protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String username = TextBox1.Text; String password = TextBox2.Text; Class1 obj = new Class1(); String encrypted = obj.Encrypt(password); // LoginAndSignUp.Service1Client login = new LoginAndSignUp.Service1Client(); // Login.Service1Client login = new Login.Service1Client(); SignUpAndAddressService.Service1Client login = new SignUpAndAddressService.Service1Client(); bool result = login.Login(username, encrypted); // bool result = login.Login(username, password); HttpCookie myCookies = new HttpCookie("myCookieId"); myCookies["UserName"] = TextBox1.Text; myCookies.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(20); Response.Cookies.Add(myCookies); if (result) { // Response.Redirect("AddToCart_Final.aspx"); FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(TextBox1.Text, false); } else { Label3.Text = "Please Check The credentials "; } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //We take the input from the user and store it in the xml file. if (Session["genstr"].ToString() == TextBox4.Text) { String username = TextBox1.Text; String password = TextBox2.Text; Class1 obj = new Class1(); String encrypted = obj.Encrypt(password); string address = TextBox3.Text; SignUpAndAddressService.Service1Client signup = new SignUpAndAddressService.Service1Client(); bool verify = signup.Login(username, encrypted); if (!verify) { // LoginAndSignUp.Service1Client login = new LoginAndSignUp.Service1Client(); signup.SignUp(username, password, address); Label3.Text = "You have signed up"; } else { Label3.Text = "You have already signed up"; } } else { Label3.Text = "not match"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SignUpAndAddressService.Service1Client number = new SignUpAndAddressService.Service1Client(); int users = number.getNumberOfUsers(); TextBox1.Text = Convert.ToString(users); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SignUpAndAddressService.Service1Client customer = new SignUpAndAddressService.Service1Client(); //LoginServiceReference.Service1Client cl = new LoginServiceReference.Service1Client(); string datalist = customer.CustomerData(); string[] fdata = datalist.Split(';'); // DataLabel.Text = fdata; GridView1.DataSource = fdata; GridView1.DataBind(); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpCookie myCookies = Request.Cookies["myCookieId"]; SignUpAndAddressService.Service1Client address = new SignUpAndAddressService.Service1Client(); string username = myCookies["UserName"]; string address1 = address.getAddress(username); string credit_card = TextBox2.Text; CreditCardService.Service1Client card = new CreditCardService.Service1Client(); bool confirmation = card.creditCardVerification(credit_card); if (confirmation) { Label3.Text = "The card is verified and the product will be shipped shortly to" + address1; } else { Label3.Text = "Please check the card you have entered"; } }