文件: Sign.cs 项目: microfeel/Cls
        ///<param name="signStr">被加密串</param>
        ///<param name="secret">加密密钥</param>
        ///<seealso cref="https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/614/12445"/>
        public string Signature(Uri uri, string method, string qkeytime, IDictionary <string, string> headers, SignatureMethod signatureMethod = SignatureMethod.sha1)
            //1.按照一定格式拼接Http请求的相关信息为字符串 HttpRequestInfo。
            //不能使用HttpUtility.UrlEncode!  存在大小写转换问题
            var headersString = string.Join("&", headers.Select(h => $"{h.Key.ToLower()}={WebUtility.UrlEncode(h.Value)}").OrderBy(h => h, StringComparer.Ordinal));

            var HttpRequestInfo = $"{method.ToLower()}\n{uri.LocalPath}\n{uri.Query.Replace("?", "")}\n{headersString}\n";

            //2.对 HttpRequestInfo 使用 sha1 算法计算哈希值,与其他指定参数按照一定格式组成签名原串 StringToSign。
            string hashReqInfo;

            switch (signatureMethod)
            case SignatureMethod.sha1:
                using (var sha1 = new SHA1Managed())
                    var hash = sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(HttpRequestInfo));
                    hashReqInfo = BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

                throw new ArgumentException($"未知的签名加密类型{signatureMethod.ToString()}");

            var StringToSign = $"{signatureMethod}\n{qkeytime}\n{hashReqInfo}\n";
            //3.使用 SecretKey 对 q-key-time 进行加密,得到 SignKey。
            var SignKey = SecretString(qkeytime, SecretKey);
            //4.使用 SignKey 对 StringToSign 进行加密,生成 Signature。
            var Signature = SecretString(StringToSign, SignKey);

            return($"q-sign-algorithm={signatureMethod}&q-ak={SecretId}&q-sign-time={qkeytime}&q-key-time={qkeytime}&q-header-list={string.Join(";", headers.Select(v => v.Key.ToLower()).OrderBy(v => v, StringComparer.Ordinal))}&q-url-param-list={string.Join(";", uri.Query.Replace("?", "").Split('&').Select(kv => kv.Split('=').First()).OrderBy(v => v, StringComparer.Ordinal))}&q-signature={Signature}");
文件: Sign.cs 项目: microfeel/Cls
        ///<param name="signStr">被加密串</param>
        ///<param name="secret">加密密钥</param>
        private static string SecretString(string signStr, string secret, SignatureMethod signatureMethod = SignatureMethod.sha1)
            switch (signatureMethod)
            case SignatureMethod.sha1:
                using (HMACSHA1 mac = new HMACSHA1(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secret)))
                    byte[] hash = mac.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(signStr));
                    return(BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "").ToLower());

                throw new ArgumentException($"未知的签名加密类型{signatureMethod.ToString()}");
        public static String Token(
            string realm
            , string authPrefix
            , HttpMethod httpMethod
            , Uri urlPath
            , string appId
            , string secret    = null
            , ApiList formList = null
            , RSA privateKey   = null
            , string nonce     = null
            , string timestamp = null
            , string version   = "1.0")
            Logger.LogEnter(LoggerBase.Args(realm, authPrefix, httpMethod, urlPath, appId, secret, formList == null ? null : formList.ToFormData(), privateKey, nonce, timestamp, version));

            Logger.LogDebug("URL:: {0}", urlPath);

            authPrefix = authPrefix.ToLower();

            // Generate the nonce value
            nonce     = nonce ?? ApiAuthorization.NewNonce().ToString();
            timestamp = timestamp ?? ApiAuthorization.NewTimestamp().ToString();

            SignatureMethod signatureMethod = SignatureMethod.HMACSHA256;

            if (secret == null)
                signatureMethod = SignatureMethod.SHA256withRSA;

            String baseString = BaseString(authPrefix, signatureMethod
                                           , appId, urlPath, httpMethod
                                           , formList, nonce, timestamp, version);

            String base64Token = "";

            if (secret != null)
                base64Token = baseString.L1Signature(secret);
                base64Token = baseString.L2Signature(privateKey);

            var tokenList = new ApiList();

            tokenList.Add("realm", realm);
            tokenList.Add(authPrefix + "_timestamp", timestamp);
            tokenList.Add(authPrefix + "_nonce", nonce);
            tokenList.Add(authPrefix + "_app_id", appId);
            tokenList.Add(authPrefix + "_signature_method", signatureMethod.ToString());
            tokenList.Add(authPrefix + "_version", version);
            tokenList.Add(authPrefix + "_signature", base64Token);

            string authorizationToken = string.Format("{0} {1}", authPrefix.Substring(0, 1).ToUpperInvariant() + authPrefix.Substring(1), tokenList.ToString(",", false, true));

            Logger.LogDebug("Token :: {0}", authorizationToken);

        public static string BaseString(
            string authPrefix
            , SignatureMethod signatureMethod
            , string appId
            , Uri siteUri
            , HttpMethod httpMethod
            , ApiList formList
            , string nonce
            , string timestamp
            , string version)
            Logger.LogEnter(LoggerBase.Args(authPrefix, signatureMethod, appId, siteUri, httpMethod, formList, nonce, timestamp));

            authPrefix = authPrefix.ToLower();

            // make sure that the url are valid
            if (siteUri.Scheme != "http" && siteUri.Scheme != "https")
                throw new System.NotSupportedException("Support http and https protocol only.");

            // make sure that the port no and querystring are remove from url
            var url = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", siteUri.Scheme, siteUri.Host, siteUri.AbsolutePath);

            Logger.LogInformation("url:: {0}", url);

            // helper calss that handle parameters and form fields
            ApiList paramList = new ApiList();

            // process QueryString from url by transfering it to paramList
            if (siteUri.Query.Length > 1)
                var queryString = siteUri.Query.Substring(1); // remove the ? from first character
                Logger.LogInformation("queryString:: {0}", queryString);

                var paramArr = queryString.Split('&');
                foreach (string item in paramArr)
                    var itemArr = item.Split('=');
                    paramList.Add(itemArr[0], System.Net.WebUtility.UrlDecode(itemArr[1]));

                Logger.LogInformation("paramList:: {0}", paramList);

            // add the form fields to paramList
            if (formList != null && formList.Count > 0)

            paramList.Add(authPrefix + "_timestamp", timestamp);
            paramList.Add(authPrefix + "_nonce", nonce);
            paramList.Add(authPrefix + "_app_id", appId);
            paramList.Add(authPrefix + "_signature_method", signatureMethod.ToString());
            paramList.Add(authPrefix + "_version", version);

            string baseString = httpMethod.ToString() + "&" + url + "&" + paramList.ToString();

            Logger.LogDebug("BaseString:: {0}", baseString);
