static void Main(string[] args)
            long       numberToFactor;
            long       nTrials = 3;
            bool       useRobustPhaseEstimation = true;
            List <int> factors      = new List <int>();
            string     textfilepath = "factors.txt";
            int        l;
            string     temp_input;
            int        counter = 0;

            //Delete Previous Keys in Database
            File.WriteAllText(textfilepath, "");

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Quantum Prime Factoriser. Press Any Key to Continue... ");

            //Restarts program for second factorisation
            counter += 1;

            //Takes Input from User to be Factorised
            Console.Write(string.Format("Enter the Key {0} to be Factorised: ", counter));
            temp_input = Console.ReadLine();

            //Error Checking
            if (!int.TryParse(Convert.ToString(temp_input), out l))
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input. Only numbers can be factorised."); goto input;
            numberToFactor = Convert.ToInt32(temp_input);
            if (numberToFactor > 30)
                Console.WriteLine("This number is too large to factorise on a simulated quantum computer."); goto input;
            if (numberToFactor % 2 == 0 && (numberToFactor / 2) % 2 == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("This number is invalid for the encryption algorithm."); goto input;

            // Repeat Shor's algorithm, due to the probabilistic nature of quantum computers.
            for (int i = 0; i < nTrials; ++i)
                    // Make sure to use simulator within using block.
                    // This ensures that all resources used by QuantumSimulator
                    // are properly released if the algorithm fails and throws an exception.
                    using (QuantumSimulator sim = new QuantumSimulator())
                        Console.WriteLine($"Factoring {numberToFactor}");

                        // Compute the factors
                        (long factor1, long factor2) = Shor.Run(sim, numberToFactor, useRobustPhaseEstimation).Result;

                        if (isPrime(Convert.ToInt32(factor1)) && isPrime(Convert.ToInt32(factor2)))
                            Console.WriteLine($"Factors are {factor1} and {factor2}");
                            goto retry;
                // Shor's algorithm is a probabilistic algorithm and can fail with certain
                // probability in several ways. For more details see Shor.qs.
                // If the run of Shor's algorithm fails it throws ExecutionFailException.
                // However, due to the use of System.Task in .Run method,
                // the exception of interest is getting wrapped into AggregateException.
                catch (AggregateException e)
                    // Report the failure of the algorithm to standard output
                    Console.WriteLine($"This run of Shor's algorithm failed:");

                    // Unwrap AggregateException to get the message from Q# fail statement.
                    // Go through all inner exceptions.
                    foreach (Exception eInner in e.InnerExceptions)
                        // If the exception of type ExecutionFailException
                        if (eInner is ExecutionFailException failException)
                            // Print the message it contains
                            Console.WriteLine($"   {failException.Message}");

            //Writing Factors to External Database
            string[] factors2 = new string[3];
            factors2[0] = Convert.ToString(numberToFactor);
            factors2[1] = Convert.ToString(factors[0]);
            factors2[2] = Convert.ToString(factors[3]);
            File.AppendAllLines(textfilepath, factors2);

            if (counter != 2)
                goto start;

        // The console application takes up to three arguments
        // 1. numberToFactor -- number to be factored
        // 2. nTrials -- number of trial to perform
        // 3. useRobustPhaseEstimation -- if true uses Robust Phase Estimation,
        //                                uses Quantum Phase Estimation otherwise.
        // If you build the Debug configuration, the executable will be located in
        // Libraries\Samples\IntegerFactorization\bin\Debug\ folder;
        // for the Release configuration the folder is
        // Libraries\Samples\IntegerFactorization\bin\Release.
        // The name of the executable is IntegerFactorization.exe.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Default values used if no arguments are provided
            long numberToFactor           = 15;
            long nTrials                  = 100;
            bool useRobustPhaseEstimation = true;

            // Parse the arguments provided in command line
            if (args.Length >= 1)
                // The first argument is the number to factor
                Int64.TryParse(args[0], out numberToFactor);

            if (args.Length >= 2)
                // The second is the number of trials
                Int64.TryParse(args[1], out nTrials);

            if (args.Length >= 3)
                // The third argument indicates if Robust or Quantum Phase Estimation
                // should be used
                bool.TryParse(args[2], out useRobustPhaseEstimation);

            // Repeat Shor's algorithm multiple times as the algorithm is
            // probabilistic and there are several ways that it can fail.
            for (int i = 0; i < nTrials; ++i)
                    // Make sure to use simulator within using block.
                    // This ensures that all resources used by QuantumSimulator
                    // are properly released if the algorithm fails and throws an exception.
                    using (QuantumSimulator sim = new QuantumSimulator())
                        // Report the number being factored to the standard output
                        Console.WriteLine($"Factoring {numberToFactor}");

                        // Compute the factors
                        (long factor1, long factor2) =
                            Shor.Run(sim, numberToFactor, useRobustPhaseEstimation).Result;

                        Console.WriteLine($"Factors are {factor1} and {factor2}");
                // Shor's algorithm is a probabilistic algorithm and can fail with certain
                // probability in several ways. For more details see Shor.qs.
                // If the run of Shor's algorithm fails it throws ExecutionFailException.
                // However, due to the use of System.Task in .Run method,
                // the exception of interest is getting wrapped into AggregateException.
                catch (AggregateException e)
                    // Report the failure of the algorithm to standard output
                    Console.WriteLine($"This run of Shor's algorithm failed:");

                    // Unwrap AggregateException to get the message from Q# fail statement.
                    // Go through all inner exceptions.
                    foreach (Exception eInner in e.InnerExceptions)
                        // If the exception of type ExecutionFailException
                        if (eInner is ExecutionFailException failException)
                            // Print the message it contains
                            Console.WriteLine($"   {failException.Message}");