void setMad() { text.SetActive(false); holder.gameObject.SetActive(true); holder.sprite = thunder; string final = getSpawnPos + pm.playerName; StartCoroutine(getPartPosMad(final)); Notication.startNotification("Weather Station", "Be aware storms can be very harsh. But you don't have to face it alone."); chat.SendCustom($"Uh oh.. Looks like a storm’s coming on {pm.playerName} their island."); }
private void Update() { if (finished) { IsDone.SetActive(true); IsCheck.SetActive(false); if (!noti) { sb.SpawnBlobje(); Notifaction.startNotification("Minigame quest", "Well done, you finished this quest."); noti = true; } } GameObject[] list = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MiniGame"); foreach (GameObject r in list) { if (Vector3.Distance(this.gameObject.transform.position, r.transform.position) < 10) { MiniGameObj = r.gameObject; } else if (r == MiniGameObj) { MiniGameObj = null; } } }
private void Update() { if (PlantsFixed >= 5) { if (!anim) { sb.SpawnBlobje(); sr.startNotification("Plants quest", "You have completed the quest."); anim = true; } } }