        public static void SaveAsPDFAllAnalyisOuput(ObservableCollection <AnalyticsData> DataList, string fullpathzipcsvhtmfilename)
            int           imgnamecounter = 0;
            List <string> filelist       = new List <string>();
            bool          extratags      = false;
            bool          fileExists     = File.Exists(fullpathzipcsvhtmfilename);

            double left, top, right, bottom;

            GetPDFpageMargins(strPDFPageMargin, out left, out top, out right, out bottom);

            //Creating a PDF doc to which we will add PDFTables
            MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Document     Doc = new MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Document();
            MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Tables.Table pdfTable;

            //Set Page margins from configuration
            Doc.DefaultPageSetup.LeftMargin   = MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Unit.FromMillimeter(left);   //left margin
            Doc.DefaultPageSetup.TopMargin    = MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Unit.FromMillimeter(top);    //top margin
            Doc.DefaultPageSetup.RightMargin  = MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Unit.FromMillimeter(right);  //right margin
            Doc.DefaultPageSetup.BottomMargin = MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Unit.FromMillimeter(bottom); //bottom margin


            //////// looping thru all analysis one by one //////
            foreach (AnalyticsData analysisdata in DataList)
                //03Aug2012 ICommandAnalyser analyser = CommandAnalyserFactory.GetClientAnalyser(analysisdata);
                CommandOutput output        = analysisdata.Output;        // getting refrence of already generated objects.
                SessionOutput sessionoutput = analysisdata.SessionOutput; //27Nov2013 if there is session output
                if (output != null)
                    output.NameOfAnalysis = analysisdata.AnalysisType;//For Parent Node name 02Aug2012
                if (sessionoutput != null)
                    sessionoutput.NameOfSession = analysisdata.AnalysisType;

                /////// dumping output //
                if (output != null)
                    ExportOutputPDF(output, Doc, extratags, filelist);
                else if (sessionoutput != null)
                    foreach (CommandOutput cout in sessionoutput)
                        ExportOutputPDF(cout, Doc, extratags, filelist, true);

            ////rendering doc
            MigraDoc.Rendering.PdfDocumentRenderer docrender = new MigraDoc.Rendering.PdfDocumentRenderer(false);
            docrender.Document = Doc;
        public Writer(Uri dependencyServiceUri, AtlasConfiguration atlasConfiguration, DataFormat dataFormat,
                      string group, IOutputTopic topic, bool enableCache = true)
            var httpDependencyClient =
                new HttpDependencyClient(dependencyServiceUri, group,
                                         enableCache); // DependencyClient stores the Data format, Atlas Configuration
            var dataFormatClient         = new DataFormatClient(httpDependencyClient);
            var atlasConfigurationClient = new AtlasConfigurationClient(httpDependencyClient);
            var atlasConfigurationId     =
                .PutAndIdentifyAtlasConfiguration(atlasConfiguration); // Uniq ID created for the AtlasConfiguration
            var dataFormatId =
                dataFormatClient.PutAndIdentifyDataFormat(dataFormat); // Uniq ID created for the Data Format

            TopicName = topic.TopicName;

            //Init Session
            session = new SessionTelemetryDataOutput(topic, dataFormatId, dataFormatClient);
            session.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.DataFormat, dataFormatId);
            session.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.AtlasConfiguration, atlasConfigurationId);
            SessionOutput = session.SessionOutput;
        public SyntaxEditorWindow()
            this.MinWidth = 440;// 384;
            this.MinHeight = 200;
            this.Width = 750;// 976;
            this.Height = 550;
            this.WindowStartupLocation = System.Windows.WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;
            SMenu.Items.Add(omh.OutputMenu);///Add Output menu ///
            inputTextbox.Focus();//set focus inside text box.

            //opening Graphics device with sytax Editor. //05May2013
            // when graphic command executes, we close the device then generate output and finally open the device again.
            sessionlst = new SessionOutput();

 //22Nov2013 for sending session contents to output window.
 //This gives us control to send output each time "RUN" is clicked and for batch command 
 //this method can be called when last slice contents get appended to sessionlist
 public void DisplayAllSessionOutput(string sessionheader = "", OutputWindow selectedOW=null)//06May2015 slectedOW param added
     sessionlst.NameOfSession = sessionheader;
     sessionlst.isRSessionOutput = true;
     //if (sessionheader.Trim().Length > 1)
         if (selectedOW == null)
             //for dialog batch commads say 'lm' sessionheader will have some dialog title like 'lm'
             ow.AddSynEdtSessionOutput(sessionlst);//send output to 'Active' marked output window.
             selectedOW.AddSynEdtSessionOutput(sessionlst);//send output to specific window from where command was executed
     sessionlst = new SessionOutput();//28Nov2013 for creating  new instance and not deleting old one
        //AUGrid c1fg = null;
        /// Read .bso file and create all the displayable objects in allanalysis
        public List <SessionOutput> html2xml(string fullpathfilename)
            #region read html and
            if (!File.Exists(fullpathfilename))
            string fulltext = File.ReadAllText(fullpathfilename);
            string s        = Regex.Replace(fulltext, @"\0", "");
            //////////////Put <BSKYOUTPUT> check here //////////////
            if (Regex.Matches(s, "<bskyoutput>").Count < 1 || Regex.Matches(s, "</bskyoutput>").Count < 1)

            string r = Regex.Replace(s, @"<head>", "");
            string t = r;

            /// fixing class attribute with quotes
            string patternh = @"\bclass=h[0-9]+";
            string u        = Regex.Replace(t, patternh, " class='h'");
            string patternc = @"\bclass=c[0-9]+";
            string v        = Regex.Replace(u, patternc, " class='c'");

            List <SessionOutput> allSessions = new List <SessionOutput>();
            XmlDocument          sessXd      = new XmlDocument();
            //New Session tag which is parent of bskyanalysis tag
            ////// No of sessions/// ana is abbrivation for analysis
            MatchCollection sessmc  = Regex.Matches(v, "<sessoutput");
            MatchCollection sessmc2 = Regex.Matches(v, "</sessoutput>");
            for (int ss = 0; ss < sessmc.Count; ss++) ///loop on number of sessions
            {                                         ///
                int    sessStart  = sessmc[ss].Index;
                int    sessEnd    = sessmc2[ss].Index;
                string onesession = v.Substring(sessStart, sessEnd - sessStart + 14);
                ////// No of Analysis/// ana is abbrivation for analysis
                MatchCollection anamc  = Regex.Matches(onesession, "<bskyanalysis>");
                MatchCollection anamc2 = Regex.Matches(onesession, "</bskyanalysis>");

                string sessionheader = sessXd.SelectSingleNode("sessoutput").Attributes["Header"] != null?sessXd.SelectSingleNode("sessoutput").Attributes["Header"].Value : string.Empty;

                string isRsession = sessXd.SelectSingleNode("sessoutput").Attributes["isRsession"] != null?sessXd.SelectSingleNode("sessoutput").Attributes["isRsession"].Value : "false";

                bool isrsessionoutput = false;
                if (isRsession.ToLower().Trim().Equals("true"))
                    isrsessionoutput = true;
                int           anaStart = 0; int anaEnd = 0;
                XmlDocument   anaXd       = new XmlDocument();
                CommandOutput lst         = null;
                SessionOutput allanalysis = new SessionOutput();
                allanalysis.NameOfSession    = sessionheader;
                allanalysis.isRSessionOutput = isrsessionoutput;

                AUParagraph AUP;                      //09Jul2013
                for (int j = 0; j < anamc.Count; j++) ///loop on number of analysis
                    lst      = new CommandOutput();   ///for treeview. New analysis
                    anaStart = anamc[j].Index;
                    anaEnd   = anamc2[j].Index;
                    string oneAnalysis = onesession.Substring(anaStart, anaEnd - anaStart + 15);

                    lst.NameOfAnalysis = anaXd.SelectSingleNode("bskyanalysis/analysisname").InnerText.Trim(); //For Parent Node name 02Aug2012

                    int      noofaup   = anaXd.SelectNodes("bskyanalysis/aup").Count;                          // should be 2
                    int      leafcount = anaXd.ChildNodes.Item(0).ChildNodes.Count;                            //29Oct2013 no. of leaves in an analysis
                    string[] contTyp   = { "Header", "Dataset" };                                              // should be 2
                    int      noofnotes = anaXd.SelectNodes("bskyanalysis/bskynotes").Count;                    //06nov2012

                    foreach (XmlNode ln in anaXd.ChildNodes.Item(0).ChildNodes)
                        if (ln.Name.Trim().Equals("analysisname"))
                        XmlNode xn = null;
                        switch (ln.Name.Trim())
                        case "aup":
                            #region AUPara
                            AUP = createAUPara(ln, "", "");
                            if (AUP != null)


                        case "bskynotes":
                            #region BSkyNotes
                            if (noofnotes >= 1)
                                BSkyNotes bsnotes = createBSkyNotes(ln, "", "Notes");
                                if (bsnotes != null)

                        case "graphic":
                            #region Graphic
                            string  tempDir             = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fullpathfilename);
                            string  fullpathimgfilename = string.Empty;
                            XmlNode imgxn           = ln;//anaXd.SelectSingleNode("bskyanalysis/graphic");
                            string  pathimgfilename = (imgxn != null) ? imgxn.InnerText.Trim() : "";

                            string imgfileNamewithExt = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(pathimgfilename);
                            string outputDir          = tempDir + "\\";// @"\temp2\";
                            fullpathimgfilename = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputDir + imgfileNamewithExt);

                            if (fullpathimgfilename.Trim().Length > 0)

                        case "auxgrid":
                            #region FlexGrid

                            oneAnalysis = ln.OuterXml;
                            ////// No. of Grids in one analysis: for C1FlexGrid header/footer err/warning generation //////
                            MatchCollection aux1    = Regex.Matches(oneAnalysis, "<auxgrid>");
                            MatchCollection aux2    = Regex.Matches(oneAnalysis, "</auxgrid>");
                            XmlDocument     anagrid = new XmlDocument();//this will be used to get contents of auxgrid(excluding flexgrid)

                            ////// No. of FlexGrids in one analysis: for C1FlexGrid generation //////
                            MatchCollection mc = Regex.Matches(oneAnalysis, "<html>");
                            MatchCollection mc2 = Regex.Matches(oneAnalysis, "</html>");
                            int             start = 0; int end = 0;
                            XmlDocument     xd = new XmlDocument();
                            for (int k = 0; k < mc.Count; k++) /// loop till all C1FlexGrid in current Analysis get generated
                                AUXGrid xgrid = new AUXGrid();
                                AUGrid  c1fg  = xgrid.Grid;// new C1flexgrid.

                                anagrid.LoadXml(oneAnalysis.Substring(aux1[k].Index, aux2[k].Index - aux1[k].Index + 10));
                                //flexgrid header
                                xn = anagrid.SelectSingleNode("auxgrid/fgheader[1]");
                                xgrid.Header.Text = (xn != null) ? xn.InnerText : "";
                                ///AUXGrid  error/warning
                                Dictionary <char, string> Metadata = new Dictionary <char, string>();
                                char   ch = ' '; int erri = 2;
                                string mesg = "", fullmsg = "";
                                xn = anagrid.SelectSingleNode("auxgrid/errm[1]");
                                while (xn != null)
                                    /// err msg is like :-   "a:. Warning: ....
                                    fullmsg = xn.InnerText.ToString().Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                                    ch      = fullmsg.Substring(0, xn.InnerText.ToString().IndexOf(':')).ToCharArray()[0];///extract key char.
                                    mesg    = fullmsg.Substring(fullmsg.IndexOf(':') + 1);
                                    Metadata.Add(ch, mesg);
                                    xn = anagrid.SelectSingleNode("auxgrid/errm[" + erri + "]");
                                    erri++; //error index. next line.
                                xgrid.Metadata = Metadata;
                                /////// AUXGrid Footer /////

                                bool templatedDialog = false;
                                if (templatedDialog)
                                    Dictionary <char, string> Footer = new Dictionary <char, string>();

                                    erri = 2;
                                    xn   = anagrid.SelectSingleNode("auxgrid/footermsg[1]");
                                    while (xn != null)
                                        /// err msg is like :-   "a:. Warning: ....
                                        fullmsg = xn.InnerText.ToString().Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                                        ch      = fullmsg.Substring(0, xn.InnerText.ToString().IndexOf(':')).ToCharArray()[0];///extract key char.
                                        mesg    = fullmsg.Substring(fullmsg.IndexOf(':') + 1);
                                        Footer.Add(ch, mesg);
                                        xn = anagrid.SelectSingleNode("auxgrid/errm[" + erri + "]");
                                        erri++;     //error index. next line.
                                    xgrid.FootNotes = Footer;
                                    //This works for non-templated dialogs
                                    xn = anagrid.SelectSingleNode("auxgrid/footermsg[1]");
                                    if (xn != null)
                                        fullmsg             = xn.InnerText.ToString().Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                                        xgrid.StarFootNotes = fullmsg;

                                ////////////get index of <html> and </html> //////
                                start = mc[k].Index;
                                end   = mc2[k].Index;

                                //// create xmldoc loaind string from <html> to </html> ////
                                xd.LoadXml(oneAnalysis.Substring(start, end - start + 7));

                                html2flex(xd, c1fg);//create rows/cols/headers and populate
                                ///////////// find C1Flexgrid Generate it //////E/////
                                xgrid.Margin = new Thickness(10);
                        } //switch
                    }     //for each leave

            }//for session

        public void Checkout(SessionOutput output, string refspec = "master")
            var checkoutOptions = new CheckoutOptions {
                CheckoutModifiers = CheckoutModifiers.Force,

            // Clone repository if it does not exist
            if (!Repository.IsValid(Source.RepositoryPath))
                output.WriteLine("Cloning Repository...", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

                var cloneOptions = new CloneOptions();
                cloneOptions.CredentialsProvider += CredentialsProvider;

                Repository.Clone(Source.RepositoryUrl, Source.RepositoryPath, cloneOptions);

            using (var repo = new Repository(Source.RepositoryPath)) {
                // Fetch all updated refspecs and tags
                output.WriteLine("Fetching updated refs...", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

                var fetchSpec    = new[] { "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" };
                var fetchOptions = new FetchOptions {
                    TagFetchMode = TagFetchMode.All,

                fetchOptions.CredentialsProvider += CredentialsProvider;

                LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Fetch(repo, "origin", fetchSpec, fetchOptions, null);

                // Find local and remote branches
                var remoteBranchName = $"refs/remotes/origin/{refspec}";
                var remoteBranch     = repo.Branches[remoteBranchName];

                var localBranchName = $"refs/heads/origin/{refspec}";
                var localBranch     = repo.Branches[localBranchName];

                if (remoteBranch == null)
                    output.Write("Git Refspec ", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow)
                    .Write(refspec, ConsoleColor.Yellow)
                    .WriteLine(" was not found!", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

                    throw new ApplicationException($"Git Refspec '{refspec}' was not found!");

                if (localBranch != null)
                    output.WriteLine($"Found local branch '{localBranch.FriendlyName}'...", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

                    // Update tracking branch if not remote branch
                    if (!localBranch.IsTracking || localBranch.TrackedBranch != remoteBranch)
                        output.WriteLine("Updating local branch tracking reference...", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

                        repo.Branches.Update(localBranch, b => b.TrackedBranch = remoteBranch.CanonicalName);

                    // Checkout local branch if not current
                    if (!localBranch.IsCurrentRepositoryHead)
                        output.WriteLine($"Checkout local branch '{localBranch.FriendlyName}'...", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

                        LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Checkout(repo, localBranch, checkoutOptions);

                    // Revert to common ancestor commit if diverged
                    var status     = localBranch.TrackingDetails;
                    var aheadCount = status.AheadBy ?? 0;

                    if (aheadCount > 0)
                        output.WriteLine($"Local branch '{localBranch.FriendlyName}' has diverged from the remote tracking branch!", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);

                        var common = status.CommonAncestor;

                        if (common != null)
                            output.WriteLine($"Reverting local branch to commit '{common.Sha}'!", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

                            repo.Reset(ResetMode.Hard, common, checkoutOptions);

                    // Pull latest changes from remote
                    output.WriteLine("Pull changes from remote...", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

                    var sign = new Signature("photon", "*****@*****.**", DateTimeOffset.Now);

                    var pullOptions = new PullOptions {
                        FetchOptions = fetchOptions,

                    LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Pull(repo, sign, pullOptions);
                    // Create local branch tracking remote
                    output.WriteLine($"No local branch found. Creating local tracking branch '{remoteBranch.FriendlyName}'...", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                    localBranch = repo.CreateBranch(remoteBranch.FriendlyName, remoteBranch.Tip);
                    repo.Branches.Update(localBranch, b => b.TrackedBranch = remoteBranch.CanonicalName);

                    output.WriteLine($"Checkout local tracking branch '{localBranch.FriendlyName}'...", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

                    LibGit2Sharp.Commands.Checkout(repo, localBranch, checkoutOptions);

                output.WriteLine("Current Commit:", ConsoleColor.DarkBlue)
                .WriteLine($"  {repo.Head.Tip.Sha}", ConsoleColor.Blue)
                .WriteLine($"  {repo.Head.Tip.Author?.Name}", ConsoleColor.Blue)
                .WriteLine(repo.Head.Tip.Message, ConsoleColor.Cyan);