        private void SetupShadowShader(DrawState state)
            ICamera shadowCamera = this.shadowMapTarget.Camera;

            //compute the view*projection matrix for the shadow map camera...

            Matrix view, projection, viewProjection;

            shadowCamera.GetViewMatrix(out view);
            shadowCamera.GetProjectionMatrix(out projection, this.shadowMapTarget.Size);

            Matrix.Multiply(ref view, ref projection, out viewProjection);

            //and the view direction
            Vector3 viewDirection;

            shadowCamera.GetCameraViewDirection(out viewDirection);

            //set the matrix and other constants in the shadow mapping shader instances
            Shader.ShadowShader      shader      = state.GetShader <Shader.ShadowShader>();
            Shader.ShadowShaderBlend shaderBlend = state.GetShader <Shader.ShadowShaderBlend>();

            //non-blending shader
            shader.ShadowMap = this.shadowMapTarget.GetTexture();
            shader.SetShadowMapProjection(ref viewProjection);
            shader.SetShadowViewDirection(ref viewDirection);

            //setup the same constants for the blending shader
            shaderBlend.ShadowMap = this.shadowMapTarget.GetTexture();
            shaderBlend.SetShadowMapProjection(ref viewProjection);
            shaderBlend.SetShadowViewDirection(ref viewDirection);
        //this is called just before geometry is drawn,
        //return true to indicate the shader has been set
        public override bool BeginGeometryShaderOverride(DrawState state, GeometryData geometry, Xen.Ex.Material.MaterialLightCollection lights)
            //query the draw flag,
            switch (state.GetDrawFlag <TutorialRenderMode>())
            case TutorialRenderMode.DrawShadow:
                //bind the shadow rendering shader...
                if (animationBoneData == null)
                    Shader.ShadowShader shader = state.GetShader <Shader.ShadowShader>();

                    shader.TextureMap     = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMap;
                    shader.TextureSampler = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMapSampler;

                    //bind the animating shader,

                    Shader.ShadowShaderBlend shader = state.GetShader <Shader.ShadowShaderBlend>();

                    //set the blend matrix data
                    if (animationBoneDataDirty)
                        //use the 'animationBoneDataDirty' bool so animation data is only copied once.
                        //this could happen if a single model has many pieces of geometry.
                        animationBoneDataDirty = false;

                    shader.TextureMap     = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMap;
                    shader.TextureSampler = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMapSampler;

                return(true);                       //shader was assigned

            case TutorialRenderMode.DepthOutput:
                //determine if alpha test is being used (in this tutorial it won't be - but do it anyway...)
                bool alphaTest = state.RenderState.AlphaTest.Enabled;

                if (alphaTest)
                    //alpha test is only needed if a texture is set
                    alphaTest &= geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMap != null;

                if (alphaTest)
                    //bind a depth output shader that samples a texture for alpha (for alpha test compatibility)

                    if (this.animationBoneData != null)
                        //the model is animated

                        //get the shader
                        Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRgTextureAlphaBlend shader = state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRgTextureAlphaBlend>();

                        //set animation data (it's possible this is called redundantly, so logic here could be improved)
                        if (animationBoneDataDirty)
                            animationBoneDataDirty = false;

                        //set the texture
                        shader.AlphaTexture        = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMap;
                        shader.AlphaTextureSampler = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMapSampler;

                        //get the shader
                        Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRgTextureAlpha shader = state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRgTextureAlpha>();

                        //set the texture
                        shader.AlphaTexture        = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMap;
                        shader.AlphaTextureSampler = geometry.MaterialShader.TextureMapSampler;

                        shader.Bind(state);                                 // bind the basic depth out shader
                    //bind a simple depth output shader

                    if (this.animationBoneData != null)
                        //the model is animated
                        Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRgBlend shader = state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRgBlend>();

                        //set animation data (it's possible this is called redundantly, so logic here could be improved)
                        if (animationBoneDataDirty)
                            animationBoneDataDirty = false;

                        state.GetShader <Xen.Ex.Shaders.NonLinearDepthOutRg>().Bind(state);                                // bind the basic depth out shader
                return(true);                       //shader was assigned

            //false, because no shader has been bound (will use the model material shader)