public static void Test()
        string        inputXML = XML;
        XmlSerializer xs       = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SetProfile));

        using (TextReader reader = new StringReader(inputXML))
            SetProfile obj = (SetProfile)xs.Deserialize(reader);
        public async Task <UserProfileMold> Post(SetProfile request)
            var session = Request.ThrowIfUnauthorized();
            var uid     = session?.UserAuthId;

            var existedUser = await RavenSession.Query <User>().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == uid);

            if (existedUser != null)
                request.DisplayName = new string(request.DisplayName.Take(32).ToArray());

                var user = Mapper.Map <SetProfile, User>(request, existedUser);

                await RavenSession.StoreAsync(user);

                await RavenSession.SaveChangesAsync();

                var mapped = Mapper.Map <UserProfileMold>(user);
            throw new HttpError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Пользователь не найден в базе данных");
    public static bool PerformPayment(string CreditCardType, string CreditCardNumber, string CVV2, string ExpMonth, string ExpYear,
                                      string FirstName, string LastName, string Address1, string Address2, string City, string State, string Zip,
                                      string Country, string CountryCode, decimal Amount, out string Errors)

        // LMG - maybe this should be set somewhere else??  4/28
        SetProfile.SessionProfile = SetProfile.CreateAPIProfile(Constants.API_USERNAME, Constants.API_PASSWORD, Constants.API_SIGNATURE, "", ""); caller = PayPalAPI.PayPalAPIInitialize();
        NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();

        encoder["METHOD"] = "DoDirectPayment";
        // encoder["PAYMENTACTION"] = this.Request.QueryString[Constants.PAYMENT_TYPE_PARAM];
        encoder["PAYMENTACTION"] = "Sale";
        encoder["AMT"]           = Amount.ToString();
        //encoder["AMT"] = ".01";
        encoder["CREDITCARDTYPE"] = CreditCardType;
        encoder["ACCT"]           = CreditCardNumber;
        encoder["EXPDATE"]        = ExpMonth + ExpYear;
        encoder["CVV2"]           = CVV2;
        encoder["FIRSTNAME"]      = FirstName;
        encoder["LASTNAME"]       = LastName;
        encoder["STREET"]         = Address1;
        encoder["CITY"]           = City;
        encoder["STATE"]          = State;
        encoder["ZIP"]            = Zip;
        encoder["COUNTRYCODE"]    = CountryCode;
        encoder["CURRENCYCODE"]   = "USD";

        string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
        // Actually Process the Card and put response etc. into pStresponsenvp
        string pStresponsenvp = caller.Call(pStrrequestforNvp);

        NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();

        string strAck = decoder["ACK"];

        Errors = "";
        if (strAck != null && (strAck == "Success" || strAck == "SuccessWithWarning"))
            // Card passes, YES  (should we do a result=yes?  (note: result = bool)
            string pStrResQue = "TRANSACTIONID=" + decoder["TRANSACTIONID"] + "&" +
                                "AMT=" + decoder["AMT"] + "&" +
                                "AVSCODE=" + decoder["AVSCODE"] + "&" +
                                "CVV2MATCH=" + decoder["CVV2MATCH"];
//                Response.Redirect("paymentreceipt.aspx?" + pStrResQue);
            // Card does not pass, or Paypal has an error.
            string pStrError = "ErrorCode=" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + "&" +
                               "Desc=" + decoder["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] + "&" +
                               "Desc2=" + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];
            Errors = pStrError;
            //              Response.Redirect("PayPalAPIError.aspx?" + pStrError);
 public int SetProfile([FromBody] SetProfile setProfile)