public void FunctionShuntTest()
            // It'll be fun to see how it deals with Pi!
            var yard = new ShuntingYard(new Symbol[]
                new Operator("sin", Operators.Function, 5), new Operator("(", Operators.OpenBracket, 0),
                new Operator("max", Operators.Function, 5), new Operator("(", Operators.OpenBracket, 0),
                new Operand(2), new Operand(3), new Operator(")", Operators.CloseBracket, 0),
                new Operator("/", Operators.Division, 3),
                new Operand(3), new Operator("*", Operators.Multiplication, 3), new Operand((float)Math.PI),
                new Operator(")", Operators.CloseBracket, 0)

            var expected = new Symbol[]
                new Operand(2), new Operand(3), new Operator("max", Operators.Function, 5), new Operand(3),
                new Operator("/", Operators.Division, 3), new Operand((float)Math.PI),
                new Operator("*", Operators.Multiplication, 3), new Operator("sin", Operators.Function, 5)
            .Select(s => s.ToString());

            var actual = yard.Output
                         .Select(s => s.ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void AdvancedShuntTest()
            var yard = new ShuntingYard(new Symbol[]
                new Operand(3), new Operator("+", Operators.Addition, 2), new Operand(4),
                new Operator("*", Operators.Multiplication, 3), new Operand(2),
                new Operator("/", Operators.Division, 3), new Operator("(", Operators.OpenBracket, 0), new Operand(1),
                new Operator("-", Operators.Subtraction, 2), new Operand(5),
                new Operator(")", Operators.CloseBracket, 0),
                new Operator("^", Operators.Power, 4, true), new Operand(2),
                new Operator("^", Operators.Power, 4, true), new Operand(3)

            var expected = new Symbol[]
                new Operand(3), new Operand(4), new Operand(2), new Operator("*", Operators.Multiplication, 3),
                new Operand(1), new Operand(5), new Operator("-", Operators.Subtraction, 2),
                new Operand(2), new Operand(3),
                new Operator("^", Operators.Power, 4, true),
                new Operator("^", Operators.Power, 4, true),
                new Operator("/", Operators.Division, 3),
                new Operator("+", Operators.Addition, 2)
            .Select(s => s.ToString());
            var actual = yard.Output
                         .Select(s => s.ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void BasicShuntTest()
            var yard = new ShuntingYard(new Symbol[]
                                        { new Operand(3), new Operator("+", Operators.Addition, 2), new Operand(4) });

            var expected = new Symbol[] { new Operand(3), new Operand(4), new Operator("+", Operators.Addition, 2) }
            .Select(s => s.ToString());
            var actual = yard.Output
                         .Select(s => s.ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("Enter an infix-notation equation: ");
            var infix = Console.ReadLine();
            var yard  = new ShuntingYard(infix);

            if (!yard.ShuntValid)
                Console.WriteLine("Input equation is empty");
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendJoin(' ', yard.Output.Select(s => s.ToString()).ToArray());
            var rpn = sb.ToString();

            Console.WriteLine("Your Reverse Polish Notation / Postfix Notation equation is:\n" + rpn);