public GetPalFunc getPalFunc() { return(SharedUtils.readPalFromBin(new[] { "pal-chemistry.bin" })); }
public GetVideoChunkFunc getVideoChunkFunc() { return(SharedUtils.getVideoChunk("chr1.bin")); }
public GetVideoChunkFunc getVideoChunkFunc() { return(SharedUtils.getVideoChunk(new[] { "chr7-1.bin" })); }
public GetVideoChunkFunc getVideoChunkFunc() { return(SharedUtils.getVideoChunk(new[] { "chr1(b).bin", "chr1(e).bin" })); }
public GetPalFunc getPalFunc() { return(SharedUtils.readPalFromBin(new[] { "pal1-4(a).bin" })); }
public override void Start() { base.Start(); Debug.Log("Player controller start"); if (!CameraRoot) { CameraRoot = transform.Find("CameraRoot"); } if (!ModelRoot) { ModelRoot = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; } if (!MovementComponent) { MovementComponent = GetComponent <PlayerMovementComponent>(); } if (!WeaponComponent) { WeaponComponent = GetComponentInChildren <PlayerWeaponComponent>(); } if (!CameraZoomComponent) { CameraZoomComponent = GetComponentInChildren <PlayerCameraZoomComponent>(true); } if (!DeathComponent) { DeathComponent = GetComponentInChildren <PlayerDeathComponent>(); } if (!ShieldComponent) { ShieldComponent = GetComponent <PlayerShieldComponent>(); } if (LightReportingComponent == null) { LightReportingComponent = GetComponentInChildren <IReportLight>() as MonoBehaviour; } if (!HUDScript) { HUDScript = SharedUtils.TryGetHudController() as RpgHUDController; } if (!HUDScript && AutoinitHud) { Instantiate <GameObject>(CoreUtils.LoadResource <GameObject>("UI/DefaultWorldHUD"), CoreUtils.GetUIRoot()); if (EventSystem.current == null) { Instantiate(CoreUtils.LoadResource <GameObject>("UI/DefaultEventSystem")); } HUDScript = SharedUtils.TryGetHudController() as RpgHUDController; if (HUDScript == null) { Debug.LogError("[PlayerController] Failed to initialize HUD properly"); } } MessageInterface = new QdmsMessageInterface(gameObject); LockPauseModule.CaptureMouse = true; SetDefaultPlayerView(); SetInitialViewModels(); ShieldComponent.Ref()?.HandleLoadStart(); TryExecuteOnComponents(component => component.Init(this)); Initialized = true; }
private void GenerateNonceBytesOnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Nonce.Text = SharedUtils.BytesToHexString(SharedUtils.GenerateNonceBytes()); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an autosave /// </summary> public static void DoAutoSave(bool force) { if (!CoreParams.AllowSaveLoad) { if (force) //you are not allowed to force a save if it's globally disabled; the assumption is that if it's globally disabled, it won't work at all { throw new NotSupportedException("Save/Load is disabled in core params!"); } throw new SaveNotAllowedException(); } if (GameState.Instance.SaveLocked && !force) { throw new SaveNotAllowedException(); //don't autosave if we're not allowed to } if (ConfigState.Instance.AutosaveCount <= 0 && !force) { throw new SaveNotAllowedException(); //don't autosave if we've disabled it } //autosave format will be a_<hash>_<index> //since we aren't supporting campaign-unique autosaves, yet, hash will just be 0 string campaignId = "0"; string filterString = $"a_{campaignId}_"; string savePath = CoreParams.SavePath; DirectoryInfo saveDInfo = new DirectoryInfo(savePath); FileInfo[] savesFInfo = saveDInfo.GetFiles().Where(f => f.Name.StartsWith(filterString)).OrderBy(f => f.Name).Reverse().ToArray(); //Debug.Log(savesFInfo.Select(f => f.Name).ToNiceString()); int highestSaveId = 1; foreach (var saveFI in savesFInfo) { try { var nameParts = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(saveFI.Name).Split('_'); int saveId = int.Parse(nameParts[2]); if (saveId > highestSaveId) { highestSaveId = saveId; } } catch (Exception) { Debug.LogError($"Found an invalid save file: {saveFI.Name}"); } } //save this autosave string newSaveName = $"a_{campaignId}_{highestSaveId + 1}.json"; SharedUtils.SaveGame(newSaveName, false); //remove old autosaves int numAutosaves = savesFInfo.Length + 1; for (int i = savesFInfo.Length - 1; i >= 0 && numAutosaves > ConfigState.Instance.AutosaveCount; i--) { var saveFI = savesFInfo[i]; try { File.Delete(Path.Combine(CoreParams.SavePath, saveFI.Name)); numAutosaves--; } catch (Exception) { Debug.LogError($"Failed to delete save file: {saveFI.Name}"); } } Debug.Log($"Autosave complete ({newSaveName})"); }
public GetPalFunc getPalFunc() { return(SharedUtils.readPalFromBin(new[] { "pal7-egypt1.bin" })); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { try { string fileName = null; string tsa = null; string hash = null; string policy = null; string nonce = null; bool cert = false; string outFile = null; string sslClientCertFile = null; string sslClientCertPass = null; string httpAuthLogin = null; string httpAuthPass = null; bool isAsics = false; if (args == null) { return; } int i = 0; if (0 >= args.Length) { ExitWithHelp(string.Empty); } while (i < args.Length) { switch (args[i]) { case "--file": fileName = args[++i]; break; case "--tsa": tsa = args[++i]; break; case "--out": outFile = args[++i]; break; case "--hash": hash = args[++i]; break; case "--policy": policy = args[++i]; break; case "--nonce": nonce = args[++i]; break; case "--cert-req": cert = true; break; case "--asics": isAsics = true; break; case "--ssl-client-cert-file": sslClientCertFile = args[++i]; break; case "--ssl-client-cert-pass": sslClientCertPass = args[++i]; break; case "--http-auth-login": httpAuthLogin = args[++i]; break; case "--http-auth-pass": httpAuthPass = args[++i]; break; default: ExitWithHelp("Invalid argument: " + args[i]); break; } i++; } X509Certificate2 sslCert = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sslClientCertFile)) { sslCert = new X509Certificate2(sslClientCertFile, sslClientCertPass); } NetworkCredential networkCredential = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpAuthLogin) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpAuthPass)) { networkCredential = new NetworkCredential(httpAuthLogin, httpAuthPass); } UserCredentials credentials = null; if (networkCredential != null || sslCert != null) { credentials = new UserCredentials(sslCert, networkCredential); } TimeStampToken token = SharedUtils.RequestTimeStamp(tsa, fileName, hash, policy, nonce, cert, credentials, new LogDelegate(LogMessage), true); if (isAsics) { SharedUtils.SaveToAsicSimple(fileName, token, outFile); } else { SharedUtils.SaveResponse(outFile, token); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); ExitWithHelp(null); } Console.WriteLine("Success"); }
public GetPalFunc getPalFunc() { return SharedUtils.readPalFromBin(new[] {"pal7-2.bin"}); }
public GetPalFunc getPalFunc() { return(SharedUtils.readPalFromBin(new[] { "pal6_000.bin", "pal6_001.bin", "pal6_002.bin", "pal6_003.bin" })); }
public GetVideoChunkFunc getVideoChunkFunc() { return(SharedUtils.getVideoChunk(new[] { "chr6_000.bin", "chr6_001.bin", "chr6_002.bin", "chr6_003.bin", "chr6_004.bin" })); }
public GetVideoChunkFunc getVideoChunkFunc() { return(SharedUtils.getVideoChunk(new[] { "chr3-2(bonus).bin" })); }
static void Load(string name) { SharedUtils.LoadGame(name, true); }
public void StartGame() { //start a new game the normal way SharedUtils.StartGame(); }
public GetPalFunc getPalFunc() { return(SharedUtils.readPalFromBin(new[] { "pal4-1(a).bin", "pal4-1(b).bin", "pal4-1(d).bin" })); }
public void OnClickContinue() { SharedUtils.LoadGame(SaveUtils.GetLastSave(), false); }
private async Task LoadSettings() { RetryButtonIsVisible = false; App.Settings.ConnectionDetails = new ConnectionDetails { PortNo = 8096 }; var doNotShowFirstRun = _applicationSettings.Get(Constants.Settings.DoNotShowFirstRun, false); if (!doNotShowFirstRun) { NavigationService.NavigateTo(Constants.Pages.FirstRun.WelcomeView); return; } SetProgressBar(AppResources.SysTrayLoadingSettings); #if !DEBUG //try //{ // if (!ApplicationManifest.Current.App.Title.ToLower().Contains("beta")) // { // var marketPlace = new MarketplaceInformationService(); // var appInfo = await marketPlace.GetAppInformationAsync(ApplicationManifest.Current.App.ProductId); // if (new Version(appInfo.Entry.Version) > new Version(ApplicationManifest.Current.App.Version) && // MessageBox.Show("There is a newer version, would you like to install it now?", "Update Available", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.OK) // { // new MarketplaceDetailService().Show(); // } // } //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // Log.ErrorException("GetAppInformationAsync()", ex); //} #endif // Get and set the app specific settings _specificSettings = _applicationSettings.Get <SpecificSettings>(Constants.Settings.SpecificSettings); if (_specificSettings != null) { SharedUtils.CopyItem(_specificSettings, App.SpecificSettings); } SetRunUnderLock(); _uploadSettings = _applicationSettings.Get <UploadSettings>(Constants.Settings.PhotoUploadSettings); if (_uploadSettings != null) { SharedUtils.CopyItem(_uploadSettings, App.UploadSettings); } _connectionDetails = _applicationSettings.Get <ConnectionDetails>(Constants.Settings.ConnectionSettings); _savedServer = _applicationSettings.Get <ServerInfo>(Constants.Settings.DefaultServerConnection); if (_savedServer != null) { _serverInfo.SetServerInfo(_savedServer); } else { NavigationService.NavigateTo(Constants.Pages.FirstRun.WelcomeView); return; } await ConnectToServer(); }
static void Commit() { BaseSceneController bsc = SharedUtils.GetSceneController(); bsc.Commit(); }
public Task <int> Execute() { return(ConsoleTask.ExecuteAsync(this, async(console) => { console.WriteLine("Connecting to innovator..."); var conn = await this.GetConnection().ConfigureAwait(false); var processor = new ExportProcessor(conn); var refsToExport = default(List <ItemReference>); var checkDependencies = true; console.Write("Identifying items to export... "); if (this.InputFile?.EndsWith(".innpkg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true || this.InputFile?.EndsWith(".mf", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true) { var exportScript = InnovatorPackage.Load(this.InputFile).Read(); refsToExport = exportScript.Lines .Where(l => l.Type == InstallType.Create) .Select(l => l.Reference) .Distinct() .ToList(); } else { var exportQuery = XElement.Parse("<AML><Item type='*' /></AML>"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.InputFile)) { exportQuery = XElement.Load(this.InputFile); } var firstItem = exportQuery.XPathSelectElement("//Item[1]"); if (firstItem == null) { throw new Exception("No item nodes could be found"); } var items = default(IEnumerable <XElement>); if (firstItem.Parent == null) { items = new[] { firstItem } } ; else { items = firstItem.Parent.Elements("Item"); } var version = await conn.FetchVersion(true).ConfigureAwait(false); var types = ExportAllType.Types.Where(t => t.Applies(version)).ToList(); var queries = GetQueryies(items, types).ToList(); checkDependencies = items.All(e => e.Attribute("type")?.Value != "*"); using (var prog = console.Progress()) { var toExport = await SharedUtils.TaskPool(30, (l, m) => prog.Report(l / 100.0), queries .Select(q => { var aml = new XElement(q); var levels = aml.Attribute("levels"); if (levels != null) { levels.Remove(); } return (Func <Task <QueryAndResult> >)(() => conn.ApplyAsync(aml, true, false) .ToTask() .ContinueWith(t => new QueryAndResult() { Query = q, Result = t.Result })); }) .ToArray()); refsToExport = toExport.SelectMany(r => { var refs = r.Result.Items() .Select(i => ItemReference.FromFullItem(i, true)) .ToList(); var levels = (int?)r.Query.Attribute("levels"); if (levels.HasValue) { foreach (var iRef in refs) { iRef.Levels = levels.Value; } } return refs; }) .Distinct() .ToList(); } } console.WriteLine("Done."); var script = new InstallScript { ExportUri = new Uri(Url), ExportDb = Database, Lines = Enumerable.Empty <InstallItem>(), Title = Title ?? System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Output), Creator = Author ?? Username, Website = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Website) ? null : new Uri(Website), Description = Description, Created = DateTime.Now, Modified = DateTime.Now }; console.Write("Exporting metadata... "); using (var prog = console.Progress()) { processor.ProgressChanged += (s, e) => prog.Report(e.Progress / 100.0); processor.ActionComplete += (s, e) => { if (e.Exception != null) { throw new AggregateException(e.Exception); } }; await processor.Export(script, refsToExport, checkDependencies); } console.WriteLine("Done."); WritePackage(console, script, Output, MultipleDirectories, CleanOutput); })); }
static void Save(string name) { SharedUtils.SaveGame(name, true, true); }
/// <summary> /// Map from a distance to a distance code. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// No side effects. _dist_code[256] and _dist_code[257] are never used. /// </remarks> internal static int DistanceCode(int dist) { return((dist < 256) ? _dist_code[dist] : _dist_code[256 + SharedUtils.URShift(dist, 7)]); }
static void Warp(string scene) { SharedUtils.ChangeScene(scene); }
public GetPalFunc getPalFunc() { return(SharedUtils.readPalFromBin("pal1-3.bin")); }
static void Reload() { SharedUtils.ChangeScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); }
public GetVideoPageAddrFunc getVideoPageAddrFunc() { return(SharedUtils.fakeVideoAddr()); }
static void EndGame() { SharedUtils.EndGame(); }
public GetPalFunc getPalFunc() { return(SharedUtils.readPalFromBin(new[] { "pal3.bin", "pal3-2.bin" })); }
public GetVideoChunkFunc getVideoChunkFunc() { return(SharedUtils.getVideoChunk(new[] { "chr-chemistry.bin" })); }