        private async void RefreshTimerCallback(object state)
            Logger.LogInformation($"Access token is {AutoRefreshMinsBeforeExpiry} minutes out from expiration - attempting refresh.");
            var refreshRequest = new TokenRefreshRequest {
                GrantType    = "refresh_token",
                RefreshToken = SC.RefreshToken,

            var refreshChannel = new Channel($"{_sp.AppSvcHostname}:{_sp.AppSvcPort}",
            var ss = new SessionSvc.SessionSvcClient(refreshChannel);
            var sessionResponse = await ss.RefreshAccessTokenAsync(refreshRequest, new CallOptions(null, DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(30)));

            await refreshChannel.ShutdownAsync();

            if (sessionResponse.Result == SessionSvcStartSessionResult.Success)
                Logger.LogInformation($"Successfully refreshed session");
                SS = new SessionService(sessionResponse.SessionContext);
                Logger.LogInformation($"Failed to refresh session. Session will continue with existing access token, and will end in less than {AutoRefreshMinsBeforeExpiry} minutes.");
        public virtual async Task <SessionSvcStartSessionResult> StartSession(string candidateUsername, string candidatePassword)
            var startReq = new SessionSvcStartSessionRequest {
                CandidateUsername = candidateUsername,
                CandidatePassword = candidatePassword,
                ClientInstanceId  = new ClientInstanceIndicator(_sp.ClientInstanceId),
                OauthClientId     = _clientId,

            // NOTE(DA) This section of the code has given me more grief than would be expected.
            // Our gRPC server only uses SSL. We have one port open and it expects all incoming
            // traffic to be SSL. This means our client has to speak SSL to the server.
            // Somewhat annoyingly (though we'll grudgingly admit the safety benefits), gRPC is
            // very opinionated in its use of SSL. There is only one way to get it to use SSL --
            // supply a bearer credential -- which is exactly what we don't have, we're trying to
            // get one with this call! (Chicken and egg problem).
            // We resort to forgery to trick gRPC into using SSL. We keep this forged channel
            // separate and use it only for authentication purposes, throwing it out after we use
            // it here.
            // We were originally keeping the channel around to avoid recreating it, but it's used
            // pretty infrequently, which means (1) we don't care about performance and (2) it was
            // sitting idle too long, and NAT rules were killing it off. Don't try it, we did it
            // and it didn't work.
            // Future: currently, we don't support "session multiplexing" -- users of this
            // component (AppClient) start a single session, and expect it to stay open for the
            // life of the client. We need session multiplexing for service-service communication
            // where we have numerous security contexts existing side-by-side. We need to do some
            // thinking on how to design an interface that facilitates both use cases without making
            // either needlessly complicated. One option would be to force the client to suply a
            // credential at call time, implementing an optional ApplicationClient-maintained
            // "credential registry" or "session registry" that the client could use to retrieve
            // the token at call-time, if desired.

            var loginChannel = new Channel($"{_sp.AppSvcHostname}:{_sp.AppSvcPort}",
            var ss = new SessionSvc.SessionSvcClient(loginChannel);

            var sessionResponse = await ss.TryStartSessionAsync(startReq, new CallOptions(null, DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(30)));

            if (sessionResponse.Result == SessionSvcStartSessionResult.Success)
                SS = new SessionService(sessionResponse.SessionContext);

            await loginChannel.ShutdownAsync();

        private void InvalidateRefreshToken()
            var refreshChannel = new Channel($"{_sp.AppSvcHostname}:{_sp.AppSvcPort}",
            var ss      = new SessionSvc.SessionSvcClient(refreshChannel);
            var request = new TokenInvalidationRequest {
                RefreshToken = SC.RefreshToken,
            var invalidationResponse = ss.InvalidateRefreshToken(request);
            var loggingInfo          = invalidationResponse.Result == TokenInvalidationResult.InvalidationFailure ? "un" : "";

            Logger.LogInformation($"Invalidation of Refresh Token was {loggingInfo}successful");