        //here we send a ping to the keyboard driver
        void Ping()
            var KeyboardData = new SetFeatureKeyboard();

            KeyboardData.ReportID    = 1;
            KeyboardData.CommandCode = 3;
            //the timeout is how long the driver will wait (milliseconds) without receiving a ping before resetting itself
            //we'll be pinging every 200ms, and loss of ping will cause driver reset in FTimeout.
            //No more stuck keys requiring reboot to clear.
            //the following fields are not used by the driver for a ping, but we'll zero them anyways
            KeyboardData.Timeout  = FTimeout / 5; //50 because we count in blocks of 50 in the driver;
            KeyboardData.Modifier = 0;
            KeyboardData.Padding  = 0;
            KeyboardData.Key0     = 0;
            KeyboardData.Key1     = 0;
            KeyboardData.Key2     = 0;
            KeyboardData.Key3     = 0;
            KeyboardData.Key4     = 0;
            KeyboardData.Key5     = 0;
            //convert struct to buffer
            var buf = getBytesSFJ(KeyboardData, Marshal.SizeOf(KeyboardData));

            //send filled buffer to driver
            HID.SendData(buf, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(KeyboardData));
        private bool KeysPress(byte Modifier, byte Key0, byte Key1, byte Key2, byte Key3, byte Key4, byte Key5)
                //Set feature data
                SetFeatureKeyboard featureData = new SetFeatureKeyboard();
                featureData.ReportID    = 1;
                featureData.CommandCode = 2;
                featureData.Timeout     = 1000;
                featureData.Modifier    = Modifier;
                featureData.Key0        = Key0;
                featureData.Key1        = Key1;
                featureData.Key2        = Key2;
                featureData.Key3        = Key3;
                featureData.Key4        = Key4;
                featureData.Key5        = Key5;

                //Convert to byte array
                int    featureSize   = Marshal.SizeOf(featureData);
                byte[] featureArray  = new byte[featureSize];
                IntPtr featureIntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(featureSize);
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(featureData, featureIntPtr, false);
                Marshal.Copy(featureIntPtr, featureArray, 0, featureSize);

                //Send byte array to driver
                return(SetFeature(FileHandle, featureArray));
                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to press tether keys.");
        private bool KeysRelease()
                //Set feature data
                SetFeatureKeyboard featureData = new SetFeatureKeyboard();
                featureData.ReportID    = 1;
                featureData.CommandCode = 2;
                featureData.Timeout     = 1000;

                //Convert to byte array
                int    featureSize   = Marshal.SizeOf(featureData);
                byte[] featureArray  = new byte[featureSize];
                IntPtr featureIntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(featureSize);
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(featureData, featureIntPtr, false);
                Marshal.Copy(featureIntPtr, featureArray, 0, featureSize);

                //Send byte array to driver
                return(SetFeature(FileHandle, featureArray));
                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to release tether keys.");
        //for converting a struct to byte array
        public static byte[] getBytesSFJ(SetFeatureKeyboard sfj, int size)
            var arr = new byte[size];
            var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(sfj, ptr, false);
            Marshal.Copy(ptr, arr, 0, size);
文件: Form1.cs 项目: andrewc119/hvdk
        //here we send data to the keyboard driver
        void Send(Byte Modifier, Byte Padding, Byte Key0, Byte Key1, Byte Key2, Byte Key3, Byte Key4, Byte Key5)
            SetFeatureKeyboard KeyboardData = new SetFeatureKeyboard();

            KeyboardData.ReportID    = 1;
            KeyboardData.CommandCode = 2;
            KeyboardData.Timeout     = FTimeout / 5; //5 because we count in blocks of 5 in the driver
            KeyboardData.Modifier    = Modifier;
            //padding should always be zero.
            KeyboardData.Padding = Padding;
            KeyboardData.Key0    = Key0;
            KeyboardData.Key1    = Key1;
            KeyboardData.Key2    = Key2;
            KeyboardData.Key3    = Key3;
            KeyboardData.Key4    = Key4;
            KeyboardData.Key5    = Key5;
            //convert struct to buffer
            byte[] buf = getBytesSFJ(KeyboardData, Marshal.SizeOf(KeyboardData));
            //send filled buffer to driver
            HID.SendData(buf, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(KeyboardData));