protected void CurrentOrders_ItemCommand(object sender, ListViewCommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.CommandName == "Ship")
                // Gather information from the form to send to the BLL for shipping.
                // ShipOrder(int orderId, ShippingDirections shipping, List<ShippedItem> items)
                int   orderId    = 0;
                Label ordIdLabel = e.Item.FindControl("OrderIdLabel") as Label; //safe cast the control object to a label object
                if (ordIdLabel != null)
                    orderId = int.Parse(ordIdLabel.Text);

                ShippingDirections shipInfo        = new ShippingDirections(); //blank object
                DropDownList       shipViaDropDown = e.Item.FindControl("ShipperDropDown") as DropDownList;
                if (shipViaDropDown != null)
                    shipInfo.ShipperId = int.Parse(shipViaDropDown.SelectedValue);
                TextBox textTrackingCode = e.Item.FindControl("TrackingCode") as TextBox;
                if (textTrackingCode != null)
                    shipInfo.TrackingCode = textTrackingCode.Text;
                decimal price;
                TextBox textFreightCharge = e.Item.FindControl("FreightCharge") as TextBox;
                if (textFreightCharge != null && decimal.TryParse(textFreightCharge.Text, out price))
                    shipInfo.FreightCharge = price;

                List <ShippedItem> goods = new List <ShippedItem>();
                GridView           gv    = e.Item.FindControl("ProductGridView") as GridView;
                if (gv != null)
                    foreach (GridViewRow row in gv.Rows)
                        //get product id and ship qty
                        short       quantity;
                        HiddenField prodId = row.FindControl("ProductID") as HiddenField;
                        TextBox     qty    = row.FindControl("ShipQuantity") as TextBox;
                        if (prodId != null && qty != null && short.TryParse(qty.Text, out quantity))
                            ShippedItem item = new ShippedItem
                                Product  = prodId.Value,
                                Quantity = quantity

                MessageUserControl.TryRun(() =>
                    var controller = new OrderProcessingController();
                    controller.ShipOrder(orderId, shipInfo, goods);
                }, "OrderShipment recorded", "The products identified as shipped are recorded in the database");
        public void ShipOrder(int orderId, ShippingDirections shipping, List <ShippedItem> items)
            using (var context = new WestWindContext())
                // TODO: Validation steps
                // a) OrderId must be valid
                var existingOrder = context.Orders.Find(orderId);
                if (existingOrder == null)
                    throw new Exception("Order does not exist");
                if (existingOrder.Shipped)
                    throw new Exception("This order has already been completed");
                if (!existingOrder.OrderDate.HasValue)
                    throw new Exception("This order is not ready to be shipped (no order date has been specified)");
                // b) ShippingDirections is required (cannot be null)
                if (shipping == null)
                    throw new Exception("No shipping details provided");
                // c) Shipper must exist
                var shipper = context.Shippers.Find(shipping.ShipperId);
                if (shipper == null)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid shipper Id");
                // d) Freight charge must be either null (no charge) or > $0.00
                // TODO: Q) Should I just convert a $0 charge to a null??
                if (shipping.FreightCharge.HasValue && shipping.FreightCharge <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("Freight charge must be either a positive value or no charge");
                // e) List<ShippedItem> cannot be empty/null
                if (items == null || !items.Any())
                    throw new Exception("No products identified for shipping");
                // f) The products must be on the order
                foreach (var item in items)
                    if (item == null)
                        throw new Exception("Blank item listed in the products to be shipped");
                    if (!existingOrder.OrderDetails.Any(x => x.ProductID.ToString() == item.Product))
                        throw new Exception($"The product {item.Product} does not exist on the order");
                    // f-2) AND items that this supplier provides
                    // TODO: g) Quantities must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the quantity outstanding

                //Process order shipment
                // 1) Create new Shipment
                var ship = new Shipment
                    OrderID       = orderId,
                    ShipVia       = shipping.ShipperId,
                    TrackingCode  = shipping.TrackingCode,
                    FreightCharge = shipping.FreightCharge.HasValue
                                  ? shipping.FreightCharge.Value
                                  : 0,
                    ShippedDate = DateTime.Now
                // 2) Create manifest items for shipment
                foreach (var item in items)
                    //Notice that I'm adding the manifest item to the Shipment object
                    //rather than directly to the db context.
                    //That's because by adding to the Shipment object,
                    //the correct values for foreign key fields will be assigned to the new data.
                    ship.ManifestItems.Add(new ManifestItem
                        ProductID    = int.Parse(item.Product),
                        ShipQuantity = item.Quantity
                // TODO: 3) Check if order is complete; if so, update Order.Shipped
                // 4) Add the shipment to the context
                // 5) Save the changes (as a single transaction)
        protected void CurrentOrders_ItemCommand(object sender, ListViewCommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.CommandName == "Ship")
                // Extract data from the form and call the BLL ship the order
                //Gather information from the form for the products to be shipped and the shipping information. This
                //Info is sent to the void OrderProcessingController.SHipOrder(int orderId, ShippingDirections shipping, list<ProductShipment> products)
                int orderId = 0;
                ShippingDirections shippingInfo = new ShippingDirections();

                Label idLabel = e.Item.FindControl("OrderIdLabel") as Label; //safe cast to a label
                if (idLabel != null)                                         // I sucessfully got the control
                    orderId = int.Parse(idLabel.Text);
                DropDownList shipVia = e.Item.FindControl("ShipperDropDown") as DropDownList;
                if (shipVia != null)
                    shippingInfo.ShipperId = int.Parse(shipVia.SelectedValue);

                TextBox tracking = e.Item.FindControl("TrackingCode") as TextBox;
                if (tracking != null)
                    shippingInfo.TrackingCode = tracking.Text;

                TextBox freight = e.Item.FindControl("FreightCharge") as TextBox;
                decimal charge;
                if (freight != null && decimal.TryParse(freight.Text, out charge))
                    shippingInfo.FreightCharge = charge;
                //Extract the items being shipped, as per the GridView
                List <ProductShipment> itemShipped = new List <ProductShipment>();
                GridView gv = e.Item.FindControl("ProductsGridView") as GridView;
                if (gv != null)
                    foreach (GridViewRow row in gv.Rows)
                        HiddenField prodHidden = row.FindControl("ProdId") as HiddenField;
                        TextBox     shipqty    = row.FindControl("ShipQuantity") as TextBox;
                        if (prodHidden != null && shipqty != null)
                            int qty;
                            if (int.TryParse(shipqty.Text, out qty))
                                var item = new ProductShipment
                                    ProductId    = int.Parse(prodHidden.Value),
                                    ShipQuantity = qty
                MessageUserControl.TryRun(() =>
                    //send the data into the bll
                    var controller = new OrderProcessingController();
                    controller.ShipOrder(orderId, shippingInfo, itemShipped);
                }, "Success", "The order shipment information has been recorded");
 public void ShipOrder(int orderId, ShippingDirections shipping, List <ProductShipment> products)
        public void ShipOrder(int orderId, ShippingDirections shipping, List <ProductShipment> products)
            using (var context = new WestWindContext())
                //TODO: Validation
                var existingOrder = context.Orders.Find(orderId);
                // a) OrderId must be valid
                if (existingOrder == null)
                    throw new Exception("Order does not exist");
                if (existingOrder.Shipped)
                    throw new Exception("This order has already been completed");
                if (!existingOrder.OrderDate.HasValue)
                    throw new Exception("This order is not ready to be shipped (no order date has beens specified)");
                // b) products cannot be an empty list
                if (products == null || !products.Any())
                    throw new Exception("No products identified for shipping");
                // c) products identified must be on the order
                foreach (var item in products)
                    if (item == null)
                        throw new Exception("Blank item listed in products to be shipped");
                    if (!existingOrder.OrderDetails.Any(x => x.ProductID == item.ProductId))
                        throw new Exception($"The product {item.ProductId} does not exist on the order");
                    // TODO: d) quantity must be greated than zero and less than or equal to the quantity outstanding
                // e) shipper must exist
                if (shipping == null)
                    throw new Exception("No shipping details provided");
                var shipper = context.Shippers.Find(shipping.ShipperId);
                if (shipper == null)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid shipper ID");
                // f) freight charge must be either null or no charge or > 0
                //todo Q) Should i just convert $0 charge to a null
                if (shipping.FreightCharge.HasValue && shipping.FreightCharge <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("Freight charge must be either a positive value or no charge");

                //  Processing
                // 1) Create new Shipment
                var ship = new Shipment
                    OrderID       = orderId,
                    ShipVia       = shipping.ShipperId,
                    TrackingCode  = shipping.TrackingCode,
                    FreightCharge = shipping.FreightCharge.HasValue ? shipping.FreightCharge.Value : 0,
                    ShippedDate   = DateTime.Now
                // 2) Add all manifest items
                foreach (var item in products)
                    ship.ManifestItems.Add(new ManifestItem
                        ProductID    = item.ProductId,
                        ShipQuantity = (short)item.ShipQuantity
                // TODO: 3) Check if order is complete; if so, update Order.Shipped
                // 4) Add the shipment to the database context
                //5) Save the changes

                /*Processing (tables/data that must be updated/inserted/deleted/whatever)
                 *  Create new Shipment
                 *  Check if order is complete; if so, update Order.Shipped
        protected void CurrentOrders_ItemCommand(object sender, ListViewCommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.CommandName == "Ship")
                // gather information from the form to send to the BLL for shipping
                // - ShipOrder(int orderId, ShippingDirections shipping, List<ShippedItem> items)
                int   orderId    = 0;
                Label ordIdLabel = e.Item.FindControl("OrderIdLabel") as Label; // safe cast the Control object to a Label object
                if (ordIdLabel != null)
                    orderId = int.Parse(ordIdLabel.Text);

                ShippingDirections shipInfo        = new ShippingDirections(); // blank obj
                DropDownList       shipViaDropDown = e.Item.FindControl("ShipperDropDown") as DropDownList;

                if (shipViaDropDown != null) // If i got the control
                    shipInfo.ShipperId = int.Parse(shipViaDropDown.SelectedValue);

                TextBox trackingcodeTxtBox  = e.Item.FindControl("TrackingCode") as TextBox;
                TextBox freightchargeTxtBox = e.Item.FindControl("FreightCharge") as TextBox;

                if (trackingcodeTxtBox != null)
                    shipInfo.TrackingCode = (trackingcodeTxtBox.Text);

                decimal price;
                if (freightchargeTxtBox != null && decimal.TryParse(freightchargeTxtBox.Text, out price))
                    shipInfo.FreightCharge = decimal.Parse(freightchargeTxtBox.Text);
                //shipInfo.FreightCharge = price;

                List <ShippedItem> goods = new List <ShippedItem>();
                GridView           gv    = e.Item.FindControl("ProductsGridView") as GridView;
                if (gv != null)
                    foreach (GridViewRow row in gv.Rows)
                        short quantity;
                        // get product id and ship qty
                        HiddenField prodId = row.FindControl("ProductId") as HiddenField;
                        TextBox     qty    = row.FindControl("ShipQuantity") as TextBox;
                        if (prodId != null && qty != null && short.TryParse(qty.Text, out quantity))
                            ShippedItem item = new ShippedItem
                                Product  = prodId.Value,
                                Quantity = quantity,
                var controller = new OrderProcessingController();
                controller.ShipOrder(orderId, shipInfo, goods);
 public void ShipOrder(int orderID, ShippingDirections shipping, List <ProductShipment> products)
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
         var existingOrder = context.Orders.Find(orderID);
         //Order ID must be valid
         if (existingOrder == null)
             throw new Exception("Order does not exist");
         if (existingOrder.Shipped)
             throw new Exception("This order has already been completed");
         if (!existingOrder.OrderDate.HasValue)
             throw new Exception("this order is not ready to be shipped (no order data has been specified)");
         //Products cannot be an empty list
         if (products == null || !products.Any())
             throw new Exception("No products identified for shipping");
         //Products identified must be on the order
         foreach (var item in products)
             if (item == null)
                 throw new Exception("Blank item listed in products to be shipped");
             if (!existingOrder.OrderDetails.Any(x => x.ProductID == item.ProductID))
                 throw new Exception($"the product {item.ProductID} does not exist on the order");
         //Shipper must exist
         if (shipping == null)
             throw new Exception("No shipping details provided");
         var shipper = context.Shippers.Find(shipping.ShipperID);
         if (shipper == null)
             throw new Exception("Invalid shipper ID");
         //Freight Charge must either be null (no charge) or > 0.00
         if (shipping.FreightCharge.HasValue && shipping.FreightCharge <= 0)
             throw new Exception("Freight charge must be either a positive value or no charge");
         //Processing the shipment
         //1. Create new Shipment
         var ship = new Shipment
             OrderID       = orderID,
             ShipVia       = shipping.ShipperID,
             TrackingCode  = shipping.TrackingCode,
             FreightCharge = shipping.FreightCharge.HasValue ? shipping.FreightCharge.Value : 0,
             ShippedDate   = DateTime.Now
         //2. Add all manifest items
         foreach (var item in products)
             ship.ManifestItems.Add(new ManifestItem
                 ProductID    = item.ProductID,
                 ShipQuantity = (short)item.ShipQuantity //TODO: Change the data type on ProductShipment.ShipQuantity to a short
         //3. Check if order is complete; if so, update Order.Shipped
         //4. Add the shipment to the database context
         //5. Save the changes as a single transaction
        public void ShipOrder(int orderId, ShippingDirections shipping, List <ShippedItem> items)
            using (var context = new WestWindContext())

                //OrderId must be valid
                var existingOrder = context.Orders.Find(orderId);

                if (existingOrder == null)
                    throw new Exception("Order does not exist");
                if (existingOrder.Shipped)
                    throw new Exception("This order has already been complete.");
                if (!existingOrder.OrderDate.HasValue)
                    throw new Exception("This order is not ready to be shipped (no order date has been specified)");

                // ShippingDirections is required (cannot be null)
                if (shipping == null)
                    throw new Exception("No shipping details have been provided.");
                // Shipper must exist
                var shipper = context.Shippers.Find(shipping.ShipperId);
                if (shipper == null)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid shipper ID");
                //Freight charge must be either null (no charge) or > $0.00
                if (shipping.FreightCharge.HasValue && shipping.FreightCharge <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("Freight charge must be either a positive value or no charge");
                //List<ShippedItem> cannot be empty/null
                if (items == null || !items.Any())
                    throw new Exception("No products identified for shipping");
                //The products must be on the order
                foreach (var item in items)
                    if (items == null)
                        throw new Exception("Black items listed in the products to be shipped");
                    if (!existingOrder.OrderDetails.Any(x => x.ProductID.ToString() == item.Product))
                        throw new Exception($"The product{item.Product} does not exist");

                 *  Validation:
                 *       AND items that this supplier provides
                 *      Quantities must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the quantity outstanding
                 *      Shipper must exist
                 *      Processing (tables/data that must be updated/inserted/deleted/whatever)
                 *      Create new Shipment
                 *      Add all manifest items
                 *      Check if order is complete; if so, update Order.Shipped