        public void TestGetStop()
            var db = new ShortcutsDb(Vehicle.Bicycle.Fastest());

            db.AddStop(10, new AttributeCollection(new Attribute()
                Key   = "some_key",
                Value = "some_value"
            db.AddStop(11, new AttributeCollection(new Attribute()
                Key   = "some_key",
                Value = "some_value"
            db.AddStop(12, new AttributeCollection(new Attribute()
                Key   = "some_key1",
                Value = "some_value1"
            db.AddStop(13, new AttributeCollection(new Attribute()
                Key   = "some_key1",
                Value = "some_value1"

            var a = db.GetStop(10);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, a.Count);
        public void TestAddStops()
            var db = new ShortcutsDb(Vehicle.Bicycle.Fastest());

            db.AddStop(10, new AttributeCollection(new Attribute()
                Key   = "some_key",
                Value = "some_value"
            db.AddStop(11, new AttributeCollection(new Attribute()
                Key   = "some_key",
                Value = "some_value"
            db.AddStop(12, new AttributeCollection(new Attribute()
                Key   = "some_key1",
                Value = "some_value1"
            db.AddStop(13, new AttributeCollection(new Attribute()
                Key   = "some_key1",
                Value = "some_value1"
        public void TestGetShortcutByVertices()
            var db = new ShortcutsDb(Vehicle.Bicycle.Fastest());

            db.AddStop(10, null);
            db.AddStop(11, null);
            db.AddStop(12, null);
            db.AddStop(13, null);

            var s1 = db.Add(new uint[] { 10, 100, 101, 102, 103, 11 }, new AttributeCollection(new Attribute()
                Key   = "some_key1",
                Value = "some_value1"

            var s2 = db.Add(new uint[] { 12, 110, 111, 112, 113, 13 }, new AttributeCollection(new Attribute()
                Key   = "some_key1",
                Value = "some_value1"

            IAttributeCollection meta;
            var s = db.Get(10, 11, out meta);

            Assert.AreEqual(6, s.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, meta.Count);

            s = db.Get(12, 13, out meta);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, s.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, meta.Count);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes a database from the given stream.
        /// </summary>
        public static RouterDb Deserialize(Stream stream, RouterDbProfile profile)
            // deserialize all basic data.
            // version1: OsmSharp.Routing state of layout.
            // version2: Added ShortcutsDbs.
            var version = stream.ReadByte();

            if (version != 1 && version != 2)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot deserialize routing db: Invalid version #: {0}.", version));

            var guidBytes = new byte[16];

            stream.Read(guidBytes, 0, 16);
            var guid = new Guid(guidBytes);

            var supportedProfiles = stream.ReadWithSizeStringArray();
            var metaDb            = stream.ReadWithSizeAttributesCollection();
            var shorcutsCount     = (int)0;

            if (version == 2)
            { // when version < 1 there are no shortcuts and thus no shortcut count.
                shorcutsCount = stream.ReadByte();
            var contractedCount = stream.ReadByte();
            var profiles        = AttributesIndex.Deserialize(new LimitedStream(stream), true);
            var meta            = AttributesIndex.Deserialize(new LimitedStream(stream), true);
            var network         = RoutingNetwork.Deserialize(stream, profile == null ? null : profile.RoutingNetworkProfile);

            // create router db.
            var routerDb = new RouterDb(guid, network, profiles, meta, metaDb, supportedProfiles);

            // read all shortcut dbs.
            for (var i = 0; i < shorcutsCount; i++)
                var shortcutsName = stream.ReadWithSizeString();
                var shorcutsDb    = ShortcutsDb.Deserialize(stream);
                routerDb._shortcutsDbs[shortcutsName] = shorcutsDb;

            // read all contracted versions.
            for (var i = 0; i < contractedCount; i++)
                var profileName = stream.ReadWithSizeString();
                var contracted  = ContractedDb.Deserialize(stream, profile == null ? null : profile.ContractedDbProfile);
                routerDb._contracted[profileName] = contracted;
        public void TestAddShortcuts()
            var db = new ShortcutsDb(Vehicle.Bicycle.Fastest());

            db.AddStop(10, null);
            db.AddStop(11, null);
            db.AddStop(12, null);
            db.AddStop(13, null);

            db.Add(new uint[] { 10, 100, 101, 102, 103, 11 }, new AttributeCollection(new Attribute()
                Key   = "some_key1",
                Value = "some_value1"

            db.Add(new uint[] { 12, 110, 111, 112, 113, 13 }, new AttributeCollection(new Attribute()
                Key   = "some_key1",
                Value = "some_value1"
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the actual run.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void DoRun()
            var router = new Router(_db);

            router.VerifyAllStoppable = true;

            // resolve locations as vertices.
            // WARNING: use RouterPointEmbedder first.
            var points = new RouterPoint[_locations.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                var resolver = new Algorithms.Search.ResolveVertexAlgorithm(_db.Network.GeometricGraph, _locations[i].Latitude, _locations[i].Longitude,
                                                                            500, 3000, router.GetIsAcceptable(_profile));
                if (!resolver.HasSucceeded)
                    throw new System.Exception(string.Format("Could not resolve shortcut location at index {1}: {0}.", resolver.ErrorMessage, i));
                points[i] = resolver.Result;

            // use non-contracted calculation.
            var weightHandler = _profile.AugmentedWeightHandlerCached(_db);
            var algorithm     = new Itinero.Algorithms.Default.ManyToMany <Weight>(_db, weightHandler, points, points, new Weight()
                Distance = float.MaxValue,
                Time     = _maxShortcutDuration,
                Value    = _maxShortcutDuration

            if (!algorithm.HasSucceeded)
                this.ErrorMessage = "Many to many calculation failed: " + algorithm.ErrorMessage;

            // build shortcuts db.
            _shortcutsDb = new ShortcutsDb(_profile);
            for (var i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                _shortcutsDb.AddStop(points[i].VertexId(_db), _locationsMeta[i]);
            var routes = new EdgePath <float> [_locations.Length][];

            _shortcutIds = new uint[_locations.Length][];
            var pathList        = new List <uint>();
            var shortcutProfile = _db.EdgeProfiles.Add(new AttributeCollection(
                                                           new Attribute(ShortcutExtensions.SHORTCUT_KEY, _name)));

            for (var i = 0; i < _locations.Length; i++)
                _shortcutIds[i] = new uint[_locations.Length];
                for (var j = 0; j < _locations.Length; j++)
                    _shortcutIds[i][j] = uint.MaxValue;
                    if (i == j)
                    EdgePath <Weight> path;
                    if (algorithm.TryGetPath(i, j, out path))

                        if (path.Weight.Time < _minShortcutSize)
                        { // don't add very short shortcuts.

                        if (pathList.Count < 2)
                            Itinero.Logging.Logger.Log("ShortcutBuilder", TraceEventType.Warning, "Shortcut consists of only one vertex from {0}@{1} -> {2}@{3}!",
                                                       i, _locations[i], j, _locations[j]);
                        if (pathList[0] == pathList[pathList.Count - 1])
                            Itinero.Logging.Logger.Log("ShortcutBuilder", TraceEventType.Warning, "Shortcut has the same start and end vertex from {0}@{1} -> {2}@{3}!",
                                                       i, _locations[i], j, _locations[j]);

                        // add the shortcut and keep the id.
                        var shortcutId = _shortcutsDb.Add(pathList.ToArray(), null);
                        _shortcutIds[i][j] = shortcutId;

                        // add the shortcut as an edge.
                        _db.Network.AddEdge(pathList[0], pathList[pathList.Count - 1], new Data.Network.Edges.EdgeData()
                            Distance = path.Weight.Time + _switchPentaly,
                            MetaId   = 0,
                            Profile  = (ushort)shortcutProfile
                        }, null);
                        Itinero.Logging.Logger.Log("ShortcutBuilder", TraceEventType.Warning, "Shortcut not found from {0}@{1} -> {2}@{3}!",
                                                   i, _locations[i], j, _locations[j]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes a database from the given stream.
        /// </summary>
        public static RouterDb Deserialize(Stream stream, RouterDbProfile profile)
            // deserialize all basic data.
            // version1: OsmSharp.Routing state of layout.
            // version2: Added ShortcutsDbs.
            // version3: Add advanced profile serialization.
            // version4: Added missing restriction dbs.
            var version = stream.ReadByte();

            if (version != 1 && version != 2 && version != 3 && version != 4)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot deserialize routing db: Invalid version #: {0}.", version));

            var guidBytes = new byte[16];

            stream.Read(guidBytes, 0, 16);
            var guid = new Guid(guidBytes);

            var supportedVehicleInstances = new List <Vehicle>();

            if (version <= 2)
            { // just contains vehicle names.
                var supportedVehicles = stream.ReadWithSizeStringArray();
                foreach (var vehicleName in supportedVehicles)
                    Profile vehicleProfile;
                    if (Profile.TryGet(vehicleName, out vehicleProfile))
                        Itinero.Logging.Logger.Log("RouterDb", Logging.TraceEventType.Warning, "Vehicle with name {0} was not found, register all vehicle profiles before deserializing the router db.",
            { // contains the full vehicles.
                var lengthBytes = new byte[4];
                stream.Read(lengthBytes, 0, 4);
                var size = BitConverter.ToInt32(lengthBytes, 0);
                for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    var vehicle = Vehicle.Deserialize(stream);

            var metaDb        = stream.ReadWithSizeAttributesCollection();
            var shorcutsCount = (int)0;

            if (version >= 2)
            { // when version < 1 there are no shortcuts and thus no shortcut count.
                shorcutsCount = stream.ReadByte();
            var contractedCount = stream.ReadByte();

            var restrictionDbCount = 0;

            if (version >= 4)
                restrictionDbCount = stream.ReadByte();

            var profiles = AttributesIndex.Deserialize(new LimitedStream(stream), true);
            var meta     = AttributesIndex.Deserialize(new LimitedStream(stream), true);
            var network  = RoutingNetwork.Deserialize(stream, profile == null ? null : profile.RoutingNetworkProfile);

            // create router db.
            var routerDb = new RouterDb(guid, network, profiles, meta, metaDb, supportedVehicleInstances.ToArray());

            // read all shortcut dbs.
            for (var i = 0; i < shorcutsCount; i++)
                var shortcutsName = stream.ReadWithSizeString();
                var shorcutsDb    = ShortcutsDb.Deserialize(stream);
                routerDb._shortcutsDbs[shortcutsName] = shorcutsDb;

            // read all contracted versions.
            for (var i = 0; i < contractedCount; i++)
                var profileName = stream.ReadWithSizeString();
                var contracted  = ContractedDb.Deserialize(stream, profile == null ? null : profile.ContractedDbProfile);
                routerDb._contracted[profileName] = contracted;

            // read all restriction dbs.
            for (var i = 0; i < restrictionDbCount; i++)
                var restrictionDbName = stream.ReadWithSizeString();
                var restrictionDb     = RestrictionsDb.Deserialize(stream, profile == null ? null : profile.RestrictionDbProfile);
                routerDb._restrictionDbs[restrictionDbName] = restrictionDb;

 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to get a shortcuts db.
 /// </summary>
 public bool TryGetShortcuts(string name, out ShortcutsDb shortcutsDb)
     return(_shortcutsDbs.TryGetValue(name, out shortcutsDb));
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a shortcuts db.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddShortcuts(string name, ShortcutsDb shortcutsDb)
     _shortcutsDbs[name] = shortcutsDb;