public virtual IActionResult Create(ShiftModel model, bool continueEditing) { if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageShifts)) { return(AccessDeniedView()); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Code) && _shiftService.GetShift(w => w.Code == model.Code) != null) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, _localizationService.GetResource("Hero.Admin.Shifts.CodeIsRegister")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { var shift = model.ToEntity <Shift>(); shift.CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; shift.CreatedBy = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id; shift.UpdatedBy = null; shift.UpdatedOnUtc = null; _shiftService.InsertShift(shift); //activity log _customerActivityService.InsertActivity("AddNewShift", string.Format(_localizationService.GetResource("ActivityLog.AddNewShift"), shift.Id), shift); SuccessNotification(_localizationService.GetResource("Hero.Admin.Shifts.Added")); if (!continueEditing) { return(RedirectToAction("List")); } //selected tab SaveSelectedTabName(); return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = shift.Id })); } //prepare model model = _shiftModelFactory.PrepareShiftModel(model, null, true); //if we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(ShiftEditViewModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View()); } var shift = new ShiftModel { ShiftName = model.ShiftName, StartTime = model.StartTime, EndTime = model.EndTime }; await _shiftService.AddAsync(shift); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
public Shift Convert(ShiftModel shift) { var newShift = new Shift(); if (shift != null) { newShift.ID = shift.ID; newShift.Name = shift.Name; newShift.InitialHour = shift.InitialHour; newShift.EndingHour = shift.EndingHour; } return(newShift); }
public ActionResult Add(ShiftModel shiftModel) { try { shiftModel.AddShift(); TempData["message"] = "Successfully added Branch."; TempData["alertType"] = "success"; } catch (Exception e) { TempData["message"] = "Failed to Add Shift."; TempData["alertType"] = "danger"; Console.Write(e.Message); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task UpdateShiftAsync(string teamId, ShiftModel shift) { Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(shift.TeamsSchedulingGroupId, nameof(ShiftModel.TeamsSchedulingGroupId)); Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(shift.TeamsEmployeeId, nameof(ShiftModel.TeamsEmployeeId)); var client = _clientFactory.CreateClient(_options, teamId); // get the existing shift from Teams var teamsShift = await client.GetShiftAsync(teamId, shift.TeamsShiftId).ConfigureAwait(false); teamsShift.SchedulingGroupId = shift.TeamsSchedulingGroupId; teamsShift.UserId = shift.TeamsEmployeeId; teamsShift.SharedShift = _shiftMap.MapShift(shift); var response = await client.ReplaceShiftAsync(teamsShift, teamId, teamsShift.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); response.ThrowIfError(); }
// Create new shift public static int CreateShift(int shiftId, string shiftRole, string shiftStart, string shiftEnd, int empId, string shiftDate) { ShiftModel data = new ShiftModel { ShiftID = shiftId, ShiftRole = shiftRole, ShiftStart = shiftStart, ShiftEnd = shiftEnd, EmployeeID = empId, ShiftDate = shiftDate }; string sql = @"insert into dbo.Shifts (ShiftId, ShiftRole, ShiftStart, ShiftEnd, EmployeeId, ShiftDate) values (@ShiftID, @ShiftRole, @ShiftStart, @ShiftEnd, @EmployeeID, @ShiftDate);"; return(SQLDataAccess.SaveData(sql, data)); }
public HttpResponseMessage shiftList([FromBody] ShiftModel objShift) { //cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Command","SHIFTLIST"); //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@status",1); var resp = Request.CreateResponse <LoginResponseModel>(HttpStatusCode.OK, new LoginResponseModel() { message = "ok succesful", statuscode = Convert.ToInt16(HttpStatusCode.OK) }); return(resp); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateShift(int shiftId, ShiftModel model) { var shift = await _shiftRepository.GetShift(shiftId); if (shift == null) { return(new NotFoundResult()); } shift.Update(model); if (await _shiftRepository.IsEmployeeAlreadyAssignedAShift(shift, shift.EmployeeId)) { return(new BadRequestObjectResult("A shift is already assigned to the employee.")); } await _shiftRepository.SaveChanges(); return(new OkResult()); }
private async Task <bool> ManagerApproveAsync(ShiftModel openShift, string newWfmShiftId, OpenShiftsChangeRequest openShiftRequest, ChangeRequest changeRequest, string teamId, string timeZoneInfoId, ILogger log) { try { var weekStartDate = openShift.StartDate.ApplyTimeZoneOffset(timeZoneInfoId).StartOfWeek(_teamOptions.StartDayOfWeek); var policy = GetConflictRetryPolicy(_teamOptions.RetryMaxAttempts, _teamOptions.RetryIntervalSeconds); // as the manager has approved the request and it has been assigned successfully, // decrement the quantity openShift.Quantity--; // update the cache for the assignment await policy.ExecuteAsync(() => UpdateCachedOpenShiftsAsync(teamId, openShift, weekStartDate)).ConfigureAwait(false); // get the new shift created from the open shift in Teams var newShift = changeRequest.Requests .Where(r => r.Method.Equals("POST", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .Select(r => r.Body.ToObject <ShiftResponse>()) .First(); // convert the open shift to a shift openShift.Quantity = 1; openShift.WfmEmployeeId = openShiftRequest.WfmSenderId; openShift.TeamsEmployeeId = openShiftRequest.SenderUserId; openShift.TeamsShiftId = newShift.Id; openShift.WfmShiftId = newWfmShiftId; // and add it to the week shifts cache await policy.ExecuteAsync(() => UpdateCachedShiftsAsync(teamId, openShift, weekStartDate)).ConfigureAwait(false); // finally, remove the request from cache as we have finished with it await _requestCacheService.DeleteRequestAsync(teamId, openShiftRequest.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { // the employee cannot claim this shift, so log it and try the next log.LogOpenShiftAssignmentError(ex, openShiftRequest.WfmSenderId, openShift.WfmShiftId, teamId); } return(false); }
protected override bool ValidateInput() { PageCheckManager manager = new PageCheckManager(); manager.Add(new DateCheck(lblDateQuery, DateEdit.Text, true)); manager.Add(new LengthCheck(lblSSEdit, txtSSEdit, 40, true)); manager.Add(new LengthCheck(lblShiftCodeEdit, txtShiftCodeEdit, 40, true)); manager.Add(new LengthCheck(lblCrewCodeEdit, txtCrewCodeEdit, 40, true)); if (!manager.Check()) { WebInfoPublish.Publish(this, manager.CheckMessage, this.languageComponent1); return(false); } BaseModelFacade baseModelFacade = new BaseModelFacade(this.DataProvider); object stepSequenceObject = baseModelFacade.GetStepSequence(FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtSSEdit.Text.ToUpper())); if (stepSequenceObject == null) { WebInfoPublish.Publish(this, "$CS_STEPSEQUENCE_NOT_EXIST", this.languageComponent1); return(false); } ShiftModelFacade shiftModelFacade = new ShiftModelFacade(this.DataProvider); object shiftObject = shiftModelFacade.GetShift(FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtShiftCodeEdit.Text.ToUpper())); if (shiftObject == null) { WebInfoPublish.Publish(this, "$Error_Shift_Not_Exist", this.languageComponent1); return(false); } ShiftModel shiftModel = new ShiftModel(this.DataProvider); object crewObject = shiftModel.GetShiftCrew(FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtCrewCodeEdit.Text.ToUpper())); if (crewObject == null) { WebInfoPublish.Publish(this, "$Error_ShiftCrew_Not_Exist", this.languageComponent1); return(false); } return(true); }
public ShiftModel CreateShift(ShiftModel model) { using (IDbConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { var p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("@ShiftID", 0, dbType: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.Output); p.Add("@InStaffID", model.StaffID); p.Add("@InLoginTime", model.LoginTime); connection.Execute("spCreateShift", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); // grabs newly created ID from database and returns it as part of the current Person Model // var id = p.Get <int?>("ShiftID"); model.ShiftID = Convert.ToInt32(id); return(model); } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { WFMDBDataContext db = new WFMDBDataContext(); List <uspWFMGetSingleShiftResult> lstShift = db.uspWFMGetSingleShift(id).ToList(); if (lstShift.Count > 0) { ShiftModel shift = new ShiftModel(); shift.ShiftID = lstShift[0].iShiftID; shift.ShiftName = lstShift[0].vShiftName; shift.StartTime = lstShift[0].vStartTime; shift.EndTime = lstShift[0].vEndTime; return(View(shift)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Message", "Error", new { Error = "シフト在しません。" })); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateShift(ShiftModel model) { if (!await EmployeeExists(model.EmployeeId)) { return(new NotFoundResult()); } var shift = model.ToShift(); if (await _shiftRepository.IsEmployeeAlreadyAssignedAShift(shift, model.EmployeeId)) { return(new BadRequestObjectResult("A shift is already assigned to the employee.")); } _shiftRepository.CreateShift(shift); await _shiftRepository.SaveChanges(); return(new OkResult()); }
protected void drpCrewCode_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { DropDownListBuilder builder = new DropDownListBuilder(this.drpCrewCodeEdit); if (shiftModelFacade == null) { shiftModelFacade = new ShiftModel(base.DataProvider); } builder.HandleGetObjectList += new BenQGuru.eMES.Web.Helper.GetObjectListDelegate(this.shiftModelFacade.GetAllShiftCrew); builder.Build("CrewCode", "CrewCode"); this.drpCrewCodeEdit.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("", "")); this.drpCrewCodeEdit.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
public async Task <IEnumerable <ShiftModel> > ShiftReportAsync(DateTime from, DateTime to, string keyword, string terminal) { var items = new List <ShiftModel>(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateFrom", from); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateTo", to); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword", keyword); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Terminal", terminal); var result = await SCObjects.ExecGetDataAsync(cmd, Properties.Settings.Default.UserConnectionString); if (result != null) { foreach (DataRow dr in result.Rows) { var item = new ShiftModel { SRNumber = dr["SRNumber"].ToString(), Type = dr["Type"].ToString(), DateTimeIn = dr["DateTimeIn"].ToString(), DateTimeOut = dr["DateTimeOut"].ToString(), ExitCount = int.Parse(dr["ExitCount"].ToString()), GrossAmount = dr["GrossAmount"].ToString().Length > 0 ? decimal.Parse(dr["GrossAmount"].ToString()) : 0, Vatable = dr["Vatable"].ToString().Length > 0 ? decimal.Parse(dr["Vatable"].ToString()) : 0, Vat = dr["Vat"].ToString().Length > 0 ? decimal.Parse(dr["Vat"].ToString()) : 0, Discount = dr["Discount"].ToString().Length > 0 ? decimal.Parse(dr["Discount"].ToString()) : 0, AmountTendered = dr["AmountTendered"].ToString().Length > 0 ? decimal.Parse(dr["AmountTendered"].ToString()) : 0, Change = dr["Change"].ToString().Length > 0 ? decimal.Parse(dr["Change"].ToString()) : 0, ChangeFund = dr["ChangeFund"].ToString().Length > 0 ? decimal.Parse(dr["ChangeFund"].ToString()) : 0, TenderDeclaration = dr["TenderDeclaration"].ToString().Length > 0 ? decimal.Parse(dr["TenderDeclaration"].ToString()) : 0, SubTotal = dr["SubTotal"].ToString().Length > 0 ? decimal.Parse(dr["SubTotal"].ToString()) : 0, Variance = dr["Variance"].ToString().Length > 0 ? decimal.Parse(dr["Variance"].ToString()) : 0, Cashier = dr["Cashier"].ToString(), Exit = dr["Exit"].ToString(), }; items.Add(item); } } return(items); }
private void CreateNewShiftPatterns(ShiftModel model) { int daysInPattern = model.DaysInPattern.Value; //Default Start Time: 00:00:00 and EndTime: 23:59:59 TimeSpan startTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0); TimeSpan endTime = new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59); for (int i = 0; i < daysInPattern; i++) { var shiftPattern = new ShiftPattern { Sequence = i + 1, ShiftId = model.Id, StartTime = DateTime.Now + startTime, EndTime = DateTime.Now + endTime }; this._shiftPatternRepository.Insert(shiftPattern); } this._dbContext.SaveChanges(); }
// GET: Shift/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(long id) { var shift = service.GetShift(id); if (shift == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } var shiftModel = new ShiftModel { Id = shift.Id, ShiftName = shift.ShiftName, StartTime = shift.StartTime, EndTime = shift.EndTime, BreakTime = shift.BreakTime }; ViewBag.Id = new SelectList(serviceEmployee.GetAllEmployees(), "Id", "FirstName", shift.Id); return(View(shiftModel)); }
public IHttpActionResult UpdateShift(ShiftModel shiftModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } try { var shiftDto = Mapper.Map <ShiftDto>(shiftModel); _shiftAppService.Update(shiftDto, AuthHelper.GetCurrentUserId()); return(Ok("Shift Updated")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } }
public IActionResult Post(int id, [FromQuery] bool?copyAllDays, [FromBody] ShiftModel shift) { if (shift == null) { return(BadRequest()); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(new ObjectResult(ModelState)); } Schedule schedule = GetSchedule(id); UserCanAccessOrganization(schedule.Organization.OrganizationId); var positions = GetAvailableSchedulePositions(schedule); if (copyAllDays.HasValue && copyAllDays.Value) { foreach (DayOfWeek day in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DayOfWeek))) { var shiftEntity = shift.Export(positions); shiftEntity.Day = day.ToString(); shiftEntity.Schedule = schedule; _schedulerContext.Shifts.Add(shiftEntity); } } else { var shiftEntity = shift.Export(positions); shiftEntity.Schedule = schedule; _schedulerContext.Shifts.Add(shiftEntity); } _schedulerContext.SaveChanges(); return(new ObjectResult(shift)); }
public int insert_ShiftDetails(ShiftModel objShiftModel) { try { return(Execution.ExecuteNonQuery_with_result("sp_shift", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Command", "INSERT"), new SqlParameter("@shiftname", objShiftModel.shiftName), new SqlParameter("@starttime", objShiftModel.starttime), new SqlParameter("@endtime", objShiftModel.endtime), new SqlParameter("@status", 1), })); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public async Task CreateShiftAsync(string teamId, ShiftModel shift) { Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(shift.TeamsSchedulingGroupId, nameof(ShiftModel.TeamsSchedulingGroupId)); Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(shift.TeamsEmployeeId, nameof(ShiftModel.TeamsEmployeeId)); var client = _clientFactory.CreateClient(_options, teamId); var request = new ShiftRequest { SchedulingGroupId = shift.TeamsSchedulingGroupId, UserId = shift.TeamsEmployeeId, DraftShift = _options.DraftShiftsEnabled ? _shiftMap.MapShift(shift) : null, SharedShift = _options.DraftShiftsEnabled ? null : _shiftMap.MapShift(shift) }; var response = await client.CreateShiftAsync(request, teamId); response.ThrowIfError(); // update the shift with the Teams id for the shift shift.TeamsShiftId = ((ShiftResponse)response).Id; }
public IList <ShiftMergedModel> Save([FromBody] ShiftModel helper) { List <ShiftMergedModel> shiftList = new List <ShiftMergedModel>(); TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(00, 00, 01); foreach (var item in helper.Amounts) { for (int i = 1; i <= item.Amount; i++) { Shifts shift = new Shifts(); shift.OrganizationId = helper.OrganizationId; shift.EmployeeId = null; shift.positionId = item.Id; shift.ShiftDate = helper.ShiftDate + ts; shift.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; var insertedShift = GetShift(shift); shiftList.Add(insertedShift); } } return(shiftList.ToArray()); }
public virtual ShiftModel PrepareShiftModel(ShiftModel model, Shift shift, bool excludeProperties = false) { //Action<DoctorLocalizedModel, int> localizedModelConfiguration = null; if (shift != null) { //fill in model values from the entity model = model ?? shift.ToModel <ShiftModel>(); } //set default values for the new model if (shift == null) { model.Active = true; model.Deleted = false; model.CreatedBy = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id; model.CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; } return(model); }
public async Task UpdateOpenShiftAsync(string teamId, ShiftModel openShift) { Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(openShift.TeamsShiftId, nameof(ShiftModel.TeamsShiftId)); Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(openShift.TeamsSchedulingGroupId, nameof(ShiftModel.TeamsSchedulingGroupId)); var client = _clientFactory.CreateClient(_options, teamId); // get the existing open shift from Teams var openShiftResponse = await client.GetOpenShiftAsync(teamId, openShift.TeamsShiftId).ConfigureAwait(false); openShiftResponse.SchedulingGroupId = openShift.TeamsSchedulingGroupId; if (_options.DraftShiftsEnabled) { openShiftResponse.DraftOpenShift = _shiftMap.MapOpenShift(openShift); } else { openShiftResponse.SharedOpenShift = _shiftMap.MapOpenShift(openShift); } await client.ReplaceOpenShiftAsync(openShiftResponse, string.Empty, teamId, openShiftResponse.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public HttpResponseMessage createEmployee([FromBody] ShiftModel objShiftModel) { if (objShiftModel.token == null) { //token from user var token = objShiftModel.token; //checking Token var result = Authtoken.checkToken(token); if (result == true) { var resp = Request.CreateResponse <ResponseModel>(HttpStatusCode.OK, new ResponseModel() { message = "no token", statuscode = Convert.ToInt16(HttpStatusCode.NoContent) }); return(resp); } else { var resp = Request.CreateResponse <ResponseModel>(HttpStatusCode.OK, new ResponseModel() { message = "UnAuthorized", statuscode = Convert.ToInt16(HttpStatusCode.NoContent) }); return(resp); } } else { objshiftDL.insert_ShiftDetails(objShiftModel); var resp = Request.CreateResponse <ResponseModel>(HttpStatusCode.OK, new ResponseModel() { message = "Shift created sucessfully", statuscode = Convert.ToInt16(HttpStatusCode.OK) }); return(resp); } }
public ActionResult EditShift(String id) // public ActionResult AddEditShift(String id) { ShiftModel mod = new ShiftModel(); List <Store> accounts = (from data in db.Stores select data).ToList(); Store objcountry = new Store(); objcountry.storeName = "Select"; objcountry.storeID = 0; accounts.Insert(0, objcountry); mod.Stores = accounts.Select(a => new SelectListItem { Text = a.storeName, Value = a.storeID.ToString() }); Shift objshift; int _hdnshiftId = Convert.ToInt32(id); if (_hdnshiftId > 0) { objshift = db.Shifts.Where(o => o.shfitID == _hdnshiftId).SingleOrDefault(); mod.startTime = Convert.ToDateTime(objshift.startTime).ToShortTimeString(); mod.endTime = Convert.ToDateTime(objshift.endTime).ToShortTimeString(); mod.SelectedStoreId = Convert.ToInt32(objshift.storeID); mod.editShiftId = Convert.ToInt32(id); mod.shfitID = _hdnshiftId; mod.shiftCode = objshift.shiftCode; = Convert.ToBoolean(; } return(View(mod)); }
public async Task CreateOpenShiftAsync(string teamId, ShiftModel openShift) { Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(openShift.TeamsSchedulingGroupId, nameof(ShiftModel.TeamsSchedulingGroupId)); var client = _clientFactory.CreateClient(_options, teamId); // map the shift to a Teams ShiftItem var openShiftItem = _shiftMap.MapOpenShift(openShift); var request = new OpenShiftRequest { SchedulingGroupId = openShift.TeamsSchedulingGroupId, DraftOpenShift = _options.DraftShiftsEnabled ? openShiftItem : null, SharedOpenShift = _options.DraftShiftsEnabled ? null : openShiftItem }; var response = await client.CreateOpenShiftAsync(request, teamId).ConfigureAwait(false); response.ThrowIfError(); // update the shift with the Teams id for the shift openShift.TeamsShiftId = ((OpenShiftResponse)response).Id; }
public ActionResult ShiftMasterAddEdit(int Id) { ShiftModel Shift = new ShiftModel(); try { if (Id > 0) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string SQRY = "EXEC USP_Get_ShiftDetail_Edit '" + Id + "'"; dt = DBUtilities.GetDTResponse(SQRY); if (dt != null) { List <ShiftModel> ShiftList = new List <ShiftModel>(); ShiftList = DataRowToObject.CreateListFromTable <ShiftModel>(dt); Shift = ShiftList.Where(c => c.Id == Id).FirstOrDefault(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(View("ShiftMasterAddEdit", Shift)); }
public async Task <ShiftModel> AddAsync(ShiftModel model, int clientId, int userId) { if (!await _permissionManager.HasPermission(clientId, userId, Permission.CanAddShift)) { throw new Exception("User has not permission to perform this operation"); } if (model == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } var shift = _shiftMapper.ConvertToDataModel(model); shift.CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow; shift.UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow; shift.CreatedBy = userId; shift.ClientId = clientId; shift.IsActive = true; shift = await _shiftRepository.AddAsync(shift); return(_shiftMapper.ConvertToModel(shift)); }
public IActionResult Put(int id, [FromBody] ShiftModel shift) { if (shift == null) { return(BadRequest()); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(new ObjectResult(ModelState)); } var shiftEntity = _schedulerContext.Shifts .Include(s => s.Schedule) .Include(s => s.Schedule.Organization) .Single(o => o.ShiftId == id); UserCanAccessOrganization(shiftEntity.Schedule.Organization.OrganizationId); shift.Export(shiftEntity, GetAvailableSchedulePositions(shiftEntity.Schedule)); _schedulerContext.SaveChanges(); return(new ObjectResult(shift)); }