文件: UI.cs 项目: tinturia46/Fusee
        public void OnBtnCanvasExit(CodeComponent sender)
            Debug.WriteLine("Canvas: Exit Btn!");
            var color = ShaderCodeBuilder.MakeShaderEffectFromMatComp(new MaterialComponent
                Diffuse = new MatChannelContainer {
                    Color = new float4(1, 0, 0, 1)

            _scene.Children.FindNodes(node => node.Name == "Canvas").First().GetComponent <ShaderEffectComponent>()
            .Effect = color;
        public static ShaderEffect MakeShaderEffect(float3 diffuseColor, float3 specularColor, float shininess)
            MaterialComponent temp = new MaterialComponent
                Diffuse = new MatChannelContainer
                    Color = diffuseColor
                Specular = new SpecularChannelContainer
                    Color     = specularColor,
                    Shininess = shininess

        public static ShaderEffect MakeShaderEffect(float3 diffuseColor, float3 specularColor, float shininess)
            MaterialComponent temp = new MaterialComponent
                Diffuse = new MatChannelContainer
                    Color = diffuseColor
                Specular = new SpecularChannelContainer
                    Color     = specularColor,
                    Shininess = shininess

            var ret = ShaderCodeBuilder.MakeShaderEffectFromMatComp(temp);

            ret.SetEffectParam("allLights[0].intensities", new float3(1, 1, 1));

文件: UI.cs 项目: tinturia46/Fusee
        //Build a scene graph consisting out of a canvas and other UI elements.
        private SceneContainer CreateNineSliceScene()
            var vsTex       = AssetStorage.Get <string>("texture.vert");
            var psTex       = AssetStorage.Get <string>("texture.frag");
            var vsNineSlice = AssetStorage.Get <string>("nineSlice.vert");
            var psNineSlice = AssetStorage.Get <string>("nineSliceTile.frag");

            var   canvasScaleFactor = _initWindowWidth / _canvasWidth;
            float textSize          = 2;
            float borderScaleFactor = 1;

            if (_canvasRenderMode == CanvasRenderMode.SCREEN)
                textSize         *= canvasScaleFactor;
                borderScaleFactor = canvasScaleFactor;

            var text = new TextNodeContainer(
                "Hallo !",
                new MinMaxRect
                Min = new float2(1f, 0.5f),
                Max = new float2(-1f, -0.5f)
                ColorUint.Tofloat4(ColorUint.Greenery), textSize);

            var catTextureNode = new TextureNodeContainer(
                AssetStorage.Get <string>("nineSlice.vert"),
                AssetStorage.Get <string>("nineSliceTile.frag"),
                //Set the diffuse texture you want to use.
                new Texture(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("Kitti.jpg")),

                //Define anchor points. They are given in percent, seen from the lower left corner, respectively to the width/height of the parent.
                //In this setup the element will stretch horizontally but stay the same vertically if the parent element is scaled.
                UIElementPosition.GetAnchors(AnchorPos.STRETCH_HORIZONTAL),//Anchor is in the lower left corner of the parent. Anchor is in the lower right corner of the parent.

                //Define Offset and therefor the size of the element.
                //Min: distance to this elements Min anchor.
                //Max: distance to this elements Max anchor.
                UIElementPosition.CalcOffsets(AnchorPos.STRETCH_HORIZONTAL, new float2(_initCanvasWidth / 2 - 2.5f, 0), _initCanvasHeight, _initCanvasWidth, new float2(5, 4)),
                //Choose in how many tiles you want to split the inner part of the texture. Use float2.one if you want it stretched.
                new float2(5, 5),
                //Tell how many percent of the texture, seen from the edges, belongs to the border. Order: left, right, top, bottom.
                new float4(0.11f, 0.11f, 0.06f, 0.17f),
                4, 4, 4, 4,

                Children = new ChildList()


            var bltTextureNode = new TextureNodeContainer(
                //Set the diffuse texture you want to use.
                //Define anchor points. They are given in percent, seen from the lower left corner, respectively to the width/height of the parent.
                //In this setup the element will stretch horizontally but stay the same vertically if the parent element is scaled.
                UIElementPosition.GetAnchors(AnchorPos.DOWN_DOWN_LEFT),//Anchor is in the lower left corner of the parent. Anchor is in the lower right corner of the parent.

                //Define Offset and therefor the size of the element.
                //Min: distance to this elements Min anchor.
                //Max: distance to this elements Max anchor.
                UIElementPosition.CalcOffsets(AnchorPos.DOWN_DOWN_LEFT, new float2(0, 0), _initCanvasHeight, _initCanvasWidth, new float2(4, 4)));

            var quagganTextureNode1 = new TextureNodeContainer(
                new Texture(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("testTex.jpg")),
                //In this setup the element will stay in the upper left corner of the parent and will not be stretched at all.
                UIElementPosition.GetAnchors(AnchorPos.TOP_TOP_LEFT), //Anchor is in the lower right corner.Anchor is in the lower left corner.
                UIElementPosition.CalcOffsets(AnchorPos.TOP_TOP_LEFT, new float2(2.5f, 0), 3, 6, new float2(1, 1)),

                new float2(1, 1),
                new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.09f),
                1, 1, 1, 1,

            var nineSliceTextureNode = new TextureNodeContainer(
                new Texture(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("9SliceSprites-4.png")),
                //In this setup the element will stay in the upper right corner of the parent and will not be stretched at all.
                UIElementPosition.GetAnchors(AnchorPos.TOP_TOP_RIGHT),//Anchor is in the upper right corner.//Anchor is in the upper right corner.

                UIElementPosition.CalcOffsets(AnchorPos.TOP_TOP_RIGHT, new float2(_initCanvasWidth - 6, _initCanvasHeight - 3), _initCanvasHeight, _initCanvasWidth, new float2(6, 3)),

                new float2(2, 3),
                new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f),
                2.5f, 2.5f, 2.5f, 2.5f,
                Children = new ChildList()
                    text, quagganTextureNode1

            var quagganTextureNode = new TextureNodeContainer(
                new Texture(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("testTex.jpg")),
                //In this setup the element will stay in the upper left corner of the parent and will not be stretched at all.
                UIElementPosition.GetAnchors(AnchorPos.TOP_TOP_LEFT), //Anchor is in the lower right corner.Anchor is in the lower left corner.
                UIElementPosition.CalcOffsets(AnchorPos.TOP_TOP_LEFT, new float2(0, _initCanvasHeight - 1), _initCanvasHeight, _initCanvasWidth, new float2(6, 1)),
                new float2(5, 1),
                new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.09f),
                1, 1, 1, 1,

            var quagganTextureNode2 = new TextureNodeContainer(
                new Texture(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("testTex.jpg")),
                //In this setup the element will stay in the upper left corner of the parent and will not be stretched at all.
                UIElementPosition.GetAnchors(AnchorPos.TOP_TOP_LEFT), //Anchor is in the lower right corner.Anchor is in the lower left corner.
                UIElementPosition.CalcOffsets(AnchorPos.TOP_TOP_LEFT, new float2(0, _initCanvasHeight - 3), _initCanvasHeight, _initCanvasWidth, new float2(6, 1)),
                new float2(5, 1),
                new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.09f),
                1, 1, 1, 1,

            var quagganTextureNode3 = new TextureNodeContainer(
                new Texture(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("testTex.jpg")),
                //In this setup the element will stay in the upper left corner of the parent and will not be stretched at all.
                UIElementPosition.GetAnchors(AnchorPos.STRETCH_VERTICAL), //Anchor is in the lower right corner. Anchor is in the lower left corner.
                UIElementPosition.CalcOffsets(AnchorPos.STRETCH_VERTICAL, new float2(0, _initCanvasHeight - 5), _initCanvasHeight, _initCanvasWidth, new float2(6, 1)),
                new float2(5, 1),
                new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.09f),
                1, 1, 1, 1,

            var canvas = new CanvasNodeContainer(
                new MinMaxRect
                Min = new float2(-_canvasWidth / 2, -_canvasHeight / 2f),
                Max = new float2(_canvasWidth / 2, _canvasHeight / 2f)
                Children = new ChildList()
                    //Simple Texture Node, contains a Blt"ed" texture.
                    //Add nine sliced textures to canvas

            var canvasMat = new ShaderEffectComponent
                Effect = ShaderCodeBuilder.MakeShaderEffectFromMatComp(new MaterialComponent
                    Diffuse = new MatChannelContainer {
                        Color = new float4(1, 0, 0, 1)

            var projMethod = _canvasRenderMode == CanvasRenderMode.SCREEN ? ProjectionMethod.ORTHOGRAPHIC : ProjectionMethod.PERSPECTIVE;
            var projComp   = new ProjectionComponent(projMethod, zNear, zFar, fov);

            AddResizeDelegate(delegate { projComp.Resize(Width, Height); });

            canvas.Components.Insert(0, projComp);
            canvas.AddComponent(new Plane());

            return(new SceneContainer
                Children = new List <SceneNodeContainer>
                    //Add canvas.