public static void ShredFactory(string filepath) { Shred shred = new Shred(filepath, false); shred.VisualizeChamfers(Direction.FromLeft); shred.VisualizeChamfers(Direction.FromRight); shred.VisualizeChamfers(Direction.FromTop); shred.VisualizeChamfers(Direction.FromBottom); }
public static void DisplayTestShred() { //Create original Square Point[] patch1 = new Point[4]; patch1[0] = new Point(0, 0); patch1[1] = new Point(0, 10); patch1[2] = new Point(99, 10); patch1[3] = new Point(99, 0); Point[] patch2 = new Point[4]; patch2[0] = new Point(0, 50); patch2[1] = new Point(0, 60); patch2[2] = new Point(99, 60); patch2[3] = new Point(99, 50); // Create a Tester Square to compare Point[] patch3 = new Point[4]; patch3[0] = new Point(0, 110); patch3[1] = new Point(0, 120); patch3[2] = new Point(99, 120); patch3[3] = new Point(99, 110); Point[] patch4 = new Point[4]; patch4[0] = new Point(0, 160); patch4[1] = new Point(0, 170); patch4[2] = new Point(99, 170); patch4[3] = new Point(99, 160); // Create an Original Image var original = new Image <Bgr, Byte>(100, 100, new Bgr(Color.HotPink)); original.FillConvexPoly(patch1, new Bgr(Color.Gray)); original.FillConvexPoly(patch2, new Bgr(Color.Gray)); //Create Image to compare with var tester = new Image <Bgr, Byte>(100, 200, new Bgr(Color.HotPink)); tester.FillConvexPoly(patch3, new Bgr(Color.Gray)); tester.FillConvexPoly(patch4, new Bgr(Color.Gray)); //ImageViewer display = new ImageViewer(original, "TestBitmap"); //display.ShowDialog(); //ImageViewer display2 = new ImageViewer(tester, "Test Image"); //display2.ShowDialog(); const string filepath = "originalshrd.bmp"; const string filepath2 = "testshred.bmp"; if (File.Exists(filepath)) { File.Delete(filepath); } if (File.Exists(filepath2)) { File.Delete(filepath2); } original.ToBitmap().Save(filepath); tester.ToBitmap().Save(filepath2); Shred originalshred = new Shred(filepath); Shred testershred = new Shred(filepath2); originalshred.VisualizeLuminousity(Direction.FromLeft); originalshred.VisualizeThresholded(Direction.FromLeft); originalshred.VisualizeChamfers(Direction.FromLeft); testershred.VisualizeThresholded(Direction.FromLeft); testershred.VisualizeLuminousity(Direction.FromLeft); testershred.VisualizeChamfers(Direction.FromRight); }