        public void SetDropSchema()
            TextFieldCollection fields = new TextFieldCollection();

            Assert.IsTrue(fields.Count == 19);

            Assert.IsTrue(fields["TripNumber"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["OrderSequence"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["OriginalCustomerCode"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["ShipmentNumberAndDespatch"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["Weight"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["Volume"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["ArriveTime"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["DepartTime"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["LoadingTime"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["WaitingTime"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["TravellingTime"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["Distance"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["CallType"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["MatrixCost"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["WorstError"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["DropSequence"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["RegionAndRoute"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["OriginalDepot"] != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(fields["DeliveryDate"] != null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestMessage">The request message.</param>
        public override void ProcessRequest(RequestMessage requestMessage)

                textFieldParser.FirstLineIsHeader = true;
                textFieldParser.TrimWhiteSpace    = true;
                textFieldParser.Delimiter         = '|';
                textFieldParser.FileType          = TextFieldParser.FileFormat.Delimited;
                // Set up event handlers for when a row is read and when a row is read but failes to match the expected schema
                textFieldParser.RecordFound  += new TextFieldParser.RecordFoundHandler(textFieldParser_RecordFound);
                textFieldParser.RecordFailed += new TextFieldParser.RecordFailedHandler(RecordFailed);

                // parse the message

                // Processed
                Status = SaveDrops();
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Store the exception
                LastError = ex;

                // Failed
                Status = SubscriberStatusEnum.Failed;
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the drops.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SubscriberStatusEnum SaveDrops()
            ShipmentDrop firstDropInTrip = null;

            foreach (ShipmentDrop drop in drops)
                if ((firstDropInTrip == null || firstDropInTrip.TripNumber != drop.TripNumber) && drop.CallType == ShipmentDrop.CallTypeEnum.Depot)
                    //we need to retain the first drop in the trip because we can then use the original
                    //deport data when relating the drops to a trip.
                    //the original deport data can change about after the first drop!
                    firstDropInTrip = drop;

                if (firstDropInTrip != null)
                    DropController.SaveDrop(drop, firstDropInTrip.OriginalDepot);

                    if (RequestProcessor != null && !RequestProcessor.RequestDictionary.ContainsKey("RoutingHistory"))
                        RoutingHistory routingHistory = RoutingController.GetRoutingHistoryByShipmentId(drop.ShipmentId);
                        if (routingHistory != null)
                            RequestProcessor.RequestDictionary.Add("RoutingHistory", routingHistory);
                    drop.TripId = Null.NullInteger;
                    drop.Id     = Null.NullInteger;

        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the commander sales order from the item values held in the TextFieldCollection..
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fields">The fields.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ShipmentDrop PopulateDrop(TextFieldCollection fields)
            ShipmentDrop shipmentDrop = new ShipmentDrop();

            PopulateProperties(fields, shipmentDrop);
            // shipmentDrop.TripId=TripController.GetTripByWarehouseDateAndNumber()
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the drop.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shipmentId">The shipment id.</param>
        /// <param name="tripId">The trip id.</param>
        /// <param name="sequence">The sequence.</param>
        /// <param name="dropSequence">The drop sequence.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ShipmentDrop GetDrop(int shipmentId, int tripId, int sequence, int dropSequence)
            ShipmentDrop shipmentDrop = null;

                shipmentDrop = CBO <ShipmentDrop> .FillObject(DataAccessProvider.Instance().GetDrop(shipmentId, tripId, sequence, dropSequence));
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "Business Logic"))
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the shipmentDrop.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shipmentDrop">The shipmentDrop.</param>
        /// <param name="depotCode">The depot code.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Int32 SaveDrop(ShipmentDrop shipmentDrop, string depotCode)
            if (shipmentDrop.TripId == Null.NullInteger)
                //get warehouse id which will be used to find the trip id
                int       warehouseId;
                Warehouse relatedWarehouse = WarehouseController.GetWarehouse(depotCode);
                if (relatedWarehouse == null)
                    throw new Exception(
                              string.Format("When importing ShipmentDrop data the related warehouse could not be found. The Warehouse number was '{0}'.",
                warehouseId = relatedWarehouse.Id;
                shipmentDrop.OriginalDepotId = warehouseId;

                //get and set the related trip id
                Trip relatedTrip = TripController.GetTripByWarehouseDateAndNumber(shipmentDrop.TripNumber, shipmentDrop.DeliveryDate, warehouseId);
                if (relatedTrip == null)
                    //the trip file hasn't bee recieved yet so add a record to relate to for now
                    relatedTrip             = new Trip();
                    relatedTrip.TripNumber  = shipmentDrop.TripNumber;
                    relatedTrip.StartDate   = shipmentDrop.DeliveryDate;
                    relatedTrip.WarehouseId = warehouseId;
                    relatedTrip.Id          = TripController.SaveTrip(relatedTrip);
                if (relatedTrip.Id == -1)
                    throw new Exception(
                              string.Format("When importing ShipmentDrop data a related trip could not be created with details, Trip Number: '{0}', Search Date: '{1}', and WarehouseId: '{2}'.",
                                            shipmentDrop.TripNumber, shipmentDrop.DeliveryDate.ToShortDateString(), warehouseId));
                shipmentDrop.TripId = relatedTrip.Id;

            if (shipmentDrop.ShipmentId == Null.NullInteger && shipmentDrop.CallType != ShipmentDrop.CallTypeEnum.Depot)
                //get shipment id
                TDCShipment tdcShipment = TDCShipmentController.GetShipment(shipmentDrop.OpcoCode, shipmentDrop.ShipmentNumber, shipmentDrop.DespatchNumber);
                if (tdcShipment == null)
                    throw new Exception(
                              string.Format("When importing ShipmentDrop data the related shipment could not be found. The Opco Code was '{0}', the Shipment Number was '{1}', and the Despatch Number was '{2}'.",
                                            shipmentDrop.OpcoCode, shipmentDrop.ShipmentNumber, shipmentDrop.DespatchNumber));
                else if (tdcShipment.Status == Shipment.StatusEnum.Routed)
                    //TODO: Log that this shipment has already been routed, etc

                //update the related shipments estimated date with the time now that optrak has calculated it for us
                string[] arriveTime = shipmentDrop.ArriveTime.Split(':');

                shipmentDrop.ShipmentId = tdcShipment.Id;

                if (shipmentDrop.IsValid)
                    //check to see if we've had this data before or we have recieved a TRIPPART file that needed us to
                    //add a record to maintain referential integrity
                    ShipmentDrop existingShipmentDrop = GetDrop(shipmentDrop.ShipmentId, shipmentDrop.TripId, shipmentDrop.OrderSequence, shipmentDrop.DropSequence);
                    if (existingShipmentDrop != null)
                        //just overwite with this new data
                        shipmentDrop.Id       = existingShipmentDrop.Id;
                        shipmentDrop.CheckSum = existingShipmentDrop.CheckSum;
                    // Save entity
                    shipmentDrop.Id = DataAccessProvider.Instance().SaveDrop(shipmentDrop);

                    if (shipmentDrop.Id == -1)
                        throw new Exception(
                                  string.Format("A Drop could not be saved. The Opco Code was '{0}', the Shipment Number was '{1}', and the Despatch Number was '{2}'.",
                                                shipmentDrop.OpcoCode, shipmentDrop.ShipmentNumber, shipmentDrop.DespatchNumber));
                    // Entity is not valid
                    throw new InValidBusinessObjectException(shipmentDrop);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "Business Logic"))

        public static Int32 SaveDropLine(ShipmentDropLine line)
            TDCShipmentLine tdcShipmentLine;

            //if (line.ShipmentLineId == Null.NullInteger)
            //    //get shipment id

            tdcShipmentLine = TDCShipmentLineController.GetLine(line.LineCode, line.OpcoCode, line.ShipmentNumber, line.DespatchNumber);
            if (tdcShipmentLine == null)
                throw new Exception(
                          string.Format("When importing Drop Line data the related Shipment Line could not be found. The line code was '{3}', Opco Code was '{0}', the Shipment Number was '{1}', and the Despatch Number was '{2}'.",
                                        line.OpcoCode, line.ShipmentNumber, line.DespatchNumber, line.LineCode));

            //if (line.ShipmentLineId == Null.NullInteger)
            //    throw new Exception(
            //        string.Format("When importing Drop Line data the related Shipment Line could not be found. The Opco Code was '{0}', the Shipment Number was '{1}', and the Despatch Number was '{2}' and the Line Code was '{3}'.",
            //                      line.OpcoCode, line.ShipmentNumber, line.DespatchNumber, line.LineCode));
            line.ShipmentLineId = tdcShipmentLine.Id;

            if (!line.Split)
                //optrak split this line
                //  tdcShipment.SplitShipment()


            if (line.DropId == Null.NullInteger)
                //get warehouse id which will be used to find the trip id
                int       warehouseId;
                Warehouse relatedWarehouse = WarehouseController.GetWarehouse(line.Depot);
                if (relatedWarehouse == null)
                    throw new Exception(
                              string.Format("When importing Drop Line data the related warehouse could not be found. The Warehouse number was '{0}'.",
                warehouseId = relatedWarehouse.Id;

                //get the related trip id
                Trip relatedTrip = TripController.GetTripByWarehouseDateAndNumber(line.TripNumber, line.DeliveryDate, warehouseId);
                if (relatedTrip == null)
                    //the trip file hasn't bee recieved yet so add a record to relate to for now
                    relatedTrip             = new Trip();
                    relatedTrip.TripNumber  = line.TripNumber;
                    relatedTrip.StartDate   = line.DeliveryDate;
                    relatedTrip.WarehouseId = warehouseId;
                    relatedTrip.Id          = TripController.SaveTrip(relatedTrip);
                if (relatedTrip.Id == -1)
                    throw new Exception(
                              string.Format("When importing ShipmentDrop data a related trip could not be created with details, Trip Number: '{0}', Search Date: '{1}', and WarehouseId: '{2}'.",
                                            line.TripNumber, line.DeliveryDate.ToShortDateString(), warehouseId));

                //get drop id this line relates to
                ShipmentDrop relatedShipmentDrop = GetDrop(tdcShipmentLine.ShipmentId, relatedTrip.Id, line.OrderSequence, line.DropSequence);
                if (relatedShipmentDrop == null)
                    //a related shipment drop could not be found
                    //this could be because that file has not been proced yet so create
                    //a blank one to relate to
                    relatedShipmentDrop            = new ShipmentDrop();
                    relatedShipmentDrop.ShipmentId = tdcShipmentLine.ShipmentId;
                    relatedShipmentDrop.TripId     = relatedTrip.Id;
                    // relatedShipmentDrop.OrderSequence = line.OrderSequence;
                    relatedShipmentDrop.DropSequence = line.DropSequence;
                    relatedShipmentDrop.Id           = SaveDrop(relatedShipmentDrop, line.Depot);
                if (relatedShipmentDrop.Id == -1)
                    throw new Exception(
                              string.Format("When importing Drop Line data a related Drop could not be created with details, Shipment Id: '{0}', Trip Id: '{1}', and Order OrderSequence: '{2}' and Drop OrderSequence '{3}'.",
                                            tdcShipmentLine.ShipmentId, relatedTrip.Id, line.OrderSequence, line.DropSequence));

                line.DropId = relatedShipmentDrop.Id;

                if (line.IsValid)
                    // Save entity
                    //check to see if we've had this data before or we have recieved a TRIPPART file that needed us to
                    //add a record to maintain referential integrity
                    ShipmentDropLine existingShipmentDropLine = null;// DropController.GetDropLine(line.ShipmentLineId);
                    if (existingShipmentDropLine != null)
                        //just overwite with this new data
                        line.Id       = existingShipmentDropLine.Id;
                        line.CheckSum = existingShipmentDropLine.CheckSum;
                    line.OriginalShipmentLineId = line.ShipmentLineId;
                    line.Id = DataAccessProvider.Instance().SaveDropLine(line);
                    // Entity is not valid
                    throw new InValidBusinessObjectException(line);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "Business Logic"))

            // Done