private void Assemblies_Title() { string userID = User.Identity.Name; LabelSchoolyear.Text = DateFC.SchoolYearFrom("-", WorkingProfile.SchoolYear); LabelSchool.Text = WorkingProfile.SchoolName; LabelPrincipal.Text = WorkingProfile.SchoolPrincipal; LabelSuperintendent.Text = WorkingProfile.UserArea; hfSchoolcode.Value = WorkingProfile.SchoolCode; hfSchoolyear.Value = WorkingProfile.SchoolYear; hfUserRole.Value = WorkingProfile.UserRole; hfUserID.Value = User.Identity.Name; hfSignOff.Value = SignOff.Signature("Result", userID, WorkingProfile.UserRole, WorkingProfile.SchoolYear, WorkingProfile.SchoolCode, "School"); hfSignOffSO.Value = SignOff.Signature("Result", userID, WorkingProfile.UserRole, WorkingProfile.SchoolYear, WorkingProfile.SchoolCode, "SO"); hfPublish.Value = SignOff.Signature("Result", userID, WorkingProfile.UserRole, WorkingProfile.SchoolYear, WorkingProfile.SchoolCode, "Publish"); try { foreach (Control pControl in FormContent.Controls) { if (pControl is Label) { string code = pControl.ID.Replace("Label", ""); Label lbl = (Label)pControl; lbl.Text = FormData.Title(code); } } } catch (Exception ex) { var ms = ex.Message; } }
private void CreateReportandSaveToDB(string schoolYear, string schoolCode, string publishCycle, string GoalType, string schoolName, string schoolNameB) { string reportName = WebConfig.getValuebyKey("PublishDocumentName"); string userID = WorkingProfile.UserID; string publishDate = DateFC.YMD(DateTime.Now); Byte[] pdfReport = ReportRender.GetOneReport(reportName, userID, schoolYear, schoolCode, "1"); string result = UploadFileToSharePointSite.PushToSite("SLIP", pdfReport, schoolYear, schoolCode, schoolName, schoolNameB); if (result == "Successful") { string action = btnReturn.Text; string signOffResult = SignOff.Signature(action, userID, WorkingProfile.UserRole, schoolYear, schoolCode, "Publish", publishDate); // SaveSLIPPublishDataToHistoryDirectory(schoolCode + ".PDF", pdfReport); PushToSP.SaveFileToHistoryFolder(WorkingProfile.SchoolYear, schoolCode + ".PDF", pdfReport); errorlabel.Text = "The School PLF has been published to School Web site."; errorlabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { errorlabel.Text = "The School PLF published failed to School Web site."; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { // btnReturn.Visible = false; string userID = User.Identity.Name; string schoolyear = Page.Request.QueryString["yID"]; string schoolcode = Page.Request.QueryString["sID"]; string signType = Page.Request.QueryString["tID"]; string signOffResult = SignOff.Signature("Result", userID, WorkingProfile.UserRole, schoolyear, schoolcode, signType); string actionName = "Sign Off"; if (signOffResult == "SignedOff") { actionName = "Undo SignOff"; } btnReturn.Text = actionName; string signOffName = "School Principal"; if (signType != "School") { signOffName = "Superintendent"; } if (WorkingProfile.UserRole == "Superintendent") { signOffName = "Superintendent"; signType = "SO"; } LabelSignOffTitle.Text = signOffName + " " + actionName; txtUserName.Text = User.Identity.Name; txtUserName.Enabled = false; // btnReturn.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "javascript:ReturnVerify()"); SignOffDateDiv.Visible = false; } }
protected void btnReturn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string userID = User.Identity.Name; string schoolyear = Page.Request.QueryString["yID"]; string schoolcode = Page.Request.QueryString["sID"]; string signType = Page.Request.QueryString["tID"]; string action = btnReturn.Text; string vDate = DateFC.YMD(DateTime.Now); string signOffResult = SignOff.Signature(action, userID, WorkingProfile.UserRole, schoolyear, schoolcode, "Publish", vDate); CreateReportandSaveToDB(schoolyear, schoolcode, "1", "All", WorkingProfile.SchoolName, WorkingProfile.SchoolNameB); }
private void Assemblies_Title() { string userID = User.Identity.Name; LabelSchoolyear.Text = DateFC.SchoolYearFrom("-", schoolYear); LabelSchool.Text = WorkingProfile.SchoolName; LabelPrincipal.Text = WorkingProfile.SchoolPrincipal; LabelSuperintendent.Text = WorkingProfile.UserAreaSuperintendent; hfSchoolcode.Value = schoolCode; hfSchoolyear.Value = schoolYear; hfUserRole.Value = WorkingProfile.UserRole; hfUserID.Value = User.Identity.Name; hfSignOff.Value = SignOff.Signature("Result", userID, "", schoolYear, schoolCode, "School"); hfSignOffSO.Value = SignOff.Signature("Result", userID, "", schoolYear, schoolCode, "SO"); hfPublish.Value = SignOff.Signature("Result", userID, "", schoolYear, schoolCode, "Publish"); hfComplete.Value = SignOff.Signature("Result", userID, "", schoolYear, schoolCode, "Complete"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { try { // LabelTitle.Text = "PLF Publish Verify"; // btnReturn.Visible = false; string actionName = "Publish"; string userID = User.Identity.Name; string schoolyear = Page.Request.QueryString["yID"]; string schoolcode = Page.Request.QueryString["sID"]; string signType = Page.Request.QueryString["tID"]; string signOffResult = SignOff.Signature("Result", userID, WorkingProfile.UserRole, schoolyear, schoolcode, "SO"); txtUserName.Text = User.Identity.Name; txtUserName.Enabled = false; if (signOffResult != "SignedOff") { // btnReturn.Enabled = false; errorlabel.Visible = true; errorlabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; errorlabel.Text = "Superintendent has to signed off first before you can publish the your school PLF."; } btnReturn.Text = actionName; // string signOffName = "School Principal"; // LabelTitle.Text = signOffName + " " + actionName; // btnReturn.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "javascript:ReturnVerify()"); SignOffDateDiv.Visible = false; } catch (Exception exp) { var sm = exp.Message; } } }
protected void btnReturn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string userID = User.Identity.Name; string schoolyear = Page.Request.QueryString["yID"]; string schoolcode = Page.Request.QueryString["sID"]; string signType = Page.Request.QueryString["tID"]; if (WorkingProfile.UserRole == "Superintendent") { signType = "SO"; } string action = btnReturn.Text; DateTime cDate = DateTime.Now; string vDate = DateFC.YMD(cDate); string signOffResult = SignOff.Signature("SignOff", userID, WorkingProfile.UserRole, schoolyear, schoolcode, signType); } catch (Exception exp) { var em = exp.Message; } }