        // public constructors...
        public Beef000e(byte[] rawBytes)
            : base(rawBytes)
            if (Signature != 0xbeef000e)
                throw new Exception($"Signature mismatch! Should be 0xbeef000e but is {Signature}");

            ExtensionBlocks = new List<IExtensionBlock>();

            Bags = new List<IShellBag>();

            var rawguid1 = new byte[16];

            var index = 16;

            Array.Copy(rawBytes, index, rawguid1, 0, 16);

            var rawguid = ShellBagUtils.ExtractGuidFromShellItem(rawguid1);

            var foldername = ShellBagUtils.GetFolderNameFromGuid(rawguid);

            GUIDName = foldername;

            index += 16;

            index += 18;

            PropertyStores = new List<PropertyStore>();

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                var len = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawBytes, index);

                var propStore = new PropertyStore(rawBytes.Skip(index).Take((int)len).ToArray());


                index += (int)len;

            index += 11;

            var chunks = new List<string>();
            var len1 = 0;
            var s1 = string.Empty;

            var maxLoop = 0;

            while (maxLoop < 3)
                len1 = 0;
                while (rawBytes[ index + len1] != 0x00)
                    len1 += 1;

                s1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rawBytes, index, len1);

                index += len1 + 1;

                maxLoop += 1;

            index += 16;

            while (rawBytes[index + len1] != 0x00)
                len1 += 1;

            s1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rawBytes, index, len1);

            index += len1 + 1;

            index += 1;

            var extSize = 0;
            extSize = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rawBytes, index);

            var sig = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawBytes, index + 4);

            var block = ShellBagUtils.GetExtensionBlockFromBytes(sig, rawBytes.Skip(index).Take(extSize).ToArray());

            index += extSize;

            extSize = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rawBytes, index);

             sig = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawBytes, index + 4);

             block = ShellBagUtils.GetExtensionBlockFromBytes(sig, rawBytes.Skip(index).Take(extSize).ToArray());

            index += extSize;

            extSize = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rawBytes, index);

            while (extSize > 0)
                var sb = new ShellBagTypes.ShellBag0X31(-1, -1, rawBytes.Skip(index).Take(extSize).ToArray(), "Inside Beef000e block");


                index += extSize; // end of the bag
                extSize = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rawBytes, index);

            index += 2; //skip empty bag

            VersionOffset = BitConverter.ToInt16(rawBytes, rawBytes.Length - 2);
        // public constructors...
        public Beef000e(byte[] rawBytes)
            : base(rawBytes)
            if (Signature != 0xbeef000e)
                throw new Exception($"Signature mismatch! Should be 0xbeef000e but is {Signature}");

            ExtensionBlocks = new List <IExtensionBlock>();

            Bags = new List <IShellBag>();

            var rawguid1 = new byte[16];

            var index = 16;

            Array.Copy(rawBytes, index, rawguid1, 0, 16);

            var rawguid = ShellBagUtils.ExtractGuidFromShellItem(rawguid1);

            var foldername = ShellBagUtils.GetFolderNameFromGuid(rawguid);

            GUIDName = foldername;

            index += 16;

            index += 18;

            PropertyStores = new List <PropertyStore>();

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                var len = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawBytes, index);

                var propStore = new PropertyStore(rawBytes.Skip(index).Take((int)len).ToArray());


                index += (int)len;

            index += 11;

            var chunks = new List <string>();
            var len1   = 0;
            var s1     = string.Empty;

            var maxLoop = 0;

            while (maxLoop < 3)
                len1 = 0;
                while (rawBytes[index + len1] != 0x00)
                    len1 += 1;

                s1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rawBytes, index, len1);

                index += len1 + 1;

                maxLoop += 1;

            index += 16;

            while (rawBytes[index + len1] != 0x00)
                len1 += 1;

            s1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rawBytes, index, len1);

            index += len1 + 1;

            index += 1;

            var extSize = 0;

            extSize = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rawBytes, index);

            var sig = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawBytes, index + 4);

            var block = ShellBagUtils.GetExtensionBlockFromBytes(sig, rawBytes.Skip(index).Take(extSize).ToArray());

            index += extSize;

            extSize = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rawBytes, index);

            sig = BitConverter.ToUInt32(rawBytes, index + 4);

            block = ShellBagUtils.GetExtensionBlockFromBytes(sig, rawBytes.Skip(index).Take(extSize).ToArray());

            index += extSize;

            extSize = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rawBytes, index);

            while (extSize > 0)
                var sb = new ShellBagTypes.ShellBag0X31(-1, -1, rawBytes.Skip(index).Take(extSize).ToArray(), "Inside Beef000e block");


                index  += extSize; // end of the bag
                extSize = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rawBytes, index);

            index += 2; //skip empty bag

            VersionOffset = BitConverter.ToInt16(rawBytes, rawBytes.Length - 2);