        public ShortcutSyncSettings(ShortcutSync plugin)
            // Injecting your plugin instance is required for Save/Load method because Playnite saves data to a location based on what plugin requested the operation.
            this.plugin = plugin;

            // Load saved settings.
            var savedSettings = plugin.LoadPluginSettings <ShortcutSyncSettings>();

            // LoadPluginSettings returns null if not saved data is available.
            if (savedSettings != null)
                var type = savedSettings.GetType();
                foreach (var prop in type.GetProperties())
                    prop.SetValue(this, prop.GetValue(savedSettings));
        public void BeginEdit()
            plugin.settingsView.UpdateTextBlock.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
            plugin.UpdateAvailable().ContinueWith((task) =>
                var updateAvailable = task.Result.Available;
                var url             = task.Result.Url;
                var latestVersion   = task.Result.LatestVersion;
                plugin.settingsView.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                    if (updateAvailable)
                        plugin.settingsView.UpdateTextBlock.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                        plugin.settingsView.UpdateLabel.Text           = $"New version {latestVersion} available at:\n";
                        plugin.settingsView.URL.NavigateUri            = new Uri(url);
                        plugin.settingsView.URLLabel.Text = url;

            var bt = plugin.settingsView.SelectFolderButton;

            bt.Click += Bt_Click;
            // Get all available source names
            foreach (var src in plugin.PlayniteApi.Database.Sources)
                // Add new sources and disable them by default
                if (!SourceOptions.ContainsKey(src.Name))
                    SourceOptions.Add(src.Name, false);
                if (!EnabledPlayActions.ContainsKey(src.Name))
                    EnabledPlayActions.Add(src.Name, false);
            if (!SourceOptions.ContainsKey(Constants.UNDEFINEDSOURCE))
                SourceOptions.Add(Constants.UNDEFINEDSOURCE, false);
            if (!EnabledPlayActions.ContainsKey(Constants.UNDEFINEDSOURCE))
                EnabledPlayActions.Add(Constants.UNDEFINEDSOURCE, false);
            // Set up view
            var container = plugin.settingsView.SourceNamesStack;

            foreach (var srcOpt in SourceOptions)
                // Add label and set some properties
                var label = new Label();
                label.Content             = srcOpt.Key;
                label.MinWidth            = 50;
                label.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                label.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness {
                    Bottom = 2, Left = 5, Right = 5, Top = 2
                label.Height = 20;
                label.Tag    = srcOpt.Key;
            container = plugin.settingsView.SourceSettingsStack;
            foreach (var srcOpt in SourceOptions)
                // Add checkboxes and set some properties
                var checkBox = new CheckBox();
                checkBox.Content             = null;
                checkBox.IsChecked           = srcOpt.Value;
                checkBox.MinWidth            = 50;
                checkBox.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                checkBox.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness {
                    Bottom = 2, Left = 5, Right = 5, Top = 2
                checkBox.Height  = 20;
                checkBox.Tag     = srcOpt.Key;
                checkBox.ToolTip = $"If enabled, shortcuts to games from {srcOpt.Key} are created and maintained on update.";
            foreach (var playActionOpt in EnabledPlayActions)
                // Add checkboxes and set some properties
                var checkBox = new CheckBox();
                checkBox.Content             = null;
                checkBox.IsChecked           = playActionOpt.Value;
                checkBox.MinWidth            = 50;
                checkBox.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                checkBox.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness {
                    Bottom = 2, Left = 5, Right = 5, Top = 2
                checkBox.Height  = 20;
                checkBox.Tag     = playActionOpt.Key;
                checkBox.ToolTip = $"If enabled, shortuts try to start games from {playActionOpt.Key} with their native launcher or without any launcher (bypassing Playnite), depending on the existing PlayAction of that game.";
            foreach (var id in ManuallyCreatedShortcuts)
                var item = new ListBoxItem();
                item.Tag         = id;
                item.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
                var menuItem = new MenuItem {
                    Header = "Remove Entry", Tag = id
                menuItem.Click += RemoveManual_Click;
                var game = plugin.PlayniteApi.Database.Games.Get(id);
                item.Content = game == null? "Game not found: " + id.ToString() : $"{game.Name} ({ShortcutSync.GetSourceName(game)})";
                item.ToolTip = item.Content;
            foreach (var id in ExcludedGames)
                var item = new ListBoxItem();
                item.Tag         = id;
                item.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
                var menuItem = new MenuItem {
                    Header = "Remove Entry", Tag = id
                menuItem.Click += RemoveExcluded_Click;
                var game = plugin.PlayniteApi.Database.Games.Get(id);
                item.Content = game == null ? "Game not found: " + id.ToString() : $"{game.Name} ({ShortcutSync.GetSourceName(game)})";
                item.ToolTip = item.Content;