public void ShowShop(Shop shop) { for (int i = 0; i < slots.Length; i++) { slots[i].SetShop(shop); } }
public void TestStaticPropertyCrash() { Product toaster = new Product { Name = "toaster" }; Shop shop = new Shop { Products = { toaster } }; ObjectGraph graph = new ObjectGraph(shop); graph.Collapse(); }
public void AddShop(int shopId , Shop shop){ if(shopDic.ContainsKey(shopId)){ shopDic[shopId] = shop; return; } shopDic.Add(shopId , shop); }
public JsonResult AddShopByUser(AddShopByUserPostModel model) { var result = new AddShopByUserPostResult(); using (var db = DbContextFactory.CreateDbContext()) { Account acc; if (TokenXCodeValidation.Validate(model, db, out acc)) { var shop = new Shop() { Account = acc, ShopUrl = model.Url, ShopUserName = model.ShopUserName, SiteType = model.SiteType , QQ = model.QQ, Tel = model.Tel }; db.Shops.Add(shop); db.SaveChanges(); result.ShopId = shop.Id; result.IsOk = true; } else { throw new HttpException(Resources.ErrorReLogin); } } return new JsonResult() { Data = result }; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { shop = transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent<Shop>(); itemList = new List<SpeciesData>(shop.itemList.Values); itemList.Sort(ComparisonTypes.SortByTrophicLevels); }
public ActionResult Edit(Shop model) { try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return View(model); } model.RecordStatus = EnumRecordStatus.EDIT.ToString(); model.SysCode = SecurityPortal.ApplicationName; BusinessResult result = BusinessPortal.Save(model); if (result.ResultType == 0) { this.ShowMessage(CSC.Resources.BusinessResultMessage.INF_SAVE_SUCCEED, isSucessed: true); } else { this.ShowMessage(result.GetMessage(), isSucessed: false); } return View(model); } catch (Exception ex) { this.ShowMessage(ex.Message, isSucessed: false); return View(model); } }
static void Main() { Shop shop = new Shop(3); shop[0] = new Laptop("Asus", 4900); shop[1] = new Laptop("Acer", 3300); shop[2] = new Laptop("Dell", 2900); try { //for (int i = 0; i < shop.Length; i++) //{ // Console.WriteLine(shop[i].ToString()); //} foreach (Laptop lt in shop) { Console.WriteLine(lt.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("==================="); //Console.WriteLine(shop["Asus"]); //double p = 4900; Console.WriteLine(shop[(double)4900]); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
void DrawStoryLayout(Shop shop) { SerializedProperty storyProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("OShop"); SerializedProperty shopId = storyProperty.FindPropertyRelative("shopId"); shopId.stringValue = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("Shop Id", shopId.stringValue); SerializedProperty sellValue = storyProperty.FindPropertyRelative("sellValue"); sellValue.intValue = int.Parse (EditorGUILayout.TextField ("sellValue", sellValue.intValue.ToString())); SerializedProperty listSellItem = storyProperty.FindPropertyRelative("listSellItem").FindPropertyRelative("Array"); int length = listSellItem.arraySize; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("List Item : "); for(int i = 0;i < length;i++){ EditorGUILayout.LabelField("=============Item " + (i+1) + "================="); SerializedProperty sellItem = listSellItem.FindPropertyRelative ("data[" + i + "]"); SerializedProperty sellItemId = sellItem.FindPropertyRelative("itemId"); SerializedProperty sellItemAmount = sellItem.FindPropertyRelative("amount"); sellItemId.stringValue = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("Id Item " + (i+1), sellItemId.stringValue); sellItemAmount.intValue = EditorGUILayout.IntField ("Amount " + (i+1), sellItemAmount.intValue); } if (EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Add List Sell Item", false)) { shop.listSellItem.Add(new SellItem("", 0)); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); }
public void TestContainsObject() { Product toaster = new Product {Name = "toaster"}; Shop shop = new Shop {Products = {toaster}}; ObjectGraph graph = new ObjectGraph(shop); Assert.IsTrue(graph.ContainsNode(toaster)); }
public void TestResolveBackReferenceInEnumerable() { Product toaster = new Product {Name = "toaster"}; Shop shop = new Shop {Products = {toaster}}; ObjectGraph graph = new ObjectGraph(shop); object backReference = graph.ResolveBackReference(toaster); Assert.IsTrue(Object.ReferenceEquals(backReference, shop)); }
public void TestDoesNotContainObject() { Product kettle = new Product { Name = "kettle" }; Product toaster = new Product { Name = "toaster" }; Shop shop = new Shop {Products = {kettle}}; ObjectGraph graph = new ObjectGraph(shop); Assert.IsFalse(graph.ContainsNode(toaster)); }
public static void Load() { string[] text = File.ReadAllLines(ServerBase.Constants.ShopsPath); Shop shop = new Shop(); for (int x = 0; x < text.Length; x++) { string line = text[x]; string[] split = line.Split('='); // Console.WriteLine("split[0] " + split[0] + "."); //Console.WriteLine("split[1] " + split[1] + "."); if (split[0] == "Amount") Shops = new Dictionary<uint, Shop>(int.Parse(split[1])); else if (split[0] == "ID") { if (shop.UID == 0) { shop.UID = uint.Parse(split[1]); //Console.WriteLine("K split[1] " + split[1] + "."); } else { if (!Shops.ContainsKey(shop.UID)) { Shops.Add(shop.UID, shop); shop = new Shop(); shop.UID = uint.Parse(split[1]); //Console.WriteLine("split[1] " + shop.UID + "."); } } } else if (split[0] == "MoneyType") { shop.MoneyType = (MoneyType)byte.Parse(split[1]); } else if (split[0] == "ItemAmount") { shop.Items = new List<uint>(ushort.Parse(split[1])); } else if (split[0].Contains("Item") && split[0] != "ItemAmount") { uint ID = uint.Parse(split[1]); if (!shop.Items.Contains(ID)) shop.Items.Add(ID); } } if (!Shops.ContainsKey(shop.UID)) { Shops.Add(shop.UID, shop); } LoadHonorShop(); LoadRaceShop(); Console.WriteLine("Shops information loaded."); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="category"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<BProperty> GetProperities(Product_Class category,Shop shop) { List<BProperty> properities = new List<BProperty>(); ItempropsGetRequest req = new ItempropsGetRequest(); req.Fields = "pid,name,must,multi,prop_values"; if (category != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.Mall_CID)) { req.Cid = long.Parse(category.Mall_CID); } else { req.Cid = 0; } //req.IsKeyProp = true; req.IsSaleProp = true; req.IsColorProp = true; req.IsEnumProp = true; req.IsInputProp = true; req.IsItemProp = true; //1=>Taobao //2=>TMall, need to check Mall Type from Shop object req.Type = 1L; ItempropsGetResponse response = client.Execute(req); if (response.IsError) { throw new KMJXCException(response.ErrMsg); } if (response.ItemProps != null) { foreach (TB.ItemProp prop in response.ItemProps) { BProperty pro = new BProperty(); pro.Created = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); pro.MID = prop.Pid.ToString(); pro.Name = prop.Name; pro.CategoryId = category.Product_Class_ID; pro.ID = 0; pro.Shop = new BShop() { ID = category.Shop_ID }; pro.Created_By = new BUser() { ID = category.Create_User_ID }; properities.Add(pro); if (prop.PropValues != null) { foreach (TB.PropValue pv in prop.PropValues) { Product_Spec_Value psv = new Product_Spec_Value(); psv.Name = pv.Name; pro.Values.Add(psv); } } } } return properities; }
public ActionResult CreateAdress(Shop.DataBase.Adress adress) { adress.UserId = new UserRepository().Find(User.Identity.Name).UserId; if (ModelState.IsValid) { AdressRepository.Add(adress); return RedirectToAction("Adress", "Personal"); } return View(adress); }
void Create(string id) { OShop = new Shop(); OShop.shopId = shopId; OShop.sellValue = 0; OShop.listSellItemId = new List<string>(); OShop.listSellItemId.Add(""); IsEditing = true; }
public static Shop ToViewModel(this DataContracts.Stores.Store store) { var shopModel = new Shop(); shopModel.CatalogId = store.Catalog; shopModel.Currency = store.DefaultCurrency; shopModel.Id = store.Id; shopModel.Name = store.Name; return shopModel; }
void Create(string id) { OShop = new Shop(); OShop.shopId = shopId; OShop.sellValue = 0; OShop.listSellItem = new List<SellItem>(); OShop.listSellItem.Add(new SellItem("", 0)); IsEditing = true; }
public void Enable(Shop newShop) { activeShop = newShop; //OnInventoryPressed(0); //ActiveShop = PlayerManager.Instance.ActiveShop; //ChangeShopMode(0); selectedItemList = activeShop.ShopItems; RefreshInventoryIcons(); ShopNameLabel.text = activeShop.Name; isPlayerShop = false; Enable(); }
public void AddItemToShop() { Item item = new Item("ID0001", "Cestitka 1"); Shop shop = new Shop("trgovina 1"); Price price = new Price(4, 3.2) {ItemId = item.UniqueId, ShopId = shop.Id}; ShopItem shopItem = new ShopItem {ItemId = item.UniqueId, ShopId = shop.Id, PriceId = price.Id}; Assert.IsNotNull(shopItem, "Items not added to shop!"); shopItem.SetNumberOfItems(3); Assert.AreEqual(3, shopItem.NumberOfItems, "ShopItem missmatch!"); Overview overview = new Overview(); overview.AddShopItem(shopItem); Overview temp = overview; }
private static void EnsureThereAreNoRelativeUris(Shop shop) { var relativeUriCount = (from l in shop.Links where l.Href.IsAbsoluteUri.Equals(false) select l.Href) .Union(from f in shop.Forms where f.Resource.IsAbsoluteUri.Equals(false) select f.Resource).Count(); if (relativeUriCount > 0) { throw new BaseUriMissingException(); } }
private void Setup() { commandController = new CommandController(this); HelpText = "Enter a Command to perform an action: @'help' to produce menu @'goto' 'place' to go somewhere (shop, vault, arena, world) @'save' to save progress @'load' to load game state from last save and return to World @'delete' to delete save @'y' or 'n' to confirm or cancel any action @Different commands also exist within zones"; GreetingText = "Welcome to Top Deck. Enter a command to get started!"; Shop = new Shop(commandController); Vault = new Vault(commandController); Arena = new Arena(commandController); Game = new Game(commandController); CharacterCreator = new CharacterCreator(Shop.CardLibrary); CardLibrary = Shop.CardLibrary; Front.ChangeLocation(this); }
private FullShopInfo GetFacadeObjectByDomain(Shop entity) { if (entity == null) return null; FullShopInfo info = new FullShopInfo(); info.Sid = entity.Sid; info.Cid = entity.Cid; info.Title = entity.Title; info.SellerNick = entity.SellerNick; info.Description = entity.Description; info.Bulletin = entity.Bulletin; info.RemainShowcase = entity.RemainShowcase; info.LogoUrl = entity.LogoUrl; info.Created = entity.Created; info.Modified = entity.Modified; return info; }
internal static void Main() { VehicleBuilder builder; var shop = new Shop(); builder = new ScooterBuilder(); shop.Construct(builder); builder.Vehicle.Show(); builder = new CarBuilder(); shop.Construct(builder); builder.Vehicle.Show(); builder = new MotorCycleBuilder(); shop.Construct(builder); builder.Vehicle.Show(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { DummyProduct product = new DummyProduct(); Shop shop1 = new Shop("Shop 1"); Shop shop2 = new Shop("Shop 2"); Shop shop3 = new Shop("Shop 3"); Shop shop4 = new Shop("Shop 4"); product.Attach(shop1); product.Attach(shop2); product.Attach(shop3); product.Attach(shop4); product.ChangePrice(26.0f); Console.ReadLine(); }
public IEnumerator ShowNPC() { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); Active = true; Player.Instance.ActiveNPC = this; //Player.Instance.ActiveNPCName = character.Name; if(character.ShopID > 0) { if(thisShop == null) { thisShop = Storage.LoadById<Shop>(character.ShopID, new Shop()); } thisShop.PopulateItems(); Player.Instance.ActiveShop = thisShop; } GUIManager.Instance.DisplayNPC(); }
public void SetShop(Shop shop) { = shop; Item item = shop.GetItem(index); if (item == null) { itemCostObject.SetActive(false); purchaseButtonObject.SetActive(false); transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().sprite = itemImages.GetItemSprite("Null"); } else { itemCostObject.SetActive(true); purchaseButtonObject.SetActive(true); transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().sprite = itemImages.GetItemSprite(item.Name); itemCostObject.GetComponent<Text>().text = shop.GetItemCost(index).ToString(); } }
void Start () { List<string> btnName = new List<string> (); btnName.Clear (); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) btnName.Add ("Bag_Button_" + i); btnName.Add ("Bag_Left"); btnName.Add ("Bag_Right"); //btnName.Add ("Bag_Up"); //btnName.Add ("Bag_Down"); btnName.Add ("Bag_Use"); btnName.Add ("Bag_Exit"); foreach(string btnname in btnName) { GameObject btnobj = GameObject.Find(btnname); btnobj.AddComponent<UIEventListener>(); UIEventListener.Get (btnobj).onClick = onclick; } for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) objlist [i] = GameObject.Find ("Bag_Button_" + i); pageobj = GameObject.Find ("Bag_Label_1").GetComponent<UILabel> (); //label2 = GameObject.Find ("Bag_Label_2").GetComponent<UILabel> (); //label3 = GameObject.Find ("Bag_Label_3").GetComponent<UILabel> (); label4 = GameObject.Find ("Bag_Label_4").GetComponent<UILabel> (); Shop shop = new Shop (); shop.addGoods ("potion1", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion2", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion3", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion1", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion2", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion3", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion1", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion2", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion3", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion1", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion2", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion3", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion1", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion2", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion3", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion1", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion2", 0); shop.addGoods ("potion3", 0); shop.addGoods ("po123n1", 0); Init (shop); }
void Start () { List<string> btnName = new List<string> (); btnName.Clear (); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) btnName.Add ("Shop_Button_" + i); btnName.Add ("Shop_Left"); btnName.Add ("Shop_Right"); btnName.Add ("Shop_Up"); btnName.Add ("Shop_Down"); btnName.Add ("Shop_Buy"); btnName.Add ("Shop_Exit"); foreach(string btnname in btnName) { GameObject btnobj = GameObject.Find(btnname); btnobj.AddComponent<UIEventListener>(); UIEventListener.Get (btnobj).onClick = onclick; } for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) objlist [i] = GameObject.Find ("Shop_Button_" + i); pageobj = GameObject.Find ("Shop_Label_1").GetComponent<UILabel> (); label2 = GameObject.Find ("Shop_Label_2").GetComponent<UILabel> (); label3 = GameObject.Find ("Shop_Label_3").GetComponent<UILabel> (); label4 = GameObject.Find ("Shop_Label_4").GetComponent<UILabel> (); Shop shop = new Shop (); shop.addGoods ("potion1", 1); shop.addGoods ("potion2", 2); shop.addGoods ("potion3", 3); shop.addGoods ("potion1", 4); shop.addGoods ("potion2", 5); shop.addGoods ("potion3", 6); shop.addGoods ("potion1", 7); shop.addGoods ("potion2", 8); shop.addGoods ("potion3", 9); shop.addGoods ("potion1", 10); shop.addGoods ("potion2", 11); shop.addGoods ("potion3", 12); shop.addGoods ("potion1", 13); shop.addGoods ("potion2", 14); shop.addGoods ("potion3", 15); shop.addGoods ("potion1", 16); shop.addGoods ("potion2", 17); shop.addGoods ("potion3", 18); shop.addGoods ("po123n1", 19); Init (shop); }
public void CreateShop() { List<Item> items = new List<Item> (); foreach (Item item in itemManager.allItems) { if (ItemStocked (item, 1)) { items.Add (item); } } Inventory inventory = new Inventory (); inventory.items = items; Shop shop = new Shop (inventory); AddShop (shop); shop.location = new CellLocation(9, 0, 9); }
void Start() { welcomeText.text = "Welcome to my Shop Traveler!" + "\n" + "-Press 'P' To open Shop"; welcomeText.gameObject.SetActive(false); _shop = GameObject.FindWithTag(Tags.GameController).GetComponent <Shop>(); }
public void UpdateShop(Shop shop) { _data.UpdateShop(shop); }
public ListPage(Shop shop) { InitializeComponent(); this.BindingContext = viewModel = new ListPageViewModel(Navigation, shop); }
/// <summary> /// 根据指定的过滤条件查询购物车信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="shop">过滤条件</param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable Select(Shop shop) { return(this.Select(shop, 0, 0)); }
public Shop Update(Shop shops) { _context.Entry(shops).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); return(shops); }
/// <summary> /// 检查是否在配送范围 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="shop"></param> public static void CheckIsInScope(this MemberAddress model, ShopDbContext db, Shop shop) { ShopTakeOutInfo toInfo = db.Query <ShopTakeOutInfo>() .Where(m => !m.IsDel) .Where(m => m.ShopId == shop.Id) .FirstOrDefault(); if (toInfo == null) { throw new Exception("外卖基础设置不存在"); } model.CheckIsInScope(shop, toInfo); }
public int GetShowItem(int id) { int planeCost = Shop.GetInstance().GetPlane(id).ID; return(planeCost); }
private int GetArraySizeForThis() { return(Shop.GetInstance().GetSizeCollection("PlanesCollection")); }
public int GetShowItemCost(int id) { int cost = Shop.GetInstance().GetPlane(id).Cost; return(cost); }
public void OnEquipClick(int collectionID) { Player.GetInstance().SetPlane(Shop.GetInstance().GetPlane(collectionID)); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurrentPlane", Shop.GetInstance().GetPlane(collectionID).ID); }
private void Start() { _shop = Shop.GetComponent <Shop>(); _inventory = Inventory.GetComponent <Inventory>(); AssignPlayerVariables(); }
void Awake() { Current = this; }
public bool UpdateShop(Shop shop) { return(_shop.Update(shop)); }
public DetachedShopMarketersHistoryEvent(Shop shop, Marketer marketer, UserInfo userInfo) { Shop = shop; Marketer = marketer; UserInfo = userInfo; }
public void DisplayParameters(int id, Text text) { text.text = "НАЗВАНИЕ: " + Shop.GetInstance().GetPlane(id).Name + "\nУРОН: " + Shop.GetInstance().GetPlane(id).Damage + "\nБРОНЯ: " + Shop.GetInstance().GetPlane(id).Armor + "\nСТОИМОСТЬ: " + Shop.GetInstance().GetPlane(id).Cost; }
private void dataGridView1_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (!DataGridViewUtil.CheckPerrmisson(this, sender, e)) { return; } try { if (e.RowIndex > -1 && e.ColumnIndex > -1) { if (GlobalUtil.EngineUnconnectioned(this)) { return; } List <Shop> list = DataGridViewUtil.BindingListToList <Shop>(dataGridView1.DataSource); Shop item = (Shop)list[e.RowIndex]; if (e.ColumnIndex == Column1.Index) { this.SaveClick(item, this); } else if (e.ColumnIndex == ColumnDisable.Index) { if (GlobalMessageBox.Show("确定禁用吗?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { InteractResult result = GlobalCache.Shop_OnDisable(item.ID); switch (result.ExeResult) { case ExeResult.Success: GlobalMessageBox.Show("禁用成功!"); this.dataGridView1.DataSource = null; item.Enabled = false; this.dataGridView1.DataSource = DataGridViewUtil.ListToBindingList(list); break; case ExeResult.Error: GlobalMessageBox.Show(result.Msg); break; default: break; } } } else if (e.ColumnIndex == EnabledLink.Index) { if (GlobalMessageBox.Show("确定启用吗?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { item.Enabled = true; InteractResult result = GlobalCache.ServerProxy.EnableShop(item.ID); switch (result.ExeResult) { case ExeResult.Success: GlobalMessageBox.Show("启用成功!"); this.dataGridView1.DataSource = null; item.Enabled = true; this.dataGridView1.DataSource = DataGridViewUtil.ListToBindingList(list); break; case ExeResult.Error: item.Enabled = false; GlobalMessageBox.Show(result.Msg); break; default: break; } } } else if (e.ColumnIndex == ColumnDelete.Index) { Delete(item); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalUtil.ShowError(ex); } finally { GlobalUtil.UnLockPage(this); } }
private void Start() { inventroy = GetComponent <Inventory>(); displayScript = GetComponent <ClothingDisplayOnPlayer>(); shop = GetComponent <Shop>(); }
public int Insert(Shop entity) { db.Shops.Add(entity); db.SaveChanges(); return(entity.ShopID); }
public ProductsController(Shop context) { _context = context; }
private void SetUpLevel(string LevelID) { AutoIngredientList = new List <int>(); NonAutoIngredientDic = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>(); FoodMakerDic = new Dictionary <int, List <GameObject> >(); FoodHolderDic = new Dictionary <int, List <GameObject> >(); customerList = new List <GameObject>(); level = GameDictionary.Instance.GetLevel(LevelID); shop = GameDictionary.Instance.GetShop(level.ShopID); var g = Resources.Load(@"Prefabs/Shops/" + shop.ID) as GameObject; panel = Instantiate <GameObject>(Resources.Load(@"Prefabs/Shops/" + shop.ID) as GameObject, transform); foreach (var item in shop.IngredientID) { if (!PlayerData.Instance.PlayerEquipmentDic.ContainsKey(item)) { GameObject.Find(item + "").SetActive(false); } else { if (!GameDictionary.Instance.GetIngredient(item).IsAuto) { var go = GameObject.Find(item + ""); NonAutoIngredientDic.Add(item, go); } else { AutoIngredientList.Add(item); } } } foreach (var item in shop.FoodMakerID) { if (GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodMaker(item).IsOneForAll) { if (!PlayerData.Instance.PlayerEquipmentDic.ContainsKey(item)) { GameObject.Find(item + "").SetActive(false); } else { var go = GameObject.Find(item + ""); int star = PlayerData.Instance.PlayerEquipmentDic[item]; var foodMaker = GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodMaker(item); var setting = go.GetComponent <FoodMakerSetting>(); switch (star) { case 1: setting.MaxCookingTime = foodMaker.OneStarMakingTime; setting.MaxBurningTime = foodMaker.OneStarBurntTime; break; case 2: setting.MaxCookingTime = foodMaker.TwoStarMakingTime; setting.MaxBurningTime = foodMaker.TwoStarBurntTime; break; case 3: setting.MaxCookingTime = foodMaker.ThreeStarMakingTime; setting.MaxBurningTime = foodMaker.ThreeStarBurntTime; break; } FoodMakerDic.Add(item, new List <GameObject>()); FoodMakerDic[item].Add(go); } } else { if (!PlayerData.Instance.PlayerEquipmentDic.ContainsKey(item)) { GameObject.Find(item + "").SetActive(false); if (GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodMaker(item).ThreeStarMakerCount != 1) { for (int i = 1; i < GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodMaker(item).ThreeStarMakerCount; i++) { GameObject.Find(item + "_" + i).SetActive(false); } } } else { var go = GameObject.Find(item + ""); int star = PlayerData.Instance.PlayerEquipmentDic[item]; var foodMaker = GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodMaker(item); int count = 0; double maxCookingTime = 0; double maxBurningTime = 0; switch (star) { case 1: maxCookingTime = foodMaker.OneStarMakingTime; maxBurningTime = foodMaker.OneStarBurntTime; count = foodMaker.OneStarMakerCount; break; case 2: maxCookingTime = foodMaker.TwoStarMakingTime; maxBurningTime = foodMaker.TwoStarBurntTime; count = foodMaker.TwoStarMakerCount; break; case 3: maxCookingTime = foodMaker.ThreeStarMakingTime; maxBurningTime = foodMaker.ThreeStarBurntTime; count = foodMaker.ThreeStarMakerCount; break; } var Setting = go.GetComponent <FoodMakerSetting>(); Setting.MaxBurningTime = maxBurningTime; Setting.MaxCookingTime = maxCookingTime; for (int i = count; i < GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodMaker(item).ThreeStarMakerCount; i++) { GameObject.Find(item + "_" + i).SetActive(false); } FoodMakerDic.Add(item, new List <GameObject>()); FoodMakerDic[item].Add(GameObject.Find(item + "")); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { go = GameObject.Find(item + "_" + i); Setting = go.GetComponent <FoodMakerSetting>(); Setting.MaxBurningTime = maxBurningTime; Setting.MaxCookingTime = maxCookingTime; FoodMakerDic[item].Add(go); } } } } foreach (var item in shop.FoodHolderID) { if (!PlayerData.Instance.PlayerEquipmentDic.ContainsKey(item)) { GameObject.Find(item + "").SetActive(false); if (GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodHolder(item).ThreeStarFoodCount != 1) { for (int i = 1; i < GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodHolder(item).ThreeStarFoodCount; i++) { GameObject.Find(item + "_" + i).SetActive(false); } } } else { int count = 0; if (PlayerData.Instance.PlayerEquipmentDic[item] == 2) { count = GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodHolder(item).TwoStarFoodCount; } else if (PlayerData.Instance.PlayerEquipmentDic[item] == 1) { count = GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodHolder(item).OneStarFoodCount; } else { count = GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodHolder(item).ThreeStarFoodCount; } for (int i = count; i < GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodHolder(item).ThreeStarFoodCount; i++) { GameObject.Find(item + "_" + i).SetActive(false); } FoodHolderDic.Add(item, new List <GameObject>()); FoodHolderDic[item].Add(GameObject.Find(item + "")); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { FoodHolderDic[item].Add(GameObject.Find(item + "_" + i)); } } } ///Test时使用 if (true) { foreach (var item in NonAutoIngredientDic) { item.Value.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = GameDictionary.Instance.GetIngredient(item.Key).Name_CN; } foreach (var item in FoodMakerDic) { foreach (var go in item.Value) { go.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodMaker(item.Key).Name_CN; } } foreach (var item in FoodHolderDic) { foreach (var go in item.Value) { go.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodHolder(item.Key).Name_CN; } } } foreach (var item in NonAutoIngredientDic) { item.Value.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => IngredientClick(item.Key)); } foreach (var item in FoodMakerDic) { if (!GameDictionary.Instance.GetFoodMaker(item.Key).IsAuto) { foreach (var fm in item.Value) { fm.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => FoodMakerClick(item.Key, fm)); } } } foreach (var item in FoodHolderDic) { foreach (var fh in item.Value) { fh.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => FoodHolderClick(item.Key, fh)); } } customerComingTimeList = new List <double>(); for (int i = 0; i < level.MaximumCustomerWaiting; i++) { customerComingTimeList.Add(rdm.NextDouble() * 2 * level.AverageCustomerComeTime); } }
public TackShopGiveaway() { List <World.SpecialTile> specialTiles = new List <World.SpecialTile>(); foreach (World.SpecialTile sTile in World.SpecialTiles) { if (sTile.Code != null) { if (sTile.Code.StartsWith("STORE-")) { int storeId = int.Parse(sTile.Code.Split("-")[1]); Shop shopData = Shop.GetShopById(storeId); if (shopData.BuysItemTypes.Contains("TACK")) { Npc.NpcEntry[] npcShop = Npc.GetNpcByXAndY(sTile.X, sTile.Y); if (npcShop.Length > 0) { specialTiles.Add(sTile); } } } } } string npcName = "ERROR"; string npcDesc = "OBTAINING NAME"; int shpIdx = GameServer.RandomNumberGenerator.Next(0, specialTiles.Count); Location = specialTiles[shpIdx]; Npc.NpcEntry[] npcShops = Npc.GetNpcByXAndY(Location.X, Location.Y); npcName = npcShops[0].Name.Split(" ")[0]; if (npcShops[0].ShortDescription.ToLower().Contains("tack")) { npcDesc = npcShops[0].ShortDescription.Substring(npcShops[0].ShortDescription.ToLower().IndexOf("tack")); ShopName = npcName + "'s " + npcDesc; } else { ShopName = npcName + "'s Gear"; } while (true) { int hrsIdx = GameServer.RandomNumberGenerator.Next(0, HorseInfo.Breeds.Length); HorseInfo.Breed breed = HorseInfo.Breeds[hrsIdx]; if (breed.SpawnInArea == "none") { continue; } HorseGiveaway = new HorseInstance(breed); HorseGiveaway.Name = "Tack Shop Giveaway"; break; } if (World.InTown(Location.X, Location.Y)) { Town = World.GetTown(Location.X, Location.Y); } }
void Start() { Shop shop = FindObjectOfType <Shop>(); UpdateText(; }
public Shop FormatShop(Match match, string pageUrl) { Shop shop = new Shop(); List <int> indexs = this.siteParameter.JsonIndexs.Split(',').Select(s => int.Parse(s)).ToList(); if (indexs[1] > 0) { if (Regex.IsMatch(match.Value, "\"name\":\"(.*?)\",")) { shop.SubbranchName = Regex.Match(match.Value, "\"name\":\"(.*?)\",").Groups[1].Value; } } if (indexs[2] > 0) { if (Regex.IsMatch(match.Value, "\"country\":\"(.*?)\",")) { shop.Country = Regex.Match(match.Value, "\"country\":\"(.*?)\",").Groups[1].Value; } } if (indexs[3] > 0) { if (Regex.IsMatch(match.Value, "\"city\":\"(.*?)\",")) { shop.City = Regex.Match(match.Value, "\"city\":\"(.*?)\",").Groups[1].Value; } } if (indexs[4] > 0) { if (Regex.IsMatch(match.Value, "\"add1\":\"(.*?)\",")) { shop.Address = Regex.Match(match.Value, "\"add1\":\"(.*?)\",").Groups[1].Value.TrimUnicode().TrimEscape(); } } if (indexs[5] > 0) { if (Regex.IsMatch(match.Value, "\"lng\":(.*?),")) { shop.Longitude = Regex.Match(match.Value, "\"lng\":(.*?),").Groups[1].Value; } } if (indexs[6] > 0) { if (Regex.IsMatch(match.Value, "\"lat\":(.*?),")) { shop.Latitude = Regex.Match(match.Value, "\"lat\":(.*?),").Groups[1].Value; } } if (indexs[7] > 0) { if (Regex.IsMatch(match.Value, "\"hours\":(.*?),")) { string openHoursTemp = Regex.Match(match.Value, "\"hours\":(.*?),").Groups[1].Value.TrimDoubleQuote(); string[] openHourMeta = openHoursTemp.Split('|'); string openHour = ""; foreach (var openHourItem in openHourMeta) { if (openHourItem.Contains("A")) { openHour += Regex.Replace(openHourItem, "A", "Mon: ").Insert(7, ":").Insert(10, " am - ").Insert(18, ":").Insert(21, " pm "); } if (openHourItem.Contains("B")) { openHour += Regex.Replace(openHourItem, "B", "Tue: ").Insert(7, ":").Insert(10, " am - ").Insert(18, ":").Insert(21, " pm "); } if (openHourItem.Contains("C")) { openHour += Regex.Replace(openHourItem, "C", "Wed: ").Insert(7, ":").Insert(10, " am - ").Insert(18, ":").Insert(21, " pm "); } if (openHourItem.Contains("D")) { openHour += Regex.Replace(openHourItem, "D", "Thu: ").Insert(7, ":").Insert(10, " am - ").Insert(18, ":").Insert(21, " pm "); } if (openHourItem.Contains("E")) { openHour += Regex.Replace(openHourItem, "E", "Fri: ").Insert(7, ":").Insert(10, " am - ").Insert(18, ":").Insert(21, " pm "); } if (openHourItem.Contains("F")) { openHour += Regex.Replace(openHourItem, "F", "Sat: ").Insert(7, ":").Insert(10, " am - ").Insert(18, ":").Insert(21, " pm "); } if (openHourItem.Contains("G")) { openHour += Regex.Replace(openHourItem, "G", "Sun: ").Insert(7, ":").Insert(10, " am - ").Insert(18, ":").Insert(21, " pm "); } } shop.OpenHours = openHour; } } if (indexs[8] > 0) { if (Regex.IsMatch(match.Value, "\"phone\":(.*?),")) { shop.Telphone = Regex.Match(match.Value, "\"phone\":(.*?),").Groups[1].Value.TrimDoubleQuote(); } } if (indexs[9] > 0) { shop.ShopType = match.Groups[indexs[9]].Value; } if (indexs[11] > 0) { shop.Picture = match.Groups[indexs[11]].Value; } if (indexs[12] > 0) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.siteParameter.SiteUrlPattern) && Regex.IsMatch(this.siteParameter.SiteUrlPattern, "{\\D+}")) { shop.SiteUrl = Regex.Replace(this.siteParameter.SiteUrlPattern, "{\\D+}", match.Groups[indexs[12]].Value, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).UrlDecode(); if (match.Groups[indexs[12]].Value.Contains("http")) { shop.SiteUrl = match.Groups[indexs[12]].Value; } } else { shop.SiteUrl = match.Groups[indexs[12]].Value.ToAbsoluteUrl(pageUrl); } if (this.siteParameter.MerchantNamePattern.Equals("华伦天奴")) { shop.SiteUrl = string.Format("{0},{1}", match.Groups[8].Value, match.Groups[indexs[12]].Value); } } if (indexs[13] > 0) { string matchValue = Regex.Replace(match.Groups[indexs[13]].Value, "<span class=\"\">.+?</span>", string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Trim(); shop.Scope = Regex.Replace(matchValue, "<span.+?>", string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Replace("</span>", ",").TrimContent(); } return(shop); }
protected virtual Shop GetStore(IOwinContext context, string language) { var loadDefault = true; //var mvcContext = new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current); var routeData = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData; //var routeData = RouteTable.Routes.GetRouteData(mvcContext); string storeId = null; if (routeData != null) { storeId = this.GetStoreIdFromRoute(routeData.Values); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(storeId)) { storeId = this.GetStoreIdFromUrl(context.Request.Uri.Segments); } Shop store = null; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(storeId)) { // try getting store from URL var allStores = SiteContext.Current.Shops; var url = context.Request.Uri.AbsoluteUri.ToLower(); var stores = (from s in allStores where (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Url) && url.Contains(s.Url)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.SecureUrl) && url.Contains(s.SecureUrl)) select s).ToArray(); storeId = stores.Length > 0 ? stores[0].StoreId : String.Empty; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(storeId)) { // try getting store from the cookie storeId = context.Request.Cookies[StoreCookie]; // try getting default store from settings if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(storeId)) { storeId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultStore"]; } } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(storeId)) { store = SiteContext.Current.GetShopBySlug(storeId, language); if (store != null) { if (store.State != StoreState.Closed) { loadDefault = false; } else { store = null; } } } if (store == null) { if (loadDefault) { context.Response.Cookies.Delete(StoreCookie); storeId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultStore"]; store = SiteContext.Current.Shops.SingleOrDefault( s => s.StoreId.Equals(storeId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } } if (store == null) { store = SiteContext.Current.Shops.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Languages.Contains(language)); } return(store); }
public SaveData(int HP, Main main, Shop shop, Weapon _weapon) { //Player health = Player.S.GetHP(); maxHP = Player.S.GetMaxHP(); hpLevel = Player.S.GetHpLevel(); maxHpLevel = Player.S.GetMaxHpLevel(); hpBonusPerLevel = Player.S.GetHpBonusPerLevel(); cost = Player.S.GetCost(); //Global gold =; currentLevel = Main.S.currentLevel; currentWave = Main.S.waveCounter; //______WEAPONS________ riffleAmmo = _weapon.GetRifleAmmo(); //Pistolet PisCurrentAmmo = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.ePistol).GetCurrentAmmo(); PisAmmo = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.ePistol).GetAmmo(); PisCapacity = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.ePistol).GetCapacity(); PisLevel = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.ePistol).GetLevel(); PisFireRate = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.ePistol).GetFireRate(); PisMoneyForUpgrade = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.ePistol).GetMoneyForUpgrade(); PisBuyingPrice = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.ePistol).GetBuyingPrice(); PisReloadSpeed = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.ePistol).GetReloadSpeed(); PisDamage = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.ePistol).GetDamage(); //Półautomat if (_weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSemiAutomatic) != null) { SemiCurrentAmmo = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSemiAutomatic).GetCurrentAmmo(); SemiAmmo = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSemiAutomatic).GetAmmo(); SemiCapacity = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSemiAutomatic).GetCapacity(); SemiLevel = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSemiAutomatic).GetLevel(); SemiFireRate = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSemiAutomatic).GetFireRate(); SemiMoneyForUpgrade = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSemiAutomatic).GetMoneyForUpgrade(); SemiBuyingPrice = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSemiAutomatic).GetBuyingPrice(); SemiReloadSpeed = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSemiAutomatic).GetReloadSpeed(); SemiDamage = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSemiAutomatic).GetDamage(); isSemiExist = true; } //Automat if (_weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eAutomatic) != null) { AutoCurrentAmmo = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eAutomatic).GetCurrentAmmo(); AutoAmmo = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eAutomatic).GetAmmo(); AutoCapacity = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eAutomatic).GetCapacity(); AutoLevel = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eAutomatic).GetLevel(); AutoFireRate = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eAutomatic).GetFireRate(); AutoMoneyForUpgrade = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eAutomatic).GetMoneyForUpgrade(); AutoBuyingPrice = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eAutomatic).GetBuyingPrice(); AutoReloadSpeed = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eAutomatic).GetReloadSpeed(); AutoDamage = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eAutomatic).GetDamage(); isAutoExist = true; } //Rifle if (_weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSniperRifle) != null) { RifleCurrentAmmo = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSniperRifle).GetCurrentAmmo(); RifleAmmo = _weapon.GetSniperAmmo(); RifleCapacity = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSniperRifle).GetCapacity(); RifleLevel = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSniperRifle).GetLevel(); RifleFireRate = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSniperRifle).GetFireRate(); RifleMoneyForUpgrade = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSniperRifle).GetMoneyForUpgrade(); RifleBuyingPrice = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSniperRifle).GetBuyingPrice(); RifleReloadSpeed = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSniperRifle).GetReloadSpeed(); RifleDamage = _weapon.weapons.Find(gun => gun.GetType() == Weapon.WeaponType.eSniperRifle).GetDamage(); isRifleExist = true; } //______DEFENSIVE________ //Płot FencyCurrentLevel = shop.DefensiveObjectsArray[1].prefabs.GetComponent <DefensiveObject>().currentLevel; FencyHealth = shop.DefensiveObjectsArray[1].prefabs.GetComponent <DefensiveObject>().health; FencyUpgradePrice = shop.DefensiveObjectsArray[1].prefabs.GetComponent <DefensiveObject>().upgradePrice; //Kolce SpikeCurrentLevel = shop.DefensiveObjectsArray[0].prefabs.GetComponent <DefensiveSpikes>().currentLevel; SpikeHealth = shop.DefensiveObjectsArray[0].prefabs.GetComponent <DefensiveSpikes>().health; SpikeDamageEnemy = shop.DefensiveObjectsArray[0].prefabs.GetComponent <DefensiveSpikes>().damageEnemy; SpikeUpgradePrice = shop.DefensiveObjectsArray[0].prefabs.GetComponent <DefensiveSpikes>().upgradePrice; SpikeTakeDamage = shop.DefensiveObjectsArray[0].prefabs.GetComponent <DefensiveSpikes>().takeDamage; GameObject objects = Camera.main.GetComponent <Shop>().objectAnchor.gameObject; int number = objects.transform.childCount; objectOnMap = new List <ObjectData>(); for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i) { ObjectData objectData = new ObjectData(); Transform go = objects.transform.GetChild(i); objectData.x = go.position.x; objectData.y = go.position.y; objectData.z = go.position.z; if (go.tag == "DefensiveObject") { objectData.Health = go.GetComponent <DefensiveObject>().health; objectData.tag = "DefensiveObject"; } if (go.tag == "DefensiveSpikes") { objectData.Health = go.GetComponent <DefensiveSpikes>().health; objectData.tag = "DefensiveSpikes"; } objectOnMap.Add(objectData); } }
private PfInfo Build() { if ( this.curInboundDetailList == null || this.curInboundDetailList.Count == 0) { return(null); } int totalCount = 0; decimal totalPrice = 0; decimal totalCost = 0; List <PfOrderDetail> details = new List <PfOrderDetail>(); //使用补货申请单的店铺ID信息 // Shop shop = GlobalCache.ShopList.Find(t => t.ID == this.curReplenishOrder.ShopID); Shop shop = (Shop)this.skinComboBoxShopID.SelectedItem; string id = IDHelper.GetID(OrderPrefix.PfDelivery, shop.AutoCode); if (action == OperationEnum.Pick) { id = order?.ID; } // string pOrderID = IDHelper.GetID(OrderPrefix.PurchaseOrder, shop.AutoCode); foreach (PfOrderDetail detail in this.curInboundDetailList) { if (detail.SumCount <= 0) { continue; } totalCount += detail.SumCount; totalPrice += detail.SumMoney; totalCost += detail.SumCost; detail.PfOrderID = id; details.Add(detail); } PfOrder pOrder = new PfOrder() { ShopID = shop.ID, PfCustomerID = selectedSupplierID,// ValidateUtil.CheckEmptyValue(this.skinComboBox_SupplierID.SelectedValue), ID = id, AdminUserID = GlobalCache.CurrentUserID, CreateTime = dateTimePicker_Start.Value, EntryTime = DateTime.Now, TotalCount = totalCount, TotalPrice = totalPrice, TotalPfPrice = totalCost, Remarks = this.skinTextBox_Remarks.SkinTxt.Text // InboundOrderID= }; return(new PfInfo() { PfOrder = pOrder, PfOrderDetails = details }); }
public static void Load() { Timers.TimerStart(); if (TeleportCheck.IsEnabled) { TeleportCheck.DetectionLogsDir(); } if (FlightCheck.IsEnabled) { FlightCheck.DetectionLogsDir(); } if (HatchElevator.IsEnabled) { HatchElevator.DetectionLogsDir(); } if (PlayerLogs.IsEnabled) { PlayerLogs.PlayerLogsDir(); } if (Report.IsEnabled) { Report.ReportLogsDir(); } if (PlayerStatCheck.IsEnabled) { PlayerStatCheck.DetectionLogsDir(); } if (UndergroundCheck.IsEnabled) { UndergroundCheck.DetectionLogsDir(); } if (Bank.IsEnabled) { Bank.CreateFolder(); } if (AuctionBox.IsEnabled) { AuctionBox.CreateFolder(); } if (Bounties.IsEnabled) { Players.CreateFolder(); } if (CredentialCheck.IsEnabled) { CredentialCheck.CreateFolder(); } if (DupeLog.IsEnabled) { DupeLog.CreateFolder(); } Poll.CreateFolder(); if (PersistentContainer.Instance.PollOpen) { Poll.Check(); } if (ChatHook.Special_Player_Name_Coloring) { ChatHook.SpecialIdCheck(); } if (ClanManager.IsEnabled) { PersistentContainer.Instance.Players.GetClans(); ClanManager.BuildList(); } if (!ClanManager.IsEnabled) { PersistentContainer.Instance.Players.clans.Clear(); ClanManager.ClanMember.Clear(); } if (!InfoTicker.IsEnabled && InfoTicker.IsRunning) { InfoTicker.Unload(); } if (InfoTicker.IsEnabled && !InfoTicker.IsRunning) { InfoTicker.Load(); } if (Gimme.IsRunning && !Gimme.IsEnabled) { Gimme.Unload(); } if (!Gimme.IsRunning && Gimme.IsEnabled) { Gimme.Load(); } if (UndergroundCheck.IsRunning && !UndergroundCheck.IsEnabled) { UndergroundCheck.Unload(); } if (!UndergroundCheck.IsRunning && UndergroundCheck.IsEnabled) { UndergroundCheck.Load(); } if (Badwords.IsRunning && !Badwords.IsEnabled) { Badwords.Unload(); } if (!Badwords.IsRunning && Badwords.IsEnabled) { Badwords.Load(); } if (!LoginNotice.IsRunning && LoginNotice.IsEnabled) { LoginNotice.Load(); } if (LoginNotice.IsRunning && !LoginNotice.IsEnabled) { LoginNotice.Unload(); } if (!Zones.IsRunning && Zones.IsEnabled) { Zones.Load(); } if (Zones.IsRunning && !Zones.IsEnabled) { Zones.Unload(); } if (!VoteReward.IsRunning && VoteReward.IsEnabled) { VoteReward.Load(); } if (VoteReward.IsRunning && !VoteReward.IsEnabled) { VoteReward.Unload(); } if (!Watchlist.IsRunning && Watchlist.IsEnabled) { Watchlist.Load(); } if (Watchlist.IsRunning && !Watchlist.IsEnabled) { Watchlist.Unload(); } if (!ReservedSlots.IsRunning && ReservedSlots.IsEnabled) { ReservedSlots.Load(); } if (ReservedSlots.IsRunning && !ReservedSlots.IsEnabled) { ReservedSlots.Unload(); } if (!StartingItems.IsRunning && StartingItems.IsEnabled) { StartingItems.Load(); } if (StartingItems.IsRunning && !StartingItems.IsEnabled) { StartingItems.Unload(); } if (!Travel.IsRunning && Travel.IsEnabled) { Travel.Load(); } if (Travel.IsRunning && !Travel.IsEnabled) { Travel.Unload(); } if (!Shop.IsRunning && Shop.IsEnabled) { Shop.Load(); } if (Shop.IsRunning && !Shop.IsEnabled) { Shop.Unload(); } if (!Motd.IsRunning && Motd.IsEnabled) { Motd.Load(); } if (Motd.IsRunning && !Motd.IsEnabled) { Motd.Unload(); } if (InventoryCheck.IsRunning && !InventoryCheck.IsEnabled) { InventoryCheck.Unload(); } if (!InventoryCheck.IsRunning && InventoryCheck.IsEnabled) { InventoryCheck.Load(); } if (HighPingKicker.IsRunning && !HighPingKicker.IsEnabled) { HighPingKicker.Unload(); } if (!HighPingKicker.IsRunning && HighPingKicker.IsEnabled) { HighPingKicker.Load(); } if (CredentialCheck.IsRunning && !CredentialCheck.IsEnabled) { CredentialCheck.Unload(); } if (!CredentialCheck.IsRunning && CredentialCheck.IsEnabled) { CredentialCheck.Load(); } if (CustomCommands.IsRunning && !CustomCommands.IsEnabled) { CustomCommands.Unload(); } if (!CustomCommands.IsRunning && CustomCommands.IsEnabled) { CustomCommands.Load(); } if (DupeLog.IsRunning && !DupeLog.IsEnabled) { DupeLog.Unload(); } if (!DupeLog.IsRunning && DupeLog.IsEnabled) { DupeLog.Load(); } if (AuctionBox.IsEnabled) { AuctionBox.AuctionList(); } if (MutePlayer.IsEnabled) { MutePlayer.MuteList(); } if (Jail.IsEnabled) { Jail.JailList(); } if (Animals.IsEnabled) { Animals.AnimalList(); } if (AutoShutdown.IsEnabled) { AutoShutdown.ShutdownList(); } }
public void Add(Shop data) { _context.Add(data); }
public EntitiesContext() : base() { if (this.Database.CreateIfNotExists()) { Random random = new Random(); //Implémentation de la table Shops Shop shop = new Shop(); { shop.Town = "rennes"; shop.Postalcode = 35000; shop.Adress = "intermarché longchamps"; shop.Nameshop = "Les bleus bike shop"; shop.Phone = "+33 2 99 00 00 00"; shop.Email = "*****@*****.**"; shop.Website = ""; this.Shops.Add(shop); this.SaveChanges(); } //Implémentation de la table Roles { Role role1 = new Role(); role1.Name = "Admin"; Role role2 = new Role(); role2.Name = "Seller"; this.Roles.Add(role1); this.Roles.Add(role2); this.SaveChanges(); } // Implémentation de la table Sellers for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { Seller Seller = new Seller(); Seller.Role = this.Roles.Find(random.Next(1, this.Roles.Count())); Seller.FirstName = "firstName" + i; Seller.LastName = "lastName" + i; Seller.Password = "******" + i; Seller.Shop = this.Shops.Find(1); this.Sellers.Add(Seller); this.SaveChanges(); } // Implémentation de la table Customers for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.Gender = "male"; customer.Address = "adress" + i; customer.Email = "email" + i; customer.FirstName = "firstname" + i; customer.LastName = "lastname" + i; customer.LoyaltyPoints = 0; customer.Phone = "+33 6 00 00 0" + i; customer.PostalCode = 35000; customer.Town = "rennes"; customer.Shop = this.Shops.Find(1); this.Customers.Add(customer); this.SaveChanges(); } // Implémentation de la table Orders Order order = new Order(); { order.Date = DateTime.Now; order.Discount = 0.1F; order.Seller = this.Sellers.Find(random.Next(1, this.Sellers.Count())); order.Customer = this.Customers.Find(random.Next(1, this.Sellers.Count())); order.Shop = this.Shops.Find(1); order.UseLoyaltyPoint = false; order.Tax = 0.2F; order.ShippingCost = 0; order.PayMode = "CB"; this.Orders.Add(order); this.SaveChanges(); } // Implémentation de la table Bicycles Bicycle bicycle = new Bicycle(); //non achetés for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { bicycle.Shop = this.Shops.Find(1); bicycle.Order = null; bicycle.Customer = null; bicycle.TypeOfBike = "xc"; bicycle.Exchangeable = true; bicycle.Insurance = true; bicycle.Deliverable = true; bicycle.Category = "man"; bicycle.Reference = "xc000" + i; bicycle.Size = 1.75F + i * 0.01F; bicycle.Weight = 11.5F + i * 0.5F; bicycle.Color = "red and black"; bicycle.Confort = "full"; bicycle.FreeTaxPrice = 2000F - i * 100; bicycle.Electric = false; bicycle.State = "new"; bicycle.Brand = "les bleus"; this.Bicycles.Add(bicycle); this.SaveChanges(); } //acheté { bicycle.Shop = this.Shops.Find(1); bicycle.Order = this.Orders.Find(1); bicycle.Customer = this.Customers.Find(random.Next(1, this.Customers.Count())); bicycle.TypeOfBike = "fitness"; bicycle.Exchangeable = true; bicycle.Insurance = true; bicycle.Deliverable = true; bicycle.Category = "woman"; bicycle.Reference = "fitness0001"; bicycle.Size = 1.70F; bicycle.Weight = 8.5F; bicycle.Color = "yellow and white"; bicycle.Confort = ""; bicycle.FreeTaxPrice = 2000F; bicycle.Electric = false; bicycle.State = "new"; bicycle.Brand = "les bleus"; this.Bicycles.Add(bicycle); this.SaveChanges(); } } }
public void Update(Shop data) { _context.Update(data); }
public void TestResolveBackReference() { Owner owner = new Owner {Name = "Arthur Dent"}; Shop shop = new Shop {Owner = owner}; ObjectGraph graph = new ObjectGraph(shop); object backReference = graph.ResolveBackReference(owner); Assert.IsTrue(Object.ReferenceEquals(backReference, shop)); }