        private void PromptMe()
            // we can set our supported languages explicitly or we can allow the
            // game to support all the languages. the first language given will
            // be the default if the current language is not one of the supported
            // languages. this only affects the text found in message boxes shown
            // by EasyStorage and does not have any affect on the rest of the game.
            // on Windows Phone we use a save device that uses IsolatedStorage
            // on Windows and Xbox 360, we use a save device that gets a
            //shared StorageDevice to handle our file IO.
            // create and add our SaveDevice
            SharedSaveDevice sharedSaveDevice = new SharedSaveDevice();

            // make sure we hold on to the device
            saveDevice = sharedSaveDevice;
            // hook two event handlers to force the user to choose a new device if they cancel the
            // device selector or if they disconnect the storage device after selecting it
            sharedSaveDevice.DeviceSelectorCanceled +=
                (s, e) => e.Response             = SaveDeviceEventResponse.Force;
            sharedSaveDevice.DeviceDisconnected +=
                (s, e) => e.Response             = SaveDeviceEventResponse.Force;
            // prompt for a device on the first Update we can
            sharedSaveDevice.DeviceSelected += (s, e) =>
                //Save our save device to the global counterpart, so we can access it
                //anywhere we want to save/load
                Global.SaveDevice = (SaveDevice)s;
                //Once they select a storage device, we can load the main menu.
                //You'll notice I hard coded PlayerIndex.One here. You'll need to
                //change that if you plan on releasing your game. I linked to an
                //example on how to do that but here's the link if you need it.
                //<a href="http://blog.nickgravelyn.com/2009/03/basic-handling-of-multiple-controllers/">http://blog.nickgravelyn.com/2009/03/basic-handling-of-multiple-controllers/</a>
                ScreenManager.AddScreen(new MainMenuScreen(), null);
#if XBOX
            // add the GamerServicesComponent
                new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.GamerServicesComponent(ScreenManager.Game));
        public Game1()
            new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

            // we can set our supported languages explicitly or we can allow the
            // game to support all the languages. the first language given will
            // be the default if the current language is not one of the supported
            // languages. this only affects the text found in message boxes shown
            // by EasyStorage and does not have any affect on the rest of the game.
            EasyStorageSettings.SetSupportedLanguages(Language.French, Language.Spanish);

            // on PC we use a save that saves to the user's "Saved Games" folder instead
            // of using the Xna.Storage APIs

            // on Xbox, we use a save device that gets a shared StorageDevice to
            // handle our file IO.
            saveDevice = new PCSaveDevice("EasyStorageTestGame");
            // add the GamerServicesComponent
            Components.Add(new GamerServicesComponent(this));

            // create and add our SaveDevice
            SharedSaveDevice sharedSaveDevice = new SharedSaveDevice();

            // hook an event for when the device is selected to run our test
            sharedSaveDevice.DeviceSelected += (s, e) => TestDevice();

            // hook two event handlers to force the user to choose a new device if they cancel the
            // device selector or if they disconnect the storage device after selecting it
            sharedSaveDevice.DeviceSelectorCanceled += (s, e) => e.Response = SaveDeviceEventResponse.Force;
            sharedSaveDevice.DeviceDisconnected     += (s, e) => e.Response = SaveDeviceEventResponse.Force;

            // prompt for a device on the first Update we can

            // make sure we hold on to the device
            saveDevice = sharedSaveDevice;
        protected override void Initialize()
            // we can set our supported languages explicitly or we can allow the
            // game to support all the languages. the first language given will
            // be the default if the current language is not one of the supported
            // languages. this only affects the text found in message boxes shown
            // by EasyStorage and does not have any affect on the rest of the game.
            EasyStorageSettings.SetSupportedLanguages(Language.French, Language.Spanish);

            // on Windows Phone we use a save device that uses IsolatedStorage
            // on Windows and Xbox 360, we use a save device that gets a shared StorageDevice to handle our file IO.
            saveDevice = new IsolatedStorageSaveDevice();
            // create and add our SaveDevice
            SharedSaveDevice sharedSaveDevice = new SharedSaveDevice();

            // make sure we hold on to the device
            saveDevice = sharedSaveDevice;

            // hook two event handlers to force the user to choose a new device if they cancel the
            // device selector or if they disconnect the storage device after selecting it
            sharedSaveDevice.DeviceSelectorCanceled += (s, e) => e.Response = SaveDeviceEventResponse.Force;
            sharedSaveDevice.DeviceDisconnected     += (s, e) => e.Response = SaveDeviceEventResponse.Force;

            // prompt for a device on the first Update we can

            // we use the tap gesture for input on the phone
            TouchPanel.EnabledGestures = GestureType.Tap;

#if XBOX
            // add the GamerServicesComponent
            Components.Add(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.GamerServicesComponent(this));

            // hook an event so we can see that it does fire
            saveDevice.SaveCompleted += new SaveCompletedEventHandler(saveDevice_SaveCompleted);

        private void PromptMe()
            // we can set our supported languages explicitly or we can allow the
            // game to support all the languages. the first language given will
            // be the default if the current language is not one of the supported
            // languages. this only affects the text found in message boxes shown
            // by EasyStorage and does not have any affect on the rest of the game.
            // on Windows Phone we use a save device that uses IsolatedStorage
            // on Windows and Xbox 360, we use a save device that gets a
            //shared StorageDevice to handle our file IO.
            // create and add our SaveDevice
            SharedSaveDevice sharedSaveDevice = new SharedSaveDevice();

            // make sure we hold on to the device
            Global.SaveDevice = sharedSaveDevice;
            // hook two event handlers to force the user to choose a new device if they cancel the
            // device selector or if they disconnect the storage device after selecting it
            sharedSaveDevice.DeviceSelectorCanceled +=
                (s, e) => e.Response             = SaveDeviceEventResponse.Force;
            sharedSaveDevice.DeviceDisconnected +=
                (s, e) => e.Response             = SaveDeviceEventResponse.Force;
            // prompt for a device on the first Update we can
            sharedSaveDevice.DeviceSelected += (s, e) =>
                currentScreen = titleScreen;
#if XBOX
            // add the GamerServicesComponent
                new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.GamerServicesComponent(ScreenManager.Game));