private static void DrawWarningMessage(EventArgs args, string message = "", SharpDX.Color color = default(Color)) { if (ObjectManager.Player.IsDead) { return; } var xColor = color; DrawHelper.DrawText(DrawHelper.TextWarning, message, Drawing.Width * 0.301f, Drawing.Height * 0.422f, SharpDX.Color.Black); DrawHelper.DrawText(DrawHelper.TextWarning, message, Drawing.Width * 0.30f, Drawing.Height * 0.42f, xColor); }
public void DrawString(string text, float x, float y, FontWeight fw, SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontStyle fs, SharpDX.Color fontColor, float fontHeight, bool isUnderlined) { if ((y > -2) && (y <= tbHeight - fontHeight)) { gv.DrawText(text, x + tbXloc, y + tbYloc, fw, fs, 1.0f, fontColor, isUnderlined); } }
/* * format is as follows * To change color of the string surround hex codes with {} Example: "Uncolored {#AARRGGBB}Colored" * having a blank {} will make it go back to default imgui text color, Example: "Uncolored {#AARRGGBB}Colored {}Back to orig color" */ public void Coloredtext(string TextIn) { try { var accumulatedText = ""; var StartColor = ImGui.GetStyle().GetColor(ColorTarget.Text); var foundBracketStart = ""; var hexCode = ""; var sameLine = false; var nextColor = StartColor; for (var i = 0; i < TextIn.Length; i++) { if (TextIn[i] == '{') { foundBracketStart = TextIn.Substring(i + 1); for (var j = 0; j < foundBracketStart.Length; j++) { i++; if (foundBracketStart[j] == '}') { break; } hexCode += foundBracketStart[j]; } if (sameLine) { ImGui.SameLine(0f, 0f); } ImGui.Text(accumulatedText, nextColor); if (TextIn[i - 1] == '{') { nextColor = StartColor; } accumulatedText = ""; sameLine = true; if (hexCode != "") { var tempColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(hexCode); var tempColor2 = new SharpDX.Color(tempColor.R, tempColor.G, tempColor.B, tempColor.A).ToVector4(); nextColor = new System.Numerics.Vector4(tempColor2.X, tempColor2.Y, tempColor2.Z, tempColor2.W); } i++; hexCode = ""; } accumulatedText += TextIn[i]; } if (sameLine) { ImGui.SameLine(0f, 0f); } ImGui.Text(accumulatedText, nextColor); } catch (Exception e) { // This spams all the time even tho nothing seems broken so it can f**k riiiiiiiight off //LogError("ColorText: Incorrect hex format \n" + e, 15); } }
public RecallRender(Packet.S2C.Teleport.Struct recall) { var recWidth = 200; Recall = recall; Rectangle = new Render.Rectangle(Drawing.Width / 2, Drawing.Height / 4, recWidth, 10, SharpDX.Color.Green); Rectangle.PositionUpdate += delegate { float percent = RecallStatusPercent(); var newWidth = (int)(recWidth - (recWidth * percent)); if (!Rectangle.Width.Equals(newWidth)) { Rectangle.Width = newWidth; } SharpDX.Color newCol = Common.PercentColorRedToGreen(percent); if (!Equals(newCol, Rectangle.Color)) { Rectangle.Color = newCol; } return(new Vector2(Drawing.Width / 2 - recWidth / 2, Drawing.Height / 1.5f)); }; Rectangle.VisibleCondition = delegate { return(IsActive() && Recall.Status == Packet.S2C.Teleport.Status.Start && (Recall.Start + Recall.Duration - Environment.TickCount) > 0); }; Rectangle.Add(1); Line = new Render.Line(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 0), 1, SharpDX.Color.WhiteSmoke); Line.StartPositionUpdate += delegate { return(new Vector2(Rectangle.X + Rectangle.Width, Rectangle.Y - 5)); }; Line.EndPositionUpdate += delegate { return(new Vector2(Rectangle.X + Rectangle.Width, Rectangle.Y)); }; Line.VisibleCondition = delegate { SharpDX.Color newCol = new SharpDX.Color(255, 255, 255, (int)(255 - (255 * RecallStatusPercent()))); if (!Equals(newCol, Line.Color)) { Line.Color = newCol; } return(IsActive() && Recall.Status == Packet.S2C.Teleport.Status.Start && (Recall.Start + Recall.Duration - Environment.TickCount) > 0); }; Line.Add(1); Text = new Render.Text(ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId <Obj_AI_Hero>(Recall.UnitNetworkId).ChampionName, 0, 0, 18, SharpDX.Color.WhiteSmoke); Text.PositionUpdate += delegate { return(new Vector2(Line.Start.X, Line.Start.Y - 15)); }; Text.TextUpdate = delegate { SharpDX.Color newCol = new SharpDX.Color(255, 255, 255, (int)(255 - (150 * RecallStatusPercent()))); if (!Equals(newCol, Text.Color)) { Text.Color = newCol; } return(ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId <Obj_AI_Hero>(Recall.UnitNetworkId).ChampionName); }; Text.Centered = true; Text.VisibleCondition = delegate { return(IsActive() && Recall.Status == Packet.S2C.Teleport.Status.Start && (Recall.Start + Recall.Duration - Environment.TickCount) > 0); }; Text.Add(1); Text2 = new Render.Text(ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId <Obj_AI_Hero>(Recall.UnitNetworkId).ChampionName, 0, 0, 18, SharpDX.Color.WhiteSmoke); Text2.PositionUpdate += delegate { return(new Vector2(Line.Start.X, Line.Start.Y - 5)); }; Text2.TextUpdate = delegate { SharpDX.Color newCol = new SharpDX.Color(255, 255, 255, (int)(255 - (150 * RecallStatusPercent()))); if (!Equals(newCol, Text2.Color)) { Text2.Color = newCol; } TimeSpan t = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Recall.Start + Recall.Duration - Environment.TickCount); return(string.Format("{0}.{1}", t.Seconds, t.Milliseconds.ToString("D3").Remove(1, 2))); }; Text2.Centered = true; Text2.VisibleCondition = delegate { return(IsActive() && Recall.Status == Packet.S2C.Teleport.Status.Start && (Recall.Start + Recall.Duration - Environment.TickCount) > 0); }; Text2.Add(1); }