public AuxiliaryBindingEditor()
            this.Content = new Scrollable
                Border  = BorderType.None,
                Content = new StackLayout
                    HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                    Spacing = 5,
                    Items   =
                        new Group
                            Text    = "Auxiliary",
                            Content = auxButtons = new BindingDisplayList
                                Prefix = "Auxiliary Binding"

            auxButtons.ItemSourceBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => (IList <PluginSettingStore>)c.AuxButtons));
        public AbsoluteModeEditor()
            this.Content = new StackLayout
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                Items =
                    new StackLayoutItem
                        Expand  = true,
                        Control = new Group
                            Text    = "Display",
                            Content = displayAreaEditor = new DisplayAreaEditor
                                Unit = "px"
                    new StackLayoutItem
                        Expand  = true,
                        Control = new Group
                            Text    = "Tablet",
                            Content = tabletAreaEditor = new TabletAreaEditor
                                InvalidBackgroundError = "No tablet detected.",
                                Unit = "mm"

            displayAreaEditor.AreaBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.Display));
            displayAreaEditor.LockToUsableAreaBinding.Bind(App.Current, c => c.Settings.LockUsableAreaDisplay);

            tabletAreaEditor.AreaBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.Tablet));
            tabletAreaEditor.LockToUsableAreaBinding.Bind(App.Current, c => c.Settings.LockUsableAreaTablet);

            tabletAreaEditor.LockAspectRatioBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.LockAspectRatio));
            tabletAreaEditor.AreaClippingBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.EnableClipping));
            tabletAreaEditor.IgnoreOutsideAreaBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.EnableAreaLimiting));

            displayWidth  = SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.Display.Width);
            displayHeight = SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.Display.Height);
            tabletWidth   = SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.Tablet.Width);
            tabletHeight  = SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.Tablet.Height);
            tabletWidth.DataValueChanged   += HandleTabletAreaConstraint;
            tabletHeight.DataValueChanged  += HandleTabletAreaConstraint;
            displayWidth.DataValueChanged  += HandleDisplayAreaConstraint;
            displayHeight.DataValueChanged += HandleDisplayAreaConstraint;

            tabletAreaEditor.LockAspectRatioChanged += HookAspectRatioLock;
            HookAspectRatioLock(tabletAreaEditor, EventArgs.Empty);
 public SettingsWindow(HotkeyCallback hotkeyCallback)
     _settings       = new SettingsBinding();
     _hotkeyCallback = hotkeyCallback;
     Settings.Default.PropertyChanged += Settings_PropertyChanged;
     _settings.MarketFlags             = MainWindow.AppraisalService.GetAvailableMarkets();
        public RelativeModeEditor()
            this.Content = new Group
                Text    = "Relative",
                Content = new StackLayout
                    Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                    HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                    VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top,
                    Spacing = 5,
                    Items   =
                        new StackLayoutItem(null, true),
                        new UnitGroup
                            Text        = "X Sensitivity",
                            Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                            Unit        = "px/mm",
                            Content     = xSens = new FloatNumberBox()
                        new UnitGroup
                            Text        = "Y Sensitivity",
                            Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                            Unit        = "px/mm",
                            Content     = ySens = new FloatNumberBox()
                        new UnitGroup
                            Text        = "Rotation",
                            Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                            Unit        = "°",
                            Content     = rotation = new FloatNumberBox()
                        new UnitGroup
                            Text        = "Reset Time",
                            Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                            Unit        = "ms",
                            Content     = resetTime = new FloatNumberBox()
                        new StackLayoutItem(null, true)

            xSens.ValueBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(s => s.XSensitivity));
            ySens.ValueBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(s => s.YSensitivity));
            rotation.ValueBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(s => s.RelativeRotation));
            resetTime.ValueBinding.Convert <TimeSpan>(
                c => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(c),
                v => (float)v.TotalMilliseconds
                ).Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(s => s.ResetTime));
        public MouseBindingEditor()
            this.Content = new Scrollable
                Border  = BorderType.None,
                Content = new StackLayout
                    HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                    Items =
                        new Group
                            Text    = "Mouse Buttons",
                            Content = mouseButtons = new MouseBindingDisplayList
                                Prefix = "Mouse Binding"
                        new Group
                            Text    = "Mouse Scrollwheel",
                            Content = new StackLayout
                                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                                Spacing = 5,
                                Items   =
                                    new Group
                                        Text          = "Scroll Up",
                                        Orientation   = Orientation.Horizontal,
                                        ExpandContent = false,
                                        Content       = scrollUp = new BindingDisplay()
                                    new Group
                                        Text          = "Scroll Down",
                                        Orientation   = Orientation.Horizontal,
                                        ExpandContent = false,
                                        Content       = scrollDown = new BindingDisplay()

            mouseButtons.ItemSourceBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => (IList <PluginSettingStore>)c.MouseButtons));
            scrollUp.StoreBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.MouseScrollUp));
            scrollDown.StoreBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.MouseScrollDown));
        public BindingEditor()
            this.Content = new TableLayout
                Padding = 5,
                Rows    =
                    new TableRow
                        Cells =
                            new TableCell
                                ScaleWidth = true,
                                Control    = new Group
                                    Text    = "Tip Bindings",
                                    Content = new StackView
                                        Items =
                                            new Group
                                                Text          = "Tip Button",
                                                Orientation   = Orientation.Horizontal,
                                                ExpandContent = false,
                                                Content       = tipButton = new BindingDisplay
                                                    MinimumSize = new Size(300, 0)
                                            new Group
                                                Text        = "Tip Pressure",
                                                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                                                Content     = tipPressure = new FloatSlider()
                            new TableCell
                                ScaleWidth = true,
                                Control    = new Group
                                    Text    = "Eraser Bindings",
                                    Content = new StackView
                                        Items =
                                            new Group
                                                Text          = "Eraser Button",
                                                ExpandContent = false,
                                                Orientation   = Orientation.Horizontal,
                                                Content       = eraserButton = new BindingDisplay
                                                    MinimumSize = new Size(300, 0)
                                            new Group
                                                Text        = "Eraser Pressure",
                                                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                                                Content     = eraserPressure = new FloatSlider()
                    new TableRow
                        Cells =
                            new TableCell
                                ScaleWidth = true,
                                Control    = new Group
                                    Text    = "Pen Button Bindings",
                                    Content = new Scrollable
                                        Border  = BorderType.None,
                                        Content = penButtons = new BindingDisplayList
                                            Prefix = "Pen Button"
                            new TableCell
                                ScaleWidth = true,
                                Control    = new Group
                                    Text    = "Auxiliary Button Bindings",
                                    Content = new Scrollable
                                        Border  = BorderType.None,
                                        Content = auxButtons = new BindingDisplayList
                                            Prefix = "Auxiliary Button"

            tipButton.StoreBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.TipButton));
            eraserButton.StoreBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.EraserButton));
            tipPressure.ValueBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.TipActivationPressure));
            eraserPressure.ValueBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.EraserActivationPressure));
            penButtons.ItemSourceBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => (IList <PluginSettingStore>)c.PenButtons));
            auxButtons.ItemSourceBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => (IList <PluginSettingStore>)c.AuxButtons));
        public PenBindingEditor()
            this.Content = new Scrollable
                Border  = BorderType.None,
                Content = new StackLayout
                    HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                    Items =
                        new TableLayout
                            Rows =
                                new TableRow
                                    Cells =
                                        new Group
                                            Text    = "Tip Settings",
                                            Content = new StackLayout
                                                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                                                Spacing = 5,
                                                Items   =
                                                    new Group
                                                        Text          = "Tip Binding",
                                                        Orientation   = Orientation.Horizontal,
                                                        ExpandContent = false,
                                                        Content       = tipButton = new BindingDisplay()
                                                    new Group
                                                        Text        = "Tip Pressure",
                                                        ToolTip     = "The minimum threshold in order for the assigned binding to activate.",
                                                        Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                                                        Content     = tipPressure = new FloatSlider()
                                        new Group
                                            Text    = "Eraser Settings",
                                            Content = new StackLayout
                                                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                                                Spacing = 5,
                                                Items   =
                                                    new Group
                                                        Text          = "Eraser Binding",
                                                        ExpandContent = false,
                                                        Orientation   = Orientation.Horizontal,
                                                        Content       = eraserButton = new BindingDisplay()
                                                    new Group
                                                        Text        = "Eraser Pressure",
                                                        ToolTip     = "The minimum threshold in order for the assigned binding to activate.",
                                                        Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                                                        Content     = eraserPressure = new FloatSlider()
                        new Group
                            Text    = "Pen Buttons",
                            Content = penButtons = new BindingDisplayList
                                Prefix = "Pen Binding"

            tipButton.StoreBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.TipButton));
            eraserButton.StoreBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.EraserButton));
            tipPressure.ValueBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.TipActivationPressure));
            eraserPressure.ValueBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => c.EraserActivationPressure));
            penButtons.ItemSourceBinding.Bind(SettingsBinding.Child(c => (IList <PluginSettingStore>)c.PenButtons));
        public SettingsWindow()

            _settings = new SettingsBinding();