        static Action <IDataReader, object> CreateSetValueAction(PropertyInfo info, Type columnType, string columnName)
            Type propType = info.PropertyType;

            Action <IDataReader, object> SetValueAction;

            if (propType.BaseType.Equals(typeof(System.Enum)))
                SetValueAction = (IDataReader dr, object obj) =>
                    if (IDataReaderExtensionHelper.IsNumeric(dr[columnName]))
                        info.SetValue(obj, System.Enum.ToObject(propType, Convert.ToInt32(dr[columnName])), null);
                        if (!dr.GetString(columnName).IsNullOrEmptyAfterTrim() && Enum.IsDefined(propType, dr[columnName]))
                            object value = Enum.Parse(propType, dr[columnName].ToString());
                            info.SetValue(obj, value, null);
            else if (propType.Equals(columnType))
                SetValueAction = (IDataReader dr, object obj) =>
                    info.SetValue(obj, dr[columnName], null);
                //different types
                SetValueAction = (IDataReader dr, object obj) =>
                    Type   t         = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(propType) ?? propType;
                    object safevalue = dr[columnName] == null ? null : Convert.ChangeType(dr[columnName], t);
                    info.SetValue(obj, safevalue, null);

            return((IDataReader dr, object obj) =>
                if (dr.HasColumn(columnName))
                    if (Convert.IsDBNull(dr[columnName]))
                        info.SetValue(obj, null, null);
                        //  info.SetValue(obj, Null.GetNull(info), null);
                        SetValueAction.Invoke(dr, obj);
        public void SetValue(IBehaviorContext context, TValue value)
            TValue oldValue = (TValue)context.VM.Kernel.GetValue(_property);

            var manager = UndoManager.GetManager(context.VM);

            if (manager != null)
                var action = new SetValueAction <TValue>(context.VM, _property, oldValue);
            this.SetValueNext(context, value);
        static Action <IDataReader, object> CreateSetValueAction(PropertyInfo info, Type columnType, string columnName)
            Type propType = info.PropertyType;

            Action <IDataReader, object> SetValueAction;

            if (propType.BaseType.Equals(typeof(System.Enum)))
                SetValueAction = (IDataReader dr, object obj) =>
                    if (MappingHelper.IsNumeric(dr[columnName]))
                        info.SetValue(obj, System.Enum.ToObject(propType, Convert.ToInt32(dr[columnName])), null);
                        info.SetValue(obj, System.Enum.ToObject(propType, dr[columnName]), null);
            else if (propType.Equals(columnType))
                SetValueAction = (IDataReader dr, object obj) =>
                    info.SetValue(obj, dr[columnName], null);
                //different types
                SetValueAction = (IDataReader dr, object obj) =>
                    info.SetValue(obj, Convert.ChangeType(dr[columnName], propType), null);

            return((IDataReader dr, object obj) =>
                if (Convert.IsDBNull(dr[columnName]))
                    info.SetValue(obj, MappingNull.GetNull(info), null);
                    SetValueAction.Invoke(dr, obj);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the value of the property with the given name for the given container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container">The container whose data will be set.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The property name to set.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value to assign to the property.</param>
        /// <param name="changeTracker">The change tracker to increment if the value changes.</param>
        public static void SetValue <TContainer, TValue>(ref TContainer container, string name, TValue value, ref ChangeTracker changeTracker)
            var propertyBag = PropertyBagResolver.Resolve <TContainer>();

            if (null == propertyBag)
                throw new Exception($"Failed to resolve property bag for ContainerType=[{typeof(TContainer)}]");

            var action = new SetValueAction <TContainer, TValue> {
                SrcValue = value

            if (!propertyBag.FindProperty(name, ref container, ref changeTracker, ref action))
                throw new Exception($"Failed to find property Name=[{name}] for ContainerType=[{typeof(TContainer)}]");

            if (action.Result == k_ResultErrorConvert)
                throw new Exception($"Failed assign ValueType=[{typeof(TValue)}] to property Name=[{name}] for ContainerType=[{typeof(TContainer)}]");