public string getCalenderShifts()
        List <ShiftsEmployee> shiftlist = new List <ShiftsEmployee>();
        DBservices            ds        = new DBservices();
        DataTable             dt        = ds.ReadFromDataBaseCalender("rikosheTDBConnectionString", "[ShiftAfterScheduling]");

        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            string   shiftsString = Convert.ToString(row["Content"]);
            string[] shifts       = shiftsString.Split(',');
            string   emp          = Convert.ToString(row["FirstName"]);
            string   start        = Convert.ToString(row["StartTime"]);
            string   startDate    = start.Split(' ')[0];
            string[] startArr     = startDate.Split('/');
            start = startArr[2] + "-" + startArr[1] + "-" + startArr[0];
            string   end     = Convert.ToString(row["FinishTime"]);
            string   endDate = end.Split(' ')[0];
            string[] endArr  = endDate.Split('/');
            end = endArr[2] + "-" + endArr[1] + "-" + endArr[0];
            foreach (string item in shifts)
                ShiftsEmployee se = new ShiftsEmployee();
                se.Title = emp;
                se.Start = start;
                se.End   = end;
                se.Type  = Convert.ToInt32(item);
        string temp = writeToJson(shiftlist);

    protected void LoadEmployees()
        Employee              emp          = new Employee();
        List <Employee>       empL         = emp.getEmployeeList();
        ShiftsEmployee        shiftEmp     = new ShiftsEmployee();
        List <ShiftsEmployee> shiftEmpList = shiftEmp.GetShiftsList();

        foreach (Employee empTemp in empL)
            HtmlGenericControl divEmpl = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
            divEmpl.Attributes["class"] = "btn list";
            divEmpl.ID = empTemp.First_name;
            divEmpl.Attributes["draggable"]   = "true";
            divEmpl.Attributes["ondragstart"] = "drag(event)";
            string list = "";
            foreach (ShiftsEmployee item in empTemp.Last_shift)
                if (list == "")
                    list = Convert.ToString(item.Type);
                    list += "0" + Convert.ToString(item.Type);
            divEmpl.Attributes["onmouseover"] = "employeePerfernce(" + list + ")";
            divEmpl.Attributes["onmouseout"]  = "clearShiftTable()";
            divEmpl.InnerHtml  = empTemp.First_name + " " + empTemp.Last_name;
            divEmpl.InnerHtml += " <span class='badge badge-pill badge-danger tooltipC'> <span class='tooltiptext'>" + empTemp.Minimum + " משמרות</span><span id='" + empTemp.User_name + "'>" + 0 + "<span></span>";
            divEmpl.ID         = Convert.ToString(empTemp.First_name + "_" + empTemp.Last_name + "_" + empTemp.User_name);
    public string getCalenderShifts()
        ShiftsEmployee SE = new ShiftsEmployee();
        string         p  = SE.getCalenderShifts();

    public string insertSwitch(int emp, int shift, string type)
        ShiftsEmployee       se         = new ShiftsEmployee();
        int                  S          = se.insertSwitch(emp, shift, type);
        JavaScriptSerializer js         = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        string               jsonString = js.Serialize(S);

    public string approveSwitch(int empTake, int empAsk, int shift, string type)
        ShiftsEmployee       se         = new ShiftsEmployee();
        int                  S          = se.approveSwitch(empTake, empAsk, shift, type);
        JavaScriptSerializer js         = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        string               jsonString = js.Serialize(S);

    public string insertShiftAfterEditing(string shift)
        ShiftsEmployee       sh          = new ShiftsEmployee();
        int                  numAffected = sh.insertShiftAfterEditing(shift);
        JavaScriptSerializer js          = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        string               jsonString  = js.Serialize(numAffected);

    public string getChanges()
        ShiftsEmployee       empl     = new ShiftsEmployee();
        List <string>        emplList = empl.getEmployeeSObjects();
        JavaScriptSerializer js       = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        string jsonString             = js.Serialize(emplList);

    public string getSwitch(int id)
        ShiftsEmployee       se         = new ShiftsEmployee();
        string               S          = se.getSwitch(id);
        JavaScriptSerializer js         = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        string               jsonString = js.Serialize(S);

    public Employee loginUser(int userName, string Password)
        Employee      emp = new Employee();
        SqlConnection con = null;

            con = connect("rikosheTDBConnectionString"); // create a connection to the database using the connection String defined in the web config file
            //String selectSTR = "select * from Employee E inner join [Employee Type] ET ON E.Type=ET.ID INNER JOIN [Shift Before Scheduling] SBS ON E.ID=SBS.EmployeeID";

            String     selectSTR = "SELECT * FROM [igroup80_test2].[dbo].[Employee] E INNER JOIN (SELECT [ID],[FirstTime],[FinishTime],[Content],[EmployeeID] FROM [igroup80_test2].[dbo].[Shift Before Scheduling]WHERE [ID] IN (SELECT [ID] FROM (SELECT [ID],RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY [EmployeeID] ORDER BY [ID] DESC) AS RankNO FROM [igroup80_test2].[dbo].[Shift Before Scheduling])AS T WHERE T.RankNO='1')) SBS ON E.ID=SBS.EmployeeID WHERE [UserName]=" + userName + " AND [Password]='" + Password + "'";
            SqlCommand cmd       = new SqlCommand(selectSTR, con);

            // get a reader
            SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); // CommandBehavior.CloseConnection: the connection will be closed after reading has reached the end

            while (dr.Read())
            {   // Read till the end of the data into a row
                Employee Empl = new Employee();
                Empl.First_name = Convert.ToString(dr["FirstName"]);
                Empl.Last_name  = Convert.ToString(dr["LastName"]);
                Empl.User_name  = Convert.ToInt32(dr["UserName"]);
                Empl.Password   = Convert.ToString(dr["Password"]);
                Empl.Type       = Convert.ToString(dr["Type"]);
                Empl.Branch     = Convert.ToString(dr["Branch"]);
                Empl.Minimum    = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Minimum"]);
                List <ShiftsEmployee> EmplL = new List <ShiftsEmployee>();
                string   temp       = Convert.ToString(dr["Content"]);
                string[] tempString = temp.Split(',');
                foreach (string item in tempString) //כל העדפה של עובד תשמר באובייקט מיטחד של משמרת
                    ShiftsEmployee tempSE = new ShiftsEmployee();
                    tempSE.Title = Empl.First_name;
                    tempSE.Type  = Convert.ToInt32(item);
                Empl.Last_shift = EmplL;
                emp             = Empl;

        catch (Exception ex)
            // write to log
            throw (ex);
            if (con != null)
    protected void SaveShift(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ShiftsEmployee tempEmp = new ShiftsEmployee();

            string stringList  = Request.Cookies["ListShiftAfterEditing"].Value;
            int    numEffected = tempEmp.SaveShiftsAfterEditing(stringList);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Response.Write("There was an error when trying to insert the shift into the database" + ex.Message);
    protected void InsertChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ShiftsEmployee se     = new ShiftsEmployee();
        int            emp    = Convert.ToInt32((string)Session["userID"]);
        string         temp   = DropDownList1.SelectedValue;
        int            shift  = Convert.ToInt32(temp.Substring(0, 2));
        string         type   = temp.Substring(2);
        int            numEff = se.insertSwitch(emp, shift, type);

    protected void ApproveSwitch(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ShiftsEmployee se      = new ShiftsEmployee();
        int            empTake = Convert.ToInt32((string)Session["userID"]);
        string         temp    = DropDownList3.SelectedValue;

        string[] tempArr = DropDownList3.SelectedItem.Text.Split(' ');
        int      empAsk  = Convert.ToInt32(tempArr[2]);
        int      shift   = Convert.ToInt32(temp.Substring(0, 2));
        string   type    = temp.Substring(2);
        int      numEff  = 0;

        if (empAsk != empTake)
            numEff = se.approveSwitch(empTake, empAsk, shift, type);
    protected void ShiftEmployee()
        ShiftsEmployee se       = new ShiftsEmployee();
        List <string>  listE    = new List <string>();
        List <string>  listE2   = new List <string>();
        int            emp      = Convert.ToInt32((string)Session["userID"]);
        string         tempList = se.getShiftsAfterEditing(emp);

        string[] arrayList = tempList.Split('/');
        listE = arrayList[0].Split(',').ToList <string>();
        foreach (string shift in listE)
            ListItem l = new ListItem();
            if (shift == "11")
                l = new ListItem("ראשון בוקר (שבוע הבא)", "11n");
            else if (shift == "12")
                l = new ListItem("ראשון אמצע (שבוע הבא)", "12n");
            else if (shift == "13")
                l = new ListItem("ראשון ערב (שבוע הבא)", "13n");
            else if (shift == "21")
                l = new ListItem("שני בוקר (שבוע הבא)", "21n");
            else if (shift == "22")
                l = new ListItem("שני אמצע (שבוע הבא)", "22n");
            else if (shift == "23")
                l = new ListItem("שני ערב (שבוע הבא)", "22n");
            else if (shift == "31")
                l = new ListItem("שלישי בוקר (שבוע הבא)", "32n");
            else if (shift == "32")
                l = new ListItem("שלישי אמצע (שבוע הבא)", "32n");
            else if (shift == "33")
                l = new ListItem("שלישי ערב (שבוע הבא)", "32n");
            else if (shift == "41")
                l = new ListItem("רביעי בוקר (שבוע הבא)", "42n");
            else if (shift == "42")
                l = new ListItem("רביעי אמצע (שבוע הבא)", "42n");
            else if (shift == "43")
                l = new ListItem("רביעי ערב (שבוע הבא)", "42n");
            else if (shift == "51")
                l = new ListItem("חמישי בוקר (שבוע הבא)", "51n");
            else if (shift == "52")
                l = new ListItem("חמישי אמצע (שבוע הבא)", "52n");
            else if (shift == "53")
                l = new ListItem("חמישי ערב (שבוע הבא)", "53n");
            else if (shift == "61")
                l = new ListItem("שישי בוקר (שבוע הבא)", "61n");
            else if (shift == "71")
                l = new ListItem("צאת שבת (שבוע הבא)", "73n");
        if (arrayList.Length > 1)
            listE2 = arrayList[1].Split(',').ToList <string>();
            foreach (string shift in listE2)
                ListItem l = new ListItem();
                if (shift == "11")
                    l = new ListItem("ראשון בוקר (השבוע)", "11w");
                else if (shift == "12")
                    l = new ListItem("ראשון אמצע (השבוע)", "12w");
                else if (shift == "13")
                    l = new ListItem("ראשון ערב (השבוע)", "13w");
                else if (shift == "21")
                    l = new ListItem("שני בוקר (השבוע)", "21w");
                else if (shift == "22")
                    l = new ListItem("שני אמצע (השבוע)", "22w");
                else if (shift == "23")
                    l = new ListItem("שני ערב (השבוע)", "22w");
                else if (shift == "31")
                    l = new ListItem("שלישי בוקר (השבוע)", "32w");
                else if (shift == "32")
                    l = new ListItem("שלישי אמצע (השבוע)", "32w");
                else if (shift == "33")
                    l = new ListItem("שלישי ערב (השבוע)", "32w");
                else if (shift == "41")
                    l = new ListItem("רביעי בוקר (השבוע)", "42w");
                else if (shift == "42")
                    l = new ListItem("רביעי אמצע (השבוע)", "42w");
                else if (shift == "43")
                    l = new ListItem("רביעי ערב (השבוע)", "42w");
                else if (shift == "51")
                    l = new ListItem("חמישי בוקר (השבוע)", "51w");
                else if (shift == "52")
                    l = new ListItem("חמישי אמצע (השבוע)", "52w");
                else if (shift == "53")
                    l = new ListItem("חמישי ערב (השבוע)", "53w");
                else if (shift == "61")
                    l = new ListItem("שישי בוקר (השבוע)", "61w");
                else if (shift == "71")
                    l = new ListItem("צאת שבת (השבוע)", "73w");
    protected void LoadAlgorithm(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ShiftsEmployee        shiftEmp     = new ShiftsEmployee();
        List <ShiftsEmployee> shiftEmpList = shiftEmp.GetShiftsList();
        Employee        emp  = new Employee();
        List <Employee> empL = emp.getEmployeeList();

        foreach (ShiftsEmployee shift in shiftEmpList)
            HtmlGenericControl divShift = new HtmlGenericControl("button");
            divShift.Attributes["class"] = "btn btn-light";
            foreach (Employee empT in empL)
                if (shift.Title == empT.First_name)
                    divShift.ID = empT.User_name + "_" + shift.Type;
            divShift.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("width", "80px");
            divShift.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("margin-bottom", "2px");
            divShift.InnerHtml = shift.Title + "   <img src='img/delete.png' style='height: 15px; '/>";
            if (shift.Type == 11)
                PlaceHolder11.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 21)
                PlaceHolder21.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 31)
                PlaceHolder31.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 41)
                PlaceHolder41.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 51)
                PlaceHolder51.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 61)
                PlaceHolder61.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 71)
                PlaceHolder71.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 12)
                PlaceHolder12.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 22)
                PlaceHolder22.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 32)
                PlaceHolder32.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 42)
                PlaceHolder42.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 52)
                PlaceHolder52.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 62)
                PlaceHolder62.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 72)
                PlaceHolder72.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 13)
                PlaceHolder13.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 23)
                PlaceHolder23.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 33)
                PlaceHolder33.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 43)
                PlaceHolder43.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 53)
                PlaceHolder53.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 63)
                PlaceHolder63.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 73)
                PlaceHolder73.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
        foreach (Employee empTemp in empL)
            HtmlGenericControl divEmpl = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
            divEmpl.Attributes["class"] = "btn list";
            divEmpl.ID = empTemp.First_name;
            divEmpl.Attributes["draggable"]   = "true";
            divEmpl.Attributes["ondragstart"] = "drag(event)";
            string list = "";
            foreach (ShiftsEmployee item in empTemp.Last_shift)
                if (list == "")
                    list = Convert.ToString(item.Type);
                    list += "0" + Convert.ToString(item.Type);
            divEmpl.Attributes["onmouseover"] = "employeePerfernce(" + list + ")";
            divEmpl.Attributes["onmouseout"]  = "clearShiftTable()";
            divEmpl.InnerHtml = empTemp.First_name + " " + empTemp.Last_name;
            int counter = 0;
            foreach (ShiftsEmployee shift in shiftEmpList)
                if (shift.Title == empTemp.First_name)
            if (counter > empTemp.Minimum)
                divEmpl.InnerHtml += "  <span class='badge badge-pill badge-primary tooltipC'> <span class='tooltiptext'>" + empTemp.Minimum + " משמרות</span><span id='" + empTemp.User_name + "'>" + counter + "<span></span>";
            else if (counter == empTemp.Minimum)
                divEmpl.InnerHtml += "  <span class='badge badge-pill badge-success tooltipC'> <span class='tooltiptext'>" + empTemp.Minimum + " משמרות</span><span id='" + empTemp.User_name + "'>" + counter + "<span></span>";
            else if (counter > empTemp.Minimum)
                divEmpl.InnerHtml += "  <span class='badge badge-pill badge-warning tooltipC'> <span class='tooltiptext'>" + empTemp.Minimum + " משמרות</span><span id='" + empTemp.User_name + "'>" + counter + "<span></span>";
            else if (counter == 0)
                divEmpl.InnerHtml += "  <span class='badge badge-pill badge-danger tooltipC'> <span class='tooltiptext'>" + empTemp.Minimum + " משמרות</span><span id='" + empTemp.User_name + "'>" + 0 + "<span></span>";
            divEmpl.ID = Convert.ToString(empTemp.First_name + "_" + empTemp.Last_name + "_" + empTemp.User_name);
    protected void Changes()
        ShiftsEmployee se    = new ShiftsEmployee();
        List <string>  listE = new List <string>();

        listE = se.getChanges();
        foreach (string shift in listE)
            string[] temp     = shift.Split('|');
            string   whenTemp = temp[2];
            string   when     = "";
            if (whenTemp == "w") when = " (השבוע)";
                when = " (שבוע הבא)";
            ListItem l  = new ListItem();
            ListItem l2 = new ListItem();
            if (temp[0] == "11")
                l = new ListItem("ראשון בוקר " + temp[1] + when, "11" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "12")
                l = new ListItem("ראשון אמצע " + temp[1] + when, "12" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "13")
                l = new ListItem("ראשון ערב " + temp[1] + when, "13" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "21")
                l = new ListItem("שני בוקר " + temp[1] + when, "21" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "22")
                l = new ListItem("שני אמצע " + temp[1] + when, "22" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "23")
                l = new ListItem("שני ערב " + temp[1] + when, "22" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "31")
                l = new ListItem("שלישי בוקר " + temp[1] + when, "32" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "32")
                l = new ListItem("שלישי אמצע " + temp[1] + when, "32" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "33")
                l = new ListItem("שלישי ערב " + temp[1] + when, "32" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "41")
                l = new ListItem("רביעי בוקר " + temp[1] + when, "42" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "42")
                l = new ListItem("רביעי אמצע " + temp[1] + when, "42" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "43")
                l = new ListItem("רביעי ערב " + temp[1] + when, "42" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "51")
                l = new ListItem("חמישי בוקר " + temp[1] + when, "51" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "52")
                l = new ListItem("חמישי אמצע " + temp[1] + when, "52" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "53")
                l = new ListItem("חמישי ערב " + temp[1] + when, "53" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "61")
                l = new ListItem("שישי בוקר " + temp[1] + when, "61" + whenTemp);
            else if (temp[0] == "71")
                l = new ListItem("צאת שבת " + temp[1] + when, "73" + whenTemp);
            if (temp[3] == "0")
    public string getShifts()
        Employee empl = new Employee();
        //List<string> tempList = new List<string>();
        Shift thisweekshift = new Shift();
        Shift tempSh        = new Shift();

        thisweekshift = tempSh.getShiftObjects();
        List <Employee>       employee = empl.getEmployeeObjects();
        List <ShiftsEmployee> tempSE   = new List <ShiftsEmployee>();

        //Create Sort List to Make the Different Algoritm
        int plusN = 1;
        SortedList <double, Employee> sl = new SortedList <double, Employee>();

        foreach (Employee emp in employee)
            Random rnd  = new Random();
            double plus = Convert.ToDouble(rnd.Next(1, 50)) * 0.0001;
            if (emp.First_name != "בר")
                double keys = (double)emp.Minimum / (emp.Last_shift.Count());
                sl.Add(keys + plus * plusN, emp);
                sl.Add(0, emp);

        //Create new List of employees
        List <Employee> employeeList = new List <Employee>();

        foreach (KeyValuePair <double, Employee> item in sl)
            if (item.Value.First_name != "בר")
        //Adding the mananger the the end of list
        foreach (KeyValuePair <double, Employee> item in sl)
            if (item.Value.First_name == "בר")

        //Revese the list

        foreach (Employee emp in employeeList)                                                       //Running on employees list
            if (emp.Minimum > emp.Have)                                                              //Running just on employees who dont have enough shifts
                foreach (ShiftsEmployee shift in emp.Last_shift)                                     //Running in shift list of each employee
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisweekshift.Possibles.Count; i++)                          //Running on possible shifts of employees
                        if (shift.Type == thisweekshift.Shifts[i] && thisweekshift.Possibles[i] > 0) //Match shifts and updating
                            thisweekshift.Possibles[i] -= 1;
        //Checking that all shifts are done
        for (int i = 0; i < thisweekshift.Possibles.Count; i++) //Running on possible shifts of employees
            if (thisweekshift.Possibles[i] > 0)                 //Match shifts and updating
                foreach (Employee emp in employeeList)
                    foreach (ShiftsEmployee shift in emp.Last_shift)
                        if (shift.Type == thisweekshift.Shifts[i] && thisweekshift.Possibles[i] > 0) //Match shifts and updating
                            int temp = 0;
                            foreach (ShiftsEmployee shifts in tempSE)
                                if (shifts.Title == emp.First_name && shifts.Type == thisweekshift.Shifts[i])
                            if (temp == 0)
                                thisweekshift.Possibles[i] -= 1;
        ShiftsEmployee SE = new ShiftsEmployee();
        string         p  = SE.writeToJson(tempSE);

    protected void XmlReader(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //קבלת הנתונים
        List <Employee> l       = new List <Employee>();
        String          xmlFile = Server.MapPath("~/App_Code/Rikushet.xml");
        XPathNavigator  nav;
        XPathDocument   docNav;

        docNav = new XPathDocument(xmlFile);
        nav    = docNav.CreateNavigator();
        XPathNodeIterator NodeIter;

        NodeIter = nav.Select("/Employees/employee");
        while (NodeIter.MoveNext())
            Employee tempE = new Employee();
            tempE.First_name = Convert.ToString(NodeIter.Current.SelectSingleNode("first_name").Value);
            tempE.Last_name  = Convert.ToString(NodeIter.Current.SelectSingleNode("last_name").Value);
            tempE.User_name  = Convert.ToInt32(NodeIter.Current.SelectSingleNode("user_name").Value);
            tempE.Minimum    = Convert.ToInt32(NodeIter.Current.SelectSingleNode("minimum").Value);
            tempE.Password   = Convert.ToString(NodeIter.Current.SelectSingleNode("password").Value);
            tempE.Type       = Convert.ToString(NodeIter.Current.SelectSingleNode("type").Value);
            tempE.Branch     = Convert.ToString(NodeIter.Current.SelectSingleNode("branch").Value);
            tempE.Have       = 0;
            List <ShiftsEmployee> EmplL = new List <ShiftsEmployee>();
            string   temp       = Convert.ToString(NodeIter.Current.SelectSingleNode("shiftsEmployees").Value);
            string[] tempString = temp.Split(',');
            foreach (string item in tempString) //כל העדפה של עובד תשמר באובייקט מיטחד של משמרת
                ShiftsEmployee tempSE2 = new ShiftsEmployee();
                tempSE2.Title = tempE.First_name;
                tempSE2.Type  = Convert.ToInt32(item);
            tempE.Last_shift = EmplL;
        Shift thisweekshift = new Shift();
        Shift tempSh        = new Shift();

        thisweekshift = tempSh.getShiftSetting();
        List <Employee>       employee = l;
        List <ShiftsEmployee> tempSE   = new List <ShiftsEmployee>();
        //Create Sort List to Make the Different Algoritm
        int plusN = 1;
        SortedList <double, Employee> sl = new SortedList <double, Employee>();

        foreach (Employee em in employee)
            Random rnd  = new Random();
            double plus = Convert.ToDouble(rnd.Next(1, 50)) * 0.0001;
            if (em.First_name != "בר")
                double keys = (double)em.Minimum / (em.Last_shift.Count());
                sl.Add(keys + plus * plusN, em);
                sl.Add(0, em);

        //Create new List of employees
        List <Employee> employeeList = new List <Employee>();

        foreach (KeyValuePair <double, Employee> item in sl)
            if (item.Value.First_name != "בר")
        //Adding the mananger the the end of list
        foreach (KeyValuePair <double, Employee> item in sl)
            if (item.Value.First_name == "בר")

        //Revese the list

        foreach (Employee emp2 in employeeList)                                                      //Running on employees list
            if (emp2.Minimum > emp2.Have)                                                            //Running just on employees who dont have enough shifts
                foreach (ShiftsEmployee shift in emp2.Last_shift)                                    //Running in shift list of each employee
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisweekshift.Possibles.Count; i++)                          //Running on possible shifts of employees
                        if (shift.Type == thisweekshift.Shifts[i] && thisweekshift.Possibles[i] > 0) //Match shifts and updating
                            thisweekshift.Possibles[i] -= 1;
        //Checking that all shifts are done
        for (int i = 0; i < thisweekshift.Possibles.Count; i++) //Running on possible shifts of employees
            if (thisweekshift.Possibles[i] > 0)                 //Match shifts and updating
                foreach (Employee emp3 in employeeList)
                    foreach (ShiftsEmployee shift in emp3.Last_shift)
                        if (shift.Type == thisweekshift.Shifts[i] && thisweekshift.Possibles[i] > 0) //Match shifts and updating
                            int temp = 0;
                            foreach (ShiftsEmployee shifts in tempSE)
                                if (shifts.Title == emp3.First_name && shifts.Type == thisweekshift.Shifts[i])
                            if (temp == 0)
                                thisweekshift.Possibles[i] -= 1;
        Employee        emp  = new Employee();
        List <Employee> empL = emp.getEmployeeList();

        foreach (ShiftsEmployee shift in tempSE)
            HtmlGenericControl divShift = new HtmlGenericControl("button");
            divShift.Attributes["class"] = "btn btn-light";
            foreach (Employee empT in empL)
                if (shift.Title == empT.First_name)
                    divShift.ID = empT.User_name + "_" + shift.Type;
            divShift.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("width", "80px");
            divShift.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("margin-bottom", "2px");
            divShift.InnerHtml = shift.Title + "   <img src='img/delete.png' style='height: 15px; '/>";
            if (shift.Type == 11)
                PlaceHolder11.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 21)
                PlaceHolder21.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 31)
                PlaceHolder31.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 41)
                PlaceHolder41.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 51)
                PlaceHolder51.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 61)
                PlaceHolder61.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 71)
                PlaceHolder71.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 12)
                PlaceHolder12.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 22)
                PlaceHolder22.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 32)
                PlaceHolder32.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 42)
                PlaceHolder42.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 52)
                PlaceHolder52.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 62)
                PlaceHolder62.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 72)
                PlaceHolder72.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 13)
                PlaceHolder13.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 23)
                PlaceHolder23.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 33)
                PlaceHolder33.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 43)
                PlaceHolder43.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 53)
                PlaceHolder53.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 63)
                PlaceHolder63.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
            else if (shift.Type == 73)
                PlaceHolder73.Controls.Add(divShift); continue;
        foreach (Employee empTemp in empL)
            HtmlGenericControl divEmpl = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
            divEmpl.Attributes["class"] = "btn list";
            divEmpl.ID = empTemp.First_name;
            divEmpl.Attributes["draggable"]   = "true";
            divEmpl.Attributes["ondragstart"] = "drag(event)";
            string list = "";
            foreach (ShiftsEmployee item in empTemp.Last_shift)
                if (list == "")
                    list = Convert.ToString(item.Type);
                    list += "," + Convert.ToString(item.Type);
            divEmpl.Attributes["onmouseover"] = "employeePerfernce(" + list + ")";
            divEmpl.Attributes["onmouseout"]  = "clearShiftTable()";
            divEmpl.InnerHtml = empTemp.First_name + " " + empTemp.Last_name;
            int counter = 0;
            foreach (ShiftsEmployee shift in tempSE)
                if (shift.Title == empTemp.First_name)
            if (counter > 0)
                divEmpl.InnerHtml += "  <span class='badge badge-pill badge-danger tooltipC'> <span class='tooltiptext'>" + empTemp.Minimum + " משמרות</span>" + counter + "</span>";
                divEmpl.InnerHtml += "  <span class='badge badge-pill badge-danger tooltipC'> <span class='tooltiptext'>" + empTemp.Minimum + " משמרות</span>" + counter + "</span>";
            divEmpl.ID = Convert.ToString(empTemp.First_name + "_" + empTemp.Last_name + "_" + empTemp.User_name);