void IOwnersTooltipView.Show() { if (hideRoutine != null) { StopCoroutine(hideRoutine); } gameObject.SetActive(true); showHideAnimator.Show(); }
internal void ShowMoreMenu(bool visible, bool instant = false) { if (visible) { if (!moreMenuAnimator.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { moreMenuAnimator.gameObject.SetActive(true); } moreMenuAnimator.Show(instant); } else { if (!moreMenuAnimator.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { moreMenuAnimator.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { moreMenuAnimator.Hide(instant); } } OnMoreMenuOpened?.Invoke(visible); }
public void SetVisibility(bool visible) { if (visible && !isOpen) { AudioScriptableObjects.dialogOpen.Play(true); } else if (isOpen) { AudioScriptableObjects.dialogClose.Play(true); } closeAction.OnTriggered -= CloseAction_OnTriggered; if (visible) { closeAction.OnTriggered += CloseAction_OnTriggered; settingsAnimator.Show(); mainWindow.SetActive(true); HideResetAllConfirmation(); settingsPanelController.OpenSection(0); settingsPanelController.MarkMenuButtonAsSelected(0); } else { settingsAnimator.Hide(); settingsPanelController.SaveSettings(); } isOpen = visible; }
public void Show() { this.enabled = true; if (!gameObject.activeSelf) { gameObject.SetActive(true); } showHideAnimator.Show(); }
public void Show(Notification.Model model) { gameObject.SetActive(true); if (showHideAnimator == null) { showHideAnimator = GetComponent <ShowHideAnimator>(); } if (showHideAnimator != null) { showHideAnimator.OnWillFinishHide -= DismissInternal; showHideAnimator.Show(); } this.model = model; Debug.Log("Notification Initialize... destroy on finish: " + model.destroyOnFinish); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.model.message)) { messageLabel.text = this.model.message; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.model.buttonMessage)) { actionButtonLabel.text = this.model.buttonMessage; } if (this.model.timer > 0) { StopTimer(); timerCoroutine = CoroutineStarter.Start(TimerCoroutine(this.model.timer)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.model.scene)) { string sceneID = CommonScriptableObjects.sceneID ?? string.Empty; CurrentSceneUpdated(sceneID, string.Empty); } if (actionButton != null) { if (this.model.callback != null) { actionButton.onClick.AddListener(this.model.callback.Invoke); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.model.externalCallbackID)) { actionButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { // TODO: send message to kernel with callbackID }); } } }
public void Show() { if (!gameObject.activeSelf) { gameObject.SetActive(true); AudioScriptableObjects.dialogOpen.Play(true); } showHideAnimator.Show(); this.enabled = false; }
internal void ShowMoreMenu(bool visible, bool instant = false) { if (visible) { moreMenuAnimator.Show(instant); } else { moreMenuAnimator.Hide(instant); } }
public void AnimatorShow(bool isVisible) { if (isVisible) { showHideAnimator.Show(); } else { showHideAnimator.Hide(); } }
void Show() { StartDelayRoutine(setVisibleDelay, () => { if (enableAnimatorOnHover && !showHideAnimator.gameObject.activeSelf) { showHideAnimator.gameObject.SetActive(true); } showHideAnimator.Show(); }); }
public void SetVisibility(bool visible) { if (visible && !mainShowHideAnimator.isVisible) { mainShowHideAnimator.Show(); } else if (!visible && mainShowHideAnimator.isVisible) { mainShowHideAnimator.Hide(); } }
void OnHeadHoverEnter() { if (userProfile) { if (!showHideAnimator.gameObject.activeSelf) { showHideAnimator.gameObject.SetActive(true); } showHideAnimator.Show(); } }
private IEnumerator ShowCopyToast() { if (!copyToast.gameObject.activeSelf) { copyToast.gameObject.SetActive(true); } copyToast.Show(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(COPY_TOAST_VISIBLE_TIME)); copyToast.Hide(); }
public void ToggleMenu() { if (showHideAnimator.isVisible) { showHideAnimator.Hide(); } else { showHideAnimator.Show(); } }
public void ToggleMenu() { if (menuShowHideAnimator.isVisible) { HideMenu(); } else { menuShowHideAnimator.Show(); CommonScriptableObjects.isProfileHUDOpen.Set(true); } }
internal void ShowBar(bool visible, bool instant = false) { if (visible) { taskbarAnimator.Show(instant); } else { taskbarAnimator.Hide(instant); } isBarVisible = visible; }
public void Show() { if (!gameObject.activeSelf) { gameObject.SetActive(true); } if (EventSystem.current != null) { EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(gameObject); } showHideAnimator.Show(); }
void IBuilderProjectsPanelView.SetVisible(bool visible) { if (visible) { if (!gameObject.activeSelf) { gameObject.SetActive(true); } showHideAnimator.Show(); } else { showHideAnimator.Hide(); } }
public void SetVisibility(bool visible) { if (visible) { if (!IsActive()) { popup.gameObject.SetActive(true); } popup.Show(); } else { popup.Hide(); } }
public void SetVisibility(bool visible) { closeAction.OnTriggered -= closeActionDelegate; if (visible) { helpAndSupportAnimator.Show(); closeAction.OnTriggered += closeActionDelegate; } else helpAndSupportAnimator.Hide(); if (!visible && isOpen) OnClose?.Invoke(); isOpen = visible; }
public void SetVisibility(bool visible) { if (visible) { goToGenesisPlazaAnimator.Show(); } else { goToGenesisPlazaAnimator.Hide(); } if (!visible && isOpen) { OnClose?.Invoke(); } isOpen = visible; }
void IUsersAroundListHUDListView.SetVisibility(bool visible) { if (visible) { if (!gameObject.activeSelf) { gameObject.SetActive(true); } showHideAnimator.Show(); } else { showHideAnimator.Hide(); contextMenu.Hide(); confirmationDialog.Hide(); } }
public void SetVisibility(bool visible) { if (visible) { helpAndSupportAnimator.Show(); } else { helpAndSupportAnimator.Hide(); } if (!visible && isOpen) { OnClose?.Invoke(); } isOpen = visible; }
public void SetLineIndicator(bool on) { if (lineOnIndicator != null) { if (on) { lineOnIndicator.Show(); } else { lineOnIndicator.Hide(); } } if (lineOffIndicator != null) { lineOffIndicator.SetActive(!on); } }
protected void Awake() { crowdCountContainer.SetActive(false); eventsContainer.SetActive(false); jumpInHoverArea.OnPointerEnter += () => { jumpInButtonAnimator.gameObject.SetActive(true); jumpInButtonAnimator.Show(); }; jumpInHoverArea.OnPointerExit += () => jumpInButtonAnimator.Hide(); sceneInfoButton.OnPointerDown += () => jumpInButtonAnimator.Hide(true); // NOTE: we don't use the pointer down callback to avoid being mistakenly pressed while dragging jumpIn.onClick.AddListener(JumpInPressed); sceneInfoButton.OnPointerDown += () => OnInfoButtonPointerDown?.Invoke(this); sceneInfoButton.OnPointerExit += () => OnInfoButtonPointerExit?.Invoke(); Initialize(); }
private IEnumerator PlayMoreMenuAnimations(bool visible, bool instant = false) { if (visible) { moreMenuAnimator.Show(instant); for (int i = 0; i < sortedButtonsAnimations.Count; i++) { if (!sortedButtonsAnimations[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy || sortedButtonsAnimations[i].lastPlayedAnimation == TaskbarMoreMenuButton.AnimationStatus.In) { continue; } sortedButtonsAnimations[i].PlayAnimation(TaskbarMoreMenuButton.AnimationStatus.In); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(timeBetweenAnimations)); } } else { for (int j = sortedButtonsAnimations.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (!sortedButtonsAnimations[j].gameObject.activeInHierarchy || sortedButtonsAnimations[j].lastPlayedAnimation == TaskbarMoreMenuButton.AnimationStatus.Out) { continue; } sortedButtonsAnimations[j].PlayAnimation(TaskbarMoreMenuButton.AnimationStatus.Out); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(timeBetweenAnimations)); } if (sortedButtonsAnimations.Count > 0) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(sortedButtonsAnimations[0].GetAnimationLenght())); } moreMenuAnimator.Hide(instant); } }
public void SetVisibility(bool visible) { if (visible && !isOpen) { AudioScriptableObjects.dialogOpen.Play(true); } else if (isOpen) { AudioScriptableObjects.dialogClose.Play(true); } if (visible) { settingsAnimator.Show(); } else { settingsAnimator.Hide(); } isOpen = visible; }
internal void ShowMenu(bool visible, bool instant = false) { if (visible) { if (!menuAnimator.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { menuAnimator.gameObject.SetActive(true); } menuAnimator.Show(instant); } else { if (!menuAnimator.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { menuAnimator.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { menuAnimator.Hide(instant); } } }
public void SetVisibility(bool visible) { if (visible && !isOpen) { AudioScriptableObjects.dialogOpen.Play(true); } else if (isOpen) { AudioScriptableObjects.dialogClose.Play(true); } closeAction.OnTriggered -= closeActionDelegate; if (visible) { closeAction.OnTriggered += closeActionDelegate; settingsAnimator.Show(); } else { settingsAnimator.Hide(); } isOpen = visible; }
void IOwnersPopupView.Show() { gameObject.SetActive(true); scrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition = 1; showHideAnimator.Show(); }
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) { labelContainer.Show(); }