private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { var accounts = context.CustomerAccounts.ToList(); int accountNo = 0; if (accounts.Count() > 0) { List<CustomerAccountsReportData> dataList = new List<CustomerAccountsReportData>(); List<CustomerAccountsReportDetail> detailsList = new List<CustomerAccountsReportDetail>(); foreach (var account in accounts) { accountNo++; var detail = new CustomerAccountsReportDetail(); var territory = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.TerritoryID == account.TerritoryID); var customer = context.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CustomerID == account.CustomerID); var product = context.Products.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProductID == account.ProductID); detail.AccountNumber = Convert.ToString(accountNo); detail.Customer = customer.CompanyName; detail.Discount = account.Discount; detail.Gross = account.Gross; detail.ModeOfPayment = account.ModeOfPayment; detail.NetValue = account.NetValue; detail.Product = product.ProductName; detail.ServiceCharge = account.ServiceCharge; detail.Territory = territory.TerritoryName; detailsList.Add(detail); } dataList.Add(new CustomerAccountsReportData() { ReportHeader = "CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS", ReportTitle = "CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS as of " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"), TotalCustomerAccounts = detailsList.Count(), details = detailsList }); var report = new CustomerAccountsReportDesign { DataSource = dataList.Distinct(), Name = "CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS as of " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy") }; using (ReportPrintTool printTool = new ReportPrintTool(report)) { printTool.ShowRibbonPreviewDialog(); } } else { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "No data to print."; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } }
private void NullMessage() { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Please select a record."; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); }
private async void RefreshTable(string str) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { string message = ""; busyIndicator.IsBusy = true; message = await QueryLoadCustomerAccounts(); if (message != null) { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = message; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } if (customerAccountsList.Count() > 0) { dcCustomerAccountsList.ItemsSource = customerAccountsList.Where (c => c.AccountNumber.ToLower().Contains(str.ToLower()) || c.Customer.ToLower().Contains(str.ToLower()) || c.Product.ToLower().Contains(str.ToLower()) || c.Territory.ToLower().Contains(str.ToLower())).ToList(); } else { dcCustomerAccountsList.ItemsSource = null; var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "No customer accounts"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } viewCustomerAccounts.BestFitColumns(); if (customerAccountsList.Count == 0) { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "List has no customer accounts."; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } busyIndicator.IsBusy = false; } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var context= new DatabaseContext()) { var selectedAccount = dcCustomerAccountsList.SelectedItem as CustomerAccountsView; if (selectedAccount != null) { var account = context.CustomerAccounts.FirstOrDefault(c => c.AccountNumber == selectedAccount.AccountNumber); if (account != null) { var window = new MessageBoxWindow("Are you sure you want to delete this record?"); window.Height = 0; window.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; window.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (window.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { window.Left += screenLeftEdge; } window.ShowDialog(); if (Variables.yesClicked == true) { var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd//yyyy"); log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " deleted " + selectedAccount.Customer + "'s customer account."; context.Logs.Add(log); context.CustomerAccounts.Remove(account); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Customer account successfully deleted"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); context.SaveChanges(); } } else { NullMessage(); } } LoadCustomerAccounts(); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { if (txtAddress.Text != "" && txtTerritoryName.Text != "") { if (TerritoryId > 0) { var territory = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.TerritoryID == TerritoryId); if (territory != null) { var territoryName = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault (c => c.TerritoryName.ToLower() == txtTerritoryName.Text.ToLower()); if (territoryName != null) { if (territory.TerritoryName.ToLower() == territoryName.TerritoryName.ToLower() && territory.Address.ToLower() == territoryName.Address.ToLower()) { territory.Address = txtAddress.Text; territory.TerritoryName = txtTerritoryName.Text; territory.PhoneNo = txtPhoneNo.Text; var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " modified " + territory.TerritoryName + " territory's details."; context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Territory successfully updated"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } else { var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " failed to modify " + territory.TerritoryName + " territory's details due to a similar territory is already existing."; context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Similar territory detected"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } } } else { var territory = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault (c => c.TerritoryName.ToLower() == txtTerritoryName.Text.ToLower() && c.Address.ToLower() == txtAddress.Text.ToLower() && c.PhoneNo.ToLower() == txtPhoneNo.Text.ToLower()); if (territory == null) { territory = new Territory(); territory.TerritoryName = txtTerritoryName.Text; territory.Address = txtAddress.Text; territory.PhoneNo = txtPhoneNo.Text; context.Territories.Add(territory); var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " created a territory. (" + territory.TerritoryName + ")"; context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Territory successfully created"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } else { var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " failed to modify " + territory.TerritoryName + " territory's details due to a similar territory is already existing."; context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Territory already exist"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } } else { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Please provide all fields associated with an asterisk(*)."; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { var lead = new Lead(); var territory = new Territory(); if(txtCompanyAddress.Text != "" && txtCompanyName.Text != "" && (cbStatus.Text != "" || cbStatus.Text != null) && (cbTerritory.Text != "" || cbTerritory.Text != null)) { if (LeadId > 0) { territory = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault (c => c.TerritoryName.ToLower() == cbTerritory.Text.ToLower()); lead = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault(c => c.LeadID == LeadId); if (lead != null) { var leadName = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault(c => c.LeadID == LeadId); if (leadName != null) { if (lead.CompanyName == leadName.CompanyName && lead.CompanyAddress == leadName.CompanyAddress) { lead.CompanyAddress = txtCompanyAddress.Text; lead.CompanyName = txtCompanyName.Text; lead.Status = cbStatus.Text; lead.TerritoryID = territory.TerritoryID; context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "LEAD SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); DialogResult = false; } else { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "SIMILAR LEAD DETECTED"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } } } else { territory = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault (c => c.TerritoryName.ToLower() == cbTerritory.Text.ToLower()); lead = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault (c => c.CompanyName.ToLower() == txtCompanyName.Text.ToLower() && c.CompanyAddress.ToLower() == txtCompanyAddress.Text.ToLower() && c.TerritoryID == territory.TerritoryID); if (lead == null) { lead = new Lead(); lead.CompanyAddress = txtCompanyAddress.Text; lead.CompanyName = txtCompanyName.Text; lead.Status = cbStatus.Text; lead.TerritoryID = territory.TerritoryID; context.Leads.Add(lead); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "LEAD SUCCESSFULLY CREATED"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); DialogResult = false; } else { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "LEAD ALREADY EXIST"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } } else { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "PLEASE PROVIDE ALL ASSOCIATED WITH ASTERISKS(*)"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { var lead = new Lead(); var territory = new Territory(); if(txtCompanyAddress.Text != "" && txtCompanyName.Text != "" && (cbStatus.Text != "" || cbStatus.Text != null) && (cbTerritory.Text != "" || cbTerritory.Text != null) && (cbMarketingStrategy.Text!="" || cbMarketingStrategy.Text != null)) { if (LeadId > 0) { #region edit territory = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault (c => c.TerritoryName.ToLower() == cbTerritory.Text.ToLower()); lead = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault(c => c.LeadID == LeadId); if (lead != null) { var duplicateName = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault (c => (c.LeadID == lead.LeadID) && (c.CompanyName.ToLower() == txtCompanyName.Text.ToLower())); var existingLead = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault (c => c.CompanyName.ToLower() == txtCompanyName.Text.ToLower()); if (duplicateName != null || existingLead == null) { var marketingStrategy = context.MarketingStrategies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Description.ToLower() == cbMarketingStrategy.Text.ToLower()); lead.CompanyAddress = txtCompanyAddress.Text; lead.CompanyName = txtCompanyName.Text; lead.Status = cbStatus.Text; lead.TerritoryID = territory.TerritoryID; lead.IsActive = tsActiveCheck.IsChecked.Value; if (marketingStrategy != null) { lead.MarketingStrategyId = marketingStrategy.MarketingStrategyId; } else { lead.MarketingStrategyId = 0; } if (lbLeadsProducts != null) { foreach (var product in lbLeadsProducts.Items) { var productId = context.Products.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProductName == (string) product); if (productId != null) { var products = context.LeadsProducts.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProductId == productId.ProductID && c.LeadId == LeadId); if (products != null) { products.LeadId = LeadId; products.ProductId = productId.ProductID; } } } } var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " modifies " + lead.CompanyName + "'s details."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Lead successfully updated"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } else { var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Similar lead detected"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " fails to modify " + lead.CompanyName + " due to a similar lead is detected."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); } } #endregion } else { #region add territory = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault (c => c.TerritoryName.ToLower() == cbTerritory.Text.ToLower()); lead = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault (c => c.CompanyName.ToLower() == txtCompanyName.Text.ToLower() && (c.CompanyAddress.ToLower() == txtCompanyAddress.Text.ToLower() || c.TerritoryID == territory.TerritoryID)); if (lead == null) { lead = new Lead(); var marketingStrategy = context.MarketingStrategies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Description.ToLower() == cbMarketingStrategy.Text.ToLower()); lead.CompanyAddress = txtCompanyAddress.Text; lead.CompanyName = txtCompanyName.Text; lead.Status = cbStatus.Text; lead.TerritoryID = territory.TerritoryID; lead.IsActive = tsActiveCheck.IsChecked.Value; lead.DateAdded = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); if (marketingStrategy != null) { lead.MarketingStrategyId = marketingStrategy.MarketingStrategyId; } else { lead.MarketingStrategyId = 0; } if (lbLeadsProducts != null) { foreach (var product in lbLeadsProducts.Items) { var productId = context.Products.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProductName == (string) product); if (productId != null) { var products = context.LeadsProducts.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProductId == productId.ProductID && c.LeadId == LeadId); if (products == null) { products = new LeadsProduct(); context.LeadsProducts.Add(new LeadsProduct { ProductId = productId.ProductID, LeadId = products.LeadId }); } } } } context.Leads.Add(lead); var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " creates a new lead. (" + txtCompanyName.Text + ")"; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Lead successfully created"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } else { var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " fails to create a new lead due to the lead is already existing."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Lead already exists"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } #endregion } } else { var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Please provide all boxes labeled with an asterisk(*)."; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "An activity cannot be deleted."; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); //using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) //{ // var selectedActivity = dcLeadActivitiesList.SelectedItem as ActivityView; // if (selectedActivity != null) // { // var activity = context.LeadActivities.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ActivityID == selectedActivity.ActivityId); // if (activity != null) // { // var window = new MessageBoxWindow("Are you sure you want to delete this record?"); // window.Height = 0; // window.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; // window.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (window.Width / 2); // if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { window.Left += screenLeftEdge; } // window.ShowDialog(); // if (Variables.yesClicked == true) // { // if (activity.ActivityDate != null && activity.ActivityTime != null) // { // context.LeadActivities.Remove(activity); // var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); // Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Activity successfully deleted"; // windows.Height = 0; // windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; // windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); // if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } // windows.ShowDialog(); // context.SaveChanges(); // } // else // { // var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); // Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Activity is still not done."; // windows.Height = 0; // windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; // windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); // if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } // windows.ShowDialog(); // } // } // } // } // else // { // NullMessage(); // } // LoadMethod(txtSearch.Text); //} }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { var selectedEmployee = dcEmployeesList.SelectedItem as EmployeeView; if (selectedEmployee != null) { var employee = context.Employees.FirstOrDefault(c => c.EmployeeId == selectedEmployee.EmployeeId); if (employee != null) { var window = new MessageBoxWindow("Are you sure you want to delete this record?"); window.Height = 0; window.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; window.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (window.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { window.Left += screenLeftEdge; } window.ShowDialog(); if (Variables.yesClicked == true) { context.Employees.Remove(employee); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "LEAD SUCCESSFULLY DELETED"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); context.SaveChanges(); } else { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "DELETION CANCELLED"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } } LoadEmployees(); } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { var selectedterritories = dcTerritoryList.SelectedItem as TerritoryView; if (selectedterritories != null) { var terri = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.TerritoryID == selectedterritories.TerritoryID); if (terri != null) { var window = new MessageBoxWindow("Are you sure you want to delete this record?"); window.Height = 0; window.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; window.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (window.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { window.Left += screenLeftEdge; } window.ShowDialog(); if (Variables.yesClicked == true) { context.Territories.Remove(terri); var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " deleted " + selectedterritories.TerritoryName + " territory."; context.Logs.Add(log); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Territory successfully deleted"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); context.SaveChanges(); LoadMethod(txtSearch.Text); } } } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { var sale = new SalesStage(); if (txtRankNo.Text != "" && txtSalesStageName.Text != "") { if (SalesStageId > 0) { var sales = context.SalesStages.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SalesStageID == SalesStageId); if (sales != null) { var stagename = context.SalesStages.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SalesStageName == txtSalesStageName.Text); if (stagename != null) { if (sales.SalesStageName.ToLower() == stagename.SalesStageName.ToLower() && sales.RankNo == stagename.RankNo) { sales.RankNo = Convert.ToInt32(txtRankNo.Text); sales.SalesStageName = txtSalesStageName.Text; var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " modified " + sales.SalesStageName + "'s details."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Sales Stage successfully updated"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } else { var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " failed to modify " + sales.SalesStageName + "'s details due to a similar stage is already existing."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Similar Stage detected"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } else { sales.RankNo = Convert.ToInt32(txtRankNo.Text); sales.SalesStageName = txtSalesStageName.Text; var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " modified " + sales.SalesStageName + "'s details."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Sales Stage successfully updated"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } } else { var Stages = context.SalesStages.FirstOrDefault (c => c.SalesStageName.ToLower() == txtSalesStageName.Text.ToLower()); if (Stages == null) { Stages = new SalesStage(); Stages.SalesStageName = txtSalesStageName.Text; Stages.RankNo =Convert.ToInt32 (txtRankNo.Text); var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " created a sales stage. (" + txtSalesStageName.Text + ")"; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SalesStages.Add(Stages); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Sale Stage successfully created"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } else { var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " failed to create due to a similar stage is already existing."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Sale Stage already exists"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } } else { var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Please provide all fields associated with an asterisk(*)."; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } }
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { int customerNo = 0; if (customersList.Count() > 0) { List<CustomersReportData> dataList = new List<CustomersReportData>(); List<CustomersReportDetail> detailsList = new List<CustomersReportDetail>(); foreach (var customer in customersList.OrderBy(c => c.CustomerID)) { customerNo++; var detail = new CustomersReportDetail(); var lead = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault (c => c.CompanyName.ToLower() == customer.CompanyName.ToLower()); detail.CompanyAddress = customer.CompanyAddress; detail.CompanyName = customer.CompanyName; detail.CustomerID = customerNo; detail.DateSigned = customer.DateSigned; detail.Email = customer.Email; if (lead != null) { detail.FromLead = "FROM LEAD"; } else { detail.FromLead = ""; } detail.PhoneNo = customer.PhoneNo; detail.Website = customer.Website; detailsList.Add(detail); } dataList.Add(new CustomersReportData() { ReportHeader = "CUSTOMERS", ReportTitle = "CUSTOMERS as of " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"), TotalCustomers = detailsList.Count(), details = detailsList }); var report = new CustomersReportDesign { DataSource = dataList.Distinct(), Name = "CUSTOMERS as of " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy") }; using (ReportPrintTool printTool = new ReportPrintTool(report)) { printTool.ShowRibbonPreviewDialog(); } } else { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "No data to print."; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var context= new DatabaseContext()) { var selectedCustomer = dcCustomersList.SelectedItem as CustomersView; if (selectedCustomer != null) { var customer = context.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CustomerID == selectedCustomer.CustomerID); if (customer != null) { var window = new MessageBoxWindow("Are you sure you want to delete this record?"); window.Height = 0; window.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; window.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (window.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { window.Left += screenLeftEdge; } window.ShowDialog(); if (Variables.yesClicked == true) { context.Customers.Remove(customer); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Customer successfully deleted"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); context.SaveChanges(); } } else { NullMessage(); } } LoadCustomers(); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (EmployeeId > 0) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { var employee = context.Employees.FirstOrDefault(c => c.EmployeeId == EmployeeId); if (employee != null) { employee.Address = txtAddress.Text; employee.EmailAddress = txtEmailAddress.Text; employee.EmployeeId = Convert.ToInt32(txtEmployeeId.Text); employee.FaxNo = txtFaxNo.Text; employee.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; employee.LastName = txtLastName.Text; employee.MiddleName = txtMiddleName.Text; employee.PhoneNo = txtPhoneNo.Text; employee.Position = txtPosition.Text; employee.Territory = cbTerritory.Text; var employeeName = context.Employees.FirstOrDefault (c => c.FirstName.ToLower() == txtFirstName.Text.ToLower() && c.MiddleName.ToLower() == txtMiddleName.Text.ToLower() && c.LastName.ToLower() == txtLastName.Text.ToLower()); if (employeeName == null) { context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Successfully updated"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } } } } else { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { var employeeName = context.Employees.FirstOrDefault (c => c.FirstName.ToLower() == txtFirstName.Text.ToLower() && c.MiddleName.ToLower() == txtMiddleName.Text.ToLower() && c.LastName.ToLower() == txtLastName.Text.ToLower()); if (employeeName == null) { var employee = new Employee(); employee.Address = txtAddress.Text; employee.EmailAddress = txtEmailAddress.Text; employee.EmployeeId = Convert.ToInt32(txtEmployeeId.Text); employee.FaxNo = txtFaxNo.Text; employee.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; employee.LastName = txtLastName.Text; employee.MiddleName = txtMiddleName.Text; employee.PhoneNo = txtPhoneNo.Text; employee.Position = txtPosition.Text; employee.Territory = cbTerritory.Text; context.Employees.Add(employee); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Employee succesfully created"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "A name similar to this employee is already existing."; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } } }
private async void RefreshTable(string str) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { string message = ""; busyIndicator.IsBusy = true; message = await QueryLoadSalesStages(); if (message != null) { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = message; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } dcSalesStagesList.ItemsSource = salessatageList.Where (c => (c.SalesStageName.ToLower().Contains(txtSearch.Text.ToLower()))). OrderBy(c => c.RankNo).ToList(); viewSalesStages.BestFitColumns(); if (salessatageList.Count == 0) { var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "List has no Sales Stages."; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } busyIndicator.IsBusy = false; } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { var prodcat = new ProductCategory(); if (txtCategoryName.Text != "" && txtCategoryName.Text != null) { if (ProdCategoryId > 0) { var category = context.ProductCategories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CategoryID == ProdCategoryId); if (category != null) { var duplicateCategory = context.ProductCategories.FirstOrDefault (c => c.CategoryID == category.CategoryID && c.CategoryName.ToLower() == txtCategoryName.Text.ToLower()); var existingCategory = context.ProductCategories.FirstOrDefault (c => c.CategoryName.ToLower() == txtCategoryName.Text.ToLower()); if (duplicateCategory != null || existingCategory == null) { category.CategoryID = Convert.ToInt32(txtCategoryId.Text); category.CategoryName = txtCategoryName.Text; var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " modifies " + category.CategoryName + "'s product category details."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Product category successfully updated"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } else { var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " fails to modify " + category.CategoryName + "'s details due to a similar product category is already existing."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Similar product category detected"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } } else { var category = context.ProductCategories.FirstOrDefault (c => c.CategoryName.ToLower() == txtCategoryName.Text.ToLower()); if (category == null) { category = new ProductCategory(); category.CategoryName = txtCategoryName.Text; context.ProductCategories.Add(category); var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " creates a new product category. (" + txtCategoryName.Text + ")"; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Product category successfully created"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } else { var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " fails to create due to a similar product category is already existing."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Product category already exists"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } } else { var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Please provide all boxes labeled with an asterisk(*)."; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { var mark = new MarketingStrategy(); if (txtMarketingStrategyName.Text != "" && txtMarketingStrategyName.Text != null) { if (MarketingStrategiesId > 0) { var starts = context.MarketingStrategies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.MarketingStrategyId == MarketingStrategiesId); if (starts != null) { var startsname = context.MarketingStrategies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Description == txtMarketingStrategyName.Text); if (startsname != null) { if (starts.Description.ToLower() == startsname.Description.ToLower()) { starts.Description = txtMarketingStrategyName.Text; var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " modifies " + starts.Description + "'s details."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Marketing strategy successfully updated"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } else { var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " fails to modify " + starts.Description + "'s details due to a similar strategy is already existing."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Similar marketing strategy detected"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } else { starts.Description = txtMarketingStrategyName.Text; var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " modifies " + starts.Description + "'s details."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Marketing strategy successfully updated"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } } else { var strats = context.MarketingStrategies.FirstOrDefault (c => c.Description.ToLower() == txtMarketingStrategyName.Text.ToLower()); if (strats == null) { strats = new MarketingStrategy(); strats.Description = txtMarketingStrategyName.Text; var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " creates a new marketing strategy. (" + txtMarketingStrategyName.Text + ")"; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.MarketingStrategies.Add(strats); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow(); Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Marketing strategy successfully created"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } else { var log = new Log(); log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " failed to create due to a similar strategy is already existing."; log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); context.Logs.Add(log); context.SaveChanges(); var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Marketing strategy already exists"; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } } else { var windows = new NoticeWindow(); NoticeWindow.message = "Please provide all boxes labeled with an asterisk(*)."; windows.Height = 0; windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8; windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2); if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; } windows.ShowDialog(); } } }