private void TestLabelSerialize() { // As mentioned here var sf = new ShapefileClass(); if (!sf.Open(@"D:\dev\GIS-Data\Issues\0001\LOT_N.shp")) { Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Could not open shapefile. Reason " + sf.ErrorMsg[sf.LastErrorCode]); return; } if (sf.Labels.Count == 0) { Debug.WriteLine("Create labels"); sf.GenerateLabels(0, tkLabelPositioning.lpCenter, true); } Debug.WriteLine(sf.Labels.Serialize()); // Add shapefile to map: var hndl = axMap1.AddLayer(sf, true); var sf2 = axMap1.get_Shapefile(hndl); txtResults.Text = sf2.Labels.Serialize(); }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _settings.OgrStringEncoding = tkOgrEncoding.oseUtf8; var sf = new ShapefileClass(); if (!sf.Open(@"D:\dev\GIS-Data\Issues\Persian\roads.shp")) { Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Could not open shapefile. Reason " + sf.ErrorMsg[sf.LastErrorCode]); return; } if (sf.Labels.Count == 0) { Debug.WriteLine("Create labels"); sf.GenerateLabels(1, tkLabelPositioning.lpLongestSegement, true); } // Add shapefile to map: var hndl = axMap1.AddLayer(sf, true); txtResults.Text += @"Added layer with handle " + hndl; }
private static void GridStatistics() { const string workingFolder = @"D:\dev\GIS-Data\Siebe\NetCDF\"; var currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); using (var writer = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(workingFolder, "GridStatisticsForPolygon.log"), false)) { currentProcess.Refresh(); writer.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Starting. Total memory: " + FormatBytes(currentProcess.WorkingSet64)); // Load shapefile with polygons: var sf = new ShapefileClass(); if (!sf.Open(Path.Combine(workingFolder, "ARK.shp"))) { writer.WriteLine( DateTime.Now + " Could not open shapefile. Reason " + sf.ErrorMsg[sf.LastErrorCode]); return; } var numShapes = sf.NumShapes; var netCdfFiles = Directory.GetFiles(workingFolder, "*.nc"); var utils = new UtilsClass(); _settings.ResetGdalError(); var amersfoort = new GeoProjectionClass(); amersfoort.ImportFromEPSG(28992); // Check projection: if (!sf.GeoProjection.IsSame[amersfoort]) { sf.GeoProjection = amersfoort.Clone(); } // Loop through all netCDF files in folder: foreach (var netCdfFile in netCdfFiles) { var grd = new GridClass(); if (!grd.Open(netCdfFile)) { writer.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Could not open {0}. Reason: {1}, GDAL Error: {2}", netCdfFile, grd.ErrorMsg[grd.LastErrorCode], _settings.GdalLastErrorMsg); continue; } currentProcess.Refresh(); writer.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + "Loaded grid " + netCdfFile + " Current memory " + FormatBytes(currentProcess.WorkingSet64)); var header = grd.Header; var noDataValue = (double)grd.Header.NodataValue; var extents = grd.Extents; // Set projection: header.GeoProjection = amersfoort.Clone(); // Get each band: var numBands = grd.NumBands; for (var i = 0; i < numBands; i++) { if (!grd.OpenBand(i)) { writer.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Could not open band {0}. Reason: {1}, GDAL Error: {2}", i, grd.ErrorMsg[grd.LastErrorCode], _settings.GdalLastErrorMsg); continue; } currentProcess.Refresh(); writer.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Working with band {0} Current memory: {1} ", i, FormatBytes(currentProcess.WorkingSet64)); var mean = 0d; var min = 0d; var max = 0d; for (var j = 0; j < numShapes; j++) { var shp = sf.Shape[j]; if ( !utils.GridStatisticsForPolygon(grd, header, extents, shp, noDataValue, ref mean, ref min, ref max)) { writer.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Error getting statistics: " + utils.ErrorMsg[utils.LastErrorCode]); } currentProcess.Refresh(); writer.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Mean: {0}, Min: {1}, Max: {2}, Current memory: {3}", mean, min, max, FormatBytes(currentProcess.WorkingSet64)); } } // Close grid: grd.Close(); currentProcess.Refresh(); writer.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Closed grid Current memory: " + FormatBytes(currentProcess.WorkingSet64)); } currentProcess.Refresh(); writer.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " Done. Current memory: " + FormatBytes(currentProcess.WorkingSet64)); } Debug.WriteLine("Ready"); }