/// <summary>
        /// Draws a string using a transformation matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceContext">A valid dirct3d11 device context</param>
        /// <param name="s">String to draw</param>
        /// <param name="fontSize">Font size</param>
        /// <param name="color">Color</param>
        /// <param name="flags">Draw flags</param>
        /// <param name="fontFamily">Font family</param>
        /// <param name="transform">A 3d transformation</param>
        public void DrawString(DeviceContext deviceContext, string s, string fontFamily, float fontSize, Matrix transform, Color4 color, TextFlags flags)
            IntPtr clipRectanglePtr = IntPtr.Zero;

            SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF emptyRect = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            this.DrawString(deviceContext, s, fontFamily, fontSize, emptyRect, color.ToRgba(), IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(&transform), flags);
        public void DrawImage(Object image, System.Drawing.RectangleF srcRect, System.Drawing.RectangleF destRect)
            if (image is SharpDX.Direct2D1.Bitmap)
                SharpDX.Direct2D1.Bitmap bImg = (SharpDX.Direct2D1.Bitmap)image;
                if (!bImg.IsDisposed)
                    SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF src = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF
                        Top    = srcRect.Top,
                        Left   = srcRect.Left,
                        Bottom = srcRect.Bottom,
                        Right  = srcRect.Width

                    SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF dest = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF
                        Top    = destRect.Top,
                        Left   = destRect.Left,
                        Bottom = destRect.Bottom,
                        Right  = destRect.Right

                    d2dRenderTarget.DrawBitmap(bImg, dest, 1.0f, SharpDX.Direct2D1.BitmapInterpolationMode.Linear, src);
                }        // Endif image is not disposed
            }            // Endif image is DirectX Bitmap
        private void DrawInventoryIcon(InventoryEntry entry, int offsetX, int offsetY)
            int imageX = offsetX + entry.SlotColumn * ICON_SLOT_WIDTH;
            int imageY = offsetY + entry.SlotRow * ICON_SLOT_HEIGHT;

            SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF drawRegion = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF(imageX, imageY, ICON_SLOT_WIDTH, ICON_SLOT_HEIGHT);
            SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF imageRegion;

            if (_inventoryToImageTranslation.ContainsKey(entry.Type))
                imageRegion = _inventoryToImageTranslation[entry.Type];
                imageRegion = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF(0, 0, ICON_SLOT_WIDTH, ICON_SLOT_HEIGHT);

            imageRegion.Right  += imageRegion.Left;
            imageRegion.Bottom += imageRegion.Top;

            drawRegion.Right  += drawRegion.Left;
            drawRegion.Bottom += drawRegion.Top;

            if (_inventoryToImageTranslation.ContainsKey(entry.Type))
                _device.DrawBitmap(_inventorySheet, drawRegion, (float)Config.Opacity / 255, SharpDX.Direct2D1.BitmapInterpolationMode.Linear, imageRegion);

            if (entry.HasQuantity)
                Point textSize = _graphics.MeasureString(_consolas16Bold, entry.Quantity.ToString());
                _graphics.DrawText(_consolas16Bold, _white, imageX, imageY + ICON_SLOT_HEIGHT - textSize.Y, entry.Quantity.ToString());
 public void DrawText(String message, String fontFamily, float fontSize, System.Drawing.Color clr, System.Drawing.Rectangle area)
     SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextFormat            fmt   = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextFormat(dwFactory, fontFamily, fontSize);
     SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF rect  = ToRectangle(area);
     SharpDX.Direct2D1.SolidColorBrush         brush = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.SolidColorBrush(d2dRenderTarget, ToColor(clr));
     d2dRenderTarget.DrawText(message, fmt, rect, brush);
        private void DrawTexture(SharpDX.Direct2D1.RenderTarget renderTarget, Texture2D texture)
            using (var surf = texture.QueryInterface <SharpDX.DXGI.Surface1>())
                var prop = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.BitmapProperties(new SharpDX.Direct2D1.PixelFormat(SharpDX.DXGI.Format.B8G8R8A8_UNorm, SharpDX.Direct2D1.AlphaMode.Premultiplied));
                SharpDX.Direct2D1.Bitmap screenBits = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.Bitmap(renderTarget, surf, prop);
                    var   srcDecr   = surf.Description;
                    float srcWidth  = srcDecr.Width;
                    float srcHeight = srcDecr.Height;

                    float destX      = 0;
                    float destY      = 0;
                    float destWidth  = DestSize.Width;
                    float destHeight = DestSize.Height;

                    float scaleX = destWidth / srcWidth;
                    float scaleY = destHeight / srcHeight;

                    if (AspectRatio)
                        if (scaleY < scaleX)
                            scaleX = scaleY;
                            destX  = ((destWidth - srcWidth * scaleX) / 2);
                            scaleY = scaleX;
                            destY  = ((destHeight - srcHeight * scaleY) / 2);

                    destWidth  = srcWidth * scaleX;
                    destHeight = srcHeight * scaleY;

                    var destRect = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF
                        Left   = destX,
                        Right  = destX + destWidth,
                        Top    = destY,
                        Bottom = destY + destHeight,

                    renderTarget.DrawBitmap(screenBits, destRect, 1.0f, SharpDX.Direct2D1.BitmapInterpolationMode.Linear);
        public void FillRectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height, System.Drawing.Color clr)
            SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF rect = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF
                Left   = x,
                Top    = y,
                Right  = x + width,
                Bottom = y + height
            SharpDX.Direct2D1.SolidColorBrush brush = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.SolidColorBrush(d2dRenderTarget, ToColor(clr));

            d2dRenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect, brush);
        public static void DrawSlowBoxShadow(RenderTarget g, Rectangle rect, int width)
            float      f     = Util.GetScaleFactor();
            RectangleF rectf = new RectangleF(rect.X / f, rect.Y / f, rect.Width / f, rect.Height / f);

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                Color           _c = Slerp(sc1, sc2, i / (float)width);;
                SolidColorBrush b  = new SolidColorBrush(g,
                                                         new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawColor4(_c.R / 255f, _c.G / 255f, _c.B / 255f, _c.A / 255f));
                var rrect = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF(rectf.Left, rectf.Top, rectf.Right, rectf.Bottom);
                g.DrawRectangle(rrect, b, 1);
                rectf = rectf.Expand(1);
        /// <summary>
        /// начальная инициализация формы, игровых часов и цветов
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void initForm()
            mainRenderForm = new RenderForm(gameFormTitle);
            Factory        = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.Factory(SharpDX.Direct2D1.FactoryType.SingleThreaded);

            fpsModel = new FPSModel()
                FPS = 60

            fpsTextBox   = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF(4, 32, 255, 4);
            TitleTextBox = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF(4, 4, 255, 4);

            textFormat = new TextFormat(new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Factory(), "Tahoma", 15)
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Leading, ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center
            mainRenderForm.Width  = FormStyle.Width;
            mainRenderForm.Height = FormStyle.Height;
            fps       = fpsModel.FPS;
            gameClock = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            rndTargetProperties  = new RenderTargetProperties(new PixelFormat(Format.B8G8R8A8_UNorm, SharpDX.Direct2D1.AlphaMode.Premultiplied));
            hwndTargetProperties = new HwndRenderTargetProperties();

            hwndTargetProperties.Hwnd           = mainRenderForm.Handle;
            hwndTargetProperties.PixelSize      = new Size2(mainRenderForm.ClientSize.Width, mainRenderForm.ClientSize.Height);
            hwndTargetProperties.PresentOptions = PresentOptions.None;

            RenderTarget = new WindowRenderTarget(Factory, rndTargetProperties, hwndTargetProperties);

            blackBrush  = new SolidColorBrush(RenderTarget, SharpDX.Color.Black);
            greenBrush  = new SolidColorBrush(RenderTarget, SharpDX.Color.Green);
            yellowBrush = new SolidColorBrush(RenderTarget, SharpDX.Color.YellowGreen);

文件: Screen.cs 项目: TETYYS/socon
 static Screen()
     ScreenSize = new Size((int)System.Windows.SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth, (int)System.Windows.SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight);
     ScreenRect = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF(0, 0, ScreenSize.Width, ScreenSize.Height);
        // SharpDX.Direct2D1.RenderTarget の拡張メソッド

        /// <summary>
        ///     指定した領域をクリアする。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rt">レンダーターゲット。</param>
        /// <param name="color">クリアする色。</param>
        /// <param name="rect">クリアする領域。</param>
        public static void Clear(this SharpDX.Direct2D1.RenderTarget rt, Color color, SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF rect)
            rt.PushAxisAlignedClip(rect, SharpDX.Direct2D1.AntialiasMode.PerPrimitive);
 public DUIRectangleF(System.Drawing.RectangleF rectangle)
     this.rectangle    = rectangle;
     this.dxRectangleF = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF(this.rectangle.Left, this.rectangle.Top, this.rectangle.Right, this.rectangle.Bottom);
        private void InventoryDraw(OverlayWindow w, Graphics g, int xOffset, int yOffset)
            foreach (InventoryEntry inv in Program.gameMemory.PlayerInventory)
                if (inv == default || inv.SlotPosition < 0 || inv.SlotPosition > 19 || inv.IsEmptySlot)

                int        slotColumn     = inv.SlotPosition % 4;
                int        slotRow        = inv.SlotPosition / 4;
                int        imageX         = xOffset + (slotColumn * Program.INV_SLOT_WIDTH);
                int        imageY         = yOffset + (slotRow * Program.INV_SLOT_HEIGHT);
                int        textX          = imageX + (int)(Program.INV_SLOT_WIDTH * 0.7);
                int        textY          = imageY + (int)(Program.INV_SLOT_HEIGHT * 0.7);
                bool       evenSlotColumn = slotColumn % 2 == 0;
                SolidBrush textBrush      = whiteBrush;

                if (inv.Quantity == 0)
                    textBrush = darkRedBrush;

                System.Drawing.Rectangle r;
                SharpDX.Direct2D1.Bitmap b;
                Weapon weapon;
                if (inv.IsItem && Program.ItemToImageTranslation.ContainsKey(inv.ItemID))
                    r = Program.ItemToImageTranslation[inv.ItemID];
                    if (inv.ItemID == ItemEnumeration.OldKey)
                        b = inventoryImagePatch1;
                        b = inventoryImage;
                else if (inv.IsWeapon && Program.WeaponToImageTranslation.ContainsKey(weapon = new Weapon()
                    WeaponID = inv.WeaponID, Attachments = inv.Attachments
                    r = Program.WeaponToImageTranslation[weapon];
                    b = inventoryImage;
                    r = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, Program.INV_SLOT_WIDTH, Program.INV_SLOT_HEIGHT);
                    b = inventoryError;

                // Double-slot item.
                if (b.Size.Width == Program.INV_SLOT_WIDTH * 2)
                    // Shift the quantity text over into the 2nd slot's area.
                    textX += Program.INV_SLOT_WIDTH;

                SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF drrf = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF(imageX, imageY, imageX + r.Width, imageY + r.Height);
                using (SharpDX.Direct2D1.Bitmap croppedBitmap = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.Bitmap(g.GetRenderTarget(), new SharpDX.Size2(r.Width, r.Height), new SharpDX.Direct2D1.BitmapProperties()
                    PixelFormat = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.PixelFormat()
                        AlphaMode = SharpDX.Direct2D1.AlphaMode.Premultiplied,
                        Format = SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm
                    croppedBitmap.CopyFromBitmap(b, new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawPoint(0, 0), RectangleToRawRectangle(r));
                    g.GetRenderTarget().DrawBitmap(croppedBitmap, drrf, 1f, SharpDX.Direct2D1.BitmapInterpolationMode.Linear);
                g.DrawText(consolasBold, 18f, textBrush, textX, textY, (inv.Quantity != -1) ? inv.Quantity.ToString() : "∞");
        private void sDXThread(object sender)
            SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF rec = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF();
            rec.Bottom = yResolution;
            rec.Top    = 0;
            rec.Right  = xResolution;
            rec.Left   = 0;
            SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF rec1 = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF();
            rec1.Bottom = 187f / 1080f * yResolution;
            rec1.Top    = 31f / 1080f * yResolution;
            rec1.Right  = (1636f - 78f * 4f + xAdjustment) / 1920f * xResolution;
            rec1.Left   = (1559f - 78f * 4f + xAdjustment) / 1920f * xResolution;
            SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF rec2 = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF();
            rec2.Bottom = 187f / 1080f * yResolution;
            rec2.Top    = 31f / 1080f * yResolution;
            rec2.Right  = (1636f - 78f * 3f + xAdjustment) / 1920f * xResolution;
            rec2.Left   = (1559f - 78f * 3f + xAdjustment) / 1920f * xResolution;
            SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF rec3 = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF();
            rec3.Bottom = 187f / 1080f * yResolution;
            rec3.Top    = 31f / 1080f * yResolution;
            rec3.Right  = (1636f - 78f * 2f + xAdjustment) / 1920f * xResolution;
            rec3.Left   = (1559f - 78f * 2f + xAdjustment) / 1920f * xResolution;
            SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF rec4 = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF();
            rec4.Bottom = 187f / 1080f * yResolution;
            rec4.Top    = 31f / 1080f * yResolution;
            rec4.Right  = (1636f - 78f + xAdjustment) / 1920f * xResolution;
            rec4.Left   = (1559f - 78f + xAdjustment) / 1920f * xResolution;
            SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF rec5 = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF();
            rec5.Bottom = 187f / 1080f * yResolution;
            rec5.Top    = 31f / 1080f * yResolution;
            rec5.Right  = (1636f + xAdjustment) / 1920f * xResolution;
            rec5.Left   = (1559f + xAdjustment) / 1920f * xResolution;
            SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF recwc = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF();
            recwc.Bottom = (276f / 1080) * yResolution;
            recwc.Top    = (224f / 1080) * yResolution;
            recwc.Right  = (1641f / 1920f) * xResolution;
            recwc.Left   = (1589f / 1920f) * xResolution;
            List <SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF> rectangles = new List <SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF>();

            SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawColor4 r4color2 = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawColor4();
            r4color2.A = 255;
            r4color2.R = 125;
            r4color2.G = 0;
            r4color2.B = 0;
            while (true)
                SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawColor4 transparent = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawColor4();
                transparent.A = 0;
                transparent.R = 255;
                transparent.G = 255;
                transparent.B = 255;
                solidColorBrush.Color = r4color2;
                for (int i = 0; i <= Flasks.Count() - 1; i++)
                    if (Flasks[i].inUse && Flasks[i].visible)
                        if (Flasks[i].useDuration > 0)
                            device.DrawBitmap(LoadFromFile(device, Flasks[i].flaskImageLocation), rectangles[i], flaskAlpha / 100, BitmapInterpolationMode.Linear, rec);
                if (WCCD && showWC)
                    device.DrawBitmap(LoadFromFile(device, "FlaskImages\\WC.png"), recwc, 1.0f, BitmapInterpolationMode.Linear, rec);

            //whatever you want
        private void RenderOverlay()
            Point textSize;

            int xWidth = 216;

            int yHeight = 29;
            int yMargin = 10;

            int alignX = _graphics.Width - xWidth;
            int alignY = 0;

            int baseX = alignX - 10;
            int baseY = alignY + 10;

            int offsetX = baseX;
            int offsetY = baseY;

            for (int i = 0; i < _gameMemory.Characters.Length; ++i)
                CharacterEntry entry = _gameMemory.Characters[i];

                SolidBrush healthBrush;

                if (!entry.IsAlive)
                    healthBrush = _red;
                else if (entry.IsPoison)
                    healthBrush = _violet;
                else if (entry.IsCaution)
                    healthBrush = _gold;
                else if (entry.IsDanger)
                    healthBrush = _red;
                    healthBrush = _green;

                int imageX = offsetX;
                int imageY = offsetY += i > 0 ? CHR_SLOT_HEIGHT : 0;

                int textX = imageX + CHR_SLOT_WIDTH + 2;
                int textY = imageY + 1;

                SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF drawRegion = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF(imageX, imageY, CHR_SLOT_WIDTH, CHR_SLOT_HEIGHT);
                SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF imageRegion;

                if (_characterToImageTranslation.ContainsKey(entry.Character))
                    imageRegion = _characterToImageTranslation[entry.Character];
                    imageRegion = new SharpDX.Mathematics.Interop.RawRectangleF(0, 0, CHR_SLOT_WIDTH, CHR_SLOT_HEIGHT);

                imageRegion.Right  += imageRegion.Left;
                imageRegion.Bottom += imageRegion.Top;

                drawRegion.Right  += drawRegion.Left;
                drawRegion.Bottom += drawRegion.Top;

                if (_characterToImageTranslation.ContainsKey(entry.Character))
                    _device.DrawBitmap(_characterSheet, drawRegion, (float)Config.Opacity / 255, SharpDX.Direct2D1.BitmapInterpolationMode.Linear, imageRegion);

                DrawProgressBar(_darkergrey, healthBrush, textX, textY, 172, 36, entry.CurrentHP, entry.MaximumHP);
                DrawText(_consolas14Bold, _white, textX + 5, textY + 10, entry.HealthMessage);

            if (Config.ShowTimer)
                int timerX = offsetX + 3;
                int timerY = offsetY += CHR_SLOT_HEIGHT;

                textSize = DrawText(_consolas32Bold, _white, timerX, timerY, _gameMemory.IGT.FormattedString);
                offsetY += (int)textSize.Y + yMargin;
                offsetY += CHR_SLOT_HEIGHT + yMargin;

            if (Config.Debug)
                textSize = DrawText(_consolas16Bold, _grey, offsetX, offsetY, String.Format("T: {0:0000000000}", _gameMemory.IGT.FrameCount.ToString("D10")));
                offsetY += (int)textSize.Y;

                textSize = DrawText(_consolas16Bold, _grey, offsetX, offsetY, String.Format("P: {0}", _gameMemory.Process.ProcessName));
                offsetY += (int)textSize.Y;

                textSize = DrawText(_consolas16Bold, _grey, offsetX, offsetY, String.Format("I: {0}", _gameMemory.Process.Id.ToString()));
                offsetY += (int)textSize.Y + yMargin;

            if (Config.ShowEnemy)
                int headerX = offsetX + 3;
                int headerY = offsetY;

                textSize = DrawText(_consolas16Bold, _red, headerX, headerY, "Enemy HP");
                offsetY += (int)textSize.Y + yMargin;

                int index = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < _gameMemory.Enemy.Length; ++i)
                    EnemyEntry enemy = _gameMemory.Enemy[i];

                    if (enemy.IsEmpty)

                    int healthX = offsetX - 2;
                    int healthY = offsetY += ++index > 0 ? yHeight : 0;

                    DrawProgressBar(_darkergrey, _darkred, healthX, healthY, xWidth, yHeight, enemy.DisplayHP, enemy.MaximumHP);
                    DrawText(_consolas14Bold, _red, healthX + 5, healthY + 5, enemy.HealthMessage);