public void AddCategory(SettingsBase item) { if (!Categories.Contains(item)) { Categories.Add(item); } }
protected static bool IsNewerAppVersion(SettingsBase settings) { var currentVersion = PhoneInteraction.GetAppVersion(); var storedVersion = settings.AppVersion; return string.Compare(currentVersion, storedVersion, StringComparison.Ordinal) > 0; }
public RezhimSKReportPage() { InitializeComponent(); settings = new SettingsBase(); settings.Date = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-1); pnlSettings.DataContext = settings; context = new ReportBaseDomainContext(); }
public SutVedPage() { InitializeComponent(); settings = new SettingsBase(); settings.Date = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-1); pnlSettings.DataContext = settings; context = new ReportBaseDomainContext(); SettingsControl.InitOnlyDates(); SettingsControl.Settings.ReportType =; }
public MainController(MainWindow mainForm) { this.mainForm = mainForm; itemToTorrent = new Dictionary<ListViewItem, TorrentManager>(); itemToPeers = new Dictionary<ListViewItem, PeerId>(); peerlocker = new ReaderWriterLock(); settingsBase = new SettingsBase(); mono = ResourceHandler.GetIcon("mono", 16, 16); this.miniWindow = new MiniWindow(this); LoadViewSettings(); Init(); }
public override bool Export(Dictionary dictionary, string exportPath, SettingsBase settings = null) { var s = (settings as LatexExporterSettings) ?? new LatexExporterSettings(); Func<string, string> pronProc; if (s.UseXelatex || s.Encoding == LatexEncoding.Utf8) pronProc = x => x; else pronProc = _ParseIpaToTipa; if (s.UseXelatex) return _ExportXelatex(dictionary, exportPath, s); // final failback. return false; }
public CheckGraphVyrabPage() { InitializeComponent(); settings = new SettingsBase(); settings.Date = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(-24); pnlSettings.DataContext = settings; chbIsSteppedPBR.IsChecked = true; context = new GraphVyrabDomainContext(); tabHHReport.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; tabHReport.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; tabHHRGEReport.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; tabHRGEReport.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; tabChart.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; tabChartRGE.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; tabChart.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; }
public OptionWindow(MainController mainController, SettingsBase settings) { InitializeComponent(); this.controller = mainController; this.Icon = ResourceHandler.GetIcon("mono", 16, 16); GetButtonImages(); GuiGeneralSettings genSettings = settings.LoadSettings<GuiGeneralSettings>("General Settings"); MaxConnectionsNumericUpDown.Value = genSettings.GlobalMaxConnections; MaxDownloadSpeedNumericUpDown.Value = genSettings.GlobalMaxDownloadSpeed; HalfOpenConnectionsNumericUpDown.Value = genSettings.GlobalMaxHalfOpenConnections; MaxUploadSpeedNumericUpDown.Value = genSettings.GlobalMaxUploadSpeed; ListenPortNumericUpDown.Value = genSettings.ListenPort; SavePathTextBox.Text = genSettings.SavePath; TorrentPathTextBox.Text = genSettings.TorrentsPath; UseUPnPCheckBox.Checked = genSettings.UsePnP; }
public static void InitAndPersistPosition(Window window, SettingsBase settings) { InitAndPersistPosition(window, settings, w => w.GetType().FullName); }
private void OnSettingsChanged(SettingsBase settings) { this.ResetTimer(); }
public bool SetInitialState(SettingsBase data) { return(OnSetInitialState(data)); }
protected override (bool success, string description) Improve(string userName, Hero adoptedHero, int amount, SettingsBase baseSettings, string args) { var settings = (AttributePointsSettings)baseSettings; return(IncreaseAttribute(adoptedHero, amount, settings.Random, args)); }
bool IFileSystemService.Format(SettingsBase settings) { // We do not support formatting. throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public ConnectionScannerCOM(FloorSet aFloorSet, SettingsBase ConnectionSetting) : base(aFloorSet, ConnectionSetting) { //默认选项 mComm.CommPort = 1; mComm.DTREnable = false; mComm.EOFEnable = false; mComm.Handshaking = HandshakeConstants.comNone; //None Handshakeing mComm.InBufferSize = 1024; mComm.InputMode = InputModeConstants.comInputModeBinary; mComm.NullDiscard = false; mComm.OutBufferSize = 512; mComm.ParityReplace = "?"; mComm.RThreshold = 5; //R 闸值 mComm.RTSEnable = false; mComm.Settings = "2400,e,8,1"; mComm.SThreshold = 0; //S 闸值 //载入自定义选项 //检查看看选项是否存在 mSettings = ConnectionSetting; if (ConnectionSetting["CommPort"] == null) { ConnectionSetting["CommPort"] = 1; } if (ConnectionSetting["Settings"] == null) { ConnectionSetting["Settings"] = "2400,e,8,1"; } if (ConnectionSetting["ReceiveDataRepeatTimes"] == null) { ConnectionSetting["ReceiveDataRepeatTimes"] = 5; } if (ConnectionSetting["ReceiveDataCheckDelay"] == null) { ConnectionSetting["ReceiveDataCheckDelay"] = 50; } if (ConnectionSetting["ReceiveDataCheckRepeatTimes"] == null) { ConnectionSetting["ReceiveDataCheckRepeatTimes"] = 5; } if (ConnectionSetting["DisconnectRetryTimes"] == null) { ConnectionSetting["DisconnectRetryTimes"] = 3; } //if (ConnectionSetting["WhetherSendTimeToATM"]==null) ConnectionSetting["WhetherSendTimeToATM"]="True"; if (ConnectionSetting["SendTimeToATMFrequency"] == null) { ConnectionSetting["SendTimeToATMFrequency"] = 5; } //应用选项 mComm.CommPort = Convert.ToInt16(ConnectionSetting["CommPort"]); mComm.Settings = (string)ConnectionSetting["Settings"]; mReceiveDataRepeatTimes = Convert.ToInt32(ConnectionSetting["ReceiveDataRepeatTimes"]); mReceiveDataCheckDelay = Convert.ToInt32(ConnectionSetting["ReceiveDataCheckDelay"]); mSendTimeToATMFrequency = Convert.ToInt32(ConnectionSetting["SendTimeToATMFrequency"]); mReceiveDataCheckRepeatTimes = Convert.ToInt32(ConnectionSetting["ReceiveDataCheckRepeatTimes"]); mDisconnectRetryTimes = Convert.ToInt32(ConnectionSetting["DisconnectRetryTimes"]); mScannerTimeout.Interval = mReceiveDataCheckDelay; mScannerTimeout.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(mScannerTimeout_Elapsed); mScanNextRoomDelay.Interval = mReceiveDataCheckDelay; mScanNextRoomDelay.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(mScanNextRoomDelay_Elapsed); mComm.OnComm += new DMSCommEvents_OnCommEventHandler(mComm_OnComm); if (mWhetherSendTimeToATM == true) { mSendTimeToATMTimer.Interval = mSendTimeToATMFrequency * 1000; mSendTimeToATMTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(mSendTimeToATMTimer_Elapsed); } //其他 mFloorSet = aFloorSet; mCurrentRoom = mFloorSet.FirstFloor.FirstRoom; //设置所有的Room Connect foreach (int FloorNumber in mFloorSet.FloorNumbers) { for (int RoomNumber = 1; RoomNumber <= mFloorSet[FloorNumber].Length; RoomNumber++) { mFloorSet[FloorNumber][RoomNumber].MyATM.Connect(); } } }
protected override HoldingsResult ConvertResult(ConnectionInfo connInfo, System.IO.Stream stream, SettingsBase settings) { HoldingsDownloadSettings set = (HoldingsDownloadSettings)settings; XDocument doc = MyHelper.ParseXmlDocument(stream); Holding[] result = this.ConvertHtmlDoc(doc, set.PortfolioID); return(new HoldingsResult(result)); }
public DecryptedProductSettings() { _settings = ((ProductSettings)(SettingsBase.Synchronized(new ProductSettings()))); }
public SettingsPaddingProvider(SettingsBase settingsBase) : base(settingsBase) { }
static MySettings() { MySettings.defaultInstance = (MySettings)SettingsBase.Synchronized(new MySettings()); MySettings.addedHandlerLockObject = RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(new object()); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="settings"></param> public PlatformSettings(SettingsBase settings) { _settings = settings; _platformUri = new Uri((string)settings["PlatformUriAddress"]); }
public abstract bool SaveDictionary(Stream stream, Dictionary dictionary, SettingsBase options = null);
public override bool SaveDictionary(Stream stream, Dictionary dictionary, SettingsBase options = null) { try { // let's begin by writing the file's header. stream.Write(FieldHeaders.DictionaryMagicNumber, 0, FieldHeaders.DictionaryMagicNumber.Length); stream.Write(FieldHeaders.ByteOrderMark, 0, FieldHeaders.ByteOrderMark.Length); stream.Write(FieldHeaders.VersionMark, 0, FieldHeaders.VersionMark.Length); // now let's first begin by writing the dictionary's // info. _Write(stream, dictionary.Info); // now that that's done, let's write the abbreviations. foreach (var abbrev in dictionary.Abbreviations) _Write(stream, abbrev); // now let's write the entries. foreach (var entry in dictionary.Entries) _Write(stream, entry); // finally, let's write the images. foreach (var img in dictionary.Images) _Write(stream, img); // finally, since we expect that everything's written // to the output stream. return true; } catch (IOException) { return false; } }
public bool Format (SettingsBase settings) { return (fat.Format (((FATSettings)settings))); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public bool Init() { string ConfigFilePath = Path.Combine(Downloader.LocalFolder, "buildsync.json"); bool IsScript = false; if (!File.Exists(ConfigFilePath)) { ConfigFilePath = Path.Combine(Downloader.LocalFolder, "buildsync.cs"); IsScript = true; } if (!File.Exists(ConfigFilePath)) { MessageBox.Show("Build has no configured launch settings. Ensure a buildsync.json or buildsync.cs file is added to all builds.", "Not Configured", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } if (!IsScript) { if (!SettingsBase.Load(ConfigFilePath, out Settings)) { MessageBox.Show("The included buildsync.json file could not be loaded, it may be malformed. Check console output window for details.", "Malformed Config File", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } } else { Settings = new BuildSettings(); try { Settings.ScriptSource = File.ReadAllText(ConfigFilePath); } catch (Exception Ex) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, LogCategory.IO, "Failed to read file '{0}' due to exception: {1}", ConfigFilePath, Ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("The included buildsync.cs file could not be loaded, it may be malformed. Check console output window for details.", "Malformed Config File", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } } List <BuildLaunchMode> Modes; try { Modes = Settings.Compile(); // Add various internal variables to pass in bits of info. foreach (BuildLaunchMode Mode in Modes) { Mode.AddStringVariable("INSTALL_LOCATION", DownloadState.InstallLocation); Mode.AddStringVariable("BUILD_DIR", Downloader.LocalFolder); // We show this internal var to the end user. BuildLaunchVariable DeviceVar = Mode.AddStringVariable("INSTALL_DEVICE_NAME", DownloadState.InstallDeviceName); DeviceVar.Internal = (DownloadState.InstallDeviceName.Length == 0); DeviceVar.FriendlyName = "Target Device"; DeviceVar.FriendlyDescription = "Device to install and launch on."; DeviceVar.FriendlyCategory = "Launch Device"; DeviceVar.Options = new List <string>(); DeviceVar.Value = ""; string[] Options = DownloadState.InstallDeviceName.Split(','); foreach (string Option in Options) { string Trimmed = Option.Trim(); if (Trimmed.Length > 0) { DeviceVar.Options.Add(Trimmed); if (DeviceVar.Value.Length == 0) { DeviceVar.Value = Trimmed; } } } } } catch (InvalidOperationException Ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error encountered while evaluating launch settings:\n\n" + Ex.Message, "Malformed Config File", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } if (Modes.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("None of the launch modes are usable.", "Not Configured", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } else if (Modes.Count == 1 && Modes[0].GetNonInternalVariableCount() == 0 && !DownloadState.InstallDeviceName.Contains(",")) { // Instant launch, nothing for us to select really. Launch(Modes[0]); return(false); } else { // Show options to launch. foreach (BuildLaunchMode Mode in Modes) { TreeNode Node = new TreeNode(); Node.Text = Mode.Name; Node.Tag = Mode; ModesTreeView.Nodes.Add(Node); } // Select first mode. ModesTreeView.SelectedNode = ModesTreeView.Nodes[0]; } return(true); }
public SettingsDecodingCheckFinalQuantumProvider(SettingsBase settingsBase) : base(settingsBase) { }
private static void old_acctor_mc() { defaultInstance = (Settings)SettingsBase.Synchronized(new Settings()); }
public SettingsSafeCharactersProvider(SettingsBase settingsBase) : base(settingsBase) { }
public void Load(SettingsBase settings) { try { KLine[] ks = settings.KLines.ToArray(); K = new Cidr[ks.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < K.Length; i++) { K[i] = ks[i].Ban; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to load K:lines: {0}", ex.Message); } try { QLine[] qs = settings.QLines.ToArray(); Q = new Regex[qs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Q.Length; i++) { try { Q[i] = new Regex(qs[i].Ban, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("The following Q:line is invalid: {0} ({1})", qs[i], ex.Message); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to load Q:lines: {0}", ex.Message); } }
public ConnectionScannerCOM(FloorSet aFloorSet, SettingsBase ConnectionSetting, SettingsBase ProgramSetting) : base(aFloorSet, ConnectionSetting) { }
private static void ZYDNGuard() { Settings.settings_0 = (Settings)SettingsBase.Synchronized(new Settings()); }
static Settings() { botw_editor.Properties.Settings.defaultInstance = (botw_editor.Properties.Settings)SettingsBase.Synchronized(new botw_editor.Properties.Settings()); }
static Settings() { Settings.defaultInstance = (Settings)SettingsBase.Synchronized(new Settings()); }
protected virtual bool OnSetInitialState(SettingsBase data) { return(true); }
public bool Format(SettingsBase settings) { return(fat.Format(((FATSettings)settings))); }
// Token: 0x06000517 RID: 1303 RVA: 0x00004DC0 File Offset: 0x00002FC0 // Note: this type is marked as 'beforefieldinit'. static Settings() { Class21.smethod_0(); Settings.defaultInstance = (Settings)SettingsBase.Synchronized(new Settings()); }
/// <summary> /// Load setting. /// </summary> /// <param name="settingValue">Setting value.</param> /// <param name="isDetails">Is details items.</param> private void _LoadSetting(SettingsBase settingValue, bool isDetails) { if (isDetails) { DetailConfigurationSettings detailControlSetting = settingValue as DetailConfigurationSettings; if (detailControlSetting != null) { _settingRepository.Settings.Add(detailControlSetting.SettingsKey, detailControlSetting); } } else { DataGridControlSettings controlSetting = settingValue as DataGridControlSettings; if (controlSetting != null) { // Get list of sort fields which are not exists in current Settings Repository. List<string> redundantFields = _GetNonexistentSortFields(controlSetting.SortDescriptions); // If some redundant fields found, need to remove it. if (redundantFields.Count > 0) { controlSetting.SortDescriptions = _GetFieldsForSort( controlSetting.SortDescriptions, redundantFields); } _settingRepository.Settings.Add(controlSetting.SettingsKey, controlSetting); } } }
private void OnSettingsChanged(SettingsBase settings) { this.WindowScale.ScaleX = App.Settings.Scale; this.WindowScale.ScaleY = App.Settings.Scale; }
public static SettingsBase Synchronized(SettingsBase settingsBase) { }
/// <summary> /// Exports a <see cref="Dictionary" /> to a specified path. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// <see langword="true" /> if the export has been completed /// successfully; otherwise <see langword="false" />. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// <para> /// The path specified in <paramref name="exportPath" /> can either /// be the path to a file or a directory depending on the exporter /// in question. /// </para> /// </remarks> public abstract bool Export(Dictionary dictionary, string exportPath, SettingsBase settings = null);
private void SaveButtonApp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Save settings GuiViewSettings guisettings = new GuiViewSettings(); string btnPath = string.Empty; if (lstButtons.SelectedIndex > 0) btnPath = Buttons[lstButtons.SelectedIndex - 1]; GuiViewSettings.CustomButtonPath = btnPath; SettingsBase settingsBase = new SettingsBase(); settingsBase.SaveSettings<GuiViewSettings>("Graphical Settings", guisettings); controller.LoadButtons(); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); }
static Settings() { Class19.Q77LubhzKM3NS(); Settings.defaultInstance = (Settings)SettingsBase.Synchronized(new Settings()); }
public DefaultKeyValueCollection(SettingsBase settings) : this(Converts.Repository, settings) { }
// Token: 0x0600044F RID: 1103 RVA: 0x00003AC5 File Offset: 0x00001CC5 static void smethod_12(SettingsBase settingsBase_0) { settingsBase_0.Save(); }
protected MvcExtenseBase(SettingsBase settings, ViewContext context, IViewDataContainer viewDataContainer) : this(settings) { ViewContext = context; ViewDataContainer = viewDataContainer; }
private static IEnumerable <AltbauWohnungInfo> FilterCandidates([NotNull] IEnumerable <AltbauWohnungInfo> candidates, [NotNull] SettingsBase settings) { return(candidates .Where(c => c.Eigenmittel <= settings.MaxEigenmittel) .Where(c => c.MonatlicheKosten <= settings.MaxMonatlicheKosten) .Where(c => c.NumberOfRooms >= settings.MinNumberOfRooms) .Where(c => settings.Cities.Contains(c.City)) .Where(c => settings.PostalCodes.Contains(c.PostalCode))); }
public MvcExtenseBase(SettingsBase settings) { this.Settings = settings; }
public SerialPortSettings(SettingsBase root, XmlElement element) : base(root, element) { }
private static bool HasSetting(this SettingsBase settings, string settingName) { var foundSetting = settings?.Properties.Cast <SettingsProperty>().FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.Name.Equals(settingName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); return(foundSetting != null); }