private List <Weapon> GetShipWeapons(ShipType shipType) { List <Weapon> weapons = new List <Weapon>(); string s = shipType.ToString().Substring(0, shipType.ToString().Length - 4); foreach (var weapon in weaponTypes.Where(v => v.ToString().Contains(s))) { weapons.Add(weaponFactory.CreateWeapon(weapon)); } return(weapons); }
} // horizontal (H) or vertical (V) public Ship(ShipType shipType, int xLocation, int yLocation, Orientation orientation) { Name = shipType.ToString(); ShipType = shipType; switch (shipType) { case ShipType.Destroyer: Size = 2; break; case ShipType.AircraftCarrier: Size = 5; break; case ShipType.Submarine: Size = 4; break; case ShipType.Battleship: case ShipType.Cruiser: Size = 3; break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"Ship type [{shipType}] does not have a defined Size!", nameof(shipType)); } XLocation = xLocation; YLocation = yLocation; Orientation = orientation; }
/// <summary> /// Place a ship on the game board /// </summary> /// <param name="ship">Type of ship to place</param> /// <param name="cell">Starting cell</param> /// <param name="isHorizontal">Indicates if the ship is horizontal</param> public void PlaceShip(ShipType ship, Cell cell, bool isHorizontal) { if (_placedShips.HasFlag(ship)) { throw new CannotPlaceException("This type of ship has already been placed."); } var shipLength = GetShipLength(ship); Cell[] targetRange = null; try { targetRange = cell.Range(shipLength, isHorizontal).ToArray(); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { throw new CannotPlaceException("Ship extends beyond board boundaries.", ex); } if (targetRange.Any(x => _board[x.ToBoardIndex()] != 0)) { throw new CannotPlaceException("Ships may not overlap."); } foreach (var targetCell in targetRange) { _board[targetCell.ToBoardIndex()] = ship.ToString()[0]; } _placedShips = _placedShips | ship; }
private string GetHullTypeString(ShipType shipType) { switch (shipType) { case ShipType.Scout: return("Scout"); case ShipType.Fighter: return("Fighter"); case ShipType.Interceptor: return("Interceptor"); case ShipType.Bomber: return("Bomber"); case ShipType.Gunship: return("Gunship"); case ShipType.StealthFighter: return("Stealth Fighter"); default: throw new NotSupportedException(shipType.ToString()); } }
public GameObject CreateShip(ShipType shipType, Vector3 position) { if (!modelDict.ContainsKey(shipType)) { throw new KeyNotFoundException($"No model for key ({shipType}) could be found"); } var result = new GameObject(shipType.ToString()); var collider = this.GetCollider(shipType); var rigidBody = new RigidBody(); rigidBody.SetShapeFromCollider(collider); rigidBody.ClampAxis(Axis.Y); var script = this.GetBehaviour(shipType); var renderer = this.GetRenderer(shipType); result.AddComponent(collider); result.AddComponent(rigidBody); result.AddComponent(script); result.AddComponent(renderer); result.Transform.SetPosition(position.X, position.Y, position.Z); result.Initialise(); return(result); }
/** <summary>A private helper method for reading in user specified starting coordinates.</summary> * <param name="type">The type of ship we are attempting to place.</param> * <param name="x">The column component of the coordinates.</param> * <param name="y">The row component of the coordinates.</param> * <param name="vertical">Flag to check if the ship should be placed vertically or not.</param> */ private void ReadPlacementCoordinates(ShipType type, out uint x, out uint y, out bool vertical) { Displayln($"Where shall we position the {type.ToString()}, and should it be vertical?"); Display("--> Enter position (A 0) and verticality (yes/no) (ex: A 0 yes): "); bool invalid; do { invalid = false; string input; ReadLine(out input); invalid = string.IsNullOrEmpty(input); string[] split_input = input.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // Check that we got valid coordinates if (split_input.Length == 3) { if (char.IsLetter(split_input[0], 0) && char.IsDigit(split_input[1], 0) && (split_input[2].ToLower() == "yes" || split_input[2].ToLower() == "no")) { x = Convert.ToUInt32(char.ToUpper(Convert.ToChar(split_input[0])) - 'A'); y = Convert.ToUInt32(split_input[1]); vertical = split_input[2].ToLower() == "yes"; return; } } invalid = true; // We failed to get our coordinates, let's go again. x = y = 0; vertical = false; Displayln("\n<!> Please sir, use the coordinate system!\n"); Displayln($"Where shall we position the {type.ToString()}?"); Display("--> Enter position (ex: A 0): "); } while (invalid); }
static internal string GetShipNameOnce(ShipType shipType) { switch (shipType) { case ShipType.Fighter: return("Истребитель"); case ShipType.Corvette: return("Корвет"); default: return(shipType.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Converts the given ship type into a string, trimming it so it will fit in a cell. /// </summary> /// <param name="shipType">The ship type enum to convert to string</param> /// <returns>A trimmed string matching the width of the board's cell.</returns> private static string GetShipShortName(ShipType shipType) { string shipName = shipType.ToString().ToUpper(); if (shipName.Length <= cellWidth) { return(shipName.PadRight(cellWidth)); } return(shipName.Substring(0, cellWidth)); }
public string GetPartsList() { string partList = shipType.ToString() + " parts:\n\t"; Transform[] trs = GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); for (int i = 0; i < trs.Length; ++i) { partList += trs[i] + " "; } return(partList); }
public static int GetShipLength(ShipType shipType) { switch (shipType) { case ShipType.BattleShip: return(Constants.BattleshipLength); case ShipType.Destroyer: return(Constants.DestroyerLength); } throw new ArgumentException($"No length defined for ship type: {shipType.ToString()}."); }
public IShip CreateShip(ShipType shipType, IList <Weapon> weapons) { Type typeOfShip = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() .FirstOrDefault(v => v.Name == shipType.ToString()); IShip ship = (IShip)Activator.CreateInstance(typeOfShip, weapons); if (ship.Position == null) { ship.Position = (GenerateRandomShipPosition()); } return(ship); }
// Создание префаба модульки корабля public static GameObject CreateShipModel(Transform AParent, SSHRace ARace, ShipType AShipType) { // Путь к каталогу префабов const string LPrefabPath = "PL/Ship/"; string LPrefabShipName = "/pfPLShip"; string LPrefabModelName = ""; string LRaceName = ARace.ToString(); // Выбор префаба на основе корабля if (AShipType == ShipType.Flagship) { LPrefabModelName = string.Concat(AShipType.ToString(), LPrefabShipName, AShipType.ToString()); } else { LPrefabModelName = string.Concat(LRaceName, LPrefabShipName, AShipType.ToString(), LRaceName); } GameObject LModel = Create(LPrefabPath + LPrefabModelName,; LModel.transform.SetParent(AParent, false); = "Model"; return(LModel); }
/// <summary> /// Validates and converts the supplied combination of parameters, and updates the internal state variables such as _map and _ships /// </summary> /// <param name="ship">The ShipType to be added to the map</param> /// <param name="alignment">Whether the ship is to be aligned vertically or horizontally</param> /// <param name="cellCoordinates">The location on the map of the bottom/left-most cell of the ship</param> public void AddShip(ShipType ship, Alignment alignment, string cellCoordinates) { if (ship == ShipType.None) { throw new Exception($"Cannot place a ShipType of None on the map using method Init"); } if (_ships.Contains(ship)) { throw new Exception($"{ship.ToString()} has already been placed on the map."); } // translate the user friendly coordinate to integer coordinates used to accessing the array representation of the map SplitCoordinates(cellCoordinates, out int xCoord, out int yCoord); // add the ship to the map and to the internal list of placed ships PlaceShipOnMap(ship, alignment, xCoord, yCoord); _ships.Add(ship); }
public void PlaceShipOnBoard(Player player) { bool IsPlaceBoardAuto = false; if (player.IsPC != true) { ControlOutput.ShowWhoseTurn(player); IsPlaceBoardAuto = ControlInput.IsPlaceBoardAuto(); if (!IsPlaceBoardAuto) { Console.WriteLine("Input the location and direction(l, r, u, d) of the ships. Ex:) a2, r:"); } } for (ShipType s = ShipType.Destroyer; s <= ShipType.Carrier; s++) { PlaceShipRequest ShipToPlace = new PlaceShipRequest(); ShipPlacement result; do { if (!player.IsPC && !IsPlaceBoardAuto) { ShipToPlace = ControlInput.GetLocationFromUser(s.ToString()); ShipToPlace.ShipType = s; result = player.PlayerBoard.PlaceShip(ShipToPlace); if (result == ShipPlacement.NotEnoughSpace) { Console.WriteLine("Not Enough Space!"); } else if (result == ShipPlacement.Overlap) { Console.WriteLine("Overlap placement!"); } } else { ShipToPlace = ControlInput.GetLocationFromComputer(); ShipToPlace.ShipType = s; result = player.PlayerBoard.PlaceShip(ShipToPlace); } } while (result != ShipPlacement.Ok); } }
public void PlaceShipOnBoard(Player player) { bool IfManuallyPlaceTheShips = false; if (player.IsPC != true) { IfManuallyPlaceTheShips = Inputs.IfManuallyPlaceTheShips(); if (!IfManuallyPlaceTheShips) { Console.WriteLine("Input the location and direction(L, R, U, D) of the ships. Ex:) A6, L:"); } } for (ShipType s = ShipType.Destroyer; s <= ShipType.Carrier; s++) { ShipCoordinates ShipToPlace = new ShipCoordinates(); ShipPlacements result; do { if (!player.IsPC && !IfManuallyPlaceTheShips) { ShipToPlace = Inputs.GetCoordinatesForPlayer1(s.ToString()); ShipToPlace.ShipType = s; result = player.PlayerBoard.PlaceShip(ShipToPlace); if (result == ShipPlacements.NotEnoughSpace) { Console.WriteLine("Not Enough Space!"); } else if (result == ShipPlacements.Overlap) { Console.WriteLine("Overlap placement!"); } } else { ShipToPlace = Inputs.GetLocationFromComputer(); ShipToPlace.ShipType = s; result = player.PlayerBoard.PlaceShip(ShipToPlace); } } while (result != ShipPlacements.Ok); } }
public static int Size(ShipType ship) { switch (ship) { case ShipType.Battleship: return(4); case ShipType.Carrier: return(5); case ShipType.Cruiser: return(3); case ShipType.Destroyer: return(2); case ShipType.Submarine: return(3); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(ship), ship.ToString() + " is not a valid type of ship"); } }
// Смена типа или количества кораблика public void Change(ShipType AShipType, int ACount) { FSelf.Count = ACount; // Обновление строчки количества _TextCount.text = SSHLocale.CountToShortString(ACount); // Тип кораблика не изменился if (AShipType == FSelf.ShipType) { return; } // Меняем тип кораблика FSelf.ShipType = AShipType; if (FPrefab != null) { Destroy(FPrefab.gameObject); } // Для нового кораблика задаем спрайт if (AShipType != ShipType.Empty) { FPrefab = PrefabManager.CreateShipModel(_PanelModel, Engine.Player.Race, AShipType).transform; _TextType.text = AShipType.ToString(); _PanelInfo.SetActive(true); if (IsFocused) { CheckEnterAny(); } } // Для пустого слота выключаем кнопку else { _PanelInfo.SetActive(false); if (IsFocused) { Deactivate(); } } }
public void SetLocalizedName(ShipType type, string value) { Set(nameof(ShipType), type.ToString(), value); }
public string GetLocalizedName(ShipType type) { return(Get(nameof(ShipType), type.ToString())); }
public IBattleship GetBattleship(ShipType shipType) { return(_serviceLocator.Resolve <IBattleship>(shipType.ToString())); }
public bool HasShipBeenSunk(Grid grid, ShipType shipType) { var status = (SquareStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(SquareStatus), shipType.ToString()); return(!GetPositions(grid, status).Any()); }
public override string ToString() { return(Type.ToString() + ": " + (Duration / 1000.0f).ToString("0.0")); }
public Ship(ShipType type) { GO = Resources.Load("Ship/" + type.ToString()) as GameObject; }
private bool IsDestroyed(ShipType ship, Cell targetCell) { var c = ship.ToString()[0]; return(!_board.Any(x => x == c)); }
public static Ship Create(ShipType type, Vector3? position = null) { Ship result; switch (type) { case ShipType.Spearhead: result = new Ship(2000, position) { MaxShields = 500, Tubes = 2, PhaserBanks = 1, RepairCrews = 3 }; result.BeamWeapons.AddRange((BeamType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(BeamType))); result.BeamWeapons.Remove(BeamType.ShadowTether); result.Projectiles[ProjectileType.Torpedo] = 10; result.Projectiles[ProjectileType.Nuke] = 1; result.Projectiles[ProjectileType.Hardshell] = 1; result.Projectiles[ProjectileType.Knockshot] = 1; result.Projectiles[ProjectileType.Skattershot] = 1; break; case ShipType.Skirmisher: result = new Ship(2000, position) { MaxShields = 500, Tubes = 2, PhaserBanks = 2, RepairCrews = 3 }; result.BeamWeapons.AddRange((BeamType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(BeamType))); result.BeamWeapons.Remove(BeamType.ShadowTether); result.Projectiles[ProjectileType.Torpedo] = 10; break; case ShipType.Beserker: result = new Ship(5000, position) { MaxShields = 0, Tubes = 0, PhaserBanks = 1, MaximumForce = 12500, RepairCrews = 3 }; result.BeamWeapons.Add(BeamType.HullPiercing); result.BeamWeapons.Add(BeamType.SelfDestruct); result.BeamWeapons.Add(BeamType.PlasmaVent); break; case ShipType.Gunboat: result = new Ship(1500, position) { MaxShields = 600, Tubes = 4, PhaserBanks = 1, RepairCrews = 3 }; result.BeamWeapons.Add(BeamType.SuppresionPulse); result.BeamWeapons.Add(BeamType.ShadowTether); result.Projectiles[ProjectileType.Torpedo] = 10; result.Projectiles[ProjectileType.Nuke] = 1; result.Projectiles[ProjectileType.Hardshell] = 1; break; case ShipType.Capital: result = new Ship(3000, position) { MaxShields = 1000, Tubes = 5, RepairCrews = 3 }; result.BeamWeapons.Add(BeamType.StandardPhaser); result.BeamWeapons.Add(BeamType.ShieldDampener); result.BeamWeapons.Add(BeamType.ShadowTether); result.Projectiles[ProjectileType.Torpedo] = 10; result.Projectiles[ProjectileType.Nuke] = 1; result.Projectiles[ProjectileType.Hardshell] = 1; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown ship type " + type.ToString()); } return result; }
public IBaseShip Get(string name) { return(_shipType switch { ShipType.Battleship => new BattleShip(name), ShipType.Destroyer => new DestroyerShip(name), _ => throw new InvalidOperationException(Constants.InvalidShipTypeException(_shipType.ToString())), });