)
                points.Add(new DataPoint(j, data[j]));
            // Assert (through visual inspection)
            var model = new PlotModel {
                Title = $"{title} {year} - {total} citizens {Constants.DisplayNames[gender]} scale {100 * scale}% "

            model.DefaultColors = new List <OxyColor> {
                OxyColors.Silver, OxyColors.Black
            model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis {
                Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, Title = xlabel
            model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis {
                Position = AxisPosition.Left, Title = ylabel
            model.Series.Add(new LineSeries {
                ItemsSource = points, StrokeThickness = 4
            model.Series.Add(new LineSeries {
                ItemsSource = cbsPoints, StrokeThickness = 1
            model.Series[0].Title = "simulated";
            model.Series[1].Title = "actual";
            Helpers.SvgWriter(model, caller, $"{year}-{total}-{Constants.DisplayNames[gender]}-scale-{scale}", new[] { points, cbsPoints }, callerName);
        // TODO: This probability data set does not contain years. Year not specified.
        public void MaritalAge(float scale, int startDate, int endDate, int gender)
            var env = new SimSharp.ThreadSafeSimulation(42);

            for (int y = startDate; y <= endDate; y++)
                var index = MaritalStatusProbability.YearIndex(y);
                Helpers.Sample(this, scale, y.ToString(), gender,
                               MaritalStatusProbability.MaritalAgeWeights[gender, index],
                               "Marital Age distribution"
        public void AgeDistribution(float scale, int startYear, int endYear, int gender)
            // Arrange
            var env = new SimSharp.ThreadSafeSimulation(42);

            for (int y = startYear; y <= endYear; y++)
                var index = AgeProbability.YearIndex(y);
                Helpers.Sample(this, scale, y.ToString(), gender,
                               AgeProbability.Source[gender, index],
                               AgeProbability.Weights[gender, index],
                               "Age distribution"
        public static void MaritalDuration1()
            var env        = new SimSharp.ThreadSafeSimulation(42);
            var collection = new MaritalDurationCollection();
            var coupleList = new List <double>();

            //The married couples are randomly assigned into a marital duration list, using the duration weights given in the "MaritalDuration" class
            for (int i = 0; i < 3217582; i++)
                coupleList.Add(env.RandChoice(DivorceProbability.DivorceRateSource, DivorceProbability.DivorceRateWeights));
            //The couples are sorted into a collection based on their i variable.
            // i is in this case the years someone is married, the duration.

            for (double i = 0; i < 72; i++)
                collection.Add(new MaritalDurationProbability()
                    Duration = i,
                    MarriedDurationCouples = coupleList.Where(d => d == i).Count()

            //Collection is exported into a CSV file saved in the location below.
            var export = Frame.FromRecords(collection);


            //We took 3 random durations from the list and we asserted them to see if they are
            //really the same number each time.
            //We tested it to 5 years, 31 years and, 54 years.
            int actualDuration5    = coupleList.Where(d => d == 5).Count();
            int expectedDuration5  = 59944;
            int actualDuration54   = coupleList.Where(d => d == 54).Count();
            int expectedDuration54 = 34631;
            int actualDuration31   = coupleList.Where(d => d == 31).Count();
            int expectedDuration31 = 53246;

            Assert.Equal(expectedDuration5, actualDuration5);
            Assert.Equal(expectedDuration31, actualDuration31);
            Assert.Equal(expectedDuration54, actualDuration54);
        public static void ReadFile()
            // Arrange
            Frame <int, string> frame;
            List <double>       weights;
            var collection = new MaritalStatusProbabilityCollection();

            frame = Frame.ReadCsv("../../../../../doc/data/marital_status.csv");

            var env = new SimSharp.ThreadSafeSimulation(42);

            // Act
            //For the years 1950 to 2019 we are going to put a test amount of people through the weights and see what happens
            for (int j = 1950; j < 2020; j++)
                //A list partnertype made, where we will put everyone in.
                var people = new List <PartnerType>();

                //Weights are decided from "marital_status.csv", each year takes their own amount of weights.
                weights = frame.GetColumn <double>(Convert.ToString(j)).Values.Select(c => Convert.ToDouble(c)).Take(3).ToList();
                MaritalStatus.Weights = weights;

                //For 100000 citizens of each year, they each get randomly sorted in a source, based on the
                //weights given above.
                for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                    people.Add(env.RandChoice(MaritalStatus.Source, MaritalStatus.Weights));

                //Here we are added all of them into a collection based on the MaritalStatusPorbability class which can be viewed at the top.
                collection.Add(new MaritalStatusProbability()
                    Singles     = people.Where(p => p == PartnerType.Single).Count(),
                    Married     = people.Where(p => p == PartnerType.Married).Count(),
                    Partnership = people.Where(p => p == PartnerType.Partnership).Count(),
                    Year        = j
            //This gets exported into a CSV file which can be located as stated below.
            var export = Frame.FromRecords(collection);

        public void ChildrenProbabilities()
            var env = new SimSharp.ThreadSafeSimulation(42);
            Frame <int, string> frame;

            frame = Frame.ReadCsv($"{Global.GetDataFolder()}maritalAgeProbability.csv");
            var womenAges = frame.GetColumn <double>("MarriedWomen").Values.Select(c => Convert.ToDouble(c)).ToList();
            Frame <int, string> MotherData = Frame.ReadCsv("../../../../../doc/data/motherbirthing_ages.csv");
            List <double>       weights;
            List <double>       childChoice;
            var childAmount   = new Dictionary <int, List <double> >();
            var collection    = new ChildrenProbabilityCollection();
            var collectionNew = new ChildrenProbabilityCollection();

            //Here the mothers are randomly assigned to a designated amount of children.
            //The reults are first put in a list and after that they get sorted.
            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                childAmount.Add(i, new List <double>());
                childChoice = new List <double>();
                int age = i + 18;
                weights = MotherData.GetColumn <double>(Convert.ToString(age)).Values.Select(c => Convert.ToDouble(c)).ToList();
                for (int j = 0; j < womenAges[i]; j++)
                    Children.WeightGetChildren = weights;
                    childChoice.Add(env.RandChoice(Children.SourceGetChildren, Children.WeightGetChildren));

                var children = childChoice.Where(p => p == 1).Count();
                //childAmount = new List<double>();

                for (int j = 0; j < children; j++)
                    childAmount[i].Add(env.RandChoice(Children.SourceAmountChildren, Children.WeightsAmountChildren));

                //Here they are getting sorted and added to a new collection
                collectionNew.Add(new ChildrenProbability()
                    Age            = age,
                    childrenAmount = { }
                    //WomenNoChildren = childChoice.Where(p => p == 0).Count(),
                    //MotherOfOneAgeFirstBorn = childAmount[i].Where(p => p == 1).Count(),
                    //MotherOfTwoAgeFirtBorn = childAmount[i].Where(p => p == 2).Count(),
                    //MotherOfThreeAgeFirstBorn = childAmount[i].Where(p => p == 3).Count(),
                    //BirthingMothersTotal = children

            //Both collections get exported out
            var exportNew = Frame.FromRecords(collectionNew);
            var export    = Frame.FromRecords(collection);


            int expectedFirstChildren34 = 2564;
            int actualFirstChildren34   = childAmount[16].Where(p => p == 1).Count();

            Assert.Equal(expectedFirstChildren34, actualFirstChildren34);

            int expectedSecondChildren18 = 6;
            int actualSecondChildren18   = childAmount[0].Where(p => p == 2).Count();

            Assert.Equal(expectedSecondChildren18, actualSecondChildren18);

            int expectedThirdChildren43 = 73;
            int actualThirdChildren43   = childAmount[25].Where(p => p == 3).Count();

            Assert.Equal(expectedThirdChildren43, actualThirdChildren43);
        public void MaritalAgePropability()
            var env = new SimSharp.ThreadSafeSimulation(42);
            Frame <int, string> frame;

            frame = Frame.ReadCsv("../../../../../doc/data/MaritalAgeWeights.csv");
            List <double> femaleWeights;
            List <double> maleWeights;
            var           womenList  = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <PartnerType, int> >();
            var           menList    = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <PartnerType, int> >();
            var           collection = new MaritalAgePropabilityCollection();
            var           femaleAge  = Age.FemaleWeights;
            var           maleAge    = Age.MaleWeights;

            //In here we decide what marital status someone has at a certain age.
            //In our case it goes from 18 to 99 years old.
            for (int i = 18; i < 100; i++)
                //We made a dictionary for both men and women.
                womenList.Add(i, new Dictionary <PartnerType, int>());
                womenList[i].Add(PartnerType.Single, 0);
                womenList[i].Add(PartnerType.Married, 0);
                womenList[i].Add(PartnerType.Partnership, 0);

                menList.Add(i, new Dictionary <PartnerType, int>());
                menList[i].Add(PartnerType.Single, 0);
                menList[i].Add(PartnerType.Married, 0);
                menList[i].Add(PartnerType.Partnership, 0);

                maleWeights   = frame.GetColumn <double>(Convert.ToString(i)).Values.Select(c => Convert.ToDouble(c)).Take(3).ToList();
                femaleWeights = frame.GetColumn <double>(Convert.ToString(i)).Values.Select(c => Convert.ToDouble(c)).Skip(3).Take(3).ToList();

                //Female age is all the predictated ages of females in 2020.
                //This can be found in the probability class "Age".
                //First they get the weights from their age group. And with those weights deciding the results in a randomchoice, they get put into their dictionary.
                for (int j = 0; j < femaleAge[i]; j++)
                    MaritalStatus.Weights = femaleWeights;
                    womenList[i][env.RandChoice(MaritalStatus.Source, MaritalStatus.Weights)]++;

                //The exact same happens as stated above in women.
                for (int j = 0; j < maleAge[i]; j++)
                    MaritalStatus.Weights = maleWeights;
                    menList[i][env.RandChoice(MaritalStatus.Source, MaritalStatus.Weights)]++;

                //In here we sort everything into their respective classes.
                //i here is yet again representing an age group.
                collection.Add(new MaritalAgeProbability()
                    SingleWomen   = womenList[i][PartnerType.Single],
                    MarriedWomen  = womenList[i][PartnerType.Married],
                    DivorcedWomen = womenList[i][PartnerType.Partnership],
                    SingleMen     = womenList[i][PartnerType.Single],
                    MarriedMen    = womenList[i][PartnerType.Married],
                    DivorcedMen   = womenList[i][PartnerType.Partnership],
                    Age           = i
            //Putting the collection into a CSV which can be found in the location stated below.
            var export = Frame.FromRecords(collection);


            //We asserted a few ages to see if the test would keep on the same results as before.
            //For women we used ages 18, 36 and 98 as for men we used 30, 57 and 67.
            Assert.Equal(42679, womenList[36][PartnerType.Single]);
            Assert.Equal(92, womenList[18][PartnerType.Married]);
            Assert.Equal(741, womenList[98][PartnerType.Partnership]);
            Assert.Equal(9900, menList[67][PartnerType.Single]);
            Assert.Equal(81637, menList[57][PartnerType.Married]);
            Assert.Equal(1603, menList[30][PartnerType.Partnership]);