public async Task <IActionResult> Create(ShellTemperatureRecord record)
                if (!record.RecordedDateTime.HasValue)
                    record.RecordedDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                ShellTemp shellTemp = new ShellTemp(record.Id, record.Temperature, (DateTime)record.RecordedDateTime, record.Latitude, record.Longitude, record.DeviceInfo);
                bool      result    = await _shellTempRepository.Create(shellTemp);

                if (!result)

            catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
        public void WriteShellTempsToExcelFile()
            // Arrange
            // path and sheet info for the excel file
            string       path          = Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid() + ".xlsx";
            const string worksheetName = "test";
            IExcelData   excelData     = new ExcelData(path);
            IExcelStyler excelStyler   = new ExcelStyler(excelData);

            excelData.CreateExcelWorkSheet(path, worksheetName);
            bool exists = File.Exists(path);

            Assert.IsTrue(excelData.Package != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(excelData.Worksheet != null);
            Assert.AreEqual(worksheetName, excelData.Worksheet.Name);

            ExcelWriter excelWriter = new ExcelWriter(excelData, excelStyler);

            Random random = new Random();

            ShellTemperatureRecord[] temps = new ShellTemperatureRecord[1000];
            for (int i = 0; i < temps.Length; i++)
                float?     lat    = null;
                float?     lon    = null;
                DeviceInfo device = new DeviceInfo
                    DeviceAddress = "CraigsAddress",
                    DeviceName    = "Spiderman",
                    Id            = Guid.NewGuid()

                if (i % 4 == 0)
                    lat = random.Next(0, 1000);
                    lon = random.Next(0, 4000);
                ShellTemperatureRecord temp = new ShellTemperatureRecord
                    Id               = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Latitude         = lat,
                    Longitude        = lon,
                    Temperature      = random.Next(20, 80),
                    RecordedDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    Device           = device,
                    Comment          = i.ToString()

                temps[i] = temp;

            // add headers
            string[] headers = temps[0].GetType().GetProperties().Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(temps.Length, excelData.Worksheet.Dimension.End.Row - 1);

        /// <summary>
        /// Get all the live and sd card shell temperatures along with
        /// the comments and positions
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ShellTemperatureRecord[] GetShellTemperatureRecords(DateTime start, DateTime end, DeviceInfo deviceInfo = null)
            ShellTemp[]       tempData;
            SdCardShellTemp[] sdCardShellTemps;

            // Has device information, user selected device
            if (deviceInfo != null)
                // Get live data and live data comments and positions
                tempData = _shellTemperatureRepository.GetShellTemperatureData(start, end,
                                                                               deviceInfo.DeviceName, deviceInfo.DeviceAddress).ToArray();

                // Get SD Card data and SD card data comments
                sdCardShellTemps = _sdCardShellTemperatureRepository.GetShellTemperatureData(start, end,
                                                                                             deviceInfo.DeviceName, deviceInfo.DeviceAddress).ToArray();
            else // No device information, just use dates
                // Get live data and live data comments and positions
                tempData = _shellTemperatureRepository.GetShellTemperatureData(start, end).ToArray();

                // Get SD Card data and SD card data comments
                sdCardShellTemps = _sdCardShellTemperatureRepository.GetShellTemperatureData(start, end).ToArray();

            // Get the live comments
            ShellTemperatureComment[] liveDataComments = _commentRepository.GetAll()
                                                         .Where(x => x.ShellTemp.RecordedDateTime >= start &&
                                                                x.ShellTemp.RecordedDateTime <= end)

            // Get the live positions
            ShellTemperaturePosition[] positions = _shellTemperaturePositionRepository.GetAll().ToArray();

            // Sd card comments
            SdCardShellTemperatureComment[] sdCardComments = _sdCardCommentRepository.GetAll().ToArray();

            // Create new temp list of records
            List <ShellTemperatureRecord> records = new List <ShellTemperatureRecord>();

            // For ever item in ShellTemps, find and match the comment that may have been made
            foreach (ShellTemp shellTemp in tempData)
                ShellTemperatureRecord shellTemperatureRecord =
                    new ShellTemperatureRecord(shellTemp.Id, shellTemp.Temperature, shellTemp.RecordedDateTime,
                                               shellTemp.Latitude, shellTemp.Longitude, shellTemp.Device, false); // Not from SD

                // Find the comment for the shell temperature
                ShellTemperatureComment comment =
                    liveDataComments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ShellTemp.Id == shellTemperatureRecord.Id);

                ShellTemperaturePosition position =
                    positions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ShellTemp.Id == shellTemperatureRecord.Id);

                if (comment?.Comment != null)
                    shellTemperatureRecord.Comment = comment.Comment.Comment;
                if (position?.Position != null)
                    shellTemperatureRecord.Position = position.Position.Position;


            // Find the sd card data shell temps
            foreach (SdCardShellTemp shellTemp in sdCardShellTemps)
                if (!shellTemp.RecordedDateTime.HasValue) // Doesn't have DateTime, skip

                ShellTemperatureRecord shellTemperatureRecord =
                    new ShellTemperatureRecord(shellTemp.Id, shellTemp.Temperature, (DateTime)shellTemp.RecordedDateTime,
                                               shellTemp.Latitude, shellTemp.Longitude, shellTemp.Device, true); // This is from SD

                // Find the comment for the sd card shell temperature
                SdCardShellTemperatureComment temp =
                    sdCardComments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SdCardShellTemp.Id == shellTemperatureRecord.Id);

                if (temp?.Comment != null)
                    shellTemperatureRecord.Comment = temp.Comment.Comment;


 public void SetState(ShellTemperatureRecord shellTemp)
     _shellTemp = shellTemp;