private void RandomiseWithChecks(List <Location> locations, List <Item> itemsToPlace, List <Item> currentItems) { PlayerState state; while (itemsToPlace.Count > 0) { Item item = itemsToPlace[itemsToPlace.Count - 1]; itemsToPlace.Remove(item); locations = Shuffle.FisherYates(locations, random); state = PlayerState.GetStateWithItems(this, currentItems); Location locationToPlaceAt = null; foreach (Location location in locations) { if (location.CanReach(state)) { locationToPlaceAt = location; break; } } if (locationToPlaceAt != null) { locationToPlaceAt.PlaceItem(item); locations.Remove(locationToPlaceAt); } else { Logger.Log($"Failed to place item {}"); } } }
public static void RandomiseRequiredItems(Randomiser world, List <Location> locations, List <Item> itemsToPlace) { PlayerState state; while (itemsToPlace.Count > 0) { Item item = itemsToPlace[itemsToPlace.Count - 1]; itemsToPlace.Remove(item); locations = Shuffle.FisherYates(locations, world); state = PlayerState.GetStateWithItems(world, itemsToPlace); Location locationToPlaceAt = null; foreach (var location in locations) { if (location.CanReach(state)) { locationToPlaceAt = location; break; } } if (locationToPlaceAt != null) { world.PlaceItem(, item); locations.Remove(locationToPlaceAt); //Logger.GetLogger.Log("Placed Item {0} at location {1}", item[0],; } else { Logger.GetLogger.Log("Failed to place item {0}",; } } }
private void RandomiseCurses() { CursedLocations = new List <Location>(); if (Settings.RandomCurses) { var chestLocations = Shuffle.FisherYates(GetUnplacedLocationsOfType(LocationType.Chest), random); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Location location = chestLocations[i]; location.AppendRuleString("and Has(Mulana Talisman)"); location.BuildLogicTree(); CursedLocations.Add(location); } } else { var defaultLocations = new List <string> { "Flame Torc Chest", "Giants Flutes Chest", "Destiny Tablet Chest", "Power Band Chest" }; foreach (string locationName in defaultLocations) { Location location = GetLocation(locationName); location.AppendRuleString("and Has(Mulana Talisman)"); location.BuildLogicTree(); CursedLocations.Add(location); } } }
private void RandomiseWithoutChecks(List <Location> locations, List <Item> itemsToPlace) { locations = Shuffle.FisherYates(locations, random); int index = (itemsToPlace.Count - 1); while (index >= 0) { Item item = itemsToPlace[index]; Location location = locations[index]; itemsToPlace.Remove(item); locations.Remove(location); location.PlaceItem(item); index--; } }
public static void RandomiseUnrequiredItems(Randomiser world, List <Location> locations, List <Item> itemsToPlace) { locations = Shuffle.FisherYates(locations, world); int index = (itemsToPlace.Count - 1); while (index >= 0) { Item item = itemsToPlace[index]; itemsToPlace.Remove(item); Location location = locations[index]; locations.Remove(location); world.PlaceItem(, item); //Logger.GetLogger.Log("Placed Item {0} at location {1}", item[0],; index--; } }
public static void Sort <T>(T[] a) where T : IComparable <T> { Shuffle.FisherYates(a); Sort(a, 0, a.Length - 1); }
public bool PlaceRandomItems() { string currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); //Note: Changed this to to create the items from the data here rather than later //get shop only items if (!FileUtils.GetItemsFromJson("Data\\shopitems.json", out List <Item> shopItems)) { return(false); } //get required items if (!FileUtils.GetItemsFromJson("Data\\reqitems.json", out List <Item> requiredItems)) { return(false); } //get skulls if (!FileUtils.GetItemsFromJson("Data\\skulls.json", out List <Item> skulls)) { return(false); } //get unrequired items if (!FileUtils.GetItemsFromJson("Data\\unreqitems.json", out List <Item> unrequiredItems)) { return(false); } //NOTE: when more options get add move these to a seperate method or something if (!settings.randomiseGrail) { PlaceItem("Holy Grail Chest", ItemPool.GetAndRemove(ItemID.HolyGrail, requiredItems)); } if (!settings.randomiseScanner) { PlaceItem("Sidro Shop 1", ItemPool.GetAndRemove(ItemID.HandScanner, requiredItems)); } //Shuffle all the item pools once shopItems = Shuffle.FisherYates(shopItems, this); requiredItems = Shuffle.FisherYates(requiredItems, this); unrequiredItems = Shuffle.FisherYates(unrequiredItems, this); //Places weights at a starting shop since they are needed for alot of early items //this means that player will not have to rely on drops or weights from pots PlaceItem("Nebur Shop 1", ItemPool.GetAndRemove(ItemID.Weights, shopItems)); //ammo can't be placed here since there is an second item that takes this slot after //the first is purchased GetLocation("Hiner Shop 3").isLocked = true; //get list of shop locations as weights and ammo items can only be placed here List <Location> shopLocations = GetUnplacedShopLocations(); //place shop only items ItemRandomisation.RandomiseSpecificItems(this, shopLocations, shopItems, requiredItems); //items can be placed here now GetLocation("Hiner Shop 3").isLocked = false; //lock locations that currently can't be randomised GetLocation("Funeral Item").isLocked = true; GetLocation("Mulbruk Item").isLocked = true; GetLocation("Fobos Skull Item").isLocked = true; //Get all unplaced locations as required items can go anywhere aslong as it can be reached List <Location> unplacedLocations = GetUnplacedLocations(); //place required items ItemRandomisation.RandomiseRequiredItems(this, unplacedLocations, requiredItems); //unlock the locked locations now since any item that is not required can go there GetLocation("Funeral Item").isLocked = false; GetLocation("Mulbruk Item").isLocked = false; //randomise all skulls bar one seperately since its seem better for generation, needs testing unplacedLocations = GetUnplacedLocations(); ItemRandomisation.RandomiseSpecificItems(this, unplacedLocations, skulls, null); //anything left can go here GetLocation("Fobos Skull Item").isLocked = false; //Get unplaced locations after the required items have been placed unplacedLocations = GetUnplacedLocations(); //places no requires items ItemRandomisation.RandomiseUnrequiredItems(this, unplacedLocations, unrequiredItems); return(true); }
public void PlaceItems() { FileUtils.GetItemsFromJson("Data//Items.json", out List <Item> items); FileUtils.GetItemsFromJson("Data//Mantras.json", out List <Item> mantras); FileUtils.GetItemsFromJson("Data//ShopOnlyItems.json", out List <Item> shopOnlyItems); StartingWeapon = ItemPool.GetAndRemove(ItemID.Whip, items); //Places weights at a starting shop since they are needed for alot of early items //this means that player will not have to rely on drops or weights from pots GetLocation("Nebur Shop 1").PlaceItem(ItemPool.GetAndRemove(ItemID.Weights, shopOnlyItems)); if (Settings.ShopPlacement != ShopPlacement.Original) { //these locations cant be included properly atm since the reason the shop switches is unknown GetLocation("Hiner Shop 3").PlaceItem(ItemPool.GetAndRemove(ItemID.Map1, items)); GetLocation("Hiner Shop 4").PlaceItem(ItemPool.GetAndRemove(ItemID.Map2, items)); } shopOnlyItems = Shuffle.FisherYates(shopOnlyItems, random); //place the weights and ammo in shops first since they can only be in shops PlaceShopItems(shopOnlyItems, items); //create a list of the items we want to place that are accessible from the start List <Item> earlyItems = new List <Item>(); if (!Settings.RandomGrail) { earlyItems.Add(ItemPool.GetAndRemove(ItemID.HolyGrail, items)); } if (!Settings.RandomScanner && Settings.ShopPlacement != ShopPlacement.Original) { earlyItems.Add(ItemPool.GetAndRemove(ItemID.HandScanner, items)); } if (!Settings.RandomCodices && Settings.ShopPlacement != ShopPlacement.Original) { earlyItems.Add(ItemPool.GetAndRemove(ItemID.Codices, items)); } if (!Settings.RandomFDC && Settings.ShopPlacement != ShopPlacement.Original) { earlyItems.Add(ItemPool.GetAndRemove(ItemID.FutureDevelopmentCompany, items)); } earlyItems = Shuffle.FisherYates(earlyItems, random); RandomiseWithChecks(GetUnplacedLocations(), earlyItems, new List <Item>()); //split the remaining item it required/non required List <Item> requiredItems = ItemPool.GetRequiredItems(items); List <Item> nonRequiredItems = ItemPool.GetNonRequiredItems(items); requiredItems = Shuffle.FisherYates(requiredItems, random); nonRequiredItems = Shuffle.FisherYates(nonRequiredItems, random); mantras = Shuffle.FisherYates(mantras, random); //place mantras if they are not fully randomised PlaceMantras(mantras, requiredItems); //place required items RandomiseAssumedFill(GetUnplacedLocations(), requiredItems); //place non requires items RandomiseWithoutChecks(GetUnplacedLocations(), nonRequiredItems); }