public async Task SetupAsync(Signaler signaler, bool isServer, uint clientNodeId = 0) { await pc.InitializeAsync(new PeerConnectionConfiguration { IceServers = new List <IceServer> { new IceServer { Urls = { signaler.IceServerUrl } } } }); var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); // Do signaling // // pc.LocalSdpReadytoSend += (SdpMessage sdpMessage) => { // ここはawaitではなくWaitにしないとSocketが切れる.スレッドセーフ関係? signaler.SendSdpAsync(sdpMessage.Type == SdpMessageType.Offer, sdpMessage.Content, clientNodeId).Wait(); }; pc.IceCandidateReadytoSend += (IceCandidate candidate) => { signaler.SendIceAsync(candidate.SdpMid, candidate.SdpMlineIndex, candidate.Content, clientNodeId).Wait(); }; pc.IceStateChanged += (IceConnectionState state) => { Logger.Debug("Connection", $"ICE state changed to {state}"); // if (state == IceConnectionState.Connected) { Connected = true; } if (state == IceConnectionState.Closed || state == IceConnectionState.Disconnected || state == IceConnectionState.Failed) { Connected = false; OnDisconnect(); } if (!isServer && state == IceConnectionState.Failed) { tcs.SetException(new ConnectionException("Failed to establish a WebRTC connection")); } }; signaler.SdpReceived += async(bool isOffer, string sdp, uint cid) => { if (isServer && cid != clientNodeId) { // ignore messages for other clients return; } await pc.SetRemoteDescriptionAsync(new SdpMessage { Type = isOffer ? SdpMessageType.Offer : SdpMessageType.Answer, Content = sdp }); if (isOffer) { pc.CreateAnswer(); } }; signaler.IceReceived += (string sdpMid, int sdpMLineIndex, string candidate, uint cid) => { if (isServer && cid != clientNodeId) { // ignore messages for other clients return; } pc.AddIceCandidate(new IceCandidate { SdpMid = sdpMid, SdpMlineIndex = sdpMLineIndex, Content = candidate }); //Logger.Write((isServer ? "Server: " : "Client: ") + $"{sdpMid} {sdpMLineIndex} {candidate}"); }; if (isServer) { TaskCompletionSource <DataChannel>[] completionSources = channelTypes.Select( _ => new TaskCompletionSource <DataChannel>() ).ToArray(); pc.DataChannelAdded += (dc) => { foreach (var type in channelTypes) { if (dc.Label == channelLabels[(int)type]) { completionSources[(int)type].SetResult(dc); } } }; Logger.Debug("Connection", "Server is ready for signaling"); await signaler.NotifyReadyAsync(clientNodeId); Logger.Debug("Connection", "Server: Waiting for DC"); foreach (var type in channelTypes) { channels[(int)type] = await completionSources[(int)type].Task; } } else { // Define channels // Sync channel (unreliable) channels[(int)ChannelType.Sync] = await pc.AddDataChannelAsync( channelLabels[(int)ChannelType.Sync], ordered : false, reliable : false); // Message channel (reliable but order is not guaranteed) channels[(int)ChannelType.Control] = await pc.AddDataChannelAsync( channelLabels[(int)ChannelType.Control], ordered : false, reliable : true); // Blob channel (reliable and ordered) channels[(int)ChannelType.Blob] = await pc.AddDataChannelAsync( channelLabels[(int)ChannelType.Blob], ordered : true, reliable : true); // Audio channel (unreliable) channels[(int)ChannelType.Audio] = await pc.AddDataChannelAsync( channelLabels[(int)ChannelType.Audio], ordered : false, reliable : false); Logger.Debug("Connection", "Client: Waiting for server ready"); await signaler.WaitReadyAsync(); pc.CreateOffer(); } foreach (var(dc, idx) in channels.Select((dc, idx) => (dc, idx))) { dc.MessageReceived += (data) => { threadChannels[idx].Writer.TryWrite(data); // Always succeeds because the Channel is unbounded }; dc.StateChanged += () => { Logger.Debug("Connection", $"DC {(ChannelType)idx} state changed to {dc.State}"); if (dc.State == DataChannel.ChannelState.Closing) { // Disconnect handling Connected = false; } }; } //await Task.Delay(5000); if (!isServer) { // FIXME: Waiting pc.Connected not work in server (cannot establish a connection to client) // In server, should wait until all DataChannels are added? pc.Connected += () => { tcs.SetResult(true); }; await tcs.Task; } }