public void Apply(SidSrcWriter writer, short shapeid_label, short shapeid_box) { writer.SetValues(shapeid_label, this.ParagraphFormatCells, 0); writer.SetValues(shapeid_label, this.CharacterFormatCells, 0); writer.SetValues(shapeid_box, this.ShapeFormatCells); writer.SetValues(shapeid_box, this.TextBlockCells); }
public void ApplyFormus(SidSrcWriter writer) { short title_shapeid = this.VisioShape.ID16; writer.SetValues(title_shapeid, this.TextBlockCells); writer.SetValues(title_shapeid, this.ParagraphFormatCells, 0); writer.SetValues(title_shapeid, this.CharacterFormatCells, 0); writer.SetValues(title_shapeid, this.FormatCells); }
public void Render(IVisio.Page page) { if (page == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(page)); } // First handle any page properties if (this.Name != null) { page.NameU = this.Name; } this.VisioPage = page; var page_sheet = page.PageSheet; var app = page.Application; using (var perfscope = new RenderPerformanceScope(app, this.RenderPerforfmanceSettings)) { if (this.Size.HasValue) { this.PageFormatCells.Height = this.Size.Value.Height; this.PageFormatCells.Width = this.Size.Value.Width; } var writer = new SidSrcWriter(); writer.SetValues((short)page_sheet.ID, this.PageFormatCells); writer.SetValues((short)page_sheet.ID, this.PageLayoutCells); writer.Commit(page, ShapeSheet.CellValueType.Formula); // Then render the shapes this.Shapes.Render(page); // Perform any additional layout if (this.Layout != null) { this.Layout.Apply(page); } // Optionally, perform page resizing to fit contents if (this.ResizeToFit) { if (this.ResizeToFitMargin.HasValue) { page.ResizeToFitContents(this.ResizeToFitMargin.Value); } else { page.ResizeToFitContents(); } } } }
public static void Spirograph() { var page = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add(); page.Name = "Spirograph"; var colors = new[] { 0xf26420, 0xf7931c, 0xfec20d, 0xfff200, 0xcada28, 0x8cc63e, 0x6c9d30, 0x288f39, 0x006f3a, 0x006f71, 0x008eb0, 0x00adee, 0x008ed3, 0x0071bb, 0x0053a6, 0x2e3091, 0x5b57a6, 0x652d91, 0x92278e, 0xbd198c, 0xec008b, 0xec1c23, 0xc1272c, 0x981a1e }; var origin = new VA.Geometry.Point(4, 4); double radius = 3.0; int numpoints = colors.Length; double angle_step = (System.Math.PI * 2 / numpoints); var angles = Enumerable.Range(0, numpoints).Select(i => i * angle_step).ToList(); var centers = angles.Select(a => PlaygroundSamples.GetPointAtRadius(origin, a, radius)).ToList(); var shapes = centers.Select(p => PlaygroundSamples.draw_leaf(page, p)).ToList(); var culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var angles_as_formulas = angles.Select(a => a.ToString(culture)).ToList(); var color_formulas = colors.Select(x => new VA.Models.Color.ColorRgb(x).ToFormula()).ToList(); var shapeids = shapes.Select(s => s.ID16).ToList(); var writer = new SidSrcWriter(); var format = new VA.Shapes.ShapeFormatCells(); var xfrm = new VA.Shapes.ShapeXFormCells(); foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(0, shapeids.Count)) { short shapeid = shapeids[i]; xfrm.Angle = angles_as_formulas[i]; format.FillForeground = color_formulas[i]; format.LineWeight = 0; format.LinePattern = 0; format.FillForegroundTransparency = 0.5; writer.SetValues(shapeid, xfrm); writer.SetValues(shapeid, format); } writer.Commit(page, VA.ShapeSheet.CellValueType.Formula); page.ResizeToFitContents(new VA.Geometry.Size(1.0, 1.0)); }
public static void ProgressBar() { var page_a = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add(); // Draw some shapes var background = page_a.DrawRectangle(0, 0, 5, 1); var progress = page_a.DrawRectangle(0, 0, 1, 1); var background_fmt = new VA.Shapes.ShapeFormatCells(); background_fmt.FillForeground = "rgb(240,240,240)"; background_fmt.LineColor = "rgb(100,100,100)"; var progress_fmt = new VA.Shapes.ShapeFormatCells(); progress_fmt.FillForeground = "rgb(100,150,240)"; progress_fmt.LineColor = "rgb(100,100,100)"; // group the two shapes together page_a.Application.ActiveWindow.SelectAll(); var group = page_a.Application.ActiveWindow.Selection.Group(); // Set the progress shape update itself based on its position string bkname = background.NameID; var xfrm = new VA.Shapes.ShapeXFormCells(); xfrm.PinX = string.Format("GUARD({0}!PinX-{0}!LocPinX+LocPinX)", bkname); xfrm.PinY = string.Format("GUARD({0}!PinY)", bkname); xfrm.Width = string.Format("GUARD({0}!Width*(PAGENUMBER()/PAGECOUNT()))", bkname); xfrm.Height = string.Format("GUARD({0}!Height)", bkname); var writer = new SidSrcWriter(); writer.SetValues(progress.ID16, xfrm); writer.SetValues(progress.ID16, background_fmt); writer.SetValues(progress.ID16, progress_fmt); writer.CommitFormulas(page_a); var markup1 = new VisioAutomation.Models.Text.Element(); markup1.AddField(VisioAutomation.Models.Text.FieldConstants.PageName); markup1.AddText(" ("); markup1.AddField(VisioAutomation.Models.Text.FieldConstants.PageNumber); markup1.AddText(" of "); markup1.AddField(VisioAutomation.Models.Text.FieldConstants.NumberOfPages); markup1.AddText(") "); markup1.SetText(group); }
public void Finish() { var writer = new SidSrcWriter(); foreach (var block in this.Blocks) { writer.SetValues((short)block.VisioShapeID, block.FormatCells); writer.SetValues((short)block.VisioShapeID, block.TextBlockCells); writer.SetValues((short)block.VisioShapeID, block.ParagraphFormatCells, 0); writer.SetValues((short)block.VisioShapeID, block.CharacterFormatCells, 0); } writer.CommitFormulas(this._page); }
public static void DrawAllGradients() { var app = SampleEnvironment.Application; var docs = app.Documents; var stencil = docs.OpenStencil("basic_u.vss"); var master = stencil.Masters["Rectangle"]; var page = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add(); int num_cols = 7; int num_rows = 7; var page_size = new VA.Geometry.Size(5, 5); SampleEnvironment.SetPageSize(page, page_size); var lowerleft = new VA.Geometry.Point(0, 0); var actual_page_size = SampleEnvironment.GetPageSize(page); var page_rect = new VA.Geometry.Rectangle(lowerleft, actual_page_size); var layout = new GridLayout(num_cols, num_rows, new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1), master); layout.RowDirection = RowDirection.TopToBottom; layout.Origin = page_rect.UpperLeft; layout.CellSpacing = new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0); layout.PerformLayout(); int max_grad_id = 40; int n = 0; foreach (var node in layout.Nodes) { int grad_id = n % max_grad_id; node.Text = grad_id.ToString(); n++; } layout.Render(page); var color1 = new VA.Models.Color.ColorRgb(0xffdddd); var color2 = new VA.Models.Color.ColorRgb(0x00ffff); var format = new VA.Shapes.ShapeFormatCells(); var writer = new SidSrcWriter(); string color1_formula = color1.ToFormula(); string color2_formula = color2.ToFormula(); n = 0; foreach (var node in layout.Nodes) { short shapeid = node.ShapeID; int grad_id = n % max_grad_id; format.FillPattern = grad_id; format.FillForeground = color1_formula; format.FillBackground = color2_formula; format.LinePattern = 0; format.LineWeight = 0; writer.SetValues(shapeid, format); n++; } writer.Commit(page, VA.ShapeSheet.CellValueType.Formula); var bordersize = new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1); page.ResizeToFitContents(bordersize); }
public static void ColorGrid() { // Draws a grid rectangles and then formats the shapes // with different colors // Demonstrates: // How use the GridLayout object to quickly drop a grid // How to use ShapeFormatCells to apply formatting to shapes // How UpdateBase can be used to modfiy multiple shapes at once int[] colors = { 0x0A3B76, 0x4395D1, 0x99D9EA, 0x0D686B, 0x00A99D, 0x7ACCC8, 0x82CA9C, 0x74A402, 0xC4DF9B, 0xD9D56F, 0xFFF468, 0xFFF799, 0xFFC20E, 0xEB6119, 0xFBAF5D, 0xE57300, 0xC14000, 0xB82832, 0xD85171, 0xFEDFEC, 0x563F7F, 0xA186BE, 0xD9CFE5 }; const int num_cols = 5; const int num_rows = 5; var page = SampleEnvironment.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Add(); var page_size = new VA.Geometry.Size(10, 10); SampleEnvironment.SetPageSize(page, page_size); var stencil = SampleEnvironment.Application.Documents.OpenStencil("basic_u.vss"); var master = stencil.Masters["Rectangle"]; var layout = new GridLayout(num_cols, num_rows, new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1), master); layout.Origin = new VA.Geometry.Point(0, 0); layout.CellSpacing = new VA.Geometry.Size(0, 0); layout.RowDirection = RowDirection.BottomToTop; layout.PerformLayout(); layout.Render(page); var fmtcells = new VA.Shapes.ShapeFormatCells(); int i = 0; var writer = new SidSrcWriter(); foreach (var node in layout.Nodes) { var shapeid = node.ShapeID; int color_index = i % colors.Length; var color = colors[color_index]; fmtcells.FillForeground = new VisioAutomation.Models.Color.ColorRgb(color).ToFormula(); fmtcells.LinePattern = 0; fmtcells.LineWeight = 0; writer.SetValues(shapeid, fmtcells); i++; } writer.CommitFormulas(page); var bordersize = new VA.Geometry.Size(1, 1); page.ResizeToFitContents(bordersize); }